


This module defines a derived type, its methods, a variable, and constants to be used for the reporting of errors, displaying messages, and other information. The derived type, logger_type, is to be used to define both global and local logger variables. The logger_type methods serve to configure the loggers and use the logger variables to report messages to a variable specific list of I/O units termed log_units. The variable, global_logger, of type logger_type, is intended to serve as the default global logger. The constants serve as error flags returned by the optional integer stat argument.

The logger variables have the option to:

  • change which units receive the log messages;
  • report which units receive the log messages;
  • select which types of messages are logged;
  • precede messages by a blank line;
  • precede messages by a time stamp of the form yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.sss;
  • precede messages with the names of a module and procedure;
  • follow a message with the stat and errmsg of the error report that prompted the log message;
  • follow a message with the iostat and iomsg of the I/O error report that prompted the log message;
  • label a message with one of 'DEBUG: ', 'INFO: ', 'WARN: ', 'ERROR: ', or 'I/O ERROR: ';
  • indent subsequent lines of the messages; and
  • format the text to fit within a maximum column width.

While every effort has been made to make the code process and asynchronous I/O safe, it is always best to have each process write to its own dedicated logger file. For thread parallelism (e.g., with OpenMP), it is advised to put the logger call in a guarding region (e.g., in an OpenMP critical region).

Note: Loggers of type logger_type normally report their messages to I/O units in the internal list termed log_units. However if log_units is empty then the messages go to the output_unit of the intrinsic module iso_fortran_env.

The stdlib_logger constants

The module defines nine distinct public integer constants for reporting errors in the stat arguments of some of the module's procedures. The constants, termed error codes, are as follows:

Error Code Description
success no error was detected
close_failure a close statement for an I/O unit failed
index_invalid_error the column was invalid for the given line
non_sequential_error the I/O unit did not have SEQUENTIAL access
open_failure an open statement failed
read_only_error an output unit did not have an access specifier of 'WRITE' or 'READWRITE'
unformatted_in_error the unit did not have a form of 'FORMATTED'
unopened_in_error the unit was not opened
write_fault one of the writes to log_units failed

The module also defines eight distinct public integer constants for selecting the messages that are logged. These constants, termed severity levels, are (sorted following their increasing order of severity): all_level, debug_level, information_level, warning_level, error_level, io_error_level, text_error_level, and none_level. All log messages with a level (e.g., debug_level) lower than a specified severity level (e.g., information_level) will be ignored. The levels error_level and io_error_level have the same severity. The default severity level is information_level.

The derived type: logger_type




Serves to define 'logger' variables to be used in reporting significant events encountered during the execution of a program.


type( logger_type ) :: variable

Private attributes

Attribute Type Description Initial value
add_blank_line Logical Flag to precede output with a blank line .false.
indent_lines Logical Flag to indent subsequent lines by four columns .true.
level Integer Severity level information_level
log_units Integer array List of I/O units used for output Unallocated
max_width Integer Maximum column width of output 0
time_stamp Logical Flag to precede output by a time stamp .true.
units Integer Count of the number of active output units 0

The stdlib_logger variable

The module defines one public variable, global_logger, of type logger_type. As might be guessed from its name, global_logger is intended to serve as the default logger for use throughout an application.

Public logger_type methods

The module defines twelve public procedures: one function and eleven subroutines. The methods are:

Method Class Description
add_log_file Subroutine Opens a file using newunit, and adds the resulting unit to the log_units list
add_log_unit Subroutine Adds an existing unit to the log_units list
configuration Subroutine Reports the details of the logging configuration
configure Subroutine Configures the details of the logging process
log_debug Subroutine Sends a message prepended by 'DEBUG: '
log_error Subroutine Sends a message prepended by 'ERROR: ' optionally followed by a stat or errmsg
log_information Subroutine Sends a message prepended by 'INFO: '
log_io_error Subroutine Sends a message prepended by 'I/O ERROR: ' optionally followed by an iostat or iomsg
log_message Subroutine Sends a message
log_text_error Subroutine Sends a message describing an error found in a line of text
log_units_assigned Function Returns the number of active I/O units in log_units
log_warning Subroutine Sends a message prepended by 'WARN: '
remove_log_unit Subroutine Removes the unit number from the log_units array

Specification of the logger_type methods

add_log_file - open a file and add its unit to self % log_units




Opens a formatted, sequential access, output file, filename using newunit and adds the resulting unit number to the logger's log_units array.


call self % add_log_file ( filename [, unit, action, position, status, stat ] )




self: shall be a scalar variable of type logger_type. It is an intent(inout) argument. It shall be the logger to add the file to its log_units.

filename: shall be a scalar default character expression. It is an intent(in) argument. It shall be the name of the file to be opened.

unit (optional): shall be a scalar default integer variable. It is an intent(out) argument. It will be the unit number returned by the newunit specifier of the open statement for filename.

action (optional): shall be a scalar default character expression. It is an intent(in) argument. It shall be the action specifier of the open statement and must have one of the values 'WRITE' or 'READWRITE'. It has the default value of 'WRITE'.

position (optional): shall be a scalar default character expression. It is an intent(in) argument. It shall be the position specifier of the open statement and must have one of the values 'ASIS', 'REWIND', or 'APPEND'. It has the default value of 'REWIND'.

status (optional): shall be a scalar default character expression. It is an intent(in) argument. It shall be the status specifier of the open statement and must have one of the values 'OLD', 'NEW', 'REPLACE', or 'UNKNOWN'. It has the default value of 'REPLACE'.

stat (optional): shall be a scalar default integer variable. It is an intent(out) argument. If present, on return it will have the value success if filename could be opened, the value read_only_error if the action specifier is "READ", or the value open_failure if filename could not be opened. If absent and filename could not be opened then processing will stop with an informative message as the stop code.


program example_global_logger
  use stdlib_logger, global => global_logger
  implicit none

  integer :: unit, stat

  call global%add_log_file('error_log.txt', unit, &
                           position='asis', stat=stat)
  if (stat /= success) then
    error stop 'Unable to open "error_log.txt".'
  end if

end program example_global_logger

add_log_unit - add a unit to the array self % log_units




Adds unit to the array of self % log_units. The unit shall be the unit number for an opened, sequential, formatted file with an action specifier of 'WRITE' or 'READWRITE'. Failure of unit to meet those requirements will cause stat, if present, to not be success and unit will not be added to log_units. In this case, if stat is not present, cause processing to stop with an informative string as the stop code.


call self % add_log_unit ( unit [, stat ] )




self: shall be a scalar variable of type logger_type. It is an intent(inout) argument. It shall be the logger to direct its output to unit.

unit: shall be a scalar default integer expression. It is an intent(in) argument. It shall be the unit number for an opened, sequential, formatted file with an action specifier of 'WRITE' or 'READWRITE'.

stat (optional): shall be a scalar default integer variable. It is an intent(out) argument. If absent and unit could not be added to self's log_units processing will stop with an informative message as the stop code. If present it shall have the value of one of the module's error codes indicating any errors found with unit. The codes are * success - no problem found * non_sequential_error - unit did not have an access specifier of 'SEQUENTIAL' * read_only_error - unit had an action specifier of 'READ' when it needs a specifier of 'WRITE' or 'READWRITE' * unformatted_in_error - unit did not have a form specifier of 'FORMATTED' * unopened_in_error - unit was not opened


program example_add_log_unit
  use stdlib_logger, only: global_logger, read_only_error
  implicit none

  character(256) :: iomsg
  integer :: iostat, unit, stat

  open (newunit=unit, file='error_log.txt', &
        form='formatted', status='replace', &
        position='rewind', &
        action='write', iostat=iostat, iomsg=iomsg)

  call global_logger%add_log_unit(unit, stat)

  select case (stat)
  case (read_only_error)
    error stop 'Unable to write to "error_log.txt".'
  end select

end program example_add_log_unit

configuration - report a logger's configuration




Reports the configuration of a logger.


call self % configuration ( [ add_blankline, indent, level, max_width, time_stamp, log_units ] )


Pure subroutine


self: shall be a scalar expression of type logger_type. It is an intent(in) argument. It shall be the logger whose configuration is reported.

add_blank_line (optional): shall be a scalar default logical variable. It is an intent(out) argument. A value of .true. starts output with a blank line, and .false. otherwise.

indent (optional): shall be a scalar default logical variable. It is an intent(out) argument. A value of .true. indents subsequent lines by four spaces, and .false. otherwise.

level (optional): shall be a scalar default integer variable. It is an intent(out) argument. The value corresponds to the severity level for ignoring a message.

max_width (optional): shall be a scalar default integer variable. It is an intent(out) argument. A positive value bigger than four defines the maximum width of the output, otherwise there is no maximum width.

time_stamp (optional): shall be a scalar default logical variable. It is an intent(out) argument. A value of .true. precedes output with a time stamp of the form 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.sss', and .false. otherwise.

log_units (optional): shall be a rank one allocatable array variable of type default integer. It is an intent(out) argument. On return it shall be the elements of the self's log_units array. If there were no elements in self's log_units, a zero-sized array is returned.


module example_mod
    use stdlib_logger

    type(logger_type) :: logger

    subroutine example_sub(unit, ...)
        integer, intent(in) :: unit

        integer, allocatable :: log_units(:)

        call logger % configuration( log_units=log_units )
        if ( size(log_units) == 0 ) then
           call add_logger_unit( unit )
        end if

    end subroutine example_sub

end module example_mod

configure - configure the logging process




Configures the logging process for self.


call self % configure ( [ add_blank_line, indent, level, max_width, time_stamp ] )


Pure subroutine


self: shall be a scalar variable of type logger_type. It is an intent(inout) argument. It shall be the logger to be configured.

add_blank_line (optional): shall be a scalar default logical expression. It is an intent(in) argument. Set to .true. to start output with a blank line, and to .false. otherwise.

indent (optional): shall be a scalar default logical expression. It is an intent(in) argument. Set to .true. to indent subsequent lines by four spaces, and to .false. to not indent.

level (optional): shall be a scalar default integer expression. It is an intent(in) argument. Set the severity level for ignoring a log message.

max_width (optional): shall be a scalar default integer expression. It is an intent(in) argument. Set to a positive value bigger than four to define the maximum width of the output, otherwise there is no maximum width.

time_stamp (optional): shall be a scalar default logical expression. It is an intent(in) argument. Set to .true. to precede output with a time stamp of the form 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.sss', and to .false. otherwise.


program example_configure
  use stdlib_logger, only: global => global_logger
  implicit none

  call global%configure(indent=.false., max_width=72)

end program example_configure

log_debug - Writes the string message to self % log_units




Writes the string message to self % log_units with optional additional text.


call self % log_debug ( message [, module, procedure ] )


If time stamps are active, a time stamp is written, followed by module and procedure if present, and then message is written with the prefix 'DEBUG: '.

It is ignored if the level of self is higher than debug_level.




self: shall be a scalar variable of type logger_type. It is an intent(in) argument. It is the logger used to send the message.

message: shall be a scalar default character expression. It is an intent(in) argument.

  • Note message may have embedded new_line calls.

module (optional): shall be a scalar default character expression. It is an intent(in) argument. It should be the name of the module containing the log_information call.

procedure (optional): shall be a scalar default character expression. It is an intent(in) argument. It should be the name of the procedure containing the log_information call.


module  example_mod
    use stdlib_logger

    real, allocatable :: a(:)

    type(logger_type) :: logger

    subroutine example_sub( selection )
        integer, intent(out) :: selection
        character(128) :: errmsg, message
        integer        :: stat
        write(*,'(a)') "Enter an integer to select a widget"
        read(*,'(i0)') selection
        write( message, '(a, i0)' )                     &
              "The user selected ", selection
        call logger % log_DEBUG( message,               &
            module = 'EXAMPLE_MOD', procedure = 'EXAMPLE_SUB' )

    end subroutine example_sub

end module example_mod

log_error - Writes the string message to self % log_units




Writes the string message to self % log_units with optional additional text.


call self % log_error ( message [, module, procedure, stat, errmsg ] )


If time stamps are active for self, a time stamp is written, followed by module and procedure if present, then message is written with the prefix 'ERROR: ', and then if stat or errmsg are present they are written.

It is ignored if the level of self is higher than error_level.




self: shall be a scalar variable of type logger_type. It is an intent(in) argument. It is the logger used to send the message.

message: shall be a scalar default character expression. It is an intent(in) argument.

  • Note message may have embedded new_line calls.

module (optional): shall be a scalar default character expression. It is an intent(in) argument. It should be the name of the module containing the log_error call.

procedure (optional): shall be a scalar default character expression. It is an intent(in) argument. It should be the name of the procedure containing the log_error call.

stat (optional): shall be a scalar default integer expression. It is an intent(in) argument. It should be the stat specifier of the subroutine call or intrinsic statement that prompted the log_error call.

errmsg (optional): shall be a scalar default character expression. It is an intent(in) argument. It should be the errmsg specifier of the subroutine call or intrinsic statement that prompted the log_error call.


module  example_mod
    use stdlib_logger

    real, allocatable :: a(:)

    type(logger_type) :: logger


    subroutine example_sub( size)
        integer, intent(in) :: size
        character(128) :: errmsg, message
        integer        :: stat
        allocate( a(size), stat=stat, errmsg=errmsg )
        if ( stat /= 0 ) then
            write( message, '(a, i0)' )                    &
                "Allocation of A failed with SIZE = ", size
            call logger % log_error( message,                   &
                                   module = 'EXAMPLE_MOD',    &
                                   procedure = 'EXAMPLE_SUB', &
                                   stat = stat,               &
                                   errmsg = errmsg )
          end if
    end subroutine example_sub

end module example_mod

log_information - Writes the string message to self % log_units




Writes the string message to self % log_units with optional additional text.


call self % log_information ( message [, module, procedure ] )


If time stamps are active, a time stamp is written, followed by module and procedure if present, and then message is written with the prefix 'INFO: '.

It is ignored if the level of self is higher than information_level.




self: shall be a scalar variable of type logger_type. It is an intent(in) argument. It is the logger used to send the message.

message: shall be a scalar default character expression. It is an intent(in) argument.

  • Note message may have embedded new_line calls.

module (optional): shall be a scalar default character expression. It is an intent(in) argument. It should be the name of the module containing the log_information call.

procedure (optional): shall be a scalar default character expression. It is an intent(in) argument. It should be the name of the procedure containing the log_information call.


module  example_mod
    use stdlib_logger

    real, allocatable :: a(:)

    type(logger_type) :: logger

    subroutine example_sub( selection )
        integer, intent(out) :: selection
        character(128) :: errmsg, message
        integer        :: stat
        write(*,'(a)') "Enter an integer to select a widget"
        read(*,'(i0)') selection
        write( message, '(a, i0)' )                    &
              "The user selected ", selection
        call logger % log_information( message,               &
            module = 'EXAMPLE_MOD', procedure = 'EXAMPLE_SUB' )

    end subroutine example_sub

end module example_mod

log_io_error - Write the string message to self % log_units




Writes the string message to self % log_units with optional additional text.


If time stamps are active, a time stamp is written first. Then if module or procedure are present, they are written. Then message is written with the prefix 'I/O ERROR: '. Then if iostat or iomsg are present they are written.

It is ignored if the level of self is higher than io_error_level.


call self % log_io_error ( message [, module, procedure, iostat, iomsg ] )




self: shall be a scalar variable of type logger_type. It is an intent(in) argument. It is the logger used to send the message.

message: shall be a scalar default character expression. It is an intent(in) argument.

  • Note message may have embedded new_line calls.

module (optional): shall be a scalar default character expression. It is an intent(in) argument. It should be the name of the module containing the log_io_error call.

procedure (optional): shall be a scalar default character expression. It is an intent(in) argument. It should be the name of the procedure containing the log_io_error call.

iostat (optional): shall be a scalar default integer expression. It is an intent(in) argument. It should be the iostat specifier of the subroutine call or intrinsic statement that prompted the log_io_error call.

iomsg (optional): shall be a scalar default character expression. It is an intent(in) argument. It should be the iomsg specifier of the subroutine call or intrinsic statement that prompted the log_io_error call.


program example_log_io_error
  use stdlib_logger, global => global_logger
  implicit none

  character(*), parameter :: filename = 'nodummy.txt'
  integer                 :: iostat, lun
  character(128)          :: iomsg
  character(*), parameter :: message = &
                             'Failure in opening "nodummy.txt".'

  open (newunit=lun, file=filename, form='formatted', &
        status='old', iostat=iostat, iomsg=iomsg)
  if (iostat /= 0) then
    call global%log_io_error(message, &
                             procedure='EXAMPLE', &
                             iostat=iostat, &
    error stop 'Error on opening a file'
  end if

end program example_log_io_error

log_message - write the string message to self % log_units




Writes the string message to self % log_units with optional additional text.


If time stamps are active, a time stamp is written, then module and procedure are written if present, followed by prefix \\ ': ', if present, and finally message.

No severity level is applied to log_message.


call self % log_message ( message [, module, procedure, prefix ] )




self: shall be a scalar variable of type logger_type. It is an intent(in) argument. It is the logger used to send the message.

message: shall be a scalar default character expression. It is an intent(in) argument.

  • Note message may have embedded new_line calls.

module (optional): shall be a scalar default character expression. It is an intent(in) argument. It should be the name of the module containing the log_message call.

procedure (optional): shall be a scalar default character expression. It is an intent(in) argument. It should be the name of the procedure containing the log_message call.

prefix (optional): shall be a scalar default character expression. It is an intent(in) argument. It will precede message with an ': ' appended.


module  example_mod
    use stdlib_logger

    real, allocatable :: a(:)

    type(logger_type) :: logger

    subroutine example_sub( selection )
        integer, intent(out) :: selection
        integer        :: stat
        write(*,'(a)') "Enter an integer to select a widget"
        read(*,'(i0)') selection
        write( message, '(a, i0)' )          &
              "The user selected ", selection
        call logger % log_message( message,                   &
                                   module = 'EXAMPLE_MOD',    &
                                   procedure = 'EXAMPLE_SUB', &
                                   prefix = `INFO' )
    end subroutine example_sub

end module example_mod

log_text_error - send a message to self % log_units describing an error




log_text_error sends a message to self % log_units describing an error found in a line of text.


If time stamps are active first a time stamp is written. Then if filename or line_number are present they are written with column. Then line is written. Then a caret, '^', is written below line at the column indicated by column. Then summary is written below the caret.

It is ignored if the level of self is higher than text_error_level.


call self % log_text_error ( line, column, summary [, filename, line_number, caret, stat ] )




self: shall be a scalar variable of type logger_type. It is an intent(in) argument. It is the logger used to send the message.

line: shall be a scalar default character expression. It is an intent(in) argument. It should be the line of text in which the error was found.

column: shall be a scalar default integer expression. It is an intent(in) argument. It should be the one's based column at which the error begins.

summary: shall be a scalar default character expression. It is an intent(in) argument. It should be a description of the error in line.

filename (optional): shall be a scalar default character expression. It is an intent(in) argument. It should be the name of the file, if any, in which line was found.

line_number (optional): shall be a scalar default integer expression. It is an intent(in) argument. It should be the line number in filename associated with line.

caret (optional): shall be a scalar default single character expression. It is an intent(in) argument. If present it will be placed below line on output to indicate the starting location of the error. It has a default value of '^'.

stat (optional): shall be a scalar default integer variable. It is an intent(out) argument. If present it will have the value of success if no errors were encountered, the value index_invalid_error if column is less than one or greater than len(line)+1, or the value write_fault if the writes to any of log_units failed. If stat is absent and would not have the value success then processing will stop with an informative stop code.


program example_log_text_error
  use stdlib_logger
  implicit none

  character(*), parameter :: filename = 'dummy.txt'
  integer                 :: col_no, line_no, lun, status
  character(128)          :: line
  character(*), parameter :: message = 'Bad text found.'

  open (newunit=lun, file=filename, status='old', &
  line_no = 0
    read (lun, fmt='(a)', end=900) line
    line_no = line_no + 1
    call check_line(line, status, col_no)
    if (status /= 0) then
      call global_logger%log_text_error(line, &
                                        col_no, message, filename, line_no)
      error stop 'Error in reading '//filename
    end if
  end do
900 continue


  subroutine check_line(line, status, col_no)
    character(*), intent(in)    :: line
    integer, intent(inout) :: status
    integer, intent(inout) :: col_no
    ! scan the line for forbidden characters
    col_no = scan(line, ".$/")
    ! col_no > 0 means there is a forbidden character
    status = col_no
  end subroutine

end program example_log_text_error

log_units_assigned - returns the number of active I/O units




Returns the number of active I/O units in self % log_units


result = self % log_units_assigned ()


Elemental function


self: shall be a scalar expression of type logger_type. It is an intent(in) argument. It is the logger whose state is queried.

Result character

The result shall be a scalar of type default integer.

Result value

The result is the number of I/O units in self % log_units.


module  example_mod
    use stdlib_logger

    type(logger_type) :: logger

    subroutine example_sub(unit, ...)
        integer, intent(in) :: unit

        integer, allocatable :: log_units(:)

        if ( logger % log_units_assigned() == 0 ) then
            call logger % add_log_unit( unit )
        end if

    end subroutine example_sub

end module example_mod

log_warning - write the string message to log_units




Writes the string message to log_units with optional additional text.


If time stamps are active, a time stamp is written, then module and procedure if present, then message is written with the prefix WARN: '.


call self % log_warning ( message [, module, procedure ] )




self: shall be a scalar variable of type logger_type. It is an intent(in) argument. It is the logger used to send the message.

message: shall be a scalar default character expression. It is an intent(in) argument.

  • Note message may have embedded new_line calls.

module: (optional) shall be a scalar default character expression. It is an intent(in) argument. It should be the name of the module containing the log_warning call.

procedure: (optional) shall be a scalar default character expression. It is an intent(in) argument. It should be the name of the procedure containing the log_warning call.


module  example_mod
    use stdlib_logger

    real, allocatable :: a(:)
    type(logger_type) :: logger


    subroutine example_sub( size, stat )
        integer, intent(in)  :: size
        integer, intent(out) :: stat
        allocate( a(size) )
        if ( stat /= 0 ) then
            write( message, '(a, i0)' )                    &
              "Allocation of A failed with SIZE = ", size
            call logger % log_warning( message,                 &
                                     module = 'EXAMPLE_MOD',  &
                                     procedure = 'EXAMPLE_SUB' )
          end if
     end subroutine example_sub

end module example_mod

remove_log_unit - remove unit from self % log_units




Remove unit from the self % log_units list. If close_unit is present and .true. then the corresponding file is closed. If unit is not in self % log_units then nothing is done.


call self % remove_log_unit ( unit [, close_unit, stat ] )




self: shall be a scalar variable of type logger_type. It is an intent(inout) argument. It is the logger whose log_units is to be modified.

unit: shall be a scalar default integer expression. It is an intent(in) argument. It should be one of the I/O unit numbers in self % log_units. If it is not, then nothing is done.

close_unit (optional): shall be a scalar default logical expression. It is an intent(in) argument. If .true and unit is in self % log_units then unit will be closed, otherwise the I/O unit will be unaffected.

stat (optional): shall be a scalar default integer variable. It is an intent(out) argument. If present it has the default value of success, but has the value close_failure if close_unit is present with the value .true., and unit is initially in log_units, and closing unit fails. If stat is absent and closing the unit fails then processing stops with an informative stop code.


module  example_mod
    use stdlib_logger, global => global_logger


    subroutine example_sub(unit, ...)
        integer, intent(in) :: unit

        call global % remove_log_unit( unit )

    end subroutine example_sub

end module example_mod