, and stdlib_hashmaps
modulesA hash map (hash table) is a data structure that maps keys to values. It uses a hash function to compute a hash code from the key that serves as an index into a linear array of slots (buckets) from which the desired value can be extracted. Each key ideally maps to a unique slot, but most hash functions are imperfect and can map multiple keys to the same slot resulting in collisions. Hash maps differ in how they deal with such collisions. This document discusses the hash maps in the Fortran Standard Library.
The Fortran Standard Library is distributed under the MIT License. However components of the library should be evaluated as to whether they are compatible with the MIT License. The current hash maps were inspired by an implementation of David Chase. While the code has been greatly modified from his implementation, he has give permission for the unrestricted use of his code.
The Fortran Standard Library provides two modules for the
implementation of simple hash maps. These maps only accept hash
functions with a single argument, the key, and yield a 32 bit
hash code. The modules will need to be modified if it is desired to
use hash functions with a different API. The two modules are:
, and stdlib_hashmaps
corresponding to the
files: stdlib_hashmap_wrappers.f90
, and stdlib_hashmaps.f90
The module stdlib_hashmap_wrappers
provides types and procedures for
use by stdlib_hashmaps
. It provides an
interface to the 32 bit hash functions of the Standard Library module,
, and provides wrappers to some of the
hash functions so that they no longer need to be supplied seeds. It
also defines the key_type
derived type. The key_type
is used to
define keys that, in turn, are used to identify the data entered into
a hash map.
The module stdlib_hashmaps
defines the API for a parent datatype,
and two extensions of that hash map type:
and open_hashmap_type
The hashmap_type
defines the Application Programmers
Interface (API) for the procedures used by its two extensions. It
explicitly defines five non-overridable procedures. It also defines
the interfaces for eleven deferred procedures. It does not define the
finalization routines for the two extension types, or one routine
provided by the open_hashmap_type
The chaining_hashmap_type
uses separate chaining with linked
lists to deal with hash index collisions. In separate chaining the
colliding indices are handled by using linked lists with their roots
at the hash index. The chaining_hashmap_type
procedures are
implemented in the module stdlib_hashmap_chaining
to the file, stdlib_hashmap_chaining.f90
The open_hashmap_type
uses linear open addressing to deal with hash index collisions. In
linear open addressing the colliding indices are
handled by searching from the initial hash index in increasing
steps of one (modulo the hash map size) for an open map slot.
The open_hashmap_type
procedures are implemented in the submodule
corresponding to the file
The maps use powers of two for their slot sizes, so that the function,
, can
be used to map the hash codes to indices in the map. This is
expected to be more efficient than prime number mapping using a
modulo operation, and reduces the requirement that the hash
function need to do a good job randomizing its lower order bits.
They do require a good randomizing hash method for good performance.
Both adjust the map size to reduce collisions, based on
the ratio of the number of hash map probes to the number of subroutine
Wile the maps make extensive use of pointers internally, a private
finalization subroutine avoids memory leaks.
The maps can take entry keys of type key_type
, and other data (also
commonly known as values, as in key value pairs) in any scalar type.
The maps allow the addition, removal, and lookup of entries, and the
inclusion of data in addition to the entry key.
moduleThe stdlib_hashmap_wrappers
module provides data types to
represent keys and associated data stored in a module, but is also, a
wrapper for the stdlib_hash_32bit
module. It allows
direct access to the stdlib_hash_32bit
, fnv_1_hasher
, fnv_1a_hasher
; and provides
wrapper functions, seeded_nmhash32_hasher
, and seeded_water_hasher
to the hash
functions: nmhash32
, nmhash32x
, and water_hash
, respectively. It
defines an interface, hasher_fun
, compatible with the hash functions
that take a non-scalar key
. It defines one integer constant used
as a kind value,int_hash
. It also defines two types, key_type
, and associated procedures, for storing and manipulating
keys and their associated data.
's constant, int_hash
The constant int_hash
is used to define the integer kind value for
the returned hash codes and variables used to access them. It
currently is imported from stdlib_hash_32bit
where it has the
value, int32
' module's derived typesThe stdlib_hashmap_wrappers
defines key_type
which is intended to
be used for the search keys of hash tables. The tye is opaque.
The current representation is as follows
type :: key_type
integer(int8), allocatable :: value(:)
end type key_type
The module also defines six procedures for those types: copy_key
, free_key
, get
, set
, and one operator, ==
for use by the hash maps to manipulate or inquire of components of
those types.
proceduresThe stdlib_hashmap_wrappers
module provides procedures in
several categories: procedures to manipulate data of the key_type
and 32 bit hash functions for keys. The procedures in each category
are listed below. It also provides an operator to compare two key
type values for equality.
Procedures to manipulate key_type
copy_key( key_in, key_out )
- Copies the contents of the key,
, to contents of the key, key_out
get( key, value )
- extracts the contents of key
into value
an int8
array, int32
array, or character string.
free_key( key )
- frees the memory in key
set( key, value )
- sets the content of key
to value
Supported key types are int8
array, int32
array, and character
Procedures to hash keys to 32 bit integers:
fnv_1_hasher( key )
- hashes a key
using the FNV-1 algorithm.
fnv_1a_hasher( key )
- hashes a key
using the FNV-1a algorithm.
seeded_nmhash32_hasher( key )
- hashes a key
using the nmhash32
seeded_nmhash32x_hasher( key )
- hashes a key
using the nmhash32x
seeded_water_hasher( key )
- hashes a key
using the waterhash
Operator to compare two key_type
values for equality
key1 == key2
- compares key1
with key2
for equalitystdlib_hashmap_wrappers
- Returns a copy of the keyExperimental
Returns a copy of an input of type key_type
copy_key ( old_key, new_key )
: shall be a scalar expression of type key_type
. It
is an intent(in)
: shall be a scalar variable of type key_type
. It
is an intent(out)
program example_copy_key
use stdlib_hashmap_wrappers, only: &
copy_key, operator(==), key_type, set
use iso_fortran_env, only: int8
implicit none
integer(int8) :: i, value(15)
type(key_type) :: old_key, new_key
value = [(i, i=1, 15)]
call set(old_key, value)
call copy_key(old_key, new_key)
print *, "old_key == new_key = ", old_key == new_key
end program example_copy_key
- maps an integer to a smaller number of bitsExperimental
is just a re-export of the function of the same name
implemented in
It reduces the value of a 32 bit integer to a smaller number of bits.
- calculates a hash code from a keyExperimental
Calculates a 32 bit hash code from an input of type key_type
code =
fnv_1_hasher ( key )
Pure function
: Shall be a scalar expression of type key_type
It is an intent(in)
The result is a scalar integer of kind int32
The result is a hash code created using the FNV-1 algorithm.
is an implementation of the original FNV-1 hash code of
Glenn Fowler, Landon Curt Noll, and Phong Vo.
This code is relatively fast on short keys, and is small enough that
it will often be retained in the instruction cache if hashing is
As a result it should give good performance for typical hash map
This code does not pass any of the SMHasher tests, but the resulting
degradation in performance due to its larger number of collisions is
expected to be minor compared to its faster hashing rate.
program example_fnv_1_hasher
use stdlib_hashmap_wrappers, only: fnv_1_hasher, key_type, set
use iso_fortran_env, only: int8, int32
implicit none
integer(int8), allocatable :: array1(:)
integer(int32) :: hash
type(key_type) :: key
array1 = [5_int8, 4_int8, 3_int8, 1_int8, 10_int8, 4_int8]
call set(key, array1)
hash = fnv_1_hasher(key)
print *, hash
end program example_fnv_1_hasher
- calculates a hash code from a keyExperimental
Calculates a 32 bit hash code from an input of type key_type
code =
fnv_1a_hasher ( key )
Pure function
: Shall be a scalar expression of type key_type
It is an intent(in)
The result is a scalar integer of kind int32
The result is a hash code created using the FNV-1a algorithm.
is an implementation of the original FNV-1A hash code
of Glenn Fowler, Landon Curt Noll, and Phong Vo.
This code is relatively fast on short keys, and is small enough that
it will often be retained in the instruction cache if hashing is
As a result it should give good performance for typical hash map
This code does not pass any of the SMHasher tests, but the resulting
degradation in performance due to its larger number of collisions is
expected to be minor compared to its faster hashing rate.
program example_fnv_1a_hasher
use stdlib_hashmap_wrappers, only: &
fnv_1a_hasher, key_type, set
use iso_fortran_env, only: int8, int32
implicit none
integer(int8), allocatable :: array1(:)
integer(int32) :: hash
type(key_type) :: key
array1 = [5_int8, 4_int8, 3_int8, 1_int8, 10_int8, 4_int8]
call set(key, array1)
hash = fnv_1a_hasher(key)
print *, hash
end program example_fnv_1a_hasher
- frees the memory associated with a keyExperimental
Deallocates the memory associated with a variable of type
free_key ( key )
: shall be a scalar variable of type key_type
. It
is an intent(out)
program example_free_key
use stdlib_hashmap_wrappers, only: &
copy_key, free_key, key_type, set
use iso_fortran_env, only: int8
implicit none
integer(int8) :: i, value(15)
type(key_type) :: old_key, new_key
value = [(i, i=1, 15)]
call set(old_key, value)
call copy_key(old_key, new_key)
call free_key(old_key)
end program example_free_key
- extracts the data from a derived typeExperimental
Extracts the data from a key_type
and stores it in the
variable value
get ( key, value )
: shall be a scalar expression of type key_type
. It
is an intent(in)
: shall be an allocatable default character
string variable,
or an allocatable vector variable of type integer
and kind int8
program example_get
use stdlib_hashmap_wrappers, only: &
get, key_type, set
use iso_fortran_env, only: int8
implicit none
integer(int8), allocatable :: value(:), result(:)
type(key_type) :: key
integer(int8) :: i
allocate (value(1:15))
do i = 1, 15
value(i) = i
end do
call set(key, value)
call get(key, result)
print *, 'RESULT == VALUE = ', all(value == result)
end program example_get
- serves as a function prototype.Experimental
Serves as a prototype for hashing functions with a single, key
argument of type key_type
returning an int32
hash value.
hasher_fun ), pointer :: fun_pointer
Pure function prototype
: Shall be a rank one array expression of type integer(int8)
It is an intent(in)
The result is a scalar integer of kind int32
The result is a hash code.
is a prototype for defining dummy arguments and function
pointers intended for use as a hash function for the hash maps.
program example_hasher_fun
use stdlib_hashmap_wrappers, only: fnv_1a_hasher, hasher_fun, set, key_type
use stdlib_kinds, only: int8, int32
implicit none
procedure(hasher_fun), pointer :: hasher_pointer
integer(int8), allocatable :: array1(:)
integer(int32) :: hash
type(key_type) :: key
hasher_pointer => fnv_1a_hasher
array1 = [5_int8, 4_int8, 3_int8, 1_int8, 10_int8, 4_int8]
call set(key, array1)
hash = hasher_pointer(key)
print *, hash
end program example_hasher_fun
- Compares two keys for equalityExperimental
Returns .true.
if two keys are equal, and .false.
test = key1 == key2
Pure operator.
: shall be a scalar expression of type key_type
. It
is an intent(in)
: shall be a scalar expression of type key_type
. It
is an intent(in)
The result is a value of type default logical
The result is .true.
if the keys are equal, otherwise .falss.
program example_equal_keys
use stdlib_hashmap_wrappers, only: &
copy_key, operator(==), key_type, set
use iso_fortran_env, only: int8
implicit none
integer(int8) :: i, value(15)
type(key_type) :: old_key, new_key
do i = 1, 15
value(i) = i
end do
call set(old_key, value)
call copy_key(old_key, new_key)
print *, "old_key == new_key = ", old_key == new_key
end program example_equal_keys
- calculates a hash code from a keyExperimental
Calculates a 32 bit hash code from an input of type key_type
code =
seeded_nmhash32_hasher ( key )
Pure function
: Shall be a scalar expression of type key_type
It is an intent(in)
The result is a scalar integer of kind int32
The result is a hash code created using the nmhash32
is a wrapper to the NMHASH32_HASH
of the
module stdlib_hash_32bit
, which supplies a fixed seed
to the wrapped function. NMHASH32
is an implementation of the
hash code of James Z. M. Gao.
This code has good, but not great, performance on long keys, poorer
performance on short keys.
As a result it should give fair performance for typical hash map
This code passes the SMHasher tests.
program example_seeded_nmhash32_hasher
use stdlib_hashmap_wrappers, only: &
seeded_nmhash32_hasher, key_type, set
use iso_fortran_env, only: int8, int32
implicit none
integer(int8), allocatable :: array1(:)
integer(int32) :: hash
type(key_type) :: key
array1 = [5_int8, 4_int8, 3_int8, 1_int8, 10_int8, 4_int8]
call set(key, array1)
hash = seeded_nmhash32_hasher(key)
print *, hash
end program example_seeded_nmhash32_hasher
- calculates a hash code from a keyExperimental
Calculates a 32 bit hash code from an input of type key_type
code =
seeded_nmhash32x_hasher ( key )
Pure function
: Shall be a scalar expression of type key_type
It is an intent(in)
The result is a scalar integer of kind int32
The result is a hash code created using the nmhash32x
is a wrapper to the nmhash32x_hash
of the
module stdlib_hash_32bit
, which supplies a fixed seed
to the wrapped function. nmhash32x
is an implementation of the
hash code of James Z. M. Gao.
This code has good, but not great, performance on long keys, poorer
performance on short keys.
As a result it should give fair performance for typical hash map
This code passes the SMHasher tests.
program example_seeded_nmhash32x_hasher
use stdlib_kinds, only: int8, int32
use stdlib_hashmap_wrappers, only: &
seeded_nmhash32x_hasher, key_type, set
implicit none
integer(int8), allocatable :: array1(:)
integer(int32) :: hash
type(key_type) :: key
array1 = [5_int8, 4_int8, 3_int8, 1_int8, 10_int8, 4_int8]
call set(key, array1)
hash = seeded_nmhash32x_hasher(key)
print *, hash
end program example_seeded_nmhash32x_hasher
- calculates a hash code from a keyExperimental
Calculates a 32 bit hash code from an input of type key_type
code =
seeded_water_hasher ( key )
Pure function
: Shall be a scalar expression of type key_type
It is an intent(in)
The result is a scalar integer of kind int32
The result is a hash code created using the waterhash
is a wrapper to the water_hash
of the
module stdlib_hash_32bit
, which supplies a fixed seed
to the wrapped function. water_hash
is an implementation of the
hash code of Tommy Ettinger.
This code has excellent performance on long keys, and good performance
on short keys.
As a result it should give reasonable performance for typical hash
table applications.
This code passes the SMHasher tests.
program example_seeded_water_hasher
use stdlib_hashmap_wrappers, only: &
seeded_water_hasher, key_type, set
use iso_fortran_env, only: int8, int32
implicit none
integer(int8), allocatable :: array1(:)
integer(int32) :: hash
type(key_type) :: key
array1 = [5_int8, 4_int8, 3_int8, 1_int8, 10_int8, 4_int8]
call set(key, array1)
hash = seeded_water_hasher(key)
print *, hash
end program example_seeded_water_hasher
- places the data in a derived typeExperimental
Places the data from value
in a key_type
set ( key, value )
: shall be a scalar variable of type key_type
. It
is an intent(out)
: shall be a default character
string scalar expression,
or a vector expression of type integer
and kind int8
or int32
It is an intent(in)
Values of types other than a scalar default character or and
or int32
vector can be used as the basis of a key
by transferring the
value to an int8
program example_set
use stdlib_hashmap_wrappers, only: &
get, key_type, set
use iso_fortran_env, only: int8
implicit none
integer(int8), allocatable :: value(:), result(:)
type(key_type) :: key
integer(int8) :: i
allocate (value(1:15))
do i = 1, 15
value(i) = i
end do
call set(key, value)
call get(key, result)
print *, 'RESULT == VALUE = ', all(value == result)
end program example_set
moduleThe stdlib_hashmaps
module defines three public data types,
associated procedures and constants that implement two simple hash map
types using separate chaining hashing and open addressing hashing. The
derived type hashmap_type
is the parent type to its two
extensions: chaining_hashmap_type
and open_hashmap_type
The extension types provide
procedures to manipulate the structure of a hash map object:
, map_entry
, rehash
, remove
, and
. They also provide procedures to inquire about
entries in the hash map: get_other_data
, and
. Finally they provide procedures to inquire about the
overall structure and performance of the hash map object:calls
, get_other_data
, loading
, slots
, and
. The module also defines a number of public constants:
, load_factor
, map_probe_factor
, default_bits
, int_calls
, int_depth
, int_index
, success
, alloc_fault
, and array_size_error
Generic key interfaces for key_test
, map_entry
, get_other_data
, and set_other_data
are povided so that the supported types
of int8
arrays, int32
arrays and character
scalars can be used in the
key field as well as the base key
type. So for key_test
specifies key type for the key field, int8_key_test
is int8
for the key field and so on. Procedures other than key_key_test
will call
the set
function to generate a key type and pass to key_key_test
module's public constantsThe module defines several categories of public constants. Some are used to parameterize the empirical slot expansion code. Others parameterize the slots table size. Some are used to define integer kind values for different applications. Finally, some are used to report errors or success.
The constants probe_factor
, and map_probe_factor
are used to
parameterize the slot expansion code used to determine when in a
in a procedure call the number
of slots need to be increased to decrease the search path for an
entry. The constant probe_factor
is used to determine when
the ratio of the number of map probes to map calls is too large and
the slots need expansion. The constant map_probe_factor
is used to
determine when inserting a new entry the ratio of the number of map
probes to map calls is too large and the slots need expansion.
The constants default_bits
, and
are used to parameterize the table's slots size. The
constant defines the default initial number of slots
with a current value of 6 resulting in an initial 2**6 == 64
slots. This may optionally be overridden on hash map creation. The
parameter sets the maximum table size as 2**max_bits
a default value for max_bits
of 30. The table will not work for a
slots size greater than 2**30
The constants int_calls
, int_depth
, int_index
, and int_probes
are used to define integer kind values for various contexts. The
number of calls are reported and stored in entities of kind
. Currently int_calls
has the value of int64
. The
total depth, the number of inquiries needed to access all elements
of the table, is reported and stored in entities of kind
. Currently int_depth
has the value of int64
. The
number of entries in the table, is reported and stored in entities of
kind int_index
. Currently int_index
has the value of int32
The number of probes, hash map enquiries, are reported and stored in
entities of kind int_probes
. Currently int_probes
has the value of
The constant load_factor
is only used by the open_hashmap_type
. It
specifies the maximum fraction of the available slots that may be
filled before expansion occurs. The current load_factor = 0.5625
the current implementation of open_hashmap_type
can only hold a
little more than 2**29
Finally the error codes success
, alloc_fault
, and
are used to report the error status of certain
procedure calls. The succes
code indicates that no problems were
found. The alloc_fault
code indicates that a memory allocation
failed. Finally the array_size_error
indicates that on table
creation slots_bits
is less than default_bits
greater than max_bits
module's derived typesThe stdlib_hashmaps
module defines three public derived types and
seven private types used in the implementation of the public
types. The public types are the abstract hashmap_type
and its
extensions: chaining_hashmap_type
and open_hashmap_type
. The three
private derived types, chaining_map_entry_type
, and chaining_map_entry_pool
are used in
the implementation of the chaining_hashmap_type
public type. The
four private derived types, open_map_entry_type
, open_map_entry_ptr
, and open_map_entry_pool
are used in the implementation of the open_hashmap_type
type. Each of these types are described below.
abstract typeThe hashmap_type
abstract type serves as the parent type for the two
types chaining_hashmap_type
and open_hashmap_type
. It defines
seven private components:
- the number of procedure calls on the map;
- the number of bits used to address the slots;
- the number of entries in the map;
- the number of entries in the free list of removed
- the number of map probes since the last resizing or
- the number of probes of the map up to the last
resizing or initialization; and
- a pointer to the hash function used by the map.
It also defines five non-overridable procedures:
- returns the number of procedure calls on the map;
- returns the number of entries in the map;
- returns the number of map probes since
- returns the number of slots in the map; and
- returns the number of bits used to address the slots;
and ten deferred procedures:
- gets all the keys contained in a map;
- gets the value associated with a key;
- initializes the hash map;
- returns a logical flag indicating whether the key is
defined in the map.
- returns the ratio of the number of entries to the number
of slots;
- inserts a key and optionally a corresponding value into
the map;
- rehashes the map with the provided hash function;
- removes the entry associated wit the key;
- replaces the value associated with a key;
- returns the number of probes needed to address all
the entries in the map;
The type's definition is below:
type, abstract :: hashmap_type
integer(int_calls) :: call_count = 0
integer(int_calls) :: probe_count = 0
integer(int_calls) :: total_probes = 0
integer(int_index) :: num_entries = 0
integer(int_index) :: num_free = 0
integer(int32) :: nbits = default_bits
procedure(hasher_fun), pointer, nopass :: hasher => fnv_1_hasher
procedure, non_overridable, pass(map) :: calls
procedure, non_overridable, pass(map) :: entries
procedure, non_overridable, pass(map) :: map_probes
procedure, non_overridable, pass(map) :: num_slots
procedure, non_overridable, pass(map) :: slots_bits
procedure(get_all_keys), deferred, pass(map) :: get_all_keys
procedure(init_map), deferred, pass(map) :: init
procedure(loading), deferred, pass(map) :: loading
procedure(rehash_map), deferred, pass(map) :: rehash
procedure(total_depth), deferred, pass(map) :: total_depth
!! Generic interfaces for key types.
procedure(key_key_test), deferred, pass(map) :: key_key_test
procedure, non_overridable, pass(map) :: int8_key_test
procedure, non_overridable, pass(map) :: int32_key_test
procedure, non_overridable, pass(map) :: char_key_test
procedure(key_map_entry), deferred, pass(map) :: key_map_entry
procedure, non_overridable, pass(map) :: int8_map_entry
procedure, non_overridable, pass(map) :: int32_map_entry
procedure, non_overridable, pass(map) :: char_map_entry
procedure(key_get_other_data), deferred, pass(map) :: key_get_other_data
procedure, non_overridable, pass(map) :: int8_get_other_data
procedure, non_overridable, pass(map) :: int32_get_other_data
procedure, non_overridable, pass(map) :: char_get_other_data
procedure(key_remove_entry), deferred, pass(map) :: key_remove_entry
procedure, non_overridable, pass(map) :: int8_remove_entry
procedure, non_overridable, pass(map) :: int32_remove_entry
procedure, non_overridable, pass(map) :: char_remove_entry
procedure(key_set_other_data), deferred, pass(map) :: key_set_other_data
procedure, non_overridable, pass(map) :: int8_set_other_data
procedure, non_overridable, pass(map) :: int32_set_other_data
procedure, non_overridable, pass(map) :: char_set_other_data
generic, public :: key_test => key_key_test, int8_key_test, int32_key_test, char_key_test
generic, public :: map_entry => key_map_entry, int8_map_entry, int32_map_entry, char_map_entry
generic, public :: get_other_data => key_get_other_data, int8_get_other_data, int32_get_other_data, char_get_other_data
generic, public :: remove => key_remove_entry, int8_remove_entry, int32_remove_entry, char_remove_entry
generic, public :: set_other_data => key_set_other_data, int8_set_other_data, int32_set_other_data, char_set_other_data
end type hashmap_type
derived typeEntities of the type chaining_map_entry_type
are used to define
a linked list structure that stores the
key, its other data, the hash of the key, and the resulting index into
the inverse table. The type's definition is below:
type :: chaining_map_entry_type ! Chaining hash map entry type
integer(int_hash) :: hash_val ! Full hash value
type(key_type) :: key ! The entry's key
class(*), allocatable :: other ! Other entry data
integer(int_index) :: index ! Index into inverse table
type(chaining_map_entry_type), pointer :: &
next => null() ! Next bucket
end type chaining_map_entry_type
Currently the int_hash
and int_index
have the value of int32
derived typeThe type chaining_map_entry_ptr
is used to define the elements of
the hash map that are either empty or link to the linked lists
containing the elements of the table. The type's definition is below:
type chaining_map_entry_ptr ! Wrapper for a pointer to a chaining
! map entry type object
type(chaining_map_entry_type), pointer :: target => null()
end type chaining_map_entry_ptr
derived typeThe type chaining_map_entry_pool
is used to implement a pool of
allocated chaining_map_entry_type
elements to save on allocation
costs. The type's definition is below:
type :: chaining_map_entry_pool
! Type implementing a pool of allocated
! `chaining_map_entry_type` objects
! Index of next bucket
integer(int_index) :: next = 0
type(chaining_map_entry_type), allocatable :: more_map_entries(:)
type(chaining_map_entry_pool), pointer :: lastpool => null()
end type chaining_map_entry_pool
derived typeThe chaining_hashmap_type
derived type extends the hashmap_type
implements a separate chaining hash map. In addition to the components
of the hashmap_type
it provides the four components:
- a pool of chaining_map_entry_pool
objects used to reduce
allocation costs;
- a free list of map entries;
- an array of chaining_map_entry_ptr
bucket lists
(inverses) storing entries at fixed locations once
entered; and
- an array of bucket lists serving as the hash map.
It also implements all of the deferred procedures of the
and a finalizer for its maps. The type's definition is
as follows:
type, extends(hashmap_type) :: chaining_hashmap_type
type(chaining_map_entry_pool), pointer :: cache => null()
type(chaining_map_entry_type), pointer :: free_list => null()
type(chaining_map_entry_ptr), allocatable :: inverse(:)
type(chaining_map_entry_ptr), allocatable :: slots(:)
procedure :: get_all_keys => get_all_chaining_keys
procedure :: key_get_other_data => get_other_chaining_data
procedure :: init => init_chaining_map
procedure :: loading => chaining_loading
procedure :: key_map_entry => map_chain_entry
procedure :: rehash => rehash_chaining_map
procedure :: key_remove_entry => remove_chaining_entry
procedure :: key_set_other_data => set_other_chaining_data
procedure :: total_depth => total_chaining_depth
procedure :: key_key_test => chaining_key_test
final :: free_chaining_map
end type chaining_hashmap_type
derived typeEntities of the type open_map_entry_type
are used to define
a linked list structure that stores the
key, its other data, the hash of the key, and the resulting index into
the inverse table. The type's definition is below:
type :: open_map_entry_type ! Open hash map entry type
integer(int_hash) :: hash_val ! Full hash value
type(key_type) :: key ! The entry's key
class(*), allocatable :: other ! Other entry data
integer(int_index) :: index ! Index into inverse table
end type open_map_entry_type
Currently int_hash
and int_index
have the value of int32
derived typeThe type open_map_entry_ptr
is used to define the elements of
the hash map that are either empty or link to the linked lists
containing the elements of the table. The type's definition is below:
type open_map_entry_ptr ! Wrapper for a pointer to a open
! map entry type object
type(open_map_entry_type), pointer :: target => null()
end type open_map_entry_ptr
derived typeThe open_hashmap_type
derived type extends the hashmap_type
implement an open addressing hash map. In addition to the components
of the hashmap_type
it provides the four components:
- a pool of open_map_entry_pool
objects used to reduce
allocation costs;
- a free list of map entries;
- an and
mask used in linear addressing;
- an array of open_map_entry_ptr
bucket lists
(inverses) storing entries at fixed locations once
entered; and
- an array of bucket lists serving as the hash map.
It also implements all of the deferred procedures of the
and a finalizer for its maps. The type's definition is
as follows:
type, extends(hashmap_type) :: open_hashmap_type
integer(int_index) :: index_mask = 2_int_index**default_bits-1
type(open_map_entry_pool), pointer :: cache => null()
type(open_map_entry_list), pointer :: free_list => null()
type(open_map_entry_ptr), allocatable :: inverse(:)
integer(int_index), allocatable :: slots(:)
procedure :: get_all_keys => get_all_open_keys
procedure :: key_get_other_data => get_other_open_data
procedure :: init => init_open_map
procedure :: loading => open_loading
procedure :: key_map_entry => map_open_entry
procedure :: rehash => rehash_open_map
procedure :: key_remove_entry => remove_open_entry
procedure :: key_set_other_data => set_other_open_data
procedure :: total_depth => total_open_depth
procedure :: key_key_test => open_key_test
final :: free_open_map
end type open_hashmap_type
proceduresThe stdlib_hashmap
module provides procedures in
several categories: a procedure to initialize the map; a procedure to
modify the structure of a map; procedures to modify the content of a
map; procedures to report on the content of a map; and procedures
to report on the structure of the map. The procedures in each category
are listed below.
Procedure to initialize a chaining hash map:
map % init( hasher[, slots_bits, status] )
- Routine
to initialize a chaining hash map.Procedure to modify the structure of a map:
map % rehash( hasher )
- Routine to change the hash function
for a map.Procedures to modify the content of a map:
map % map_entry( key[, other, conflict] )
- Inserts an entry into the
hash map.
map % remove( key[, existed] )
- Remove the entry, if any,
associated with the key
map % set_other_data( key, other[, exists] )
- Change the value
associated with the key
Procedures to report the content of a map:
map % get_all_keys( all_keys )
- Returns all the keys
contained in the map;
map % get_other_data( key, other[, exists] )
- Returns the value
associated with the key
map % key_test( key, present)
- Returns a flag indicating whether
the key
is present in the map.
Procedures to report on the structure of the map:
map % calls()
- the number of subroutine calls on the hash map.
map % entries()
- the number of entries in a hash map.
map % loading()
- the number of entries relative to the number of
slots in a hash map.
map % map_probes()
- the total number of table probes on a hash
map % slots()
- Returns the number of allocated slots in a hash
map % total_depth()
- Returns the total number of one's based
offsets of slot entries from their slot index
- Returns the number of calls on the hash mapExperimental
Returns the number of procedure calls on a hash map.
value = map %
calls ()
Pure function
(pass) - shall be an expression of class hashmap_type
It is an intent(in)
The result will be an integer of kind int_calls
The result will be the number of procedure calls on the hash map.
program example_calls
use stdlib_hashmaps, only: chaining_hashmap_type, int_calls
use stdlib_hashmap_wrappers, only: fnv_1_hasher
implicit none
type(chaining_hashmap_type) :: map
integer(int_calls) :: initial_calls
call map%init(fnv_1_hasher)
initial_calls = map%calls()
print *, "INITIAL_CALLS = ", initial_calls
end program example_calls
- Returns the number of entries in the hash mapExperimental
Returns the number of entries in a hash map.
value = map %
entries ()
Pure function
(pass) - shall be an expression of class hashmap_type
It is an intent(in)
The result will be an integer of kind int_index
The result will be the number of entries in the hash map.
program example_entries
use stdlib_hashmaps, only: open_hashmap_type, int_index
use stdlib_hashmap_wrappers, only: fnv_1_hasher
implicit none
type(open_hashmap_type) :: map
integer(int_index) :: initial_entries
call map%init(fnv_1_hasher)
initial_entries = map%entries()
print *, "INITIAL_ENTRIES = ", initial_entries
end program example_entries
- Returns all the keys contained in a mapExperimental
Returns all the keys contained in a map.
call map %
get_all_keys ( all_keys )
(pass): shall be a scalar variable of class
or open_hashmap_type
. It is an
argument. It will be
the hash map used to store and access the other data.
: shall be a rank-1 allocatable array of type key_type
It is an intent(out)
program example_hashmaps_get_all_keys
use stdlib_kinds, only: int32
use stdlib_hashmaps, only: chaining_hashmap_type
use stdlib_hashmap_wrappers, only: fnv_1_hasher, get, &
key_type, set
implicit none
type(chaining_hashmap_type) :: map
type(key_type) :: key
type(key_type), allocatable :: keys(:)
integer(int32) :: i
character(:), allocatable :: str
call map%init(fnv_1_hasher)
! adding key-value pairs to the map
call set(key, "initial key")
call map%map_entry(key, "value 1")
call set(key, "second key")
call map%map_entry(key, "value 2")
call set(key, "last key")
call map%map_entry(key, "value 3")
! getting all the keys in the map
call map%get_all_keys(keys)
print '("Number of keys in the hashmap = ", I0)', size(keys)
!Number of keys in the hashmap = 3
do i = 1, size(keys)
call get( keys(i), str )
print '("Value of key ", I0, " = ", A)', i, str
end do
!Value of key 1 = initial key
!Value of key 2 = second key
!Value of key 3 = last key
end program example_hashmaps_get_all_keys
- Returns other data associated with the key
Returns the value associated with the key
value = map %
get_other_data ( key, other [, exists] )
(pass): shall be a scalar variable of class
or open_hashmap_type
. It is an
argument. It will be
the hash map used to store and access the other data.
: shall be a of type key_type
scalar, character
scalar, int8
or int32
array. It is an intent(in)
: shall be a allocatable unlimited polymorphic scalar.
(class(*), allocatable) It is an intent(out)
It is the value associated with the key
(optional): shall be a variable of type logical. It is an
argument. If .true.
an entry with the given key
exists in the map and other
is defined. If .false.
The following is an example of the retrieval of other data
associated with a key
program example_get_other_data
use stdlib_kinds, only: int8, int64
use stdlib_hashmaps, only: chaining_hashmap_type, int_index
use stdlib_hashmap_wrappers, only: fnv_1_hasher, key_type, set, get
implicit none
logical :: conflict
type(key_type) :: key
type(chaining_hashmap_type) :: map
type dummy_type
integer :: value(4)
end type dummy_type
type(dummy_type) :: dummy
class(*), allocatable :: data
integer(int8), allocatable :: key_array(:)
integer :: int_scalar
! Initialize hashmap
call map%init(fnv_1_hasher)
! Hashmap functions are setup to store scalar value types (other). Use a dervied
! type wrapper to store arrays.
dummy%value = [4, 3, 2, 1]
! Explicitly set key type using set function
call set(key, [0, 1])
call map%map_entry(key, dummy, conflict)
if (.not. conflict) then
call map%get_other_data(key, data)
error stop 'Key is already present in the map.'
end if
! Get_other_data returns data as an unlimited polymorphic scalar.
! To use this type in other operations, there must be a select type operation.
select type (data)
type is (dummy_type)
print *, 'Other data % value = ', data%value
class default
print *, 'Invalid data type in other'
end select
! Also can use map_entry and get_other_data generic key interfaces.
! This is an exmple with integer arrays.
call map%map_entry( [2,3], dummy, conflict)
if (.not. conflict) then
call map%get_other_data( [2,3], data)
error stop 'Key is already present in the map.'
end if
select type (data)
type is (dummy_type)
print *, 'Other data % value = ', data%value
class default
print *, 'Invalid data type in other'
end select
! Integer scalar keys need to be passed as an array.
int_scalar = 2
call map%map_entry( [int_scalar], dummy, conflict)
if (.not. conflict) then
call map%get_other_data( [int_scalar], data)
error stop 'Key is already present in the map.'
end if
select type (data)
type is (dummy_type)
print *, 'Other data % value = ', data%value
class default
print *, 'Invalid data type in other'
end select
! Example using character type key interface
call map%map_entry( 'key_string', dummy, conflict)
if (.not. conflict) then
call map%get_other_data( 'key_string', data)
error stop 'Key is already present in the map.'
end if
select type (data)
type is (dummy_type)
print *, 'Other data % value = ', data%value
class default
print *, 'Invalid data type in other'
end select
! Transfer to int8 arrays to generate key for unsupported types.
key_array = transfer( [0_int64, 1_int64], [0_int8] )
call map%map_entry( key_array, dummy, conflict)
if (.not. conflict) then
call map%get_other_data( key_array, data)
error stop 'Key is already present in the map.'
end if
select type (data)
type is (dummy_type)
print *, 'Other data % value = ', data%value
class default
print *, 'Invalid data type in other'
end select
end program example_get_other_data
- initializes a hash mapExperimental
Initializes a hashmap_type
call map %
init ( hasher [, slots_bits, status ] )
(pass): shall be a scalar variable of class
or open_hashmap_type
. It is an
argument. It will
be a hash map used to store and access the entries.
: shall be a procedure with interface hash_fun
It is an intent(in)
argument. It is the procedure to be used to
generate the hashes for the table from the keys of the entries.
(optional): shall be a scalar default integer
expression. It is an intent(in)
argument. The initial number of
slots in the table will be 2**slots_bits
shall be a positive default integer less than
, otherwise processing stops with an informative
error code.
If slots_bits
is absent then the effective value for slots_bits
is default_bits
(optional): shall be a scalar integer variable of kind
. It is an intent(out)
argument. On return if present it
shall have an error code value.
If map was successfully initialized then status
has the value
If allocation of memory for the map
arrays fails then status
has the value alloc_fault
If slot_bits < 6
or slots_bits > max_bits
then status
has the value of array_size_error
If status
is absent, but status
would have a value other than
, then processing stops with an informative stop code.
program example_init
use stdlib_hashmaps, only: chaining_hashmap_type
use stdlib_hashmap_wrappers, only: fnv_1_hasher
implicit none
type(chaining_hashmap_type) :: map
call map%init(fnv_1_hasher, slots_bits=10)
end program example_init
- indicates whether key
is presentExperimental
Returns a logical flag indicating whether key
is present for an
entry in the map.
call map %
key_test ( key, present )
(pass): shall be a scalar variable of class
or open_hashmap_type
It is an intent(inout)
argument. It is the hash map whose entries
are examined.
: shall be a of type key_type
scalar, character
scalar, int8
or int32
array. It is an intent(in)
argument. It is a key
presence in the map
is being examined.
: shall be a scalar variable of type logical
It is an intent(out)
argument. It is a logical flag where
indicates that an entry with that key
is present in the
and .false.
indicates that no such entry is present.
program example_key_test
use stdlib_kinds, only: int8
use stdlib_hashmaps, only: chaining_hashmap_type
use stdlib_hashmap_wrappers, only: fnv_1_hasher, key_type, set
implicit none
type(chaining_hashmap_type) :: map
type(key_type) :: key
logical :: present
call map%init(fnv_1_hasher)
call set(key, [0_int8, 1_int8])
call map%key_test(key, present)
print *, "Initial key of 10 present for empty map = ", present
end program example_key_test
- Returns the ratio of entries to slotsExperimental
Returns the ratio of the number of entries relative to the number of slots in the hash map.
value = map %
loading ( )
Pure function
(pass) - shall be an expression of class chaining_hashmap_type
or open_hashmap_type
. It is an intent(in)
The result will be a default real.
The result will be the ratio of the number of entries relative to the number of slots in the hash map.
program example_loading
use stdlib_hashmaps, only: open_hashmap_type
use stdlib_hashmap_wrappers, only: fnv_1_hasher
implicit none
type(open_hashmap_type) :: map
real :: ratio
call map%init(fnv_1_hasher)
ratio = map%loading()
print *, "Initial loading = ", ratio
end program example_loading
- inserts an entry into the hash mapExperimental
Inserts an entry into the hash map if it is not already present.
call map %
map_entry ( key[, other, conflict ] )
(pass): shall be a scalar variable of class
or open_hashmap_type
. It
is an intent(inout)
argument. It is the hash map to receive the
: shall be a of type key_type
scalar, character
scalar, int8
or int32
array. It is an intent(in)
argument. It is the key for the entry
to be placed in the table.
(optional): shall be a scalar of any type, including derived types.
It is an intent(in)
argument. If present it is the value to be
associated with the key
(optional): shall be a scalar variable of type
. It is an intent(out)
argument. If present, a .true.
value indicates that an entry with the value of key
already exists
and the entry was not entered into the map, a .false.
value indicates
that key
was not present in the map and the entry was added to the
is already present in map
and the conflict
argument has been
provided then the presence of other
is ignored. If conflict
has not
been provided then it routine will error stop. program example_map_entry
use, intrinsic:: iso_fortran_env, only: int8, int64
use stdlib_hashmaps, only: chaining_hashmap_type
use stdlib_hashmap_wrappers, only: fnv_1_hasher, key_type, set
implicit none
type(chaining_hashmap_type) :: map
type(key_type) :: key
logical :: conflict
integer :: int_scalar
type :: array_data_wrapper
integer, allocatable :: array(:)
end type
type(array_data_wrapper) :: array_example
! Initialize hashmap with 2^10 slots.
! Hashmap will dynamically increase size if needed.
call map%init(fnv_1_hasher, slots_bits=10)
! Explicitly set key using set function
call set(key, [1, 2, 3])
call map%map_entry(key, 4, conflict)
print *, 'CONFLICT = ', conflict
! Using map_entry int32 array interface
call map%map_entry( [4, 5, 6], 4, conflict)
print *, 'CONFLICT = ', conflict
! Integer scalars need to be passed as an array.
int_scalar = 1
call map%map_entry( [int_scalar], 4, conflict)
print *, 'CONFLICT = ', conflict
! Using map_entry character interface
call map%map_entry( 'key_string', 4, conflict)
print *, 'CONFLICT = ', conflict
! Transfer unsupported key types to int8 arrays.
call map%map_entry( transfer( [1_int64, 2_int64, 3_int64], [0_int8] ), 4, conflict)
print *, 'CONFLICT = ', conflict
! Keys can be mapped alone without a corresponding value (other) for 'Set' type functionality.
call map%map_entry( [7, 8, 9], conflict=conflict)
print *, 'CONFLICT = ', conflict
! Currently only scalar data can be mapped.
! Arrays will need a wrapper.
array_example % array = [1,2,3,4,5]
call map % map_entry( [10,11,12], array_example, conflict=conflict )
print *, 'CONFLICT = ', conflict
end program example_map_entry
- returns the number of hash map probesExperimental
Returns the total number of table probes on the hash map.
result = map %
map_probes ( )
Pure function
(pass): shall be a scalar expression of class
. It is an intent(in)
argument. It is the hash map of interest.
The result is a scalar integer of kind int_probes
The result is the number of probes of map
since initialization or
program example_probes
use stdlib_hashmaps, only: chaining_hashmap_type
use stdlib_hashmap_wrappers, only: fnv_1_hasher
implicit none
type(chaining_hashmap_type) :: map
integer :: nprobes
call map%init(fnv_1_hasher)
nprobes = map%map_probes()
print *, "Initial probes = ", nprobes
end program example_probes
- returns the number of hash map slots.Experimental
Returns the total number of slots on a hash map
result = map %
num_slots ( )
Pure function
: shall be a scalar expression of class
. It is an intent(in)
argument. It is the
hash map of interest.
The result is a scalar integer of kind int_index
The result is the number of slots in map
program example_num_slots
use stdlib_hashmaps, only: chaining_hashmap_type, int_index
use stdlib_hashmap_wrappers, only: fnv_1_hasher
implicit none
type(chaining_hashmap_type) :: map
integer(int_index) :: initial_slots
call map%init(fnv_1_hasher)
initial_slots = map%num_slots()
print *, "Initial slots = ", initial_slots
end program example_num_slots
- changes the hashing functionExperimental
Changes the hashing function for the map entries to that of hasher
call map %
rehash ( hasher )
(pass): shall be a scalar variable of class
or open_hashmap_type
It is an intent(inout)
argument. It is the hash map whose hashing
method is to be changed.
: shall be a function of interface hasher_fun
It is the hash method to be used by map
program example_rehash
use stdlib_kinds, only: int8
use stdlib_hashmaps, only: open_hashmap_type
use stdlib_hashmap_wrappers, only: fnv_1_hasher, fnv_1a_hasher, &
key_type, set
implicit none
type(open_hashmap_type) :: map
type(key_type) :: key
call map%init(fnv_1_hasher, slots_bits=10)
call set(key, [5_int8, 7_int8, 4_int8, 13_int8])
call map%map_entry(key, 'A value')
call map%rehash(fnv_1a_hasher)
end program example_rehash
- removes an entry from the hash mapExperimental
Removes an entry from the hash map, map
call map %
remove ( key[, existed ])
(pass): shall be a scalar variable of class
or open_hashmap_type
It is an intent(inout)
argument. It is the hash map with the element
to be removed.
: shall be a of type key_type
scalar, character
scalar, int8
or int32
array. It is an intent(in)
argument. It is the key
the entry to be removed.
(optional): shall be a scalar variable of type default
logical. It is an intent(out)
argument. If present with the value
the entry existed in the map before removal, if .false.
entry was not present to be removed and the map is unchanged. If
absent, the procedure returns with no entry with the given key.
program example_remove
use stdlib_kinds, only: int8, int64
use stdlib_hashmaps, only: open_hashmap_type
use stdlib_hashmap_wrappers, only: fnv_1_hasher, &
fnv_1a_hasher, key_type, set
implicit none
type(open_hashmap_type) :: map
type(key_type) :: key
logical :: existed
integer :: int_scalar
! Initialize hashmap with 2^10 slots.
! Hashmap will dynamically increase size if needed.
call map%init(fnv_1_hasher, slots_bits=10)
! Explicitly set key type using set function
call set(key, [1, 2, 3])
call map%map_entry(key, 4.0)
call map%remove(key, existed)
print *, "Removed key existed = ", existed
! Using map_entry and remove int32 generic interface.
call map%map_entry([1, 2, 3], 4.0)
call map%remove([1, 2, 3], existed)
print *, "Removed key existed = ", existed
! Integer scalars need to be passed as an array.
int_scalar = 1
call map%map_entry( [int_scalar], 4.0)
call map%remove( [int_scalar], existed)
print *, "Removed key existed = ", existed
! Using map_entry and remove character generic interface.
call map%map_entry('key_string', 4.0)
call map%remove('key_string', existed)
print *, "Removed key existed = ", existed
! Use transfer to int8 arrays for unsupported key types.
call map%map_entry( transfer( [1_int64, 2_int64], [0_int8] ), 4.0)
call map%remove( transfer( [1_int64,2_int64], [0_int8] ), existed)
print *, "Removed key existed = ", existed
end program example_remove
- replaces the other data for an entryExperimental
Replaces the other data in the map for the entry with the key value,
call map %
set_other_data ( key, other[, exists] )
(pass): shall be a scalar variable of class
or open_hashmap_type
. It
is an intent(inout)
argument. It will be a hash map used to store
and access the entry's data.
: shall be a of type key_type
scalar, character
scalar, int8
or int32
array. It is an intent(in)
argument. It is the key
to the
entry whose other
data is to be replaced.
(optional): shall be a scalar of any type, including derived types.
It is an intent(in)
argument. If present it is the value to be
associated with the key
(optional): shall be a scalar variable of type logical
It is an intent(out)
argument. If present with the value
an entry with that key
existed in the map and its other
data was replaced. If exists
is .false.
the key
not exist and nothing was done.
is not already present in map
and exists
has not
been provided then the routine will error stop.program example_set_other_data
use stdlib_kinds, only: int8
use stdlib_hashmaps, only: open_hashmap_type, chaining_hashmap_type
use stdlib_hashmap_wrappers, only: key_type, set, fnv_1_hasher
implicit none
logical :: exists
type(chaining_hashmap_type) :: map
class(*), allocatable :: data
type(key_type) :: key
! Initialize hashmap with 2^10 slots.
! Hashmap will dynamically increase size if needed.
call map%init(fnv_1_hasher, slots_bits=10)
call set(key, [5, 7, 4, 13])
call map%map_entry(key, 'A value')
call map%set_other_data(key, 'Another value', exists)
print *, 'The entry to have its other data replaced exists = ', exists
call map%get_other_data(key, data, exists)
print *, 'Get_other_data was successful = ', exists
! Hashmaps return an unlimited polymorphic type as other.
! Must be included in a select type operation to do further operations.
select type (data)
type is (character(*))
print *, 'Value is = ', data
class default
print *, 'Invalid data type in other'
end select
end program example_set_other_data
- returns the number of bits used to address the hash map slotsExperimental
Returns the total number of bits used to address the hash map slots.
result = map %
slots_bits ( )
Pure function
(pass): shall be a scalar expression of class
. It is an intent(in)
argument. It is the
hash map of interest.
The result is a scalar integer of kind int_index
The result is the number of bits used in addressing the slots in map
program example_slots_bits
use stdlib_hashmaps, only: chaining_hashmap_type
use stdlib_hashmap_wrappers, only: fnv_1_hasher
implicit none
type(chaining_hashmap_type) :: map
integer :: bits
call map%init(fnv_1_hasher)
bits = map%slots_bits()
print *, "Initial slot bits = ", bits
end program example_slots_bits
- returns the total depth of the hash map entriesExperimental
Returns the total number of one's based offsets of slot entries from their slot index for a hash map
result = map %
total_depth ( )
Pure function
(pass): shall be a scalar expression of class
. It is an intent(in)
argument. It is the
hash map of interest.
The result is a scalar integer of kind int_depth
The result is the total number of one's based offsets of slot entries from their slot index the map.
program example_total_depth
use stdlib_hashmaps, only: chaining_hashmap_type, int_depth
use stdlib_hashmap_wrappers, only: fnv_1_hasher
implicit none
type(chaining_hashmap_type) :: map
integer(int_depth) :: initial_depth
call map%init(fnv_1_hasher)
initial_depth = map%total_depth()
print *, "Initial total depth = ", initial_depth
end program example_total_depth