logger_type Derived Type

type, public :: logger_type

Public derived type (Specification)

Finalization Procedures

final :: final_logger

  • private subroutine final_logger(self)

    Finalizes the logger_type entity self by flushing the units


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    type(logger_type), intent(in) :: self

Type-Bound Procedures

procedure, public, pass(self) :: add_log_file

  • private subroutine add_log_file(self, filename, unit, action, position, status, stat)

    Opens a formatted sequential access output file, filename using newunit and adds the resulting unit number to self's log_units array. action, if present, is the action specifier of the open statement, and has the default value of "write". position, if present, is the position specifier, and has the default value of "REWIND". status, if present, is the status specifier of the open statement, and has the default value of "REPLACE". stat, if present, has the value success if filename could be opened, read_only_error if action is "read", and open_failure otherwise. (Specification)


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    class(logger_type), intent(inout) :: self

    The logger variable to which the file is to be added

    character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename

    The name of the file to be added to the logger

    integer, intent(out), optional :: unit

    The resulting I/O unit number

    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: action

    The action specifier for the `open`` statement

    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: position

    The position specifier for the open statement

    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: status

    The status specifier for the open statement

    integer, intent(out), optional :: stat

    The error status on exit with the possible values * success - no errors found * read_only_error - file unopened as action1 was"read"for an output file *open_failure- theopen` statement failed

     program main
         use stdlib_logger
         integer :: unit, stat
         call global_logger % add_log_file( 'error_log.txt', unit,      &
                                            position='asis', stat=stat )
         if ( stat /= success ) then
             error stop 'Unable to open "error_log.txt".'
         end if
     end program main

procedure, public, pass(self) :: add_log_unit

  • private subroutine add_log_unit(self, unit, stat)

    Adds unit to the log file units in log_units. unit must be an open file, of form "formatted", with "sequential" access, and an action of "write" or "readwrite", otherwise either stat, if present, has a value other than success and unit is not entered into log_units, or, if stat is not presecn, processing stops. (Specification)


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    class(logger_type), intent(inout) :: self

    The logger variable to which the I/O unit is to be added

    integer, intent(in) :: unit

    The input logical unit number

    integer, intent(out), optional :: stat

    An error code with the possible values * success - no problems were found * non_sequential_error - unit did not have sequential access * read_only_error - unit was not writeable * unformatted_in_error - unit was an 'unformatted' file * unopened_in_error - unit was not opened

     program main
         use stdlib_logger
         character(256) :: iomsg
         integer :: iostat, unit, stat
         open( newunit=unit, 'error_log.txt', form='formatted', &
               status='replace', position='rewind', err=999,    &
               action='read', iostat=iostat, iomsg=iomsg )
         call global_logger % add_log_unit( unit, stat )
         select case ( stat )
         case ( read_only_error )
             error stop 'Unable to write to "error_log.txt".'
         end select
     999 error stop 'Unable to open "error_log.txt".
     end program main

procedure, public, pass(self) :: configuration

  • private pure subroutine configuration(self, add_blank_line, indent, level, max_width, time_stamp, log_units)

    Reports the logging configuration of self. The following attributes are reported: 1. add_blank_line is a logical flag with .true. implying that output starts with a blank line, and .false. implying no blank line. 2. indent is a logical flag with .true. implying that subsequent columns will be indented 4 spaces and .false. implying no indentation. 3. level is the lowest level for printing a message 4. max_width is the maximum number of columns of output text with max_width == 0 => no bounds on output width. 5. time_stamp is a logical flag with .true. implying that the output will have a time stamp, and .false. implying that there will be no time stamp. 6. log_units is an array of the I/O unit numbers to which log output will be written. (Specification)


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    class(logger_type), intent(in) :: self

    The logger variable whose configuration is being reported

    logical, intent(out), optional :: add_blank_line

    A logical flag to add a preceding blank line

    logical, intent(out), optional :: indent

    A logical flag to indent subsequent lines

    integer, intent(out), optional :: level

    The minimum level for printing a message

    integer, intent(out), optional :: max_width

    The maximum number of columns for most outputs

    logical, intent(out), optional :: time_stamp

    A logical flag to add a time stamp

    integer, intent(out), optional, allocatable :: log_units(:)

    The I/O units used in output

     module example_mod
       use stdlib_logger
       subroutine example_sub(unit, ...)
         integer, intent(in) :: unit
         integer, allocatable :: log_units(:)
         call global_logger % configuration( log_units=log_units )
         if ( size(log_units) == 0 ) then
            call add_logger_unit( unit )
         end if
       end subroutine example_sub
     end module example_mod

procedure, public, pass(self) :: configure

  • private pure subroutine configure(self, add_blank_line, indent, level, max_width, time_stamp)

    Configures the logging process for SELF. The following attributes are configured: 1. add_blank_line is a logical flag with .true. implying that output starts with a blank line, and .false. implying no blank line. add_blank_line has a startup value of .false.. 2. indent is a logical flag with .true. implying that subsequent lines will be indented 4 spaces and .false. implying no indentation. indent has a startup value of .true.. 3. level is the lowest level for printing a message 4. max_width is the maximum number of columns of output text with max_width == 0 => no bounds on output width. max_width has a startup value of 0. 5. time_stamp is a logical flag with .true. implying that the output will have a time stamp, and .false. implying that there will be no time stamp. time_stamp has a startup value of .true.. (Specification)

     program main
         use stdlib_logger
         call global_logger % configure( indent=.false., max_width=72 )


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    class(logger_type), intent(inout) :: self
    logical, intent(in), optional :: add_blank_line
    logical, intent(in), optional :: indent
    integer, intent(in), optional :: level
    integer, intent(in), optional :: max_width
    logical, intent(in), optional :: time_stamp

procedure, public, pass(self) :: log_debug

  • private subroutine log_debug(self, message, module, procedure)

    Writes the string message to self % log_units with optional additional text. (Specification)


    If time stamps are active, a time stamp is written, followed by module and procedure if present, and then message is written with the prefix 'DEBUG: '.

     module  example_mod
       use stdlib_logger
       real, allocatable :: a(:)
       type(logger_type) :: alogger
       subroutine example_sub( selection )
         integer, intent(out) :: selection
         integer        :: stat
         write(*,'(a)') "Enter an integer to select a widget"
         read(*,'(i0)') selection
         write( message, `(a, i0)' )           &
               "The user selected ", selection
         call alogger % log_debug( message,                   &
                                   module = 'EXAMPLE_MOD',    &
                                   procedure = 'EXAMPLE_SUB' )
       end subroutine example_sub
     end module example_mod


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    class(logger_type), intent(in) :: self

    The logger used to send the message

    character(len=*), intent(in) :: message

    A string to be written to log_unit

    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: module

    The name of the module containing the current invocation of log_information

    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: procedure

    The name of the procedure containing the current invocation of log_information

procedure, public, pass(self) :: log_error

  • private subroutine log_error(self, message, module, procedure, stat, errmsg)

    Writes the string message to self % log_units with optional additional text. (Specification)


    If time stamps are active, a time stamp is written, followed by module and procedure if present, then message is written with the prefix 'ERROR: ', and then if stat or errmsg are present they are written.

     module  example_mod
       use stdlib_logger
       real, allocatable :: a(:)
       type(logger_type) :: alogger
       subroutine example_sub( size )
         integer, intent(in) :: size
         character(128) :: errmsg, message
         integer        :: stat
         allocate( a(size), stat=stat, errmsg=errmsg )
         if ( stat /= 0 ) then
           write( message, `(a, i0)' )                    &
               "Allocation of A failed with SIZE = ", size
           alogger % call log_error( message,                   &
                                     module = 'EXAMPLE_MOD',    &
                                     procedure = 'EXAMPLE_SUB', &
                                     stat = stat,               &
                                     errmsg = errmsg )
         end if
       end subroutine example_sub
     end module example_mod


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    class(logger_type), intent(in) :: self

    The logger to be used in logging the message

    character(len=*), intent(in) :: message

    A string to be written to log_unit

    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: module

    The name of the module containing the current invocation of log_error

    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: procedure

    The name of the procedure containing the current invocation of log_error

    integer, intent(in), optional :: stat

    The value of the stat specifier returned by a Fortran statement

    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: errmsg

    The value of the errmsg specifier returned by a Fortran statement

procedure, public, pass(self) :: log_information

  • private subroutine log_information(self, message, module, procedure)

    Writes the string message to self % log_units with optional additional text. (Specification)


    If time stamps are active, a time stamp is written, followed by module and procedure if present, and then message is written with the prefix 'INFO: '.

     module  example_mod
       use stdlib_logger
       real, allocatable :: a(:)
       type(logger_type) :: alogger
       subroutine example_sub( selection )
         integer, intent(out) :: selection
         integer        :: stat
         write(*,'(a)') "Enter an integer to select a widget"
         read(*,'(i0)') selection
         write( message, `(a, i0)' )           &
               "The user selected ", selection
         call alogger % log_information( message,                   &
                                         module = 'EXAMPLE_MOD',    &
                                         procedure = 'EXAMPLE_SUB' )
       end subroutine example_sub
     end module example_mod


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    class(logger_type), intent(in) :: self

    The logger used to send the message

    character(len=*), intent(in) :: message

    A string to be written to log_unit

    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: module

    The name of the module containing the current invocation of log_information

    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: procedure

    The name of the procedure containing the current invocation of log_information

procedure, public, pass(self) :: log_io_error

  • private subroutine log_io_error(self, message, module, procedure, iostat, iomsg)

    Writes the string message to the self % log_units with optional additional text. (Specification)


    If time stamps are active, a time stamp is written, followed by module and procedure if present, then message is written with a prefix 'I/O ERROR: ', and then if iostat or iomsg are present they are also written.

    program example
      use stdlib_logger
      character(*), parameter :: filename = 'dummy.txt'
      integer                 :: iostat, lun
      character(128)          :: iomsg
      character(*), parameter :: message = 'Failure in opening "dummy.txt".'
      open( newunit=lun, file = filename, form='formatted', &
            status='old', iostat=iostat, iomsg=iomsg )
      if ( iostat /= 0 ) then
        call global_logger % log_io_error( message, procedure = 'EXAMPLE', &
            iostat=iostat, iomsg = iomsg )
        error stop 'Error on opening ' // filename
      end if
    end program example


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    class(logger_type), intent(in) :: self

    The logger variable to receivee the message

    character(len=*), intent(in) :: message

    A string to be written to LOG_UNIT

    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: module

    The name of the module containing the current invocation of REPORT_ERROR

    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: procedure

    The name of the procedure containing the current invocation of REPORT_ERROR

    integer, intent(in), optional :: iostat

    The value of the IOSTAT specifier returned by a Fortran I/O statement

    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: iomsg

    The value of the IOMSG specifier returned by a Fortran I/O statement

procedure, public, pass(self) :: log_message

  • private subroutine log_message(self, message, module, procedure, prefix)

    Writes the string message to the self % log_units with optional additional text. (Specification)


    If time stamps are active, a time stamp is written, followed by module and procedure if present, followed by prefix // ': ' if present, and then message.

    module  example_mod
      use stdlib_logger
      real, allocatable :: a(:)
      subroutine example_sub( selection )
        integer, intent(out) :: selection
        integer        :: stat
        write(*,'(a)') "Enter an integer to select a widget"
        read(*,'(i0)') selection
        write( message, `(a, i0)' )          &
              "The user selected ", selection
        call global_logger % log_message( message,                   &
                                          module = 'example_mod',    &
                                          procedure = 'example_sub', &
                                          prefix = 'info' )
      end subroutine example_sub
    end module example_mod


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    class(logger_type), intent(in) :: self

    The logger variable to receive the message

    character(len=*), intent(in) :: message

    A string to be written to log_unit

    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: module

    The name of the module containing the current invocation of log_message

    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: procedure

    The name of the procedure containing the current invocation of log_message

    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: prefix

    To be prepended to message as prefix // ': ' // message.

procedure, public, pass(self) :: log_text_error

  • private subroutine log_text_error(self, line, column, summary, filename, line_number, caret, stat)

    Sends a message to self % log_units describing an error found in a line of text. (Specification)


    If time stamps are active first a time stamp is written. Then if filename or line_number or column are present they are written. Then line is written. Then the symbol caret is written below line at the column indicated by column. Then summary is written.

    program example
      character(*), parameter :: filename = 'dummy.txt'
      integer                 :: col_num, line_num, lun
      character(128)          :: line
      character(*), parameter :: message = 'Bad text found.'
      open( newunit=lun, file = filename, statu='old', form='formatted' )
      line_num = 0
        read( lun, fmt='(a)', end=900 ) line
        line_num = line_num + 1
        call check_line( line, status, col_num )
        if ( status /= 0 )
          call global_logger % log_text_error( line, col_num, message, &
                                               filename, line_num )
          error stop 'Error in reading ' // filename
        end if
      end do

    900 continue ... end program example


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    class(logger_type), intent(in) :: self

    The logger variable to receive the message

    character(len=*), intent(in) :: line

    The line of text in which the error was found.

    integer, intent(in) :: column

    The one's based column in LINE at which the error starts.

    character(len=*), intent(in) :: summary

    A brief description of the error.

    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: filename

    The name of the file, if any, in which the error was found.

    integer, intent(in), optional :: line_number

    The one's based line number in the file where line was found.

    character(len=1), intent(in), optional :: caret

    The symbol used to mark the column wher the error was first detected

    integer, intent(out), optional :: stat

    Integer flag that an error has occurred. Has the value success if no error hass occurred, index_invalid_error if column is less than zero or greater than len(line), and write_failure if any of the write statements has failed.

procedure, public, pass(self) :: log_units_assigned

  • private elemental function log_units_assigned(self)

    Returns the number of units assigned to self % log_units (Specification)


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    class(logger_type), intent(in) :: self

    The logger subject to the inquiry

    Return Value integer

     module  example_mod
       use stdlib_logger
       type(logger_type) :: alogger
       subroutine example_sub(unit, ...)
         integer, intent(in) :: unit
         integer, allocatable :: log_units(:)
         if ( alogger % log_units_assigned() == 0 ) then
            call alogger % add_log_unit( unit )
         end if
       end subroutine example_sub
     end module example_mod

procedure, public, pass(self) :: log_warning

  • private subroutine log_warning(self, message, module, procedure)

    Writes the string message to self % log_units with optional additional text. (Specification)


    If time stamps are active, a time stamp is written, followed by module and procedure if present, then message is written with the prefix 'WARN: '.

     module  example_mod
       use stdlib_logger
       real, allocatable :: a(:)
       type(logger_type) :: alogger
       subroutine example_sub( size, stat )
         integer, intent(in)  :: size
         integer, intent(out) :: stat
         allocate( a(size) )
         if ( stat /= 0 ) then
           write( message, `(a, i0)' )                    &
               "Allocation of A failed with SIZE = ", size
           call alogger % log_warning( message,                   &
                                       module = 'EXAMPLE_MOD',    &
                                       procedure = 'EXAMPLE_SUB' )
         end if
       end subroutine example_sub
     end module example_mod


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    class(logger_type), intent(in) :: self

    The logger to which the message is written

    character(len=*), intent(in) :: message

    A string to be written to LOG_UNIT

    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: module

    The name of the module containing the current invocation of log_warning

    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: procedure

    The name of the procedure containing the current invocation of log_warning

procedure, public, pass(self) :: remove_log_unit

  • private subroutine remove_log_unit(self, unit, close_unit, stat)

    Remove the I/O unit from the self % log_units list. If close_unit is present and .true. then the corresponding file is closed. If unit is not in log_units then nothing is done. If stat is present it, by default, has the value success. If closing the unit fails, then if stat is present it has the value close_failure, otherwise processing stops with an informative message. (Specification)


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    class(logger_type), intent(inout) :: self

    The logger variable whose unit is to be removed

    integer, intent(in) :: unit

    The I/O unit to be removed from self

    logical, intent(in), optional :: close_unit

    A logical flag to close the unit while removing it from the SELF list

    integer, intent(out), optional :: stat

    An error status with the values * success - no problems found * close_failure - the close statement for unit failed

     module  example_mod
       use stdlib_logger
       type(logger_type) ::  alogger
       subroutine example_sub(unit, ...)
         integer, intent(in) :: unit
         call alogger % remove_log_unit( unit )
       end subroutine example_sub
     end module example_mod

Source Code

    type :: logger_type
        !! version: experimental
        !! Public derived type ([Specification](../page/specs/stdlib_logger.html#the-derived-type-logger_type))

        logical                   :: add_blank_line = .false.
        logical                   :: indent_lines = .true.
        integer                   :: level = information_level
        integer, allocatable      :: log_units(:)
        integer                   :: max_width = 0
        logical                   :: time_stamp = .true.
        integer                   :: units = 0



        procedure, public, pass(self) :: add_log_file
        procedure, public, pass(self) :: add_log_unit
        procedure, public, pass(self) :: configuration
        procedure, public, pass(self) :: configure
        procedure, public, pass(self) :: log_debug
        procedure, public, pass(self) :: log_error
        procedure, public, pass(self) :: log_information
        procedure, public, pass(self) :: log_io_error
        procedure, public, pass(self) :: log_message
        procedure, public, pass(self) :: log_text_error
        procedure, public, pass(self) :: log_units_assigned
        procedure, public, pass(self) :: log_warning
        procedure, public, pass(self) :: remove_log_unit

        final :: final_logger

    end type logger_type