Derived Types

ansi_code stdlib_ansi None

Container for terminal escape code

bitset_64 stdlib_bitsets bitset_type

Type for bitsets with no more than 64 bits (Specification)

bitset_large stdlib_bitsets bitset_type

Type for bitsets with more than 64 bits (Specification)

bitset_type stdlib_bitsets None

Parent type for bitset_64 and bitset_large (Specification)

chaining_hashmap_type stdlib_hashmaps hashmap_type

Type implementing the chaining_hashmap_type types (Specifications)

codata_constant_type stdlib_codata_type None

Derived type for representing a Codata constant. (Specification)

COO_cdp_type stdlib_sparse_kinds COO_type
COO_csp_type stdlib_sparse_kinds COO_type
COO_dp_type stdlib_sparse_kinds COO_type
COO_sp_type stdlib_sparse_kinds COO_type
COO_type stdlib_sparse_kinds sparse_type
CSC_cdp_type stdlib_sparse_kinds CSC_type
CSC_csp_type stdlib_sparse_kinds CSC_type
CSC_dp_type stdlib_sparse_kinds CSC_type
CSC_sp_type stdlib_sparse_kinds CSC_type
CSC_type stdlib_sparse_kinds sparse_type
CSR_cdp_type stdlib_sparse_kinds CSR_type
CSR_csp_type stdlib_sparse_kinds CSR_type
CSR_dp_type stdlib_sparse_kinds CSR_type
CSR_sp_type stdlib_sparse_kinds CSR_type
CSR_type stdlib_sparse_kinds sparse_type
ELL_cdp_type stdlib_sparse_kinds ELL_type
ELL_csp_type stdlib_sparse_kinds ELL_type
ELL_dp_type stdlib_sparse_kinds ELL_type
ELL_sp_type stdlib_sparse_kinds ELL_type
ELL_type stdlib_sparse_kinds sparse_type
hashmap_type stdlib_hashmaps None

Type implementing an abstract hash map (Specifications)

key_type stdlib_hashmap_wrappers None

A wrapper type for the key's true type

linalg_state_type stdlib_linalg_state state_type

linalg_state_type defines a state return type for a linear algebra routine. State contains a status flag, a comment, and a procedure specifier that can be used to mark where the error happened

logger_type stdlib_logger None

Public derived type (Specification)

open_hashmap_type stdlib_hashmaps hashmap_type

Type implementing an "open" hash map

SELLC_cdp_type stdlib_sparse_kinds SELLC_type
SELLC_csp_type stdlib_sparse_kinds SELLC_type
SELLC_dp_type stdlib_sparse_kinds SELLC_type
SELLC_sp_type stdlib_sparse_kinds SELLC_type
SELLC_type stdlib_sparse_kinds sparse_type
sparse_type stdlib_sparse_kinds None
state_type stdlib_error None

state_type defines a general state return type for a stdlib routine. State contains a status flag, a comment, and a procedure specifier that can be used to mark where the error happened

string_type stdlib_string_type None

String type holding an arbitrary sequence of characters.

stringlist_index_type stdlib_stringlist_type None
stringlist_type stdlib_stringlist_type None