
The stdlib_error module


Catching and handling errors.

Procedures and methods provided

check - Checks the value of a logical condition




Checks the value of a logical condition.


call check (condition, msg, code, warn)


condition: Shall be a scalar of type logical.

msg (optional): Shall be a character expression containing the message to be printed to stderr. The default msg is 'Check failed.'.

code (optional): Shall be a scalar of type integer. The default code is 1.

warn (optional): Shall be a scalar of type logical. The default warn is .true..

Return value

If condition is .false., and:

  • no other arguments are provided, this subroutine stops the program with the default message and exit code 1;

  • msg is provided, this subroutine stops the program and it prints the value of msg;

  • code is provided, this subroutine stops the program with the given exit code;

  • warn is provided and warn is .true., this subroutine doesn't stop the program and prints the message.


program example_check1
  use stdlib_error, only: check
  implicit none
  integer :: a = 1
! If a /= 5, stops the program with exit code 1 and prints 'Check failed.'
  call check(a == 5)
end program example_check1
program example_check2
  use stdlib_error, only: check
  implicit none
  integer :: a = 1
! If a /= 5, stops the program with exit code 1 and prints  'a == 5 failed.'
  call check(a == 5, msg='a == 5 failed.')
end program example_check2
program example_check3
  use stdlib_error, only: check
  implicit none
  integer :: a = 1
! If a /= 5,  prints 'a == 5 failed.', but doesn't stop the program.
  call check(a == 5, msg='a == 5 failed.', warn=.true.)
end program example_check3
program example_check4
  use stdlib_error, only: check
  implicit none
  integer :: a = 1
! If a /= 5, stops the program with exit code 77 and prints 'a == 5 failed.'
  call check(a == 5, msg='a == 5 failed.', code=77)
end program example_check4

error_stop - aborts the program




Aborts the program with a message and a nonzero exit code.


call error_stop (msg, code)


msg: Shall be a character expression containing the message to be printed to stderr.

code (optional): Shall be a scalar of type integer to be returned as exit code.


Aborts the program with printing the message msg to stderr and a nonzero exit code. The nonzero exit code is equal to code if provided, and 1 otherwise.


Without error code:

program example_error_stop1
  use stdlib_error, only: error_stop
  implicit none
  call error_stop("Invalid argument")
end program example_error_stop1

With error code:

program example_error_stop2
  use stdlib_error, only: error_stop
  implicit none
  call error_stop("Invalid argument", code=123)
end program example_error_stop2