- load a 2D array from a text fileExperimental
Loads a rank-2 array
from a text file.
loadtxt (filename, array [, skiprows] [, max_rows] [, fmt])
: Shall be a character expression containing the file name from which to load the rank-2 array
: Shall be an allocatable rank-2 array of type real
, complex
or integer
(optional): Skip the first skiprows
lines. If skipping more rows than present, a 0-sized array will be returned. The default is 0.
(optional): Read max_rows
lines of content after skiprows
lines. A negative value results in reading all lines. A value of zero results in no lines to be read. The default value is -1.
(optional): Fortran format specifier for the text read. Defaults to the write format for the data type. Setting fmt='*' will specify list directed read.
Returns an allocated rank-2 array
with the content of filename
program example_loadtxt
use stdlib_io, only: loadtxt
implicit none
real, allocatable :: x(:, :)
call loadtxt('example.dat', x)
! Can also use list directed format if the default read fails.
call loadtxt('example.dat', x, fmt='*')
end program example_loadtxt
- open a fileExperimental
Returns the unit number of a file opened to read, to write, or to read and write. The file might be a text file or a binary file. All files are opened using a streamed access.
u =
open (filename [, mode] [, iostat])
: Shall be a character expression containing the name of the file to open.
(optional): Shall be a character expression containing characters describing the way in which the file will be used. The available modes are:
Character | Meaning |
'r' |
open for reading (default) |
'w' |
open for writing, truncating the file first |
'x' |
open for exclusive creation, failing if the file already exists |
'a' |
open for writing, appending to the end of the file if it exists |
'+' |
open for updating (reading and writing) |
'b' |
binary mode |
't' |
text mode (default) |
The default mode
is 'rt'
(i.e. open for reading a text file). The mode
may include one of the four different methods for opening a file (i.e., 'r'
, 'w'
, 'x'
, and 'a'
). These four methods can be associated with the character '+'
to open the file for updating. In addition, it can be specified if the file should be handled as a binary file ('b'
) or a text file ('t'
(optional): Shall be a scalar of type integer
that receives the error status of open
, if provided. If no error exists, iostat
is zero.
: Shall be a scalar of type integer
that specifies the unit number associated with the file filename
The result is a scalar of type integer
program example_open
use stdlib_io, only: open
implicit none
integer :: u
u = open ('example.dat', 'wt')
write (u, '(a)') 'This is an example for open'
close (u)
end program example_open
- save a 2D array into a text fileExperimental
Saves a rank-2 array
into a text file.
savetxt (filename, array)
: Shall be a character expression containing the name of the file that will contain the 2D array
: Shall be a rank-2 array of type real
, complex
or integer
Provides a text file called filename
that contains the rank-2 array
program example_savetxt
use stdlib_io, only: savetxt
implicit none
real :: x(3, 2) = 1
call savetxt('example.dat', x)
end program example_savetxt
Loads an array
from a npy formatted binary file.
load_npy (filename, array[, iostat][, iomsg])
: Shall be a character expression containing the file name from which to load the array
This argument is intent(in)
: Shall be an allocatable array of any rank of type real
, complex
or integer
This argument is intent(out)
: Default integer, contains status of loading to file, zero in case of success.
It is an optional argument, in case not present the program will halt for non-zero status.
This argument is intent(out)
: Deferred length character value, contains error message in case iostat
is non-zero.
It is an optional argument, error message will be dropped if not present.
This argument is intent(out)
Returns an allocated array
with the content of filename
in case of success.
program example_loadnpy
use stdlib_io_npy, only: load_npy
implicit none
real, allocatable :: x(:, :)
call load_npy('example.npy', x)
end program example_loadnpy
Saves an array
into a npy formatted binary file.
save_npy (filename, array[, iostat][, iomsg])
: Shall be a character expression containing the name of the file that will contain the array
This argument is intent(in)
: Shall be an array of any rank of type real
, complex
or integer
This argument is intent(in)
: Default integer, contains status of saving to file, zero in case of success.
It is an optional argument, in case not present the program will halt for non-zero status.
This argument is intent(out)
: Deferred length character value, contains error message in case iostat
is non-zero.
It is an optional argument, error message will be dropped if not present.
This argument is intent(out)
Provides a npy file called filename
that contains the rank-2 array
program example_savenpy
use stdlib_io_npy, only: save_npy
implicit none
real :: x(3, 2) = 1
call save_npy('example.npy', x)
end program example_savenpy
Read a whole line from a formatted unit into a string variable
getline (unit, line[, iostat][, iomsg])
getline (line[, iostat][, iomsg])
: Formatted input unit.
This argument is intent(in)
If unit
is not specified standard input is used.
: Deferred length character or string_type
This argument is intent(out)
: Default integer, contains status of reading from unit, zero in case of success.
It is an optional argument, in case not present the program will halt for non-zero status.
This argument is intent(out)
: Deferred length character value, contains error message in case iostat
is non-zero.
It is an optional argument, error message will be dropped if not present.
This argument is intent(out)
program example_getline
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: input_unit, output_unit
use stdlib_io, only: getline
implicit none
character(len=:), allocatable :: line
integer :: stat
call getline(input_unit, line, stat)
do while (stat == 0)
write (output_unit, '(a)') line
call getline(input_unit, line, stat)
end do
end program example_getline
Formatting constants for printing out integer, floating point, and complex numbers at their full precision.
Provides formats for all kinds as defined in the stdlib_kinds
program example_fmt_constants
use stdlib_kinds, only: int32, int64, sp, dp
implicit none
integer(kind=int32) :: i32
integer(kind=int64) :: i64
real(kind=sp) :: r32
real(kind=dp) :: r64
complex(kind=sp) :: c32
complex(kind=dp) :: c64
i32 = 100_int32
i64 = 100_int64
r32 = 100.0_sp
r64 = 100.0_dp
c32 = cmplx(100.0_sp, kind=sp)
c64 = cmplx(100.0_dp, kind=dp)
print "(2("//FMT_INT//",1x))", i32, i64 ! outputs: 100 100
print FMT_REAL_SP, r32 ! outputs: 1.00000000E+02
print FMT_REAL_DP, r64 ! outputs: 1.0000000000000000E+002
print FMT_COMPLEX_SP, c32 ! outputs: 1.00000000E+02 0.00000000E+00
print FMT_COMPLEX_DP, c64 ! outputs: 1.0000000000000000E+002 0.0000000000000000E+000
end program example_fmt_constants