
The stdlib_sorting module

Overview of sorting

The sorting of collections of data is useful in the analysis of those collections. With its absence of generics and limited polymorphism, it is impractical, in current Fortran, to provide sorting routines for arbitrary collections of arbitrary types of data. However Fortran's arrays are by far its most widely used collection, and arrays of arbitrary types of data can often be sorted in terms of a single component of intrinsic type. The Fortran Standard Library therefore provides a module, stdlib_sorting, with procedures to sort arrays of simple intrinsic numeric types, i.e. the different kinds of integers and reals, the default assumed length character, and the stdlib_string_type module's string_type type.

Overview of the module

The module stdlib_sorting defines several public entities, two default integer parameters, int_index and int_index_low, and four overloaded subroutines: ORD_SORT, SORT, RADIX_SORT and SORT_INDEX. The overloaded subroutines also each have several specific names for versions corresponding to different types of array arguments.

The parameters int_index and int_index_low

The parameters int_index and int_index_low are used to specify the kind of integer used in indexing the various arrays. Currently the module sets int_index and int_index_low to the value of int64 and int32 from the stdlib_kinds module, respectively.

The module subroutines

The stdlib_sorting module provides three different overloaded subroutines intended to sort three different kinds of arrays of data:

  • ORD_SORT is intended to sort simple arrays of intrinsic data that have significant sections that were partially ordered before the sort;
  • SORT_INDEX is based on ORD_SORT, but in addition to sorting the input array, it returns indices that map the original array to its sorted version. This enables related arrays to be re-ordered in the same way;
  • SORT is intended to sort simple arrays of intrinsic data that are effectively unordered before the sort;
  • RADIX_SORT is intended to sort fixed width intrinsic data types (integers and reals).


The Fortran Standard Library is distributed under the MIT License. However components of the library may be based on code with additional licensing restrictions. In particular ORD_SORT, SORT_INDEX, and SORT are translations of codes with their own distribution restrictions.

The ORD_SORT and SORT_INDEX subroutines are essentially translations to Fortran 2008 of the "Rust" sort of the Rust Language distributed as part of The header of the file has as its licensing requirements:

Copyright 2012-2015 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or> or the MIT license
<LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
except according to those terms.

So the license for the code is compatible with the use of modified versions of the code in the Fortran Standard Library under the MIT license.

The SORT subroutine is essentially a translation to Fortran 2008 of the [introsort](( of David Musser. David Musser has given permission to include a variant of introsort in the Fortran Standard Library under the MIT license provided we cite:

Musser, D.R., “Introspective Sorting and Selection Algorithms,”
Software—Practice and Experience, Vol. 27(8), 983–993 (August 1997).

as the official source of the algorithm.

The ORD_SORT subroutine

ORD_SORT is a translation of the "Rust" sort sorting algorithm contained in [] ( "Rust" sort, in turn, is inspired by the [timsort algorithm] ( that Tim Peters created for the Python Language. ORD_SORT is a hybrid stable comparison algorithm combining merge sort, and insertion sort. It has always at worst O(N Ln(N)) runtime performance in sorting random data, having a performance about 15-25% slower than SORT on such data. However it has much better performance than SORT on partially sorted data, having O(N) performance on uniformly increasing or decreasing data.

When sorting in an increasing order, ORD_SORT begins by traversing the array starting in its tail attempting to identify runs in the array, where a run is either a uniformly decreasing sequence, ARRAY(i-1) > ARRAY(i), or a non-decreasing, ARRAY(i-1) <= ARRAY(i), sequence. First delimited decreasing sequences are reversed in their order. Then, if the sequence has less than MIN_RUN elements, previous elements in the array are added to the run using insertion sort until the run contains MIN_RUN elements or the array is completely processed. As each run is identified the start and length of the run are then pushed onto a stack and the stack is then processed using merge until it obeys the stack invariants:

  1. len(i-2) > len(i-1) + len(i)
  2. len(i-1) > len(i)

ensuring that processing the stack is, at worst, of order O(N Ln(N)). However, because of the identification of decreasing and non-decreasing runs, processing of structured data can be much faster, with processing of uniformly decreasing or non-decreasing arrays being of order O(N). The result in our tests is that ORD_SORT is about 25% slower than SORT on purely random data, depending on the compiler, but can be Ln(N) faster than SORT on highly structured data. As a modified merge sort, ORD_SORT requires the use of a "scratch" array, that may be provided as an optional work argument or allocated internally on the stack.

Arrays can be also sorted in a decreasing order by providing the argument reverse = .true..

The SORT_INDEX subroutine

The SORT and ORD_SORT subroutines can sort rank 1 isolated arrays of intrinsic types, but do nothing for the coordinated sorting of related data, e.g., multiple related rank 1 arrays, higher rank arrays, or arrays of derived types. For such related data, what is useful is an array of indices that maps a rank 1 array to its sorted form. For such a sort, a stable sort is useful, therefore the module provides a subroutine, SORT_INDEX, that generates such an array of indices based on the ORD_SORT algorithm, in addition to sorting the input array.

The logic of SORT_INDEX parallels that of ORD_SORT, with additional housekeeping to keep the array of indices consistent with the sorted positions of the input array. Because of this additional housekeeping it has slower runtime performance than ORD_SORT. SORT_INDEX requires the use of two "scratch" arrays, that may be provided as optional work and iwork arguments or allocated internally on the stack.

The SORT subroutine

SORT uses the introsort sorting algorithm of David Musser. introsort is a hybrid unstable comparison algorithm combining quicksort, insertion sort, and heap sort. While this algorithm's runtime performance is always O(N Ln(N)), it is relatively fast on randomly ordered data, but does not show the improvement in performance on partly sorted data found for ORD_SORT.

First it examines the array and estimates the depth of recursion a quick sort would require for ideal (random) data, D = Ceiling(Ln(N)/Ln(2)). It then defines a limit to the number of quicksort recursions to be allowed in processing, D_limit = factor * D, where factor is currently 2, and calls introsort proper. introsort proper then:

  1. Examines the number of elements remaining to be sorted, and, if they are less than 16, sorts them using insertion sort and returns;
  2. If they are not less than 16, checks whether the current depth of recursion exceeds D_limit and, if it does, processes the remaining elements with heap sort and returns;
  3. If the current depth of recursion does not exceed D_limit, then in effect does a quicksort step:

    • Partitions the remaining array using a median of three,
    • Calls introsort proper on the leftmost partition,
    • Calls introsort proper on the rightmost partition, and then returns.

The resulting algorithm is of order O(N Ln(N)) run time performance for all inputs. Because it relies on quicksort, the coefficient of the O(N Ln(N)) behavior is typically small compared to other sorting algorithms on random data. On partially sorted data it can show either slower heap sort performance, or enhanced performance by up to a factor of six. Still, even when it shows enhanced performance, its performance on partially sorted data is typically an order of magnitude slower than ORD_SORT. Its memory requirements are also low, being of order O(Ln(N)), while the memory requirements of ORD_SORT and SORT_INDEX are of order O(N).

The RADIX_SORT subroutine

RADIX_SORT is a implementation of LSD radix sort, using 256 as the radix. It only works for fixed width data, thus integers and reals. RADIX_SORT is always of O(N) runtime performance for any input data. For large and random data, it is about five (or more) times faster than other sort subroutines.

The RADIX_SORT needs a buffer that have same size of the input data. Your can provide it using work argument, if not the subroutine will allocate the buffer and deallocate before return.

Specifications of the stdlib_sorting procedures

ord_sort - sorts an input array




Returns an input array with the elements sorted in order of increasing, or decreasing, value.


call ord_sort ( array[, work, reverse ] )


Generic subroutine.


array : shall be a rank one array of any of the types: integer(int8), integer(int16), integer(int32), integer(int64), real(sp), real(dp), real(qp), character(*), type(string_type), type(bitset_64), or type(bitset_large). It is an intent(inout) argument. On input it is the array to be sorted. If both the type of array is real and at least one of the elements is a NaN, then the ordering of the result is undefined. Otherwise on return its elements will be sorted in order of non-decreasing value.

work (optional): shall be a rank one array of the same type as array, and shall have at least size(array)/2 elements. It is an intent(out) argument. It is intended to be used as "scratch" memory for internal record keeping. If associated with an array in static storage, its use can significantly reduce the stack memory requirements for the code. Its contents on return are undefined.

reverse (optional): shall be a scalar of type default logical. It is an intent(in) argument. If present with a value of .true. then array will be sorted in order of non-increasing values in stable order. Otherwise index will sort array in order of non-decreasing values in stable order.


ORD_SORT implements a hybrid sorting algorithm combining merge sort, and insertion sort. For most purposes it behaves like a merge sort, providing worst case O(N Ln(N)) run time performance for most random arrays, that is typically slower than SORT. However, if the array has significant runs of decreasing or non-decreasing values, performance can be much better than SORT, with O(N) behavior on uniformly decreasing, or non-decreasing arrays. The optional work array replaces "scratch" memory that would otherwise be allocated on the stack. If array is of any type REAL the order of its elements on return undefined if any element of array is a NaN. Sorting of CHARACTER(*) and STRING_TYPE arrays are based on the operators > and <, and not on the function LGT.

program example_ord_sort
  use stdlib_sorting, only: ord_sort
  implicit none
  integer, allocatable :: array1(:), work(:)

  array1 = [5, 4, 3, 1, 10, 4, 9]
  allocate (work, mold=array1)
  call ord_sort(array1, work)
  print *, array1   !print [1, 3, 4, 4, 5, 9, 10]
end program example_ord_sort

sort - sorts an input array




Returns an input array with the elements sorted in order of increasing, or decreasing, value.


call sort ( array[, reverse] )


Pure generic subroutine.


array : shall be a rank one array of any of the types: integer(int8), integer(int16), integer(int32), integer(int64), real(sp), real(dp), real(qp). character(*), type(string_type), type(bitset_64), or type(bitset_large). It is an intent(inout) argument. On return its input elements will be sorted in order of non-decreasing value.

reverse (optional): shall be a scalar of type default logical. It is an intent(in) argument. If present with a value of .true. then array will be sorted in order of non-increasing values in unstable order. Otherwise index will sort array in order of non-decreasing values in unstable order.


SORT implements a hybrid sorting algorithm combining quicksort, merge sort, and insertion sort. For most purposes it behaves like a quicksort with a median of three partition, providing good, O(N Ln(N)), run time performance for most random arrays, but defaulting to merge sort if the structure of the array results in the quicksort not converging as rapidly as expected. If array is of any type REAL, the behavior of the sorting is undefined if any element of array is a NaN. Sorting of CHARACTER(*) and STRING_TYPE arrays are based on the operators <, <=, >, and >=, and not on the functions LLT, LLE, LGT, or LGE.

program example_sort
  use stdlib_sorting, only: sort
  implicit none
  integer, allocatable :: array(:)

  array = [5, 4, 3, 1, 10, 4, 9]
  call sort(array)
  print *, array   !print [1, 3, 4, 4, 5, 9, 10]
end program example_sort

radix_sort - sorts an input array




Returns an input array with the elements sorted in order of increasing, or decreasing, value.


call radix_sort ( array[, work, reverse] )


Generic subroutine.


array : shall be a rank one array of any of the types: integer(int8), integer(int16), integer(int32), integer(int64), real(sp), real(dp). It is an intent(inout) argument. On return its input elements will be sorted in order of non-decreasing value.

work (optional): shall be a rank one array of the same type as array, and shall have at least size(array) elements. It is an intent(inout) argument, and its contents on return are undefined.

reverse (optional): shall be a scalar of type default logical. It is an intent(in) argument. If present with a value of .true. then array will be sorted in order of non-increasing values in unstable order. Otherwise index will sort array in order of non-decreasing values in unstable order.


radix_sort implements a LSD radix sort algorithm with a 256 radix. For any input data it provides O(N) run time performance. If array is of any type real the order of its elements on return undefined if any element of array is a NaN.

program example_radix_sort
    use iso_fortran_env, only: int8, int16, dp => real64
    use stdlib_sorting, only: radix_sort
    implicit none
    integer(int8), allocatable :: arri8(:)
    integer(int16), allocatable :: arri16(:)
    real(dp) ::  x
    real(dp), allocatable ::  arrf64(:)

    arri8 = [-128, 127, 0, -1, 1]
    call radix_sort(arri8)
    print *, arri8

    arri16 = [-32767, 32767, 0, 0, -3, 2, -3]
    call radix_sort(arri16, reverse=.true.)
    print *, arri16

    allocate (arrf64(10))
    x = 0.0_dp ! divide zero will arise compile error
    arrf64 = [1.0_dp/x, 0.0_dp, 0.0_dp/x, -1.0_dp/x, -0.0_dp, 1.0_dp, -1.0_dp, 3.45_dp, -3.14_dp, 3.44_dp]
    call radix_sort(arrf64)
    print *, arrf64
    ! Expected output:
    ! nan, -inf, -3.14, -1.0, -0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 3.44, 3.45, inf
    ! Note: the position of nan is undefined
end program example_radix_sort

sort_index - creates an array of sorting indices for an input array, while also sorting the array.




Returns the input array sorted in the direction requested while retaining order stability, and an integer array whose elements would sort the input array to produce the output array.


call sort_index ( array, index[, work, iwork, reverse ] )


Generic subroutine.


array: shall be a rank one array of any of the types: integer(int8), integer(int16), integer(int32), integer(int64), real(sp), real(dp), real(qp), character(*), type(string_type), type(bitset_64), or type(bitset_large). It is an intent(inout) argument. On input it will be an array whose sorting indices are to be determined. On return it will be the sorted array.

index: shall be a rank one integer array of kind int_index or int_index_low and of the size of array. It is an intent(out) argument. On return it shall have values that are the indices needed to sort the original array in the desired direction.

work (optional): shall be a rank one array of any of the same type as array, and shall have at least size(array)/2 elements. It is an intent(out) argument. It is intended to be used as "scratch" memory for internal record keeping. If associated with an array in static storage, its use can significantly reduce the stack memory requirements for the code. Its contents on return are undefined.

iwork (optional): shall be a rank one integer array of the same kind of the array index, and shall have at least size(array)/2 elements. It is an intent(out) argument. It is intended to be used as "scratch" memory for internal record keeping. If associated with an array in static storage, its use can significantly reduce the stack memory requirements for the code. Its contents on return are undefined.

reverse (optional): shall be a scalar of type default logical. It is an intent(in) argument. If present with a value of .true. then index will sort array in order of non-increasing values in stable order. Otherwise index will sort array in order of non-decreasing values in stable order.


SORT_INDEX implements the hybrid sorting algorithm of ORD_SORT, keeping the values of index consistent with the elements of array as it is sorted. As a merge sort based algorithm, it is a stable sorting comparison algorithm. The optional work and iwork arrays replace "scratch" memory that would otherwise be allocated on the stack. If array is of any kind of REAL the order of the elements in index and array on return are undefined if any element of array is a NaN. Sorting of CHARACTER(*) and STRING_TYPE arrays are based on the operator >, and not on the function LGT.

It should be emphasized that the order of array will typically be different on return


Sorting a rank one array with sort_index:

program example_sort_index
  use stdlib_sorting, only: sort_index
  implicit none
  integer, allocatable :: array(:)
  integer, allocatable :: index(:)

  array = [5, 4, 3, 1, 10, 4, 9]
  allocate(index, mold=array)

  call sort_index(array, index)

  print *, array   !print [1, 3, 4, 4, 5, 9, 10]
  print *, index   !print [4, 3, 2, 6, 1, 7, 5]

end program example_sort_index

Sorting a related rank one array:

    subroutine sort_related_data( a, b, work, index, iwork )
        ! Sort `a`, and  also  sort `b` to be reorderd the same way as `a`
        integer, intent(inout)         :: a(:)
        integer(int32), intent(inout)  :: b(:) ! The same size as a
        integer(int32), intent(out)    :: work(:)
        integer(int_index), intent(out) :: index(:)
        integer(int_index), intent(out) :: iwork(:)
        ! Find the indices to sort a
        call sort_index(a, index(1:size(a)),&
            work(1:size(a)/2), iwork(1:size(a)/2))
        ! Sort b based on the sorting of a
        b(:) = b( index(1:size(a)) )
    end subroutine sort_related_data

Sorting a rank 2 array based on the data in a column

    subroutine sort_related_data( array, column, work, index, iwork )
        ! Reorder rows of `array` such that `array(:, column)` is  sorted
        integer, intent(inout)         :: array(:,:)
        integer(int32), intent(in)     :: column
        integer(int32), intent(out)    :: work(:)
        integer(int_index), intent(out) :: index(:)
        integer(int_index), intent(out) :: iwork(:)
        integer, allocatable           :: dummy(:)
        integer :: i
        allocate(dummy(size(array, dim=1)))
        ! Extract a column of `array`
        dummy(:) = array(:, column)
        ! Find the indices to sort the column
        call sort_index(dummy, index(1:size(dummy)),&
            work(1:size(dummy)/2), iwork(1:size(dummy)/2))
        ! Sort a based on the sorting of its column
        do i=1, size(array, dim=2)
            array(:, i) = array(index(1:size(array, dim=1)), i)
        end do
    end subroutine sort_related_data

Sorting an array of a derived type based on the data in one component

    subroutine sort_a_data( a_data, a, work, index, iwork )
        ! Sort `a_data` in terms of its component `a`
        type(a_type), intent(inout)      :: a_data(:)
        integer(int32), intent(inout)    :: a(:)
        integer(int32), intent(out)    :: work(:)
        integer(int_index), intent(out) :: index(:)
        integer(int_index), intent(out) :: iwork(:)
        ! Extract a component of `a_data`
        a(1:size(a_data)) = a_data(:) % a
        ! Find the indices to sort the component
        call sort_index(a(1:size(a_data)), index(1:size(a_data)),&
            work(1:size(a_data)/2), iwork(1:size(a_data)/2))
        ! Sort a_data based on the sorting of that component
        a_data(:) = a_data( index(1:size(a_data)) )
    end subroutine sort_a_data

Performance benchmarks

We have performed benchmarks of the procedures on nine different integer arrays each of size 2**16:

  • Blocks - the array is divided into six blocks, each of distinct uniformly increasing integers.
  • Decreasing - values decrease uniformly from 2**16-1 to 0.
  • Identical - all integers have the same value of 10.
  • Increasing - values increase uniformly from 0 to 2**16-1.
  • Random dense - the integers are generated randomly from a set of values from 0 to 2**14-1 so duplicates are dense.
  • Random order - a set of integers from 0 to 2**16 - 1 in random order.
  • Random sparse - the integers are generated randomly from a set of values from 0 to 2**18-1 so duplicates are sparse.
  • Random-3 - the increasing array has 3 random exchanges of individual elements.
  • Random-10 - the final ten elements of the increasing array are replaced by random values.

On three different default character arrays, each of length 4 and of size `20**4, with characters drawn from the set "a"-"p":

  • Char. Decreasing - values decrease uniformly from "pppp" to "aaaa".
  • Char. Increasing - values decrease uniformly from "aaaa" to "pppp".
  • Char. Random - the set of strings from "aaaa" to "pppp" in random order.

On three different string_type arrays, each of length 4 elements and of size 16**3, with characters drawn from the set "a"-"p":

  • String Decreasing - values decrease uniformly from "ppp" to "aaa".
  • String Increasing - values decrease uniformly from "aaa" to "ppp".
  • String Random - the set of strings from "aaa" to "ppp" in random order.

These benchmarks have been performed on two different compilers, both on WSL with Ubuntu-20.04, Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10700 CPU @ 2.9GHz, with 32 GB DDR4 memory. The first compiler is GNU Fortran (GCC) 9.4.0, with the following results.

Type Elements Array Name Method Time (s)
Integer 65536 Blocks Ord_Sort 0.001048
Integer 65536 Decreasing Ord_Sort 0.000204
Integer 65536 Identical Ord_Sort 0.000097
Integer 65536 Increasing Ord_Sort 0.000096
Integer 65536 Random dense Ord_Sort 0.006580
Integer 65536 Random order Ord_Sort 0.006886
Integer 65536 Random sparse Ord_Sort 0.006821
Integer 65536 Random 3 Ord_Sort 0.000461
Integer 65536 Random 10 Ord_Sort 0.000226
Character 65536 Char. Decrease Ord_Sort 0.000824
Character 65536 Char. Increase Ord_Sort 0.000370
Character 65536 Char. Random Ord_Sort 0.016020
String_type 4096 String Decrease Ord_Sort 0.000465
String_type 4096 String Increase Ord_Sort 0.000169
String_type 4096 String Random Ord_Sort 0.004194
Integer 65536 Blocks Radix_Sort 0.001610
Integer 65536 Decreasing Radix_Sort 0.001076
Integer 65536 Identical Radix_Sort 0.001074
Integer 65536 Increasing Radix_Sort 0.001060
Integer 65536 Random dense Radix_Sort 0.001161
Integer 65536 Random order Radix_Sort 0.001069
Integer 65536 Random sparse Radix_Sort 0.001005
Integer 65536 Random 3 Radix_Sort 0.001057
Integer 65536 Random 10 Radix_Sort 0.001046
Integer 65536 rand-real32 Radix_Sort 0.001429
Integer 65536 Blocks Sort 0.004269
Integer 65536 Decreasing Sort 0.005108
Integer 65536 Identical Sort 0.006257
Integer 65536 Increasing Sort 0.002093
Integer 65536 Random dense Sort 0.006032
Integer 65536 Random order Sort 0.006030
Integer 65536 Random sparse Sort 0.006126
Integer 65536 Random 3 Sort 0.007930
Integer 65536 Random 10 Sort 0.014729
Character 65536 Char. Decrease Sort 0.020623
Character 65536 Char. Increase Sort 0.008028
Character 65536 Char. Random Sort 0.014258
String_type 4096 String Decrease Sort 0.005542
String_type 4096 String Increase Sort 0.001987
String_type 4096 String Random Sort 0.003267
Integer 65536 Blocks Sort_Index 0.000686
Integer 65536 Decreasing Sort_Index 0.000529
Integer 65536 Identical Sort_Index 0.000218
Integer 65536 Increasing Sort_Index 0.000214
Integer 65536 Random dense Sort_Index 0.008044
Integer 65536 Random order Sort_Index 0.008042
Integer 65536 Random sparse Sort_Index 0.008148
Integer 65536 Random 3 Sort_Index 0.000677
Integer 65536 Random 10 Sort_Index 0.000387
Character 65536 Char. Decrease Sort_Index 0.000932
Character 65536 Char. Increase Sort_Index 0.000487
Character 65536 Char. Random Sort_Index 0.017231
String_type 4096 String Decrease Sort_Index 0.000489
String_type 4096 String Increase Sort_Index 0.000183
String_type 4096 String Random Sort_Index 0.004102

The second compiler is Intel(R) Fortran Intel(R) 64 Compiler Classic for applications running on Intel(R) 64, Version 2021.7.0 Build 20220726_000000, with the following results:

Type Elements Array Name Method Time (s)
Integer 65536 Blocks Ord_Sort 0.000135
Integer 65536 Decreasing Ord_Sort 0.000053
Integer 65536 Identical Ord_Sort 0.000033
Integer 65536 Increasing Ord_Sort 0.000034
Integer 65536 Random dense Ord_Sort 0.003291
Integer 65536 Random order Ord_Sort 0.003546
Integer 65536 Random sparse Ord_Sort 0.003313
Integer 65536 Random 3 Ord_Sort 0.000145
Integer 65536 Random 10 Ord_Sort 0.000070
Character 65536 Char. Decrease Ord_Sort 0.000696
Character 65536 Char. Increase Ord_Sort 0.000338
Character 65536 Char. Random Ord_Sort 0.015255
String_type 4096 String Decrease Ord_Sort 0.001276
String_type 4096 String Increase Ord_Sort 0.000153
String_type 4096 String Random Ord_Sort 0.024705
Integer 65536 Blocks Radix_Sort 0.001038
Integer 65536 Decreasing Radix_Sort 0.000910
Integer 65536 Identical Radix_Sort 0.000441
Integer 65536 Increasing Radix_Sort 0.000803
Integer 65536 Random dense Radix_Sort 0.000363
Integer 65536 Random order Radix_Sort 0.000741
Integer 65536 Random sparse Radix_Sort 0.000384
Integer 65536 Random 3 Radix_Sort 0.000877
Integer 65536 Random 10 Radix_Sort 0.000801
Integer 65536 rand-real32 Radix_Sort 0.000604
Integer 65536 Blocks Sort 0.001342
Integer 65536 Decreasing Sort 0.001391
Integer 65536 Identical Sort 0.001485
Integer 65536 Increasing Sort 0.000447
Integer 65536 Random dense Sort 0.002778
Integer 65536 Random order Sort 0.002896
Integer 65536 Random sparse Sort 0.003136
Integer 65536 Random 3 Sort 0.002996
Integer 65536 Random 10 Sort 0.005752
Character 65536 Char. Decrease Sort 0.021973
Character 65536 Char. Increase Sort 0.008391
Character 65536 Char. Random Sort 0.015155
String_type 4096 String Decrease Sort 0.034014
String_type 4096 String Increase Sort 0.010464
String_type 4096 String Random Sort 0.015748
Integer 65536 Blocks Sort_Index 0.000381
Integer 65536 Decreasing Sort_Index 0.000085
Integer 65536 Identical Sort_Index 0.000046
Integer 65536 Increasing Sort_Index 0.000046
Integer 65536 Random dense Sort_Index 0.004020
Integer 65536 Random order Sort_Index 0.004059
Integer 65536 Random sparse Sort_Index 0.004073
Integer 65536 Random 3 Sort_Index 0.000215
Integer 65536 Random 10 Sort_Index 0.000101
Character 65536 Char. Decrease Sort_Index 0.000680
Character 65536 Char. Increase Sort_Index 0.000356
Character 65536 Char. Random Sort_Index 0.016231
String_type 4096 String Decrease Sort_Index 0.001219
String_type 4096 String Increase Sort_Index 0.000125
String_type 4096 String Random Sort_Index 0.018631