The module STDLIB_HASHMAP_WRAPPERS provides wrappers for various
entities used by the hash map procedures. These include wrappers for the
and other
data, and hashing procedures to operate on entities of
the key_type
!! The module STDLIB_HASHMAP_WRAPPERS provides wrappers for various !! entities used by the hash map procedures. These include wrappers for the !! `key` and `other` data, and hashing procedures to operate on entities of !! the `key_type`. module stdlib_hashmap_wrappers use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : & character_storage_size use stdlib_hash_32bit use stdlib_kinds, only : & int8, & int16, & int32, & int64, & dp implicit none private !! Public procedures public :: & copy_key, & fibonacci_hash, & fnv_1_hasher, & fnv_1a_hasher, & free_key, & get, & hasher_fun, & operator(==), & seeded_nmhash32_hasher, & seeded_nmhash32x_hasher, & seeded_water_hasher, & set !! Public types public :: & key_type !! Public integers public :: & int_hash integer, parameter :: & ! Should be 8 bits_int8 = bit_size(0_int8) integer, parameter :: & bits_char = character_storage_size, & bytes_char = bits_char/bits_int8 character(*), parameter :: module_name = "STDLIB_HASHMAP_WRAPPERS" type :: key_type !! Version: Experimental !! !! A wrapper type for the key's true type ! private integer(int8), allocatable :: value(:) end type key_type abstract interface !! Version: Experimental !! !! Abstract interface to a 64 bit hash function operating on a KEY_TYPE pure function hasher_fun( key ) result(hash_value) import key_type, int_hash type(key_type), intent(in) :: key integer(int_hash) :: hash_value end function hasher_fun end interface interface get module procedure get_char_key, & get_int8_key, & get_int32_key end interface get interface operator(==) module procedure equal_keys end interface operator(==) interface set module procedure set_char_key, & set_int8_key, & set_int32_key end interface set contains pure subroutine copy_key( old_key, new_key ) !! Version: Experimental !! !! Copies the contents of the key, old_key, to the key, new_key !! ([Specifications](../page/specs/stdlib_hashmaps.html#copy_key-returns-a-copy-of-the-key)) !! !! Arguments: !! old_key - the input key !! new_key - the output copy of old_key type(key_type), intent(in) :: old_key type(key_type), intent(out) :: new_key new_key % value = old_key % value end subroutine copy_key function equal_keys( key1, key2 ) result(test) ! Chase's tester !! Version: Experimental !! !! Compares two keys for equality !! ([Specifications](../page/specs/stdlib_hashmaps.html#operator(==)-compares-two-keys-for-equality)) !! !! Arguments: !! key1 - the first key !! key2 - the second key logical :: test type(key_type), intent(in) :: key1 type(key_type), intent(in) :: key2 if ( size(key1 % value, kind=int64) /= & size(key2 % value, kind=int64) ) then test = .false. return end if if ( all( key1 % value == key2 % value ) ) then test = .true. else test = .false. end if end function equal_keys subroutine free_key( key ) !! Version: Experimental !! !! Frees the memory in a key !! ([Specifications](../page/specs/stdlib_hashmaps.html#free_key-frees-the-memory-associated-with-a-key)) !! !! Arguments: !! key - the key type(key_type), intent(inout) :: key if ( allocated( key % value ) ) deallocate( key % value ) end subroutine free_key subroutine get_char_key( key, value ) !! Version: Experimental !! !! Gets the contents of the key as a CHARACTER string !! Arguments: !! key - the input key !! value - the contents of key mapped to a CHARACTER string type(key_type), intent(in) :: key character(:), allocatable, intent(out) :: value character(*), parameter :: procedure = "GET" integer(int64) :: key_as_char integer(int64) :: key_size key_size = size( key % value, kind=int64 ) select case( bytes_char ) case(1) key_as_char = key_size case(2) if ( iand( key_size, 1_int64 ) > 0 ) then error stop module_name // " % " // procedure // & ": Internal Error at stdlib_hashmaps: " // & "System uses 2 bytes per character, so " // & "key_size can't be an odd number." end if key_as_char = ishft( key_size, -1 ) case(4) if ( iand( key_size, 3_int64) > 0 ) then error stop module_name // " % " // procedure // & ": Internal Error at stdlib_hashmaps: " // & "System uses 4 bytes per character, and " // & "key_size is not a multiple of four." end if key_as_char = ishft( key_size, -2 ) case default error stop module_name // " % " // procedure // & ": Internal Error: " // & "System doesn't use a power of two for its " // & "character size as expected by stdlib_hashmaps." end select allocate( character( len=key_as_char ) :: value ) value(1:key_as_char) = transfer( key % value, value ) end subroutine get_char_key subroutine get_int8_key( key, value ) !! Version: Experimental !! !! Gets the contents of the key as an INTEGER(INT8) vector !! Arguments: !! key - the input key !! value - the contents of key mapped to an INTEGER(INT8) vector type(key_type), intent(in) :: key integer(int8), allocatable, intent(out) :: value(:) value = key % value end subroutine get_int8_key pure subroutine get_int32_key( key, value ) !! Version: Experimental !! !! Gets the contents of the key as an INTEGER(INT32) vector !! Arguments: !! key - the input key !! value - the contents of key mapped to an INTEGER(INT32) vector type(key_type), intent(in) :: key integer(int32), allocatable, intent(out) :: value(:) value = transfer( key % value, value ) end subroutine get_int32_key subroutine set_char_key( key, value ) !! Version: Experimental !! !! Sets the contents of the key from a CHARACTER string !! Arguments: !! key - the output key !! value - the input CHARACTER string type(key_type), intent(out) :: key character(*), intent(in) :: value key % value = transfer( value, key % value, & bytes_char * len( value ) ) end subroutine set_char_key subroutine set_int8_key( key, value ) !! Version: Experimental !! !! Sets the contents of the key from an INTEGER(INT8) vector !! Arguments: !! key - the output key !! value - the input INTEGER(INT8) vector type(key_type), intent(out) :: key integer(int8), intent(in) :: value(:) key % value = value end subroutine set_int8_key pure subroutine set_int32_key( key, value ) !! Version: Experimental !! !! Sets the contents of the key from an INTEGER(INT32) vector !! Arguments: !! key - the output key !! value - the input INTEGER(INT32) vector type(key_type), intent(out) :: key integer(int32), intent(in) :: value(:) key % value = transfer(value, key % value) end subroutine set_int32_key pure function fnv_1_hasher( key ) !! Version: Experimental !! !! Hashes a key with the FNV_1 algorithm !! Arguments: !! key - the key to be hashed type(key_type), intent(in) :: key integer(int_hash) :: fnv_1_hasher fnv_1_hasher = fnv_1_hash( key % value ) end function fnv_1_hasher pure function fnv_1a_hasher( key ) !! Version: Experimental !! !! Hashes a key with the FNV_1a algorithm !! ([Specifications](../page/specs/stdlib_hashmaps.html#fnv_1a_hasher-calculates-a-hash-code-from-a-key)) !! !! Arguments: !! key - the key to be hashed type(key_type), intent(in) :: key integer(int_hash) :: fnv_1a_hasher fnv_1a_hasher = fnv_1a_hash( key % value ) end function fnv_1a_hasher pure function seeded_nmhash32_hasher( key ) !! Version: Experimental !! !! Hashes a key with the NMHASH32 hash algorithm !! ([Specifications](../page/specs/stdlib_hashmaps.html#seeded_nmhash32_hasher-calculates-a-hash-code-from-a-key)) !! !! Arguments: !! key - the key to be hashed !! seed - the seed (unused) for the hashing algorithm type(key_type), intent(in) :: key integer(int_hash) :: seeded_nmhash32_hasher seeded_nmhash32_hasher = nmhash32( key % value, & int( z'DEADBEEF', int32 ) ) end function seeded_nmhash32_hasher pure function seeded_nmhash32x_hasher( key ) !! Version: Experimental !! !! Hashes a key with the NMHASH32X hash algorithm !! ([Specifications](../page/specs/stdlib_hashmaps.html#seeded_nmhash32x_hasher-calculates-a-hash-code-from-a-key)) !! Arguments: !! key - the key to be hashed !! seed - the seed (unused) for the hashing algorithm type(key_type), intent(in) :: key integer(int_hash) :: seeded_nmhash32x_hasher seeded_nmhash32x_hasher = nmhash32x( key % value, & int( z'DEADBEEF', int32 ) ) end function seeded_nmhash32x_hasher pure function seeded_water_hasher( key ) !! Version: Experimental !! !! Hashes a key with the waterhash algorithm !! ([Specifications](../page/specs/stdlib_hashmaps.html#seeded_water_hasher-calculates-a-hash-code-from-a-key)) !! !! Arguments: !! key - the key to be hashed type(key_type), intent(in) :: key integer(int_hash) :: seeded_water_hasher seeded_water_hasher = water_hash( key % value, & int( z'DEADBEEF1EADBEEF', int64 ) ) end function seeded_water_hasher end module stdlib_hashmap_wrappers