stdlib_bitsets Module

Implements zero based bitsets of size up to huge(0_int32). The current code uses 64 bit integers to store the bits and uses all 64 bits. The code assumes two's complement integers, and treats negative integers as having the sign bit set. (Specification)

Public procedures


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
integer, public, parameter :: alloc_fault = 1

Error flag indicating a memory allocation failure

integer, public, parameter :: array_size_invalid_error = 2

Error flag indicating an invalid bits value

integer, public, parameter :: char_string_invalid_error = 3

Error flag indicating an invalid character string

integer, public, parameter :: char_string_too_large_error = 4

Error flag indicating a too large character string

integer, public, parameter :: char_string_too_small_error = 5

Error flag indicating a too small character string

integer, public, parameter :: eof_failure = 6

Error flag indicating unexpected End-of-File on a READ

integer, public, parameter :: index_invalid_error = 7

Error flag indicating an invalid index

integer, public, parameter :: integer_overflow_error = 8

Error flag indicating integer overflow

integer, public, parameter :: max_digits = 10
integer(kind=bits_kind), public, parameter :: overflow_bits = 2_bits_kind**30/5
integer, public, parameter :: read_failure = 9

Error flag indicating failure of a READ statement

integer, public, parameter :: success = 0

Error flag indicating no errors

integer, public, parameter :: write_failure = 10

Error flag indicating a failure on a WRITE statement


public interface and

Sets the bits in set1 to the bitwise and of the original bits in set1 and set2. The sets must have the same number of bits otherwise the result is undefined. (Specification)


    program example_and
        use stdlib_bitsets
        type(bitset_large) :: set0, set1
        call set0 % init(166)
        call set1 % init(166)
        call and( set0, set1 ) ! none none
        if ( none(set0) ) write(*,*) 'First test of AND worked.'
        call set0 % not()
        call and( set0, set1 ) ! all none
        if ( none(set0) ) write(*,*) 'Second test of AND worked.'
        call set1 % not()
        call and( set0, set1 ) ! none all
        if ( none(set0) ) write(*,*) 'Third test of AND worked.'
        call set0 % not()
        call and( set0, set1 ) ! all all
        if ( all(set0) ) write(*,*) 'Fourth test of AND worked.'
    end program example_and
  • private elemental module subroutine and_64(set1, set2)


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    type(bitset_64), intent(inout) :: set1
    type(bitset_64), intent(in) :: set2
  • private elemental module subroutine and_large(set1, set2)


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    type(bitset_large), intent(inout) :: set1
    type(bitset_large), intent(in) :: set2

public interface and_not

Sets the bits in set1 to the bitwise and of the original bits in set1 with the bitwise negation of set2. The sets must have the same number of bits otherwise the result is undefined.



    program example_and_not
        use stdlib_bitsets
        type(bitset_large) :: set0, set1
        call set0 % init(166)
        call set1 % init(166)
        call and_not( set0, set1 ) ! none none
        if ( none(set0) ) write(*,*) 'First test of AND_NOT worked.'
        call set0 % not()
        call and_not( set0, set1 ) ! all none
        if ( all(set0) ) write(*,*) 'Second test of AND_NOT worked.'
        call set0 % not()
        call set1 % not()
        call and_not( set0, set1 ) ! none all
        if ( none(set0) ) write(*,*) 'Third test of AND_NOT worked.'
        call set0 % not()
        call and_not( set0, set1 ) ! all all
        if ( none(set0) ) write(*,*) 'Fourth test of AND_NOT worked.'
    end program example_and_not
  • private elemental module subroutine and_not_64(set1, set2)


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    type(bitset_64), intent(inout) :: set1
    type(bitset_64), intent(in) :: set2
  • private elemental module subroutine and_not_large(set1, set2)


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    type(bitset_large), intent(inout) :: set1
    type(bitset_large), intent(in) :: set2

public interface assignment(=)

Used to define assignment for bitset_large. (Specification)


    program example_assignment
        use stdlib_bitsets
        logical(int8)  :: logical1(64) = .true.
        logical(int32), allocatable :: logical2(:)
        type(bitset_64) :: set0, set1
        set0 = logical1
        if ( set0 % bits() /= 64 ) then
            error stop procedure // &
                ' initialization with logical(int8) failed to set' // &
                ' the right size.'
        else if ( .not. set0 % all() ) then
            error stop procedure // ' initialization with' // &
                ' logical(int8) failed to set the right values.'
            write(*,*) 'Initialization with logical(int8) succeeded.'
        end if
        set1 = set0
        if ( set1 == set0 ) &
            write(*,*) 'Initialization by assignment succeeded'
        logical2 = set1
        if ( all( logical2 ) ) then
            write(*,*) 'Initialization of logical(int32) succeeded.'
        end if
    end program example_assignment
  • private pure module subroutine assign_logint16_large(self, logical_vector)

    Used to define assignment from an array of type logical(int16) to a bitset_large.


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    type(bitset_large), intent(out) :: self
    logical(kind=int16), intent(in) :: logical_vector(:)
  • private pure module subroutine assign_logint32_large(self, logical_vector)

    Used to define assignment from an array of type logical(int32) to a bitset_large.


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    type(bitset_large), intent(out) :: self
    logical(kind=int32), intent(in) :: logical_vector(:)
  • private pure module subroutine assign_logint64_large(self, logical_vector)

    Used to define assignment from an array of type logical(int64) to a bitset_large.


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    type(bitset_large), intent(out) :: self
    logical(kind=int64), intent(in) :: logical_vector(:)
  • private pure module subroutine assign_logint8_large(self, logical_vector)

    Used to define assignment from an array of type logical(int8) to a bitset_large.


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    type(bitset_large), intent(out) :: self
    logical(kind=int8), intent(in) :: logical_vector(:)
  • private pure module subroutine logint16_assign_large(logical_vector, set)

    Used to define assignment to an array of type logical(int16) from a bitset_large.


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    logical(kind=int16), intent(out), allocatable :: logical_vector(:)
    type(bitset_large), intent(in) :: set
  • private pure module subroutine logint32_assign_large(logical_vector, set)

    Used to define assignment to an array of type logical(int32) from a bitset_large.


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    logical(kind=int32), intent(out), allocatable :: logical_vector(:)
    type(bitset_large), intent(in) :: set
  • private pure module subroutine logint64_assign_large(logical_vector, set)

    Used to define assignment to an array of type logical(int64) from a bitset_large.


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    logical(kind=int64), intent(out), allocatable :: logical_vector(:)
    type(bitset_large), intent(in) :: set
  • private pure module subroutine logint8_assign_large(logical_vector, set)

    Used to define assignment to an array of type logical(int8) from a bitset_large.


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    logical(kind=int8), intent(out), allocatable :: logical_vector(:)
    type(bitset_large), intent(in) :: set

public interface extract

Creates a new bitset, new, from a range, start_pos to stop_pos, in bitset old. If start_pos is greater than stop_pos the new bitset is empty. If start_pos is less than zero or stop_pos is greater than bits(old)-1 then if status is present it has the value index_invalid_error and new is undefined, otherwise processing stops with an informative message. (Specification)


    program example_extract
        use stdlib_bitsets
        type(bitset_large) :: set0, set1
        call set0 % init(166)
        call set0 % set(100,150)
        call extract( set1, set0, 100, 150)
        if ( set1 % bits() == 51 ) &
            write(*,*) 'SET1 has the proper size.'
        if ( set1 % all() ) write(*,*) 'SET1 has the proper values.'
    end program example_extract
  • private module subroutine extract_64(new, old, start_pos, stop_pos, status)


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    type(bitset_64), intent(out) :: new
    type(bitset_64), intent(in) :: old
    integer(kind=bits_kind), intent(in) :: start_pos
    integer(kind=bits_kind), intent(in) :: stop_pos
    integer, intent(out), optional :: status
  • private module subroutine extract_large(new, old, start_pos, stop_pos, status)


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    type(bitset_large), intent(out) :: new
    type(bitset_large), intent(in) :: old
    integer(kind=bits_kind), intent(in) :: start_pos
    integer(kind=bits_kind), intent(in) :: stop_pos
    integer, intent(out), optional :: status

public interface operator(/=)

Returns .true. if not all bits in set1 and set2 have the same value, .false. otherwise. The sets must have the same number of bits otherwise the result is undefined. (Specification)


    program example_inequality
        use stdlib_bitsets
        type(bitset_64) :: set0, set1, set2
        call set0 % init( 33 )
        call set1 % init( 33 )
        call set2 % init( 33 )
        call set1 % set( 0 )
        call set2 % set( 32 )
        if ( set0 /= set1 .and. set0 /= set2 .and. set1 /= set2 .and. &
            .not. set0 /= set0 .and. .not. set1 /= set1 .and. .not.   &
            set2 /= set2 ) then
            write(*,*) 'Passed 64 bit inequality tests.'
            error stop 'Failed 64 bit inequality tests.'
        end if
    end program example_inequality
  • private elemental module function neqv_64(set1, set2) result(neqv)


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    type(bitset_64), intent(in) :: set1
    type(bitset_64), intent(in) :: set2

    Return Value logical

  • private elemental module function neqv_large(set1, set2) result(neqv)


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    type(bitset_large), intent(in) :: set1
    type(bitset_large), intent(in) :: set2

    Return Value logical

public interface operator(<)

Returns .true. if the bits in set1 and set2 differ and the highest order different bit is set to 0 in set1 and to 1 in set2, .false. otherwise. The sets must have the same number of bits otherwise the result is undefined. (Specification)


    program example_lt
        use stdlib_bitsets
        type(bitset_64) :: set0, set1, set2
        call set0 % init( 33 )
        call set1 % init( 33 )
        call set2 % init( 33 )
        call set1 % set( 0 )
        call set2 % set( 32 )
        if ( set0 < set1 .and. set1 < set2 .and. set0 < set2 .and. &
            .not. set0 < set0 .and. .not. set2 < set0 .and. .not.   &
            set2 < set1 ) then
            write(*,*) 'Passed 64 bit less than tests.'
            error stop 'Failed 64 bit less than tests.'
        end if
    end program example_lt
  • private elemental module function lt_64(set1, set2) result(lt)


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    type(bitset_64), intent(in) :: set1
    type(bitset_64), intent(in) :: set2

    Return Value logical

  • private elemental module function lt_large(set1, set2) result(lt)


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    type(bitset_large), intent(in) :: set1
    type(bitset_large), intent(in) :: set2

    Return Value logical

public interface operator(<=)

Returns .true. if the bits in set1 and set2 are the same or the highest order different bit is set to 0 in set1 and to 1 in set2, .false. otherwise. The sets must have the same number of bits otherwise the result is undefined. (Specification)


    program example_le
        use stdlib_bitsets
        type(bitset_64) :: set0, set1, set2
        call set0 % init( 33 )
        call set1 % init( 33 )
        call set2 % init( 33 )
        call set1 % set( 0 )
        call set2 % set( 32 )
        if ( set0 <= set1 .and. set1 <= set2 .and. set0 <= set2 .and. &
            set0 <= set0 .and. set1 <= set1 .and. set2 <= set2 .and. &
            .not. set1 <= set0 .and. .not. set2 <= set0 .and. .not.   &
            set2 <= set1 ) then
            write(*,*) 'Passed 64 bit less than or equal tests.'
            error stop 'Failed 64 bit less than or equal tests.'
        end if
    end program example_le
  • private elemental module function le_64(set1, set2) result(le)


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    type(bitset_64), intent(in) :: set1
    type(bitset_64), intent(in) :: set2

    Return Value logical

  • private elemental module function le_large(set1, set2) result(le)


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    type(bitset_large), intent(in) :: set1
    type(bitset_large), intent(in) :: set2

    Return Value logical

public interface operator(==)

Returns .true. if all bits in set1 and set2 have the same value, .false. otherwise. The sets must have the same number of bits otherwise the result is undefined. (Specification)


    program example_equality
        use stdlib_bitsets
        type(bitset_64) :: set0, set1, set2
        call set0 % init( 33 )
        call set1 % init( 33 )
        call set2 % init( 33 )
        call set1 % set( 0 )
        call set2 % set( 32 )
        if ( set0 == set0 .and. set1 == set1 .and. set2 == set2 .and. &
            .not. set0 == set1 .and. .not. set0 == set2 .and. .not.   &
            set1 == set2 ) then
            write(*,*) 'Passed 64 bit equality tests.'
            error stop 'Failed 64 bit equality tests.'
        end if
    end program example_equality
  • private elemental module function eqv_64(set1, set2) result(eqv)


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    type(bitset_64), intent(in) :: set1
    type(bitset_64), intent(in) :: set2

    Return Value logical

  • private elemental module function eqv_large(set1, set2) result(eqv)


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    type(bitset_large), intent(in) :: set1
    type(bitset_large), intent(in) :: set2

    Return Value logical

public interface operator(>)

Returns .true. if the bits in set1 and set2 differ and the highest order different bit is set to 1 in set1 and to 0 in set2, .false. otherwise. The sets must have the same number of bits otherwise the result is undefined. (Specification)


    program example_gt
        use stdlib_bitsets
        type(bitset_64) :: set0, set1, set2
        call set0 % init( 33 )
        call set1 % init( 33 )
        call set2 % init( 33 )
        call set1 % set( 0 )
        call set2 % set( 32 )
        if ( set1 > set0 .and. set2 > set1 .and. set2 > set0 .and. &
            .not. set0 > set0 .and. .not. set0 > set1 .and. .not.   &
            set1 > set2 ) then
            write(*,*) 'Passed 64 bit greater than tests.'
            error stop 'Failed 64 bit greater than tests.'
        end if
    end program example_gt
  • private elemental module function gt_64(set1, set2) result(gt)


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    type(bitset_64), intent(in) :: set1
    type(bitset_64), intent(in) :: set2

    Return Value logical

  • private elemental module function gt_large(set1, set2) result(gt)


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    type(bitset_large), intent(in) :: set1
    type(bitset_large), intent(in) :: set2

    Return Value logical

public interface operator(>=)

Returns .true. if the bits in set1 and set2 are the same or the highest order different bit is set to 1 in set1 and to 0 in set2, .false. otherwise. The sets must have the same number of bits otherwise the result is undefined. (Specification)


    program example_ge
        use stdlib_bitsets
        type(bitset_64) :: set0, set1, set2
        call set0 % init( 33 )
        call set1 % init( 33 )
        call set2 % init( 33 )
        call set1 % set( 0 )
        call set2 % set( 32 )
        if ( set1 >= set0 .and. set2 >= set1 .and. set2 >= set0 .and. &
            set0 >= set0 .and. set1 >= set1 .and. set2 >= set2 .and. &
            .not. set0 >= set1 .and. .not. set0 >= set2 .and. .not.   &
            set1 >= set2 ) then
            write(*,*) 'Passed 64 bit greater than or equals tests.'
            error stop 'Failed 64 bit greater than or equals tests.'
        end if
    end program example_ge
  • private elemental module function ge_64(set1, set2) result(ge)


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    type(bitset_64), intent(in) :: set1
    type(bitset_64), intent(in) :: set2

    Return Value logical

  • private elemental module function ge_large(set1, set2) result(ge)


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    type(bitset_large), intent(in) :: set1
    type(bitset_large), intent(in) :: set2

    Return Value logical

public interface or

Sets the bits in set1 to the bitwise or of the original bits in set1 and set2. The sets must have the same number of bits otherwise the result is undefined. (Specification)


    program example_or
        use stdlib_bitsets
        type(bitset_large) :: set0, set1
        call set0 % init(166)
        call set1 % init(166)
        call or( set0, set1 ) ! none none
        if ( none(set0) ) write(*,*) 'First test of OR worked.'
        call set0 % not()
        call or( set0, set1 ) ! all none
        if ( all(set0) ) write(*,*) 'Second test of OR worked.'
        call set0 % not()
        call set1 % not()
        call or( set0, set1 ) ! none all
        if ( all(set0) ) write(*,*) 'Third test of OR worked.'
        call set0 % not()
        call or( set0, set1 ) ! all all
        if ( all(set0) ) write(*,*) 'Fourth test of OR worked.'
    end program example_or
  • private elemental module subroutine or_64(set1, set2)


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    type(bitset_64), intent(inout) :: set1
    type(bitset_64), intent(in) :: set2
  • private elemental module subroutine or_large(set1, set2)


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    type(bitset_large), intent(inout) :: set1
    type(bitset_large), intent(in) :: set2

public interface xor

Sets the bits in set1 to the bitwise xor of the original bits in set1 and set2. The sets must have the same number of bits otherwise the result is undefined. (Specification)


    program example_xor
        use stdlib_bitsets
        type(bitset_large) :: set0, set1
        call set0 % init(166)
        call set1 % init(166)
        call xor( set0, set1 ) ! none none
        if ( none(set0) ) write(*,*) 'First test of XOR worked.'
        call set0 % not()
        call xor( set0, set1 ) ! all none
        if ( all(set0) ) write(*,*) 'Second test of XOR worked.'
        call set0 % not()
        call set1 % not()
        call xor( set0, set1 ) ! none all
        if ( all(set0) ) write(*,*) 'Third test of XOR worked.'
        call set0 % not()
        call xor( set0, set1 ) ! all all
        if ( none(set0) ) write(*,*) 'Fourth test of XOR worked.'
    end program example_xor
  • private elemental module subroutine xor_64(set1, set2)


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    type(bitset_64), intent(inout) :: set1
    type(bitset_64), intent(in) :: set2
  • private elemental module subroutine xor_large(set1, set2)


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    type(bitset_large), intent(inout) :: set1
    type(bitset_large), intent(in) :: set2

Derived Types

type, public, extends(bitset_type) ::  bitset_64

Type for bitsets with no more than 64 bits (Specification)

Type-Bound Procedures

procedure, public, pass(self) :: all => all_64
procedure, public, pass(self) :: any => any_64
procedure, public, pass(self) :: bit_count => bit_count_64
procedure, public, pass(self) :: bits
generic, public :: clear => clear_bit, clear_range
procedure, public, pass(self) :: clear_bit => clear_bit_64
procedure, public, pass(self) :: clear_range => clear_range_64
generic, public :: flip => flip_bit, flip_range
procedure, public, pass(self) :: flip_bit => flip_bit_64
procedure, public, pass(self) :: flip_range => flip_range_64
procedure, public, pass(self) :: from_string => from_string_64
generic, public :: init => init_zero
procedure, public, pass(self) :: init_zero => init_zero_64
procedure, public, pass(self) :: input => input_64
procedure, public, pass(self) :: none => none_64
procedure, public, pass(self) :: not => not_64
procedure, public, pass(self) :: output => output_64
generic, public :: read_bitset => read_bitset_string, read_bitset_unit
procedure, public, pass(self) :: read_bitset_string => read_bitset_string_64
procedure, public, pass(self) :: read_bitset_unit => read_bitset_unit_64
generic, public :: set => set_bit, set_range
procedure, public, pass(self) :: set_bit => set_bit_64
procedure, public, pass(self) :: set_range => set_range_64
procedure, public, pass(self) :: test => test_64
procedure, public, pass(self) :: to_string => to_string_64
procedure, public, pass(self) :: value => value_64
generic, public :: write_bitset => write_bitset_string, write_bitset_unit
procedure, public, pass(self) :: write_bitset_string => write_bitset_string_64
procedure, public, pass(self) :: write_bitset_unit => write_bitset_unit_64

type, public, extends(bitset_type) ::  bitset_large

Type for bitsets with more than 64 bits (Specification)

Type-Bound Procedures

procedure, public, pass(self) :: all => all_large
procedure, public, pass(self) :: any => any_large
procedure, public, pass(self) :: bit_count => bit_count_large
procedure, public, pass(self) :: bits
generic, public :: clear => clear_bit, clear_range
procedure, public, pass(self) :: clear_bit => clear_bit_large
procedure, public, pass(self) :: clear_range => clear_range_large
generic, public :: flip => flip_bit, flip_range
procedure, public, pass(self) :: flip_bit => flip_bit_large
procedure, public, pass(self) :: flip_range => flip_range_large
procedure, public, pass(self) :: from_string => from_string_large
generic, public :: init => init_zero
procedure, public, pass(self) :: init_zero => init_zero_large
procedure, public, pass(self) :: input => input_large
procedure, public, pass(self) :: none => none_large
procedure, public, pass(self) :: not => not_large
procedure, public, pass(self) :: output => output_large
generic, public :: read_bitset => read_bitset_string, read_bitset_unit
procedure, public, pass(self) :: read_bitset_string => read_bitset_string_large
procedure, public, pass(self) :: read_bitset_unit => read_bitset_unit_large
generic, public :: set => set_bit, set_range
procedure, public, pass(self) :: set_bit => set_bit_large
procedure, public, pass(self) :: set_range => set_range_large
procedure, public, pass(self) :: test => test_large
procedure, public, pass(self) :: to_string => to_string_large
procedure, public, pass(self) :: value => value_large
generic, public :: write_bitset => write_bitset_string, write_bitset_unit
procedure, public, pass(self) :: write_bitset_string => write_bitset_string_large
procedure, public, pass(self) :: write_bitset_unit => write_bitset_unit_large

type, public ::  bitset_type

Parent type for bitset_64 and bitset_large (Specification)

Type-Bound Procedures

procedure(all_abstract), public, deferred, pass(self) :: all
procedure(any_abstract), public, deferred, pass(self) :: any
procedure(bit_count_abstract), public, deferred, pass(self) :: bit_count
procedure, public, pass(self) :: bits
generic, public :: clear => clear_bit, clear_range
procedure(clear_bit_abstract), public, deferred, pass(self) :: clear_bit
procedure(clear_range_abstract), public, deferred, pass(self) :: clear_range
generic, public :: flip => flip_bit, flip_range
procedure(flip_bit_abstract), public, deferred, pass(self) :: flip_bit
procedure(flip_range_abstract), public, deferred, pass(self) :: flip_range
procedure(from_string_abstract), public, deferred, pass(self) :: from_string
generic, public :: init => init_zero
procedure(init_zero_abstract), public, deferred, pass(self) :: init_zero
procedure(input_abstract), public, deferred, pass(self) :: input
procedure(none_abstract), public, deferred, pass(self) :: none
procedure(not_abstract), public, deferred, pass(self) :: not
procedure(output_abstract), public, deferred, pass(self) :: output
generic, public :: read_bitset => read_bitset_string, read_bitset_unit
procedure(read_bitset_string_abstract), public, deferred, pass(self) :: read_bitset_string
procedure(read_bitset_unit_abstract), public, deferred, pass(self) :: read_bitset_unit
generic, public :: set => set_bit, set_range
procedure(set_bit_abstract), public, deferred, pass(self) :: set_bit
procedure(set_range_abstract), public, deferred, pass(self) :: set_range
procedure(test_abstract), public, deferred, pass(self) :: test
procedure(to_string_abstract), public, deferred, pass(self) :: to_string
procedure(value_abstract), public, deferred, pass(self) :: value
generic, public :: write_bitset => write_bitset_string, write_bitset_unit
procedure(write_bitset_string_abstract), public, deferred, pass(self) :: write_bitset_string
procedure(write_bitset_unit_abstract), public, deferred, pass(self) :: write_bitset_unit


public elemental function bits(self)

Creative Commons License

Returns the number of bit positions in self.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
class(bitset_type), intent(in) :: self

Return Value integer(kind=bits_kind)


public module subroutine error_handler(message, error, status, module, procedure)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
character(len=*), intent(in) :: message
integer, intent(in) :: error
integer, intent(out), optional :: status
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: module
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: procedure