#:include "common.fypp" #:set KINDS_TYPES = REAL_KINDS_TYPES + INT_KINDS_TYPES + CMPLX_KINDS_TYPES module stdlib_io !! Provides a support for file handling !! ([Specification](../page/specs/stdlib_io.html)) use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : input_unit use stdlib_kinds, only: sp, dp, xdp, qp, & int8, int16, int32, int64 use stdlib_error, only: error_stop, state_type, STDLIB_IO_ERROR use stdlib_optval, only: optval use stdlib_ascii, only: is_blank use stdlib_string_type, only : string_type, assignment(=), move implicit none private ! Public API public :: loadtxt, savetxt, open, get_line, get_file !! version: experimental !! !! Reads a whole ASCII file and loads its contents into a string variable. !! ([Specification](../page/specs/stdlib_io.html#get-file-read-a-whole-ascii-file-into-a-character-or-a-string-variable)) !! !!### Summary !! Subroutine interface for reading the content of a file into a string. !! !!### Description !! !! This subroutine reads the entirety of a specified ASCII file and returns it as a string. The optional !! `err` argument allows for handling errors through the library's `state_type` class. !! An optional `logical` flag can be passed to delete the file after reading. !! !!@note Handles errors using the library's `state_type` error-handling class. If not provided, !! exceptions will trigger an `error stop`. !! interface get_file module procedure :: get_file_char module procedure :: get_file_string end interface get_file ! Private API that is exposed so that we can test it in tests public :: parse_mode !> Version: experimental !> !> Format strings with edit descriptors for each type and kind !> ([Specification](../page/specs/stdlib_io.html)) character(*), parameter :: & !> Format string for integers FMT_INT = '(i0)', & !> Format string for single precision real numbers FMT_REAL_SP = '(es15.8e2)', & !> Format string for souble precision real numbers FMT_REAL_DP = '(es24.16e3)', & !> Format string for extended double precision real numbers FMT_REAL_XDP = '(es26.18e3)', & !> Format string for quadruple precision real numbers FMT_REAL_QP = '(es44.35e4)', & !> Format string for single precision complex numbers FMT_COMPLEX_SP = '(es15.8e2,1x,es15.8e2)', & !> Format string for double precision complex numbers FMT_COMPLEX_DP = '(es24.16e3,1x,es24.16e3)', & !> Format string for extended double precision complex numbers FMT_COMPLEX_XDP = '(es26.18e3,1x,es26.18e3)', & !> Format string for quadruple precision complex numbers FMT_COMPLEX_QP = '(es44.35e4,1x,es44.35e4)' public :: FMT_INT, FMT_REAL_SP, FMT_REAL_DP, FMT_REAL_XDP, FMT_REAL_QP public :: FMT_COMPLEX_SP, FMT_COMPLEX_DP, FMT_COMPLEX_XDP, FMT_COMPLEX_QP !> Version: experimental !> !> Read a whole line from a formatted unit into a string variable interface get_line module procedure :: get_line_char module procedure :: get_line_string module procedure :: get_line_input_char module procedure :: get_line_input_string end interface get_line interface loadtxt !! version: experimental !! !! Loads a 2D array from a text file !! ([Specification](../page/specs/stdlib_io.html#description)) #:for k1, t1 in KINDS_TYPES module procedure loadtxt_${t1[0]}$${k1}$ #:endfor end interface loadtxt interface savetxt !! version: experimental !! !! Saves a 2D array into a text file !! ([Specification](../page/specs/stdlib_io.html#description_2)) #:for k1, t1 in KINDS_TYPES module procedure savetxt_${t1[0]}$${k1}$ #:endfor end interface contains #:for k1, t1 in KINDS_TYPES subroutine loadtxt_${t1[0]}$${k1}$(filename, d, skiprows, max_rows, fmt) !! version: experimental !! !! Loads a 2D array from a text file. !! !! Arguments !! --------- !! !! Filename to load the array from character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename !! The array 'd' will be automatically allocated with the correct dimensions ${t1}$, allocatable, intent(out) :: d(:,:) !! Skip the first `skiprows` lines. If skipping more rows than present, a 0-sized array will be returned. The default is 0. integer, intent(in), optional :: skiprows !! Read `max_rows` lines of content after `skiprows` lines. !! A negative value results in reading all lines. !! A value of zero results in no lines to be read. !! The default value is -1. integer, intent(in), optional :: max_rows character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt character(len=:), allocatable :: fmt_ !! !! Example !! ------- !! !!```fortran !! ${t1}$, allocatable :: data(:, :) !! call loadtxt("log.txt", data) ! 'data' will be automatically allocated !!``` !! !! Where 'log.txt' contains for example:: !! !! 1 2 3 !! 2 4 6 !! 8 9 10 !! 11 12 13 !! ... !! integer :: s integer :: nrow, ncol, i, ios, skiprows_, max_rows_ character(len=1024) :: iomsg, msgout skiprows_ = max(optval(skiprows, 0), 0) max_rows_ = optval(max_rows, -1) s = open(filename) ! determine number or rows nrow = number_of_rows(s) skiprows_ = min(skiprows_, nrow) if ( max_rows_ < 0 .or. max_rows_ > (nrow - skiprows_) ) max_rows_ = nrow - skiprows_ ! determine number of columns ncol = 0 if ( skiprows_ < nrow ) ncol = number_of_columns(s, skiprows=skiprows_) #:if 'complex' in t1 ncol = ncol / 2 #:endif allocate(d(max_rows_, ncol)) do i = 1, skiprows_ read(s, *, iostat=ios, iomsg=iomsg) if (ios/=0) then write(msgout,1) trim(iomsg),i,trim(filename) 1 format('loadtxt: error <',a,'> skipping line ',i0,' of ',a,'.') call error_stop(msg=trim(msgout)) end if end do ! Default to format used for savetxt if fmt not specified. #:if 'real' in t1 fmt_ = optval(fmt, "(*"//FMT_REAL_${k1}$(1:len(FMT_REAL_${k1}$)-1)//",:,1x))") #:elif 'complex' in t1 fmt_ = optval(fmt, "(*"//FMT_COMPLEX_${k1}$(1:len(FMT_COMPLEX_${k1}$)-1)//",:,1x))") #:else fmt_ = optval(fmt, "*") #:endif if ( fmt_ == '*' ) then ! Use list directed read if user has specified fmt='*' do i = 1, max_rows_ read (s,*,iostat=ios,iomsg=iomsg) d(i, :) if (ios/=0) then write(msgout,2) trim(iomsg),size(d,2),i,trim(filename) call error_stop(msg=trim(msgout)) end if enddo else ! Otherwise pass default or user specified fmt string. do i = 1, max_rows_ read (s,fmt_,iostat=ios,iomsg=iomsg) d(i, :) if (ios/=0) then write(msgout,2) trim(iomsg),size(d,2),i,trim(filename) call error_stop(msg=trim(msgout)) end if enddo endif close(s) 2 format('loadtxt: error <',a,'> reading ',i0,' values from line ',i0,' of ',a,'.') end subroutine loadtxt_${t1[0]}$${k1}$ #:endfor #:for k1, t1 in KINDS_TYPES subroutine savetxt_${t1[0]}$${k1}$(filename, d) !! version: experimental !! !! Saves a 2D array into a text file. !! !! Arguments !! --------- !! character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename ! File to save the array to ${t1}$, intent(in) :: d(:,:) ! The 2D array to save !! !! Example !! ------- !! !!```fortran !! ${t1}$ :: data(3, 2) !! call savetxt("log.txt", data) !!``` !! integer :: s, i, ios character(len=1024) :: iomsg, msgout s = open(filename, "w") do i = 1, size(d, 1) #:if 'real' in t1 write(s, "(*"//FMT_REAL_${k1}$(1:len(FMT_REAL_${k1}$)-1)//",:,1x))", & #:elif 'complex' in t1 write(s, "(*"//FMT_COMPLEX_${k1}$(1:len(FMT_COMPLEX_${k1}$)-1)//",:,1x))", & #:elif 'integer' in t1 write(s, "(*"//FMT_INT(1:len(FMT_INT)-1)//",:,1x))", & #:else write(s, *, & #:endif iostat=ios,iomsg=iomsg) d(i, :) if (ios/=0) then write(msgout,1) trim(iomsg),size(d,2),i,trim(filename) call error_stop(msg=trim(msgout)) end if end do close(s) 1 format('savetxt: error <',a,'> writing ',i0,' values to line ',i0,' of ',a,'.') end subroutine savetxt_${t1[0]}$${k1}$ #:endfor integer function number_of_columns(s, skiprows) !! version: experimental !! !! determine number of columns integer,intent(in) :: s integer, intent(in), optional :: skiprows integer :: ios, skiprows_, i character :: c character(len=:), allocatable :: line logical :: lastblank skiprows_ = optval(skiprows, 0) rewind(s) do i = 1, skiprows_ read(s, *) end do number_of_columns = 0 ! Read first non-skipped line as a whole call get_line(s, line, ios) if (ios/=0 .or. .not.allocated(line)) return lastblank = .true. do i = 1,len(line) c = line(i:i) if (lastblank .and. .not. is_blank(c)) number_of_columns = number_of_columns + 1 lastblank = is_blank(c) end do rewind(s) end function number_of_columns integer function number_of_rows(s) result(nrows) !! version: experimental !! !! Determine the number or rows in a file integer, intent(in)::s integer :: ios rewind(s) nrows = 0 do read(s, *, iostat=ios) if (ios /= 0) exit nrows = nrows + 1 end do rewind(s) end function number_of_rows integer function open(filename, mode, iostat) result(u) !! version: experimental !! !! Opens a file !! ([Specification](../page/specs/stdlib_io.html#description_1)) !! !!##### Behavior !! !! !! To open a file to read: !! !!```fortran !! u = open("somefile.txt") ! The default `mode` is "rt" !! u = open("somefile.txt", "r") !!``` !! !! To open a file to write: !! !!```fortran !! u = open("somefile.txt", "w") !!``` !! !! To append to the end of the file if it exists: !! !!```fortran !! u = open("somefile.txt", "a") !!``` character(*), intent(in) :: filename character(*), intent(in), optional :: mode integer, intent(out), optional :: iostat character(3) :: mode_ character(:),allocatable :: action_, position_, status_, access_, form_ mode_ = parse_mode(optval(mode, "")) select case (mode_(1:2)) case('r') action_='read' position_='asis' status_='old' case('w') action_='write' position_='asis' status_='replace' case('a') action_='write' position_='append' status_='old' case('x') action_='write' position_='asis' status_='new' case('r+') action_='readwrite' position_='asis' status_='old' case('w+') action_='readwrite' position_='asis' status_='replace' case('a+') action_='readwrite' position_='append' status_='old' case('x+') action_='readwrite' position_='asis' status_='new' case default call error_stop("Unsupported mode: "//mode_(1:2)) end select select case (mode_(3:3)) case('t') form_='formatted' case('b') form_='unformatted' case default call error_stop("Unsupported mode: "//mode_(3:3)) end select access_ = 'stream' if (present(iostat)) then open(newunit=u, file=filename, & action = action_, position = position_, status = status_, & access = access_, form = form_, & iostat = iostat) else open(newunit=u, file=filename, & action = action_, position = position_, status = status_, & access = access_, form = form_) end if end function open character(3) function parse_mode(mode) result(mode_) character(*), intent(in) :: mode integer :: i character(:),allocatable :: a logical :: lfirst(3) mode_ = 'r t' if (len_trim(mode) == 0) return a=trim(adjustl(mode)) lfirst = .true. do i=1,len(a) if (lfirst(1) & .and. (a(i:i) == 'r' .or. a(i:i) == 'w' .or. a(i:i) == 'a' .or. a(i:i) == 'x') & ) then mode_(1:1) = a(i:i) lfirst(1)=.false. else if (lfirst(2) .and. a(i:i) == '+') then mode_(2:2) = a(i:i) lfirst(2)=.false. else if (lfirst(3) .and. (a(i:i) == 't' .or. a(i:i) == 'b')) then mode_(3:3) = a(i:i) lfirst(3)=.false. else if (a(i:i) == ' ') then cycle else if(any(.not.lfirst)) then call error_stop("Wrong mode: "//trim(a)) else call error_stop("Wrong character: "//a(i:i)) endif end do end function parse_mode !> Version: experimental !> !> Read a whole line from a formatted unit into a deferred length character variable subroutine get_line_char(unit, line, iostat, iomsg) !> Formatted IO unit integer, intent(in) :: unit !> Line to read character(len=:), allocatable, intent(out) :: line !> Status of operation integer, intent(out), optional :: iostat !> Error message character(len=:), allocatable, optional :: iomsg integer, parameter :: bufsize = 4096 character(len=bufsize) :: buffer, msg integer :: chunk, stat logical :: opened if (unit /= -1) then inquire(unit=unit, opened=opened) else opened = .false. end if if (opened) then open(unit=unit, pad="yes", iostat=stat, iomsg=msg) else stat = 1 msg = "Unit is not connected" end if line = "" do while (stat == 0) read(unit, '(a)', advance='no', iostat=stat, iomsg=msg, size=chunk) buffer if (stat > 0) exit line = line // buffer(:chunk) end do if (is_iostat_eor(stat)) stat = 0 if (stat /= 0 .and. present(iomsg)) iomsg = trim(msg) if (present(iostat)) then iostat = stat else if (stat /= 0) then call error_stop(trim(msg)) end if end subroutine get_line_char !> Version: experimental !> !> Read a whole line from a formatted unit into a string variable subroutine get_line_string(unit, line, iostat, iomsg) !> Formatted IO unit integer, intent(in) :: unit !> Line to read type(string_type), intent(out) :: line !> Status of operation integer, intent(out), optional :: iostat !> Error message character(len=:), allocatable, optional :: iomsg character(len=:), allocatable :: buffer call get_line(unit, buffer, iostat, iomsg) line = string_type(buffer) end subroutine get_line_string !> Version: experimental !> !> Read a whole line from the standard input into a deferred length character variable subroutine get_line_input_char(line, iostat, iomsg) !> Line to read character(len=:), allocatable, intent(out) :: line !> Status of operation integer, intent(out), optional :: iostat !> Error message character(len=:), allocatable, optional :: iomsg call get_line(input_unit, line, iostat, iomsg) end subroutine get_line_input_char !> Version: experimental !> !> Read a whole line from the standard input into a string variable subroutine get_line_input_string(line, iostat, iomsg) !> Line to read type(string_type), intent(out) :: line !> Status of operation integer, intent(out), optional :: iostat !> Error message character(len=:), allocatable, optional :: iomsg call get_line(input_unit, line, iostat, iomsg) end subroutine get_line_input_string !> Version: experimental !> !> Reads a whole ASCII file and loads its contents into a string variable. !> The function handles error states and optionally deletes the file after reading. subroutine get_file_string(filename,file,err,delete) !> Input file name character(*), intent(in) :: filename !> Output string variable type(string_type), intent(out) :: file !> [optional] State return flag. On error, if not requested, the code will stop. type(state_type), optional, intent(out) :: err !> [optional] Delete file after reading? Default: do not delete logical, optional, intent(in) :: delete ! Local variables character(len=:), allocatable :: filestring ! Process output call get_file_char(filename,filestring,err,delete) call move(from=fileString,to=file) end subroutine get_file_string !> Version: experimental !> !> Reads a whole ASCII file and loads its contents into an allocatable `character` variable. !> The function handles error states and optionally deletes the file after reading. subroutine get_file_char(filename,file,err,delete) !> Input file name character(*), intent(in) :: filename !> Output string variable character(len=:), allocatable, intent(out) :: file !> [optional] State return flag. On error, if not requested, the code will stop. type(state_type), optional, intent(out) :: err !> [optional] Delete file after reading? Default: do not delete logical, optional, intent(in) :: delete ! Local variables type(state_type) :: err0 character(len=512) :: iomsg integer :: lun,iostat integer(int64) :: errpos,file_size logical :: is_present,want_deleted !> Check if the file should be deleted after reading if (present(delete)) then want_deleted = delete else want_deleted = .false. end if !> Check file existing inquire(file=filename, exist=is_present) if (.not.is_present) then allocate(character(len=0) :: file) err0 = state_type('get_file',STDLIB_IO_ERROR,'File not present:',filename) call err0%handle(err) return end if !> Retrieve file size inquire(file=filename,size=file_size) invalid_size: if (file_size<0) then allocate(character(len=0) :: file) err0 = state_type('get_file',STDLIB_IO_ERROR,filename,'has invalid size=',file_size) call err0%handle(err) return endif invalid_size ! Read file open(newunit=lun,file=filename, & form='unformatted',action='read',access='stream',status='old', & iostat=iostat,iomsg=iomsg) if (iostat/=0) then allocate(character(len=0) :: file) err0 = state_type('get_file',STDLIB_IO_ERROR,'Cannot open',filename,'for read:',iomsg) call err0%handle(err) return end if allocate(character(len=file_size) :: file) read_data: if (file_size>0) then read(lun, pos=1, iostat=iostat, iomsg=iomsg) file ! Read error if (iostat/=0) then inquire(unit=lun,pos=errpos) err0 = state_type('get_file',STDLIB_IO_ERROR,iomsg,'(',filename,'at byte',errpos,')') call err0%handle(err) return endif end if read_data if (want_deleted) then close(lun,iostat=iostat,status='delete') if (iostat/=0) err0 = state_type('get_file',STDLIB_IO_ERROR,'Cannot delete',filename,'after reading') else close(lun,iostat=iostat) if (iostat/=0) err0 = state_type('get_file',STDLIB_IO_ERROR,'Cannot close',filename,'after reading') endif ! Process output call err0%handle(err) end subroutine get_file_char end module stdlib_io