stdlib_intrinsics.fypp Source File

Source Code

#:include "common.fypp"
#:set RANKS = range(2, MAXRANK + 1)

module stdlib_intrinsics
    !!Alternative implementations of some Fortran intrinsic functions offering either faster and/or more accurate evaluation.
    !! ([Specification](../page/specs/stdlib_intrinsics.html))
    use stdlib_kinds
    implicit none

    interface stdlib_sum
        !! version: experimental 
        !!### Summary 
        !! Sum elements of rank N arrays. 
        !! ([Specification](../page/specs/stdlib_intrinsics.html#stdlib_sum))
        !!### Description
        !! This interface provides standard conforming call for sum of elements of any rank.
        !! The 1-D base implementation follows a chunked approach for optimizing performance and increasing accuracy.
        !! The `N-D` interfaces calls upon the `(N-1)-D` implementation. 
        !! Supported data types include `real`, `complex` and `integer`.
        #:for k, t, s in I_KINDS_TYPES + R_KINDS_TYPES + C_KINDS_TYPES
        pure module function stdlib_sum_1d_${s}$(a) result(s)
            ${t}$, intent(in) :: a(:)
            ${t}$ :: s
        end function
        pure module function stdlib_sum_1d_${s}$_mask(a,mask) result(s)
            ${t}$, intent(in) :: a(:)
            logical, intent(in) :: mask(:)
            ${t}$ :: s
        end function
        #:for rank in RANKS
        pure module function stdlib_sum_${rank}$d_${s}$( x, mask ) result( s )
            ${t}$, intent(in) :: x${ranksuffix(rank)}$
            logical, intent(in), optional :: mask${ranksuffix(rank)}$
            ${t}$ :: s
        end function
        pure module function stdlib_sum_${rank}$d_dim_${s}$( x , dim, mask ) result( s )
            ${t}$, intent(in) :: x${ranksuffix(rank)}$
            integer, intent(in):: dim
            logical, intent(in), optional :: mask${ranksuffix(rank)}$
            ${t}$ :: s${reduced_shape('x', rank, 'dim')}$
        end function
    end interface
    public :: stdlib_sum

    interface stdlib_sum_kahan
        !! version: experimental 
        !!### Summary 
        !! Sum elements of rank N arrays. 
        !! ([Specification](../page/specs/stdlib_intrinsics.html#stdlib_sum_kahan))
        !!### Description
        !! This interface provides standard conforming call for sum of elements of any rank.
        !! The 1-D base implementation follows a chunked approach combined with a kahan kernel for optimizing performance and increasing accuracy.
        !! The `N-D` interfaces calls upon the `(N-1)-D` implementation. 
        !! Supported data types include `real` and `complex`.
        #:for k, t, s in R_KINDS_TYPES + C_KINDS_TYPES
        pure module function stdlib_sum_kahan_1d_${s}$(a) result(s)
            ${t}$, intent(in) :: a(:)
            ${t}$ :: s
        end function
        pure module function stdlib_sum_kahan_1d_${s}$_mask(a,mask) result(s)
            ${t}$, intent(in) :: a(:)
            logical, intent(in) :: mask(:)
            ${t}$ :: s
        end function
        #:for rank in RANKS
        pure module function stdlib_sum_kahan_${rank}$d_${s}$( x, mask ) result( s )
            ${t}$, intent(in) :: x${ranksuffix(rank)}$
            logical, intent(in), optional :: mask${ranksuffix(rank)}$
            ${t}$ :: s
        end function
        pure module function stdlib_sum_kahan_${rank}$d_dim_${s}$( x , dim, mask ) result( s )
            ${t}$, intent(in) :: x${ranksuffix(rank)}$
            integer, intent(in):: dim
            logical, intent(in), optional :: mask${ranksuffix(rank)}$
            ${t}$ :: s${reduced_shape('x', rank, 'dim')}$
        end function
    end interface
    public :: stdlib_sum_kahan

    interface stdlib_dot_product
        !! version: experimental 
        !!### Summary 
        !! dot_product of rank 1 arrays. 
        !! ([Specification](../page/specs/stdlib_intrinsics.html#stdlib_dot_product))
        !!### Description
        !! compute the dot_product of rank 1 arrays.
        !! The 1-D base implementation follows a chunked approach for optimizing performance and increasing accuracy.
        !! Supported data types include `real`, `complex` and `integer`.
        #:for k, t, s in I_KINDS_TYPES + R_KINDS_TYPES + C_KINDS_TYPES
        pure module function stdlib_dot_product_${s}$(a,b) result(p)
            ${t}$, intent(in) :: a(:)
            ${t}$, intent(in) :: b(:)
            ${t}$ :: p
        end function
    end interface
    public :: stdlib_dot_product

    interface stdlib_dot_product_kahan
        !! version: experimental 
        !!### Summary 
        !! dot_product of rank 1 arrays. 
        !! ([Specification](../page/specs/stdlib_intrinsics.html#stdlib_dot_product_kahan))
        !!### Description
        !! compute the dot_product of rank 1 arrays.
        !! The implementation follows a chunked approach combined with a kahan kernel for optimizing performance and increasing accuracy.
        !! Supported data types include `real` and `complex`.
        #:for k, t, s in R_KINDS_TYPES + C_KINDS_TYPES
        pure module function stdlib_dot_product_kahan_${s}$(a,b) result(p)
            ${t}$, intent(in) :: a(:)
            ${t}$, intent(in) :: b(:)
            ${t}$ :: p
        end function
    end interface
    public :: stdlib_dot_product_kahan

    interface kahan_kernel 
        #:for k, t, s in R_KINDS_TYPES + C_KINDS_TYPES
        module procedure :: kahan_kernel_${s}$
        module procedure :: kahan_kernel_m_${s}$
    end interface
    public :: kahan_kernel

#:for k, t, s in R_KINDS_TYPES + C_KINDS_TYPES
elemental subroutine kahan_kernel_${s}$(a,s,c)
    ${t}$, intent(in) :: a
    ${t}$, intent(inout) :: s
    ${t}$, intent(inout) :: c
    ${t}$ :: t, y
    y = a - c
    t = s + y
    c = (t - s) - y
    s = t
end subroutine  
elemental subroutine kahan_kernel_m_${s}$(a,s,c,m)
    ${t}$, intent(in) :: a
    ${t}$, intent(inout) :: s
    ${t}$, intent(inout) :: c
    logical, intent(in) :: m
    ${t}$ :: t, y
    y = a - c
    t = s + y
    c = (t - s) - y
    s = merge( s , t , m )
end subroutine 

end module stdlib_intrinsics