stdlib_lapack_eigv_svd_drivers3.fypp Source File

Source Code

#:include "common.fypp" 
submodule(stdlib_lapack_eig_svd_lsq) stdlib_lapack_eigv_svd_drivers3
  implicit none

#:for ik,it,ii in LINALG_INT_KINDS_TYPES

     pure module subroutine stdlib${ii}$_sbdsqr( uplo, n, ncvt, nru, ncc, d, e, vt, ldvt, u,ldu, c, ldc, work, &
     !! SBDSQR computes the singular values and, optionally, the right and/or
     !! left singular vectors from the singular value decomposition (SVD) of
     !! a real N-by-N (upper or lower) bidiagonal matrix B using the implicit
     !! zero-shift QR algorithm.  The SVD of B has the form
     !! B = Q * S * P**T
     !! where S is the diagonal matrix of singular values, Q is an orthogonal
     !! matrix of left singular vectors, and P is an orthogonal matrix of
     !! right singular vectors.  If left singular vectors are requested, this
     !! subroutine actually returns U*Q instead of Q, and, if right singular
     !! vectors are requested, this subroutine returns P**T*VT instead of
     !! P**T, for given real input matrices U and VT.  When U and VT are the
     !! orthogonal matrices that reduce a general matrix A to bidiagonal
     !! form:  A = U*B*VT, as computed by SGEBRD, then
     !! A = (U*Q) * S * (P**T*VT)
     !! is the SVD of A.  Optionally, the subroutine may also compute Q**T*C
     !! for a given real input matrix C.
     !! See "Computing  Small Singular Values of Bidiagonal Matrices With
     !! Guaranteed High Relative Accuracy," by J. Demmel and W. Kahan,
     !! LAPACK Working Note #3 (or SIAM J. Sci. Statist. Comput. vol. 11,
     !! no. 5, pp. 873-912, Sept 1990) and
     !! "Accurate singular values and differential qd algorithms," by
     !! B. Parlett and V. Fernando, Technical Report CPAM-554, Mathematics
     !! Department, University of California at Berkeley, July 1992
     !! for a detailed description of the algorithm.
               info )
        ! -- lapack computational routine --
        ! -- lapack is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee,    --
        ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..--
           use stdlib_blas_constants_sp, only: negone, zero, half, one, two, three, four, eight, ten, czero, chalf, cone, cnegone
           ! Scalar Arguments 
           character, intent(in) :: uplo
           integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: info
           integer(${ik}$), intent(in) :: ldc, ldu, ldvt, n, ncc, ncvt, nru
           ! Array Arguments 
           real(sp), intent(inout) :: c(ldc,*), d(*), e(*), u(ldu,*), vt(ldvt,*)
           real(sp), intent(out) :: work(*)
        ! =====================================================================
           ! Parameters 
           real(sp), parameter :: hndrth = 0.01_sp
           real(sp), parameter :: hndrd = 100.0_sp
           real(sp), parameter :: meigth = -0.125_sp
           integer(${ik}$), parameter :: maxitr = 6_${ik}$
           ! Local Scalars 
           logical(lk) :: lower, rotate
           integer(${ik}$) :: i, idir, isub, iter, iterdivn, j, ll, lll, m, maxitdivn, nm1, nm12, &
                     nm13, oldll, oldm
           real(sp) :: abse, abss, cosl, cosr, cs, eps, f, g, h, mu, oldcs, oldsn, r, shift, &
           sigmn, sigmx, sinl, sinr, sll, smax, smin, sminl, sminoa, sn, thresh, tol, tolmul, &
           ! Intrinsic Functions 
           ! Executable Statements 
           ! test the input parameters.
           info = 0_${ik}$
           lower = stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'L' )
           if( .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'U' ) .and. .not.lower ) then
              info = -1_${ik}$
           else if( n<0_${ik}$ ) then
              info = -2_${ik}$
           else if( ncvt<0_${ik}$ ) then
              info = -3_${ik}$
           else if( nru<0_${ik}$ ) then
              info = -4_${ik}$
           else if( ncc<0_${ik}$ ) then
              info = -5_${ik}$
           else if( ( ncvt==0_${ik}$ .and. ldvt<1_${ik}$ ) .or.( ncvt>0_${ik}$ .and. ldvt<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) ) then
              info = -9_${ik}$
           else if( ldu<max( 1_${ik}$, nru ) ) then
              info = -11_${ik}$
           else if( ( ncc==0_${ik}$ .and. ldc<1_${ik}$ ) .or.( ncc>0_${ik}$ .and. ldc<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) ) then
              info = -13_${ik}$
           end if
           if( info/=0_${ik}$ ) then
              call stdlib${ii}$_xerbla( 'SBDSQR', -info )
           end if
           if( n==0 )return
           if( n==1 )go to 160
           ! rotate is true if any singular vectors desired, false otherwise
           rotate = ( ncvt>0_${ik}$ ) .or. ( nru>0_${ik}$ ) .or. ( ncc>0_${ik}$ )
           ! if no singular vectors desired, use qd algorithm
           if( .not.rotate ) then
              call stdlib${ii}$_slasq1( n, d, e, work, info )
           ! if info equals 2, dqds didn't finish, try to finish
              if( info /= 2 ) return
              info = 0_${ik}$
           end if
           nm1 = n - 1_${ik}$
           nm12 = nm1 + nm1
           nm13 = nm12 + nm1
           idir = 0_${ik}$
           ! get machine constants
           eps = stdlib${ii}$_slamch( 'EPSILON' )
           unfl = stdlib${ii}$_slamch( 'SAFE MINIMUM' )
           ! if matrix lower bidiagonal, rotate to be upper bidiagonal
           ! by applying givens rotations on the left
           if( lower ) then
              do i = 1, n - 1
                 call stdlib${ii}$_slartg( d( i ), e( i ), cs, sn, r )
                 d( i ) = r
                 e( i ) = sn*d( i+1 )
                 d( i+1 ) = cs*d( i+1 )
                 work( i ) = cs
                 work( nm1+i ) = sn
              end do
              ! update singular vectors if desired
              if( nru>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_slasr( 'R', 'V', 'F', nru, n, work( 1_${ik}$ ), work( n ), u,ldu )
              if( ncc>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_slasr( 'L', 'V', 'F', n, ncc, work( 1_${ik}$ ), work( n ), c,ldc )
           end if
           ! compute singular values to relative accuracy tol
           ! (by setting tol to be negative, algorithm will compute
           ! singular values to absolute accuracy abs(tol)*norm(input matrix))
           tolmul = max( ten, min( hndrd, eps**meigth ) )
           tol = tolmul*eps
           ! compute approximate maximum, minimum singular values
           smax = zero
           do i = 1, n
              smax = max( smax, abs( d( i ) ) )
           end do
           do i = 1, n - 1
              smax = max( smax, abs( e( i ) ) )
           end do
           sminl = zero
           if( tol>=zero ) then
              ! relative accuracy desired
              sminoa = abs( d( 1_${ik}$ ) )
              if( sminoa==zero )go to 50
              mu = sminoa
              do i = 2, n
                 mu = abs( d( i ) )*( mu / ( mu+abs( e( i-1 ) ) ) )
                 sminoa = min( sminoa, mu )
                 if( sminoa==zero )go to 50
              end do
              50 continue
              sminoa = sminoa / sqrt( real( n,KIND=sp) )
              thresh = max( tol*sminoa, maxitr*(n*(n*unfl)) )
              ! absolute accuracy desired
              thresh = max( abs( tol )*smax, maxitr*(n*(n*unfl)) )
           end if
           ! prepare for main iteration loop for the singular values
           ! (maxit is the maximum number of passes through the inner
           ! loop permitted before nonconvergence signalled.)
           maxitdivn = maxitr*n
           iterdivn = 0_${ik}$
           iter = -1_${ik}$
           oldll = -1_${ik}$
           oldm = -1_${ik}$
           ! m points to last element of unconverged part of matrix
           m = n
           ! begin main iteration loop
           60 continue
           ! check for convergence or exceeding iteration count
           if( m<=1 )go to 160
           if( iter>=n ) then
              iter = iter - n
              iterdivn = iterdivn + 1_${ik}$
              if( iterdivn>=maxitdivn )go to 200
           end if
           ! find diagonal block of matrix to work on
           if( tol<zero .and. abs( d( m ) )<=thresh )d( m ) = zero
           smax = abs( d( m ) )
           smin = smax
           do lll = 1, m - 1
              ll = m - lll
              abss = abs( d( ll ) )
              abse = abs( e( ll ) )
              if( tol<zero .and. abss<=thresh )d( ll ) = zero
              if( abse<=thresh )go to 80
              smin = min( smin, abss )
              smax = max( smax, abss, abse )
           end do
           ll = 0_${ik}$
           go to 90
           80 continue
           e( ll ) = zero
           ! matrix splits since e(ll) = 0
           if( ll==m-1 ) then
              ! convergence of bottom singular value, return to top of loop
              m = m - 1_${ik}$
              go to 60
           end if
           90 continue
           ll = ll + 1_${ik}$
           ! e(ll) through e(m-1) are nonzero, e(ll-1) is zero
           if( ll==m-1 ) then
              ! 2 by 2 block, handle separately
              call stdlib${ii}$_slasv2( d( m-1 ), e( m-1 ), d( m ), sigmn, sigmx, sinr,cosr, sinl, cosl &
              d( m-1 ) = sigmx
              e( m-1 ) = zero
              d( m ) = sigmn
              ! compute singular vectors, if desired
              if( ncvt>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_srot( ncvt, vt( m-1, 1_${ik}$ ), ldvt, vt( m, 1_${ik}$ ), ldvt, cosr,sinr &
              if( nru>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_srot( nru, u( 1_${ik}$, m-1 ), 1_${ik}$, u( 1_${ik}$, m ), 1_${ik}$, cosl, sinl )
              if( ncc>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_srot( ncc, c( m-1, 1_${ik}$ ), ldc, c( m, 1_${ik}$ ), ldc, cosl,sinl )
              m = m - 2_${ik}$
              go to 60
           end if
           ! if working on new submatrix, choose shift direction
           ! (from larger end diagonal element towards smaller)
           if( ll>oldm .or. m<oldll ) then
              if( abs( d( ll ) )>=abs( d( m ) ) ) then
                 ! chase bulge from top (big end) to bottom (small end)
                 idir = 1_${ik}$
                 ! chase bulge from bottom (big end) to top (small end)
                 idir = 2_${ik}$
              end if
           end if
           ! apply convergence tests
           if( idir==1_${ik}$ ) then
              ! run convergence test in forward direction
              ! first apply standard test to bottom of matrix
              if( abs( e( m-1 ) )<=abs( tol )*abs( d( m ) ) .or.( tol<zero .and. abs( e( m-1 ) )&
                        <=thresh ) ) then
                 e( m-1 ) = zero
                 go to 60
              end if
              if( tol>=zero ) then
                 ! if relative accuracy desired,
                 ! apply convergence criterion forward
                 mu = abs( d( ll ) )
                 sminl = mu
                 do lll = ll, m - 1
                    if( abs( e( lll ) )<=tol*mu ) then
                       e( lll ) = zero
                       go to 60
                    end if
                    mu = abs( d( lll+1 ) )*( mu / ( mu+abs( e( lll ) ) ) )
                    sminl = min( sminl, mu )
                 end do
              end if
              ! run convergence test in backward direction
              ! first apply standard test to top of matrix
              if( abs( e( ll ) )<=abs( tol )*abs( d( ll ) ) .or.( tol<zero .and. abs( e( ll ) )&
                        <=thresh ) ) then
                 e( ll ) = zero
                 go to 60
              end if
              if( tol>=zero ) then
                 ! if relative accuracy desired,
                 ! apply convergence criterion backward
                 mu = abs( d( m ) )
                 sminl = mu
                 do lll = m - 1, ll, -1
                    if( abs( e( lll ) )<=tol*mu ) then
                       e( lll ) = zero
                       go to 60
                    end if
                    mu = abs( d( lll ) )*( mu / ( mu+abs( e( lll ) ) ) )
                    sminl = min( sminl, mu )
                 end do
              end if
           end if
           oldll = ll
           oldm = m
           ! compute shift.  first, test if shifting would ruin relative
           ! accuracy, and if so set the shift to zero.
           if( tol>=zero .and. n*tol*( sminl / smax )<=max( eps, hndrth*tol ) ) then
              ! use a zero shift to avoid loss of relative accuracy
              shift = zero
              ! compute the shift from 2-by-2 block at end of matrix
              if( idir==1_${ik}$ ) then
                 sll = abs( d( ll ) )
                 call stdlib${ii}$_slas2( d( m-1 ), e( m-1 ), d( m ), shift, r )
                 sll = abs( d( m ) )
                 call stdlib${ii}$_slas2( d( ll ), e( ll ), d( ll+1 ), shift, r )
              end if
              ! test if shift negligible, and if so set to zero
              if( sll>zero ) then
                 if( ( shift / sll )**2_${ik}$<eps )shift = zero
              end if
           end if
           ! increment iteration count
           iter = iter + m - ll
           ! if shift = 0, do simplified qr iteration
           if( shift==zero ) then
              if( idir==1_${ik}$ ) then
                 ! chase bulge from top to bottom
                 ! save cosines and sines for later singular vector updates
                 cs = one
                 oldcs = one
                 do i = ll, m - 1
                    call stdlib${ii}$_slartg( d( i )*cs, e( i ), cs, sn, r )
                    if( i>ll )e( i-1 ) = oldsn*r
                    call stdlib${ii}$_slartg( oldcs*r, d( i+1 )*sn, oldcs, oldsn, d( i ) )
                    work( i-ll+1 ) = cs
                    work( i-ll+1+nm1 ) = sn
                    work( i-ll+1+nm12 ) = oldcs
                    work( i-ll+1+nm13 ) = oldsn
                 end do
                 h = d( m )*cs
                 d( m ) = h*oldcs
                 e( m-1 ) = h*oldsn
                 ! update singular vectors
                 if( ncvt>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_slasr( 'L', 'V', 'F', m-ll+1, ncvt, work( 1_${ik}$ ),work( n ), &
                           vt( ll, 1_${ik}$ ), ldvt )
                 if( nru>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_slasr( 'R', 'V', 'F', nru, m-ll+1, work( nm12+1 ),work( &
                           nm13+1 ), u( 1_${ik}$, ll ), ldu )
                 if( ncc>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_slasr( 'L', 'V', 'F', m-ll+1, ncc, work( nm12+1 ),work( &
                           nm13+1 ), c( ll, 1_${ik}$ ), ldc )
                 ! test convergence
                 if( abs( e( m-1 ) )<=thresh )e( m-1 ) = zero
                 ! chase bulge from bottom to top
                 ! save cosines and sines for later singular vector updates
                 cs = one
                 oldcs = one
                 do i = m, ll + 1, -1
                    call stdlib${ii}$_slartg( d( i )*cs, e( i-1 ), cs, sn, r )
                    if( i<m )e( i ) = oldsn*r
                    call stdlib${ii}$_slartg( oldcs*r, d( i-1 )*sn, oldcs, oldsn, d( i ) )
                    work( i-ll ) = cs
                    work( i-ll+nm1 ) = -sn
                    work( i-ll+nm12 ) = oldcs
                    work( i-ll+nm13 ) = -oldsn
                 end do
                 h = d( ll )*cs
                 d( ll ) = h*oldcs
                 e( ll ) = h*oldsn
                 ! update singular vectors
                 if( ncvt>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_slasr( 'L', 'V', 'B', m-ll+1, ncvt, work( nm12+1 ),work( &
                           nm13+1 ), vt( ll, 1_${ik}$ ), ldvt )
                 if( nru>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_slasr( 'R', 'V', 'B', nru, m-ll+1, work( 1_${ik}$ ),work( n ), u(&
                            1_${ik}$, ll ), ldu )
                 if( ncc>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_slasr( 'L', 'V', 'B', m-ll+1, ncc, work( 1_${ik}$ ),work( n ), c(&
                            ll, 1_${ik}$ ), ldc )
                 ! test convergence
                 if( abs( e( ll ) )<=thresh )e( ll ) = zero
              end if
              ! use nonzero shift
              if( idir==1_${ik}$ ) then
                 ! chase bulge from top to bottom
                 ! save cosines and sines for later singular vector updates
                 f = ( abs( d( ll ) )-shift )*( sign( one, d( ll ) )+shift / d( ll ) )
                 g = e( ll )
                 do i = ll, m - 1
                    call stdlib${ii}$_slartg( f, g, cosr, sinr, r )
                    if( i>ll )e( i-1 ) = r
                    f = cosr*d( i ) + sinr*e( i )
                    e( i ) = cosr*e( i ) - sinr*d( i )
                    g = sinr*d( i+1 )
                    d( i+1 ) = cosr*d( i+1 )
                    call stdlib${ii}$_slartg( f, g, cosl, sinl, r )
                    d( i ) = r
                    f = cosl*e( i ) + sinl*d( i+1 )
                    d( i+1 ) = cosl*d( i+1 ) - sinl*e( i )
                    if( i<m-1 ) then
                       g = sinl*e( i+1 )
                       e( i+1 ) = cosl*e( i+1 )
                    end if
                    work( i-ll+1 ) = cosr
                    work( i-ll+1+nm1 ) = sinr
                    work( i-ll+1+nm12 ) = cosl
                    work( i-ll+1+nm13 ) = sinl
                 end do
                 e( m-1 ) = f
                 ! update singular vectors
                 if( ncvt>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_slasr( 'L', 'V', 'F', m-ll+1, ncvt, work( 1_${ik}$ ),work( n ), &
                           vt( ll, 1_${ik}$ ), ldvt )
                 if( nru>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_slasr( 'R', 'V', 'F', nru, m-ll+1, work( nm12+1 ),work( &
                           nm13+1 ), u( 1_${ik}$, ll ), ldu )
                 if( ncc>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_slasr( 'L', 'V', 'F', m-ll+1, ncc, work( nm12+1 ),work( &
                           nm13+1 ), c( ll, 1_${ik}$ ), ldc )
                 ! test convergence
                 if( abs( e( m-1 ) )<=thresh )e( m-1 ) = zero
                 ! chase bulge from bottom to top
                 ! save cosines and sines for later singular vector updates
                 f = ( abs( d( m ) )-shift )*( sign( one, d( m ) )+shift /d( m ) )
                 g = e( m-1 )
                 do i = m, ll + 1, -1
                    call stdlib${ii}$_slartg( f, g, cosr, sinr, r )
                    if( i<m )e( i ) = r
                    f = cosr*d( i ) + sinr*e( i-1 )
                    e( i-1 ) = cosr*e( i-1 ) - sinr*d( i )
                    g = sinr*d( i-1 )
                    d( i-1 ) = cosr*d( i-1 )
                    call stdlib${ii}$_slartg( f, g, cosl, sinl, r )
                    d( i ) = r
                    f = cosl*e( i-1 ) + sinl*d( i-1 )
                    d( i-1 ) = cosl*d( i-1 ) - sinl*e( i-1 )
                    if( i>ll+1 ) then
                       g = sinl*e( i-2 )
                       e( i-2 ) = cosl*e( i-2 )
                    end if
                    work( i-ll ) = cosr
                    work( i-ll+nm1 ) = -sinr
                    work( i-ll+nm12 ) = cosl
                    work( i-ll+nm13 ) = -sinl
                 end do
                 e( ll ) = f
                 ! test convergence
                 if( abs( e( ll ) )<=thresh )e( ll ) = zero
                 ! update singular vectors if desired
                 if( ncvt>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_slasr( 'L', 'V', 'B', m-ll+1, ncvt, work( nm12+1 ),work( &
                           nm13+1 ), vt( ll, 1_${ik}$ ), ldvt )
                 if( nru>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_slasr( 'R', 'V', 'B', nru, m-ll+1, work( 1_${ik}$ ),work( n ), u(&
                            1_${ik}$, ll ), ldu )
                 if( ncc>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_slasr( 'L', 'V', 'B', m-ll+1, ncc, work( 1_${ik}$ ),work( n ), c(&
                            ll, 1_${ik}$ ), ldc )
              end if
           end if
           ! qr iteration finished, go back and check convergence
           go to 60
           ! all singular values converged, so make them positive
           160 continue
           do i = 1, n
              if( d( i )<zero ) then
                 d( i ) = -d( i )
                 ! change sign of singular vectors, if desired
                 if( ncvt>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_sscal( ncvt, negone, vt( i, 1_${ik}$ ), ldvt )
              end if
           end do
           ! sort the singular values into decreasing order (insertion sort on
           ! singular values, but only one transposition per singular vector)
           do i = 1, n - 1
              ! scan for smallest d(i)
              isub = 1_${ik}$
              smin = d( 1_${ik}$ )
              do j = 2, n + 1 - i
                 if( d( j )<=smin ) then
                    isub = j
                    smin = d( j )
                 end if
              end do
              if( isub/=n+1-i ) then
                 ! swap singular values and vectors
                 d( isub ) = d( n+1-i )
                 d( n+1-i ) = smin
                 if( ncvt>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_sswap( ncvt, vt( isub, 1_${ik}$ ), ldvt, vt( n+1-i, 1_${ik}$ ),ldvt )
                 if( nru>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_sswap( nru, u( 1_${ik}$, isub ), 1_${ik}$, u( 1_${ik}$, n+1-i ), 1_${ik}$ )
                 if( ncc>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_sswap( ncc, c( isub, 1_${ik}$ ), ldc, c( n+1-i, 1_${ik}$ ), ldc )
              end if
           end do
           go to 220
           ! maximum number of iterations exceeded, failure to converge
           200 continue
           info = 0_${ik}$
           do i = 1, n - 1
              if( e( i )/=zero )info = info + 1_${ik}$
           end do
           220 continue
     end subroutine stdlib${ii}$_sbdsqr

     pure module subroutine stdlib${ii}$_dbdsqr( uplo, n, ncvt, nru, ncc, d, e, vt, ldvt, u,ldu, c, ldc, work, &
     !! DBDSQR computes the singular values and, optionally, the right and/or
     !! left singular vectors from the singular value decomposition (SVD) of
     !! a real N-by-N (upper or lower) bidiagonal matrix B using the implicit
     !! zero-shift QR algorithm.  The SVD of B has the form
     !! B = Q * S * P**T
     !! where S is the diagonal matrix of singular values, Q is an orthogonal
     !! matrix of left singular vectors, and P is an orthogonal matrix of
     !! right singular vectors.  If left singular vectors are requested, this
     !! subroutine actually returns U*Q instead of Q, and, if right singular
     !! vectors are requested, this subroutine returns P**T*VT instead of
     !! P**T, for given real input matrices U and VT.  When U and VT are the
     !! orthogonal matrices that reduce a general matrix A to bidiagonal
     !! form:  A = U*B*VT, as computed by DGEBRD, then
     !! A = (U*Q) * S * (P**T*VT)
     !! is the SVD of A.  Optionally, the subroutine may also compute Q**T*C
     !! for a given real input matrix C.
     !! See "Computing  Small Singular Values of Bidiagonal Matrices With
     !! Guaranteed High Relative Accuracy," by J. Demmel and W. Kahan,
     !! LAPACK Working Note #3 (or SIAM J. Sci. Statist. Comput. vol. 11,
     !! no. 5, pp. 873-912, Sept 1990) and
     !! "Accurate singular values and differential qd algorithms," by
     !! B. Parlett and V. Fernando, Technical Report CPAM-554, Mathematics
     !! Department, University of California at Berkeley, July 1992
     !! for a detailed description of the algorithm.
               info )
        ! -- lapack computational routine --
        ! -- lapack is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee,    --
        ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..--
           use stdlib_blas_constants_dp, only: negone, zero, half, one, two, three, four, eight, ten, czero, chalf, cone, cnegone
           ! Scalar Arguments 
           character, intent(in) :: uplo
           integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: info
           integer(${ik}$), intent(in) :: ldc, ldu, ldvt, n, ncc, ncvt, nru
           ! Array Arguments 
           real(dp), intent(inout) :: c(ldc,*), d(*), e(*), u(ldu,*), vt(ldvt,*)
           real(dp), intent(out) :: work(*)
        ! =====================================================================
           ! Parameters 
           real(dp), parameter :: hndrth = 0.01_dp
           real(dp), parameter :: hndrd = 100.0_dp
           real(dp), parameter :: meigth = -0.125_dp
           integer(${ik}$), parameter :: maxitr = 6_${ik}$
           ! Local Scalars 
           logical(lk) :: lower, rotate
           integer(${ik}$) :: i, idir, isub, iter, iterdivn, j, ll, lll, m, maxitdivn, nm1, nm12, &
                     nm13, oldll, oldm
           real(dp) :: abse, abss, cosl, cosr, cs, eps, f, g, h, mu, oldcs, oldsn, r, shift, &
           sigmn, sigmx, sinl, sinr, sll, smax, smin, sminl, sminoa, sn, thresh, tol, tolmul, &
           ! Intrinsic Functions 
           ! Executable Statements 
           ! test the input parameters.
           info = 0_${ik}$
           lower = stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'L' )
           if( .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'U' ) .and. .not.lower ) then
              info = -1_${ik}$
           else if( n<0_${ik}$ ) then
              info = -2_${ik}$
           else if( ncvt<0_${ik}$ ) then
              info = -3_${ik}$
           else if( nru<0_${ik}$ ) then
              info = -4_${ik}$
           else if( ncc<0_${ik}$ ) then
              info = -5_${ik}$
           else if( ( ncvt==0_${ik}$ .and. ldvt<1_${ik}$ ) .or.( ncvt>0_${ik}$ .and. ldvt<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) ) then
              info = -9_${ik}$
           else if( ldu<max( 1_${ik}$, nru ) ) then
              info = -11_${ik}$
           else if( ( ncc==0_${ik}$ .and. ldc<1_${ik}$ ) .or.( ncc>0_${ik}$ .and. ldc<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) ) then
              info = -13_${ik}$
           end if
           if( info/=0_${ik}$ ) then
              call stdlib${ii}$_xerbla( 'DBDSQR', -info )
           end if
           if( n==0 )return
           if( n==1 )go to 160
           ! rotate is true if any singular vectors desired, false otherwise
           rotate = ( ncvt>0_${ik}$ ) .or. ( nru>0_${ik}$ ) .or. ( ncc>0_${ik}$ )
           ! if no singular vectors desired, use qd algorithm
           if( .not.rotate ) then
              call stdlib${ii}$_dlasq1( n, d, e, work, info )
           ! if info equals 2, dqds didn't finish, try to finish
              if( info /= 2 ) return
              info = 0_${ik}$
           end if
           nm1 = n - 1_${ik}$
           nm12 = nm1 + nm1
           nm13 = nm12 + nm1
           idir = 0_${ik}$
           ! get machine constants
           eps = stdlib${ii}$_dlamch( 'EPSILON' )
           unfl = stdlib${ii}$_dlamch( 'SAFE MINIMUM' )
           ! if matrix lower bidiagonal, rotate to be upper bidiagonal
           ! by applying givens rotations on the left
           if( lower ) then
              do i = 1, n - 1
                 call stdlib${ii}$_dlartg( d( i ), e( i ), cs, sn, r )
                 d( i ) = r
                 e( i ) = sn*d( i+1 )
                 d( i+1 ) = cs*d( i+1 )
                 work( i ) = cs
                 work( nm1+i ) = sn
              end do
              ! update singular vectors if desired
              if( nru>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_dlasr( 'R', 'V', 'F', nru, n, work( 1_${ik}$ ), work( n ), u,ldu )
              if( ncc>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_dlasr( 'L', 'V', 'F', n, ncc, work( 1_${ik}$ ), work( n ), c,ldc )
           end if
           ! compute singular values to relative accuracy tol
           ! (by setting tol to be negative, algorithm will compute
           ! singular values to absolute accuracy abs(tol)*norm(input matrix))
           tolmul = max( ten, min( hndrd, eps**meigth ) )
           tol = tolmul*eps
           ! compute approximate maximum, minimum singular values
           smax = zero
           do i = 1, n
              smax = max( smax, abs( d( i ) ) )
           end do
           do i = 1, n - 1
              smax = max( smax, abs( e( i ) ) )
           end do
           sminl = zero
           if( tol>=zero ) then
              ! relative accuracy desired
              sminoa = abs( d( 1_${ik}$ ) )
              if( sminoa==zero )go to 50
              mu = sminoa
              do i = 2, n
                 mu = abs( d( i ) )*( mu / ( mu+abs( e( i-1 ) ) ) )
                 sminoa = min( sminoa, mu )
                 if( sminoa==zero )go to 50
              end do
              50 continue
              sminoa = sminoa / sqrt( real( n,KIND=dp) )
              thresh = max( tol*sminoa, maxitr*(n*(n*unfl)) )
              ! absolute accuracy desired
              thresh = max( abs( tol )*smax, maxitr*(n*(n*unfl)) )
           end if
           ! prepare for main iteration loop for the singular values
           ! (maxit is the maximum number of passes through the inner
           ! loop permitted before nonconvergence signalled.)
           maxitdivn = maxitr*n
           iterdivn = 0_${ik}$
           iter = -1_${ik}$
           oldll = -1_${ik}$
           oldm = -1_${ik}$
           ! m points to last element of unconverged part of matrix
           m = n
           ! begin main iteration loop
           60 continue
           ! check for convergence or exceeding iteration count
           if( m<=1 )go to 160
           if( iter>=n ) then
              iter = iter - n
              iterdivn = iterdivn + 1_${ik}$
              if( iterdivn>=maxitdivn )go to 200
           end if
           ! find diagonal block of matrix to work on
           if( tol<zero .and. abs( d( m ) )<=thresh )d( m ) = zero
           smax = abs( d( m ) )
           smin = smax
           do lll = 1, m - 1
              ll = m - lll
              abss = abs( d( ll ) )
              abse = abs( e( ll ) )
              if( tol<zero .and. abss<=thresh )d( ll ) = zero
              if( abse<=thresh )go to 80
              smin = min( smin, abss )
              smax = max( smax, abss, abse )
           end do
           ll = 0_${ik}$
           go to 90
           80 continue
           e( ll ) = zero
           ! matrix splits since e(ll) = 0
           if( ll==m-1 ) then
              ! convergence of bottom singular value, return to top of loop
              m = m - 1_${ik}$
              go to 60
           end if
           90 continue
           ll = ll + 1_${ik}$
           ! e(ll) through e(m-1) are nonzero, e(ll-1) is zero
           if( ll==m-1 ) then
              ! 2 by 2 block, handle separately
              call stdlib${ii}$_dlasv2( d( m-1 ), e( m-1 ), d( m ), sigmn, sigmx, sinr,cosr, sinl, cosl &
              d( m-1 ) = sigmx
              e( m-1 ) = zero
              d( m ) = sigmn
              ! compute singular vectors, if desired
              if( ncvt>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_drot( ncvt, vt( m-1, 1_${ik}$ ), ldvt, vt( m, 1_${ik}$ ), ldvt, cosr,sinr &
              if( nru>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_drot( nru, u( 1_${ik}$, m-1 ), 1_${ik}$, u( 1_${ik}$, m ), 1_${ik}$, cosl, sinl )
              if( ncc>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_drot( ncc, c( m-1, 1_${ik}$ ), ldc, c( m, 1_${ik}$ ), ldc, cosl,sinl )
              m = m - 2_${ik}$
              go to 60
           end if
           ! if working on new submatrix, choose shift direction
           ! (from larger end diagonal element towards smaller)
           if( ll>oldm .or. m<oldll ) then
              if( abs( d( ll ) )>=abs( d( m ) ) ) then
                 ! chase bulge from top (big end) to bottom (small end)
                 idir = 1_${ik}$
                 ! chase bulge from bottom (big end) to top (small end)
                 idir = 2_${ik}$
              end if
           end if
           ! apply convergence tests
           if( idir==1_${ik}$ ) then
              ! run convergence test in forward direction
              ! first apply standard test to bottom of matrix
              if( abs( e( m-1 ) )<=abs( tol )*abs( d( m ) ) .or.( tol<zero .and. abs( e( m-1 ) )&
                        <=thresh ) ) then
                 e( m-1 ) = zero
                 go to 60
              end if
              if( tol>=zero ) then
                 ! if relative accuracy desired,
                 ! apply convergence criterion forward
                 mu = abs( d( ll ) )
                 sminl = mu
                 do lll = ll, m - 1
                    if( abs( e( lll ) )<=tol*mu ) then
                       e( lll ) = zero
                       go to 60
                    end if
                    mu = abs( d( lll+1 ) )*( mu / ( mu+abs( e( lll ) ) ) )
                    sminl = min( sminl, mu )
                 end do
              end if
              ! run convergence test in backward direction
              ! first apply standard test to top of matrix
              if( abs( e( ll ) )<=abs( tol )*abs( d( ll ) ) .or.( tol<zero .and. abs( e( ll ) )&
                        <=thresh ) ) then
                 e( ll ) = zero
                 go to 60
              end if
              if( tol>=zero ) then
                 ! if relative accuracy desired,
                 ! apply convergence criterion backward
                 mu = abs( d( m ) )
                 sminl = mu
                 do lll = m - 1, ll, -1
                    if( abs( e( lll ) )<=tol*mu ) then
                       e( lll ) = zero
                       go to 60
                    end if
                    mu = abs( d( lll ) )*( mu / ( mu+abs( e( lll ) ) ) )
                    sminl = min( sminl, mu )
                 end do
              end if
           end if
           oldll = ll
           oldm = m
           ! compute shift.  first, test if shifting would ruin relative
           ! accuracy, and if so set the shift to zero.
           if( tol>=zero .and. n*tol*( sminl / smax )<=max( eps, hndrth*tol ) ) then
              ! use a zero shift to avoid loss of relative accuracy
              shift = zero
              ! compute the shift from 2-by-2 block at end of matrix
              if( idir==1_${ik}$ ) then
                 sll = abs( d( ll ) )
                 call stdlib${ii}$_dlas2( d( m-1 ), e( m-1 ), d( m ), shift, r )
                 sll = abs( d( m ) )
                 call stdlib${ii}$_dlas2( d( ll ), e( ll ), d( ll+1 ), shift, r )
              end if
              ! test if shift negligible, and if so set to zero
              if( sll>zero ) then
                 if( ( shift / sll )**2_${ik}$<eps )shift = zero
              end if
           end if
           ! increment iteration count
           iter = iter + m - ll
           ! if shift = 0, do simplified qr iteration
           if( shift==zero ) then
              if( idir==1_${ik}$ ) then
                 ! chase bulge from top to bottom
                 ! save cosines and sines for later singular vector updates
                 cs = one
                 oldcs = one
                 do i = ll, m - 1
                    call stdlib${ii}$_dlartg( d( i )*cs, e( i ), cs, sn, r )
                    if( i>ll )e( i-1 ) = oldsn*r
                    call stdlib${ii}$_dlartg( oldcs*r, d( i+1 )*sn, oldcs, oldsn, d( i ) )
                    work( i-ll+1 ) = cs
                    work( i-ll+1+nm1 ) = sn
                    work( i-ll+1+nm12 ) = oldcs
                    work( i-ll+1+nm13 ) = oldsn
                 end do
                 h = d( m )*cs
                 d( m ) = h*oldcs
                 e( m-1 ) = h*oldsn
                 ! update singular vectors
                 if( ncvt>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_dlasr( 'L', 'V', 'F', m-ll+1, ncvt, work( 1_${ik}$ ),work( n ), &
                           vt( ll, 1_${ik}$ ), ldvt )
                 if( nru>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_dlasr( 'R', 'V', 'F', nru, m-ll+1, work( nm12+1 ),work( &
                           nm13+1 ), u( 1_${ik}$, ll ), ldu )
                 if( ncc>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_dlasr( 'L', 'V', 'F', m-ll+1, ncc, work( nm12+1 ),work( &
                           nm13+1 ), c( ll, 1_${ik}$ ), ldc )
                 ! test convergence
                 if( abs( e( m-1 ) )<=thresh )e( m-1 ) = zero
                 ! chase bulge from bottom to top
                 ! save cosines and sines for later singular vector updates
                 cs = one
                 oldcs = one
                 do i = m, ll + 1, -1
                    call stdlib${ii}$_dlartg( d( i )*cs, e( i-1 ), cs, sn, r )
                    if( i<m )e( i ) = oldsn*r
                    call stdlib${ii}$_dlartg( oldcs*r, d( i-1 )*sn, oldcs, oldsn, d( i ) )
                    work( i-ll ) = cs
                    work( i-ll+nm1 ) = -sn
                    work( i-ll+nm12 ) = oldcs
                    work( i-ll+nm13 ) = -oldsn
                 end do
                 h = d( ll )*cs
                 d( ll ) = h*oldcs
                 e( ll ) = h*oldsn
                 ! update singular vectors
                 if( ncvt>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_dlasr( 'L', 'V', 'B', m-ll+1, ncvt, work( nm12+1 ),work( &
                           nm13+1 ), vt( ll, 1_${ik}$ ), ldvt )
                 if( nru>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_dlasr( 'R', 'V', 'B', nru, m-ll+1, work( 1_${ik}$ ),work( n ), u(&
                            1_${ik}$, ll ), ldu )
                 if( ncc>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_dlasr( 'L', 'V', 'B', m-ll+1, ncc, work( 1_${ik}$ ),work( n ), c(&
                            ll, 1_${ik}$ ), ldc )
                 ! test convergence
                 if( abs( e( ll ) )<=thresh )e( ll ) = zero
              end if
              ! use nonzero shift
              if( idir==1_${ik}$ ) then
                 ! chase bulge from top to bottom
                 ! save cosines and sines for later singular vector updates
                 f = ( abs( d( ll ) )-shift )*( sign( one, d( ll ) )+shift / d( ll ) )
                 g = e( ll )
                 do i = ll, m - 1
                    call stdlib${ii}$_dlartg( f, g, cosr, sinr, r )
                    if( i>ll )e( i-1 ) = r
                    f = cosr*d( i ) + sinr*e( i )
                    e( i ) = cosr*e( i ) - sinr*d( i )
                    g = sinr*d( i+1 )
                    d( i+1 ) = cosr*d( i+1 )
                    call stdlib${ii}$_dlartg( f, g, cosl, sinl, r )
                    d( i ) = r
                    f = cosl*e( i ) + sinl*d( i+1 )
                    d( i+1 ) = cosl*d( i+1 ) - sinl*e( i )
                    if( i<m-1 ) then
                       g = sinl*e( i+1 )
                       e( i+1 ) = cosl*e( i+1 )
                    end if
                    work( i-ll+1 ) = cosr
                    work( i-ll+1+nm1 ) = sinr
                    work( i-ll+1+nm12 ) = cosl
                    work( i-ll+1+nm13 ) = sinl
                 end do
                 e( m-1 ) = f
                 ! update singular vectors
                 if( ncvt>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_dlasr( 'L', 'V', 'F', m-ll+1, ncvt, work( 1_${ik}$ ),work( n ), &
                           vt( ll, 1_${ik}$ ), ldvt )
                 if( nru>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_dlasr( 'R', 'V', 'F', nru, m-ll+1, work( nm12+1 ),work( &
                           nm13+1 ), u( 1_${ik}$, ll ), ldu )
                 if( ncc>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_dlasr( 'L', 'V', 'F', m-ll+1, ncc, work( nm12+1 ),work( &
                           nm13+1 ), c( ll, 1_${ik}$ ), ldc )
                 ! test convergence
                 if( abs( e( m-1 ) )<=thresh )e( m-1 ) = zero
                 ! chase bulge from bottom to top
                 ! save cosines and sines for later singular vector updates
                 f = ( abs( d( m ) )-shift )*( sign( one, d( m ) )+shift /d( m ) )
                 g = e( m-1 )
                 do i = m, ll + 1, -1
                    call stdlib${ii}$_dlartg( f, g, cosr, sinr, r )
                    if( i<m )e( i ) = r
                    f = cosr*d( i ) + sinr*e( i-1 )
                    e( i-1 ) = cosr*e( i-1 ) - sinr*d( i )
                    g = sinr*d( i-1 )
                    d( i-1 ) = cosr*d( i-1 )
                    call stdlib${ii}$_dlartg( f, g, cosl, sinl, r )
                    d( i ) = r
                    f = cosl*e( i-1 ) + sinl*d( i-1 )
                    d( i-1 ) = cosl*d( i-1 ) - sinl*e( i-1 )
                    if( i>ll+1 ) then
                       g = sinl*e( i-2 )
                       e( i-2 ) = cosl*e( i-2 )
                    end if
                    work( i-ll ) = cosr
                    work( i-ll+nm1 ) = -sinr
                    work( i-ll+nm12 ) = cosl
                    work( i-ll+nm13 ) = -sinl
                 end do
                 e( ll ) = f
                 ! test convergence
                 if( abs( e( ll ) )<=thresh )e( ll ) = zero
                 ! update singular vectors if desired
                 if( ncvt>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_dlasr( 'L', 'V', 'B', m-ll+1, ncvt, work( nm12+1 ),work( &
                           nm13+1 ), vt( ll, 1_${ik}$ ), ldvt )
                 if( nru>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_dlasr( 'R', 'V', 'B', nru, m-ll+1, work( 1_${ik}$ ),work( n ), u(&
                            1_${ik}$, ll ), ldu )
                 if( ncc>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_dlasr( 'L', 'V', 'B', m-ll+1, ncc, work( 1_${ik}$ ),work( n ), c(&
                            ll, 1_${ik}$ ), ldc )
              end if
           end if
           ! qr iteration finished, go back and check convergence
           go to 60
           ! all singular values converged, so make them positive
           160 continue
           do i = 1, n
              if( d( i )<zero ) then
                 d( i ) = -d( i )
                 ! change sign of singular vectors, if desired
                 if( ncvt>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_dscal( ncvt, negone, vt( i, 1_${ik}$ ), ldvt )
              end if
           end do
           ! sort the singular values into decreasing order (insertion sort on
           ! singular values, but only one transposition per singular vector)
           do i = 1, n - 1
              ! scan for smallest d(i)
              isub = 1_${ik}$
              smin = d( 1_${ik}$ )
              do j = 2, n + 1 - i
                 if( d( j )<=smin ) then
                    isub = j
                    smin = d( j )
                 end if
              end do
              if( isub/=n+1-i ) then
                 ! swap singular values and vectors
                 d( isub ) = d( n+1-i )
                 d( n+1-i ) = smin
                 if( ncvt>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_dswap( ncvt, vt( isub, 1_${ik}$ ), ldvt, vt( n+1-i, 1_${ik}$ ),ldvt )
                 if( nru>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_dswap( nru, u( 1_${ik}$, isub ), 1_${ik}$, u( 1_${ik}$, n+1-i ), 1_${ik}$ )
                 if( ncc>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_dswap( ncc, c( isub, 1_${ik}$ ), ldc, c( n+1-i, 1_${ik}$ ), ldc )
              end if
           end do
           go to 220
           ! maximum number of iterations exceeded, failure to converge
           200 continue
           info = 0_${ik}$
           do i = 1, n - 1
              if( e( i )/=zero )info = info + 1_${ik}$
           end do
           220 continue
     end subroutine stdlib${ii}$_dbdsqr

#:for rk,rt,ri in REAL_KINDS_TYPES
#:if not rk in ["sp","dp"]
     pure module subroutine stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$bdsqr( uplo, n, ncvt, nru, ncc, d, e, vt, ldvt, u,ldu, c, ldc, work, &
     !! DBDSQR: computes the singular values and, optionally, the right and/or
     !! left singular vectors from the singular value decomposition (SVD) of
     !! a real N-by-N (upper or lower) bidiagonal matrix B using the implicit
     !! zero-shift QR algorithm.  The SVD of B has the form
     !! B = Q * S * P**T
     !! where S is the diagonal matrix of singular values, Q is an orthogonal
     !! matrix of left singular vectors, and P is an orthogonal matrix of
     !! right singular vectors.  If left singular vectors are requested, this
     !! subroutine actually returns U*Q instead of Q, and, if right singular
     !! vectors are requested, this subroutine returns P**T*VT instead of
     !! P**T, for given real input matrices U and VT.  When U and VT are the
     !! orthogonal matrices that reduce a general matrix A to bidiagonal
     !! form:  A = U*B*VT, as computed by DGEBRD, then
     !! A = (U*Q) * S * (P**T*VT)
     !! is the SVD of A.  Optionally, the subroutine may also compute Q**T*C
     !! for a given real input matrix C.
     !! See "Computing  Small Singular Values of Bidiagonal Matrices With
     !! Guaranteed High Relative Accuracy," by J. Demmel and W. Kahan,
     !! LAPACK Working Note #3 (or SIAM J. Sci. Statist. Comput. vol. 11,
     !! no. 5, pp. 873-912, Sept 1990) and
     !! "Accurate singular values and differential qd algorithms," by
     !! B. Parlett and V. Fernando, Technical Report CPAM-554, Mathematics
     !! Department, University of California at Berkeley, July 1992
     !! for a detailed description of the algorithm.
               info )
        ! -- lapack computational routine --
        ! -- lapack is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee,    --
        ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..--
           use stdlib_blas_constants_${rk}$, only: negone, zero, half, one, two, three, four, eight, ten, czero, chalf, cone, cnegone
           ! Scalar Arguments 
           character, intent(in) :: uplo
           integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: info
           integer(${ik}$), intent(in) :: ldc, ldu, ldvt, n, ncc, ncvt, nru
           ! Array Arguments 
           real(${rk}$), intent(inout) :: c(ldc,*), d(*), e(*), u(ldu,*), vt(ldvt,*)
           real(${rk}$), intent(out) :: work(*)
        ! =====================================================================
           ! Parameters 
           real(${rk}$), parameter :: hndrth = 0.01_${rk}$
           real(${rk}$), parameter :: hndrd = 100.0_${rk}$
           real(${rk}$), parameter :: meigth = -0.125_${rk}$
           integer(${ik}$), parameter :: maxitr = 6_${ik}$
           ! Local Scalars 
           logical(lk) :: lower, rotate
           integer(${ik}$) :: i, idir, isub, iter, iterdivn, j, ll, lll, m, maxitdivn, nm1, nm12, &
                     nm13, oldll, oldm
           real(${rk}$) :: abse, abss, cosl, cosr, cs, eps, f, g, h, mu, oldcs, oldsn, r, shift, &
           sigmn, sigmx, sinl, sinr, sll, smax, smin, sminl, sminoa, sn, thresh, tol, tolmul, &
           ! Intrinsic Functions 
           ! Executable Statements 
           ! test the input parameters.
           info = 0_${ik}$
           lower = stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'L' )
           if( .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'U' ) .and. .not.lower ) then
              info = -1_${ik}$
           else if( n<0_${ik}$ ) then
              info = -2_${ik}$
           else if( ncvt<0_${ik}$ ) then
              info = -3_${ik}$
           else if( nru<0_${ik}$ ) then
              info = -4_${ik}$
           else if( ncc<0_${ik}$ ) then
              info = -5_${ik}$
           else if( ( ncvt==0_${ik}$ .and. ldvt<1_${ik}$ ) .or.( ncvt>0_${ik}$ .and. ldvt<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) ) then
              info = -9_${ik}$
           else if( ldu<max( 1_${ik}$, nru ) ) then
              info = -11_${ik}$
           else if( ( ncc==0_${ik}$ .and. ldc<1_${ik}$ ) .or.( ncc>0_${ik}$ .and. ldc<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) ) then
              info = -13_${ik}$
           end if
           if( info/=0_${ik}$ ) then
              call stdlib${ii}$_xerbla( 'DBDSQR', -info )
           end if
           if( n==0 )return
           if( n==1 )go to 160
           ! rotate is true if any singular vectors desired, false otherwise
           rotate = ( ncvt>0_${ik}$ ) .or. ( nru>0_${ik}$ ) .or. ( ncc>0_${ik}$ )
           ! if no singular vectors desired, use qd algorithm
           if( .not.rotate ) then
              call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$lasq1( n, d, e, work, info )
           ! if info equals 2, dqds didn't finish, try to finish
              if( info /= 2 ) return
              info = 0_${ik}$
           end if
           nm1 = n - 1_${ik}$
           nm12 = nm1 + nm1
           nm13 = nm12 + nm1
           idir = 0_${ik}$
           ! get machine constants
           eps = stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$lamch( 'EPSILON' )
           unfl = stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$lamch( 'SAFE MINIMUM' )
           ! if matrix lower bidiagonal, rotate to be upper bidiagonal
           ! by applying givens rotations on the left
           if( lower ) then
              do i = 1, n - 1
                 call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$lartg( d( i ), e( i ), cs, sn, r )
                 d( i ) = r
                 e( i ) = sn*d( i+1 )
                 d( i+1 ) = cs*d( i+1 )
                 work( i ) = cs
                 work( nm1+i ) = sn
              end do
              ! update singular vectors if desired
              if( nru>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$lasr( 'R', 'V', 'F', nru, n, work( 1_${ik}$ ), work( n ), u,ldu )
              if( ncc>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$lasr( 'L', 'V', 'F', n, ncc, work( 1_${ik}$ ), work( n ), c,ldc )
           end if
           ! compute singular values to relative accuracy tol
           ! (by setting tol to be negative, algorithm will compute
           ! singular values to absolute accuracy abs(tol)*norm(input matrix))
           tolmul = max( ten, min( hndrd, eps**meigth ) )
           tol = tolmul*eps
           ! compute approximate maximum, minimum singular values
           smax = zero
           do i = 1, n
              smax = max( smax, abs( d( i ) ) )
           end do
           do i = 1, n - 1
              smax = max( smax, abs( e( i ) ) )
           end do
           sminl = zero
           if( tol>=zero ) then
              ! relative accuracy desired
              sminoa = abs( d( 1_${ik}$ ) )
              if( sminoa==zero )go to 50
              mu = sminoa
              do i = 2, n
                 mu = abs( d( i ) )*( mu / ( mu+abs( e( i-1 ) ) ) )
                 sminoa = min( sminoa, mu )
                 if( sminoa==zero )go to 50
              end do
              50 continue
              sminoa = sminoa / sqrt( real( n,KIND=${rk}$) )
              thresh = max( tol*sminoa, maxitr*(n*(n*unfl)) )
              ! absolute accuracy desired
              thresh = max( abs( tol )*smax, maxitr*(n*(n*unfl)) )
           end if
           ! prepare for main iteration loop for the singular values
           ! (maxit is the maximum number of passes through the inner
           ! loop permitted before nonconvergence signalled.)
           maxitdivn = maxitr*n
           iterdivn = 0_${ik}$
           iter = -1_${ik}$
           oldll = -1_${ik}$
           oldm = -1_${ik}$
           ! m points to last element of unconverged part of matrix
           m = n
           ! begin main iteration loop
           60 continue
           ! check for convergence or exceeding iteration count
           if( m<=1 )go to 160
           if( iter>=n ) then
              iter = iter - n
              iterdivn = iterdivn + 1_${ik}$
              if( iterdivn>=maxitdivn )go to 200
           end if
           ! find diagonal block of matrix to work on
           if( tol<zero .and. abs( d( m ) )<=thresh )d( m ) = zero
           smax = abs( d( m ) )
           smin = smax
           do lll = 1, m - 1
              ll = m - lll
              abss = abs( d( ll ) )
              abse = abs( e( ll ) )
              if( tol<zero .and. abss<=thresh )d( ll ) = zero
              if( abse<=thresh )go to 80
              smin = min( smin, abss )
              smax = max( smax, abss, abse )
           end do
           ll = 0_${ik}$
           go to 90
           80 continue
           e( ll ) = zero
           ! matrix splits since e(ll) = 0
           if( ll==m-1 ) then
              ! convergence of bottom singular value, return to top of loop
              m = m - 1_${ik}$
              go to 60
           end if
           90 continue
           ll = ll + 1_${ik}$
           ! e(ll) through e(m-1) are nonzero, e(ll-1) is zero
           if( ll==m-1 ) then
              ! 2 by 2 block, handle separately
              call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$lasv2( d( m-1 ), e( m-1 ), d( m ), sigmn, sigmx, sinr,cosr, sinl, cosl &
              d( m-1 ) = sigmx
              e( m-1 ) = zero
              d( m ) = sigmn
              ! compute singular vectors, if desired
              if( ncvt>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$rot( ncvt, vt( m-1, 1_${ik}$ ), ldvt, vt( m, 1_${ik}$ ), ldvt, cosr,sinr &
              if( nru>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$rot( nru, u( 1_${ik}$, m-1 ), 1_${ik}$, u( 1_${ik}$, m ), 1_${ik}$, cosl, sinl )
              if( ncc>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$rot( ncc, c( m-1, 1_${ik}$ ), ldc, c( m, 1_${ik}$ ), ldc, cosl,sinl )
              m = m - 2_${ik}$
              go to 60
           end if
           ! if working on new submatrix, choose shift direction
           ! (from larger end diagonal element towards smaller)
           if( ll>oldm .or. m<oldll ) then
              if( abs( d( ll ) )>=abs( d( m ) ) ) then
                 ! chase bulge from top (big end) to bottom (small end)
                 idir = 1_${ik}$
                 ! chase bulge from bottom (big end) to top (small end)
                 idir = 2_${ik}$
              end if
           end if
           ! apply convergence tests
           if( idir==1_${ik}$ ) then
              ! run convergence test in forward direction
              ! first apply standard test to bottom of matrix
              if( abs( e( m-1 ) )<=abs( tol )*abs( d( m ) ) .or.( tol<zero .and. abs( e( m-1 ) )&
                        <=thresh ) ) then
                 e( m-1 ) = zero
                 go to 60
              end if
              if( tol>=zero ) then
                 ! if relative accuracy desired,
                 ! apply convergence criterion forward
                 mu = abs( d( ll ) )
                 sminl = mu
                 do lll = ll, m - 1
                    if( abs( e( lll ) )<=tol*mu ) then
                       e( lll ) = zero
                       go to 60
                    end if
                    mu = abs( d( lll+1 ) )*( mu / ( mu+abs( e( lll ) ) ) )
                    sminl = min( sminl, mu )
                 end do
              end if
              ! run convergence test in backward direction
              ! first apply standard test to top of matrix
              if( abs( e( ll ) )<=abs( tol )*abs( d( ll ) ) .or.( tol<zero .and. abs( e( ll ) )&
                        <=thresh ) ) then
                 e( ll ) = zero
                 go to 60
              end if
              if( tol>=zero ) then
                 ! if relative accuracy desired,
                 ! apply convergence criterion backward
                 mu = abs( d( m ) )
                 sminl = mu
                 do lll = m - 1, ll, -1
                    if( abs( e( lll ) )<=tol*mu ) then
                       e( lll ) = zero
                       go to 60
                    end if
                    mu = abs( d( lll ) )*( mu / ( mu+abs( e( lll ) ) ) )
                    sminl = min( sminl, mu )
                 end do
              end if
           end if
           oldll = ll
           oldm = m
           ! compute shift.  first, test if shifting would ruin relative
           ! accuracy, and if so set the shift to zero.
           if( tol>=zero .and. n*tol*( sminl / smax )<=max( eps, hndrth*tol ) ) then
              ! use a zero shift to avoid loss of relative accuracy
              shift = zero
              ! compute the shift from 2-by-2 block at end of matrix
              if( idir==1_${ik}$ ) then
                 sll = abs( d( ll ) )
                 call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$las2( d( m-1 ), e( m-1 ), d( m ), shift, r )
                 sll = abs( d( m ) )
                 call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$las2( d( ll ), e( ll ), d( ll+1 ), shift, r )
              end if
              ! test if shift negligible, and if so set to zero
              if( sll>zero ) then
                 if( ( shift / sll )**2_${ik}$<eps )shift = zero
              end if
           end if
           ! increment iteration count
           iter = iter + m - ll
           ! if shift = 0, do simplified qr iteration
           if( shift==zero ) then
              if( idir==1_${ik}$ ) then
                 ! chase bulge from top to bottom
                 ! save cosines and sines for later singular vector updates
                 cs = one
                 oldcs = one
                 do i = ll, m - 1
                    call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$lartg( d( i )*cs, e( i ), cs, sn, r )
                    if( i>ll )e( i-1 ) = oldsn*r
                    call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$lartg( oldcs*r, d( i+1 )*sn, oldcs, oldsn, d( i ) )
                    work( i-ll+1 ) = cs
                    work( i-ll+1+nm1 ) = sn
                    work( i-ll+1+nm12 ) = oldcs
                    work( i-ll+1+nm13 ) = oldsn
                 end do
                 h = d( m )*cs
                 d( m ) = h*oldcs
                 e( m-1 ) = h*oldsn
                 ! update singular vectors
                 if( ncvt>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$lasr( 'L', 'V', 'F', m-ll+1, ncvt, work( 1_${ik}$ ),work( n ), &
                           vt( ll, 1_${ik}$ ), ldvt )
                 if( nru>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$lasr( 'R', 'V', 'F', nru, m-ll+1, work( nm12+1 ),work( &
                           nm13+1 ), u( 1_${ik}$, ll ), ldu )
                 if( ncc>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$lasr( 'L', 'V', 'F', m-ll+1, ncc, work( nm12+1 ),work( &
                           nm13+1 ), c( ll, 1_${ik}$ ), ldc )
                 ! test convergence
                 if( abs( e( m-1 ) )<=thresh )e( m-1 ) = zero
                 ! chase bulge from bottom to top
                 ! save cosines and sines for later singular vector updates
                 cs = one
                 oldcs = one
                 do i = m, ll + 1, -1
                    call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$lartg( d( i )*cs, e( i-1 ), cs, sn, r )
                    if( i<m )e( i ) = oldsn*r
                    call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$lartg( oldcs*r, d( i-1 )*sn, oldcs, oldsn, d( i ) )
                    work( i-ll ) = cs
                    work( i-ll+nm1 ) = -sn
                    work( i-ll+nm12 ) = oldcs
                    work( i-ll+nm13 ) = -oldsn
                 end do
                 h = d( ll )*cs
                 d( ll ) = h*oldcs
                 e( ll ) = h*oldsn
                 ! update singular vectors
                 if( ncvt>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$lasr( 'L', 'V', 'B', m-ll+1, ncvt, work( nm12+1 ),work( &
                           nm13+1 ), vt( ll, 1_${ik}$ ), ldvt )
                 if( nru>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$lasr( 'R', 'V', 'B', nru, m-ll+1, work( 1_${ik}$ ),work( n ), u(&
                            1_${ik}$, ll ), ldu )
                 if( ncc>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$lasr( 'L', 'V', 'B', m-ll+1, ncc, work( 1_${ik}$ ),work( n ), c(&
                            ll, 1_${ik}$ ), ldc )
                 ! test convergence
                 if( abs( e( ll ) )<=thresh )e( ll ) = zero
              end if
              ! use nonzero shift
              if( idir==1_${ik}$ ) then
                 ! chase bulge from top to bottom
                 ! save cosines and sines for later singular vector updates
                 f = ( abs( d( ll ) )-shift )*( sign( one, d( ll ) )+shift / d( ll ) )
                 g = e( ll )
                 do i = ll, m - 1
                    call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$lartg( f, g, cosr, sinr, r )
                    if( i>ll )e( i-1 ) = r
                    f = cosr*d( i ) + sinr*e( i )
                    e( i ) = cosr*e( i ) - sinr*d( i )
                    g = sinr*d( i+1 )
                    d( i+1 ) = cosr*d( i+1 )
                    call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$lartg( f, g, cosl, sinl, r )
                    d( i ) = r
                    f = cosl*e( i ) + sinl*d( i+1 )
                    d( i+1 ) = cosl*d( i+1 ) - sinl*e( i )
                    if( i<m-1 ) then
                       g = sinl*e( i+1 )
                       e( i+1 ) = cosl*e( i+1 )
                    end if
                    work( i-ll+1 ) = cosr
                    work( i-ll+1+nm1 ) = sinr
                    work( i-ll+1+nm12 ) = cosl
                    work( i-ll+1+nm13 ) = sinl
                 end do
                 e( m-1 ) = f
                 ! update singular vectors
                 if( ncvt>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$lasr( 'L', 'V', 'F', m-ll+1, ncvt, work( 1_${ik}$ ),work( n ), &
                           vt( ll, 1_${ik}$ ), ldvt )
                 if( nru>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$lasr( 'R', 'V', 'F', nru, m-ll+1, work( nm12+1 ),work( &
                           nm13+1 ), u( 1_${ik}$, ll ), ldu )
                 if( ncc>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$lasr( 'L', 'V', 'F', m-ll+1, ncc, work( nm12+1 ),work( &
                           nm13+1 ), c( ll, 1_${ik}$ ), ldc )
                 ! test convergence
                 if( abs( e( m-1 ) )<=thresh )e( m-1 ) = zero
                 ! chase bulge from bottom to top
                 ! save cosines and sines for later singular vector updates
                 f = ( abs( d( m ) )-shift )*( sign( one, d( m ) )+shift /d( m ) )
                 g = e( m-1 )
                 do i = m, ll + 1, -1
                    call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$lartg( f, g, cosr, sinr, r )
                    if( i<m )e( i ) = r
                    f = cosr*d( i ) + sinr*e( i-1 )
                    e( i-1 ) = cosr*e( i-1 ) - sinr*d( i )
                    g = sinr*d( i-1 )
                    d( i-1 ) = cosr*d( i-1 )
                    call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$lartg( f, g, cosl, sinl, r )
                    d( i ) = r
                    f = cosl*e( i-1 ) + sinl*d( i-1 )
                    d( i-1 ) = cosl*d( i-1 ) - sinl*e( i-1 )
                    if( i>ll+1 ) then
                       g = sinl*e( i-2 )
                       e( i-2 ) = cosl*e( i-2 )
                    end if
                    work( i-ll ) = cosr
                    work( i-ll+nm1 ) = -sinr
                    work( i-ll+nm12 ) = cosl
                    work( i-ll+nm13 ) = -sinl
                 end do
                 e( ll ) = f
                 ! test convergence
                 if( abs( e( ll ) )<=thresh )e( ll ) = zero
                 ! update singular vectors if desired
                 if( ncvt>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$lasr( 'L', 'V', 'B', m-ll+1, ncvt, work( nm12+1 ),work( &
                           nm13+1 ), vt( ll, 1_${ik}$ ), ldvt )
                 if( nru>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$lasr( 'R', 'V', 'B', nru, m-ll+1, work( 1_${ik}$ ),work( n ), u(&
                            1_${ik}$, ll ), ldu )
                 if( ncc>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$lasr( 'L', 'V', 'B', m-ll+1, ncc, work( 1_${ik}$ ),work( n ), c(&
                            ll, 1_${ik}$ ), ldc )
              end if
           end if
           ! qr iteration finished, go back and check convergence
           go to 60
           ! all singular values converged, so make them positive
           160 continue
           do i = 1, n
              if( d( i )<zero ) then
                 d( i ) = -d( i )
                 ! change sign of singular vectors, if desired
                 if( ncvt>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$scal( ncvt, negone, vt( i, 1_${ik}$ ), ldvt )
              end if
           end do
           ! sort the singular values into decreasing order (insertion sort on
           ! singular values, but only one transposition per singular vector)
           do i = 1, n - 1
              ! scan for smallest d(i)
              isub = 1_${ik}$
              smin = d( 1_${ik}$ )
              do j = 2, n + 1 - i
                 if( d( j )<=smin ) then
                    isub = j
                    smin = d( j )
                 end if
              end do
              if( isub/=n+1-i ) then
                 ! swap singular values and vectors
                 d( isub ) = d( n+1-i )
                 d( n+1-i ) = smin
                 if( ncvt>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$swap( ncvt, vt( isub, 1_${ik}$ ), ldvt, vt( n+1-i, 1_${ik}$ ),ldvt )
                 if( nru>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$swap( nru, u( 1_${ik}$, isub ), 1_${ik}$, u( 1_${ik}$, n+1-i ), 1_${ik}$ )
                 if( ncc>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$swap( ncc, c( isub, 1_${ik}$ ), ldc, c( n+1-i, 1_${ik}$ ), ldc )
              end if
           end do
           go to 220
           ! maximum number of iterations exceeded, failure to converge
           200 continue
           info = 0_${ik}$
           do i = 1, n - 1
              if( e( i )/=zero )info = info + 1_${ik}$
           end do
           220 continue
     end subroutine stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$bdsqr


     pure module subroutine stdlib${ii}$_cbdsqr( uplo, n, ncvt, nru, ncc, d, e, vt, ldvt, u,ldu, c, ldc, rwork,&
     !! CBDSQR computes the singular values and, optionally, the right and/or
     !! left singular vectors from the singular value decomposition (SVD) of
     !! a real N-by-N (upper or lower) bidiagonal matrix B using the implicit
     !! zero-shift QR algorithm.  The SVD of B has the form
     !! B = Q * S * P**H
     !! where S is the diagonal matrix of singular values, Q is an orthogonal
     !! matrix of left singular vectors, and P is an orthogonal matrix of
     !! right singular vectors.  If left singular vectors are requested, this
     !! subroutine actually returns U*Q instead of Q, and, if right singular
     !! vectors are requested, this subroutine returns P**H*VT instead of
     !! P**H, for given complex input matrices U and VT.  When U and VT are
     !! the unitary matrices that reduce a general matrix A to bidiagonal
     !! form: A = U*B*VT, as computed by CGEBRD, then
     !! A = (U*Q) * S * (P**H*VT)
     !! is the SVD of A.  Optionally, the subroutine may also compute Q**H*C
     !! for a given complex input matrix C.
     !! See "Computing  Small Singular Values of Bidiagonal Matrices With
     !! Guaranteed High Relative Accuracy," by J. Demmel and W. Kahan,
     !! LAPACK Working Note #3 (or SIAM J. Sci. Statist. Comput. vol. 11,
     !! no. 5, pp. 873-912, Sept 1990) and
     !! "Accurate singular values and differential qd algorithms," by
     !! B. Parlett and V. Fernando, Technical Report CPAM-554, Mathematics
     !! Department, University of California at Berkeley, July 1992
     !! for a detailed description of the algorithm.
                info )
        ! -- lapack computational routine --
        ! -- lapack is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee,    --
        ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..--
           use stdlib_blas_constants_sp, only: negone, zero, half, one, two, three, four, eight, ten, czero, chalf, cone, cnegone
           ! Scalar Arguments 
           character, intent(in) :: uplo
           integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: info
           integer(${ik}$), intent(in) :: ldc, ldu, ldvt, n, ncc, ncvt, nru
           ! Array Arguments 
           real(sp), intent(inout) :: d(*), e(*)
           real(sp), intent(out) :: rwork(*)
           complex(sp), intent(inout) :: c(ldc,*), u(ldu,*), vt(ldvt,*)
        ! =====================================================================
           ! Parameters 
           real(sp), parameter :: hndrth = 0.01_sp
           real(sp), parameter :: hndrd = 100.0_sp
           real(sp), parameter :: meigth = -0.125_sp
           integer(${ik}$), parameter :: maxitr = 6_${ik}$
           ! Local Scalars 
           logical(lk) :: lower, rotate
           integer(${ik}$) :: i, idir, isub, iter, j, ll, lll, m, maxit, nm1, nm12, nm13, oldll, &
           real(sp) :: abse, abss, cosl, cosr, cs, eps, f, g, h, mu, oldcs, oldsn, r, shift, &
           sigmn, sigmx, sinl, sinr, sll, smax, smin, sminl, sminoa, sn, thresh, tol, tolmul, &
           ! Intrinsic Functions 
           ! Executable Statements 
           ! test the input parameters.
           info = 0_${ik}$
           lower = stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'L' )
           if( .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'U' ) .and. .not.lower ) then
              info = -1_${ik}$
           else if( n<0_${ik}$ ) then
              info = -2_${ik}$
           else if( ncvt<0_${ik}$ ) then
              info = -3_${ik}$
           else if( nru<0_${ik}$ ) then
              info = -4_${ik}$
           else if( ncc<0_${ik}$ ) then
              info = -5_${ik}$
           else if( ( ncvt==0_${ik}$ .and. ldvt<1_${ik}$ ) .or.( ncvt>0_${ik}$ .and. ldvt<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) ) then
              info = -9_${ik}$
           else if( ldu<max( 1_${ik}$, nru ) ) then
              info = -11_${ik}$
           else if( ( ncc==0_${ik}$ .and. ldc<1_${ik}$ ) .or.( ncc>0_${ik}$ .and. ldc<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) ) then
              info = -13_${ik}$
           end if
           if( info/=0_${ik}$ ) then
              call stdlib${ii}$_xerbla( 'CBDSQR', -info )
           end if
           if( n==0 )return
           if( n==1 )go to 160
           ! rotate is true if any singular vectors desired, false otherwise
           rotate = ( ncvt>0_${ik}$ ) .or. ( nru>0_${ik}$ ) .or. ( ncc>0_${ik}$ )
           ! if no singular vectors desired, use qd algorithm
           if( .not.rotate ) then
              call stdlib${ii}$_slasq1( n, d, e, rwork, info )
           ! if info equals 2, dqds didn't finish, try to finish
              if( info /= 2 ) return
              info = 0_${ik}$
           end if
           nm1 = n - 1_${ik}$
           nm12 = nm1 + nm1
           nm13 = nm12 + nm1
           idir = 0_${ik}$
           ! get machine constants
           eps = stdlib${ii}$_slamch( 'EPSILON' )
           unfl = stdlib${ii}$_slamch( 'SAFE MINIMUM' )
           ! if matrix lower bidiagonal, rotate to be upper bidiagonal
           ! by applying givens rotations on the left
           if( lower ) then
              do i = 1, n - 1
                 call stdlib${ii}$_slartg( d( i ), e( i ), cs, sn, r )
                 d( i ) = r
                 e( i ) = sn*d( i+1 )
                 d( i+1 ) = cs*d( i+1 )
                 rwork( i ) = cs
                 rwork( nm1+i ) = sn
              end do
              ! update singular vectors if desired
              if( nru>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_clasr( 'R', 'V', 'F', nru, n, rwork( 1_${ik}$ ), rwork( n ),u, ldu )
              if( ncc>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_clasr( 'L', 'V', 'F', n, ncc, rwork( 1_${ik}$ ), rwork( n ),c, ldc )
           end if
           ! compute singular values to relative accuracy tol
           ! (by setting tol to be negative, algorithm will compute
           ! singular values to absolute accuracy abs(tol)*norm(input matrix))
           tolmul = max( ten, min( hndrd, eps**meigth ) )
           tol = tolmul*eps
           ! compute approximate maximum, minimum singular values
           smax = zero
           do i = 1, n
              smax = max( smax, abs( d( i ) ) )
           end do
           do i = 1, n - 1
              smax = max( smax, abs( e( i ) ) )
           end do
           sminl = zero
           if( tol>=zero ) then
              ! relative accuracy desired
              sminoa = abs( d( 1_${ik}$ ) )
              if( sminoa==zero )go to 50
              mu = sminoa
              do i = 2, n
                 mu = abs( d( i ) )*( mu / ( mu+abs( e( i-1 ) ) ) )
                 sminoa = min( sminoa, mu )
                 if( sminoa==zero )go to 50
              end do
              50 continue
              sminoa = sminoa / sqrt( real( n,KIND=sp) )
              thresh = max( tol*sminoa, maxitr*n*n*unfl )
              ! absolute accuracy desired
              thresh = max( abs( tol )*smax, maxitr*n*n*unfl )
           end if
           ! prepare for main iteration loop for the singular values
           ! (maxit is the maximum number of passes through the inner
           ! loop permitted before nonconvergence signalled.)
           maxit = maxitr*n*n
           iter = 0_${ik}$
           oldll = -1_${ik}$
           oldm = -1_${ik}$
           ! m points to last element of unconverged part of matrix
           m = n
           ! begin main iteration loop
           60 continue
           ! check for convergence or exceeding iteration count
           if( m<=1 )go to 160
           if( iter>maxit )go to 200
           ! find diagonal block of matrix to work on
           if( tol<zero .and. abs( d( m ) )<=thresh )d( m ) = zero
           smax = abs( d( m ) )
           smin = smax
           do lll = 1, m - 1
              ll = m - lll
              abss = abs( d( ll ) )
              abse = abs( e( ll ) )
              if( tol<zero .and. abss<=thresh )d( ll ) = zero
              if( abse<=thresh )go to 80
              smin = min( smin, abss )
              smax = max( smax, abss, abse )
           end do
           ll = 0_${ik}$
           go to 90
           80 continue
           e( ll ) = zero
           ! matrix splits since e(ll) = 0
           if( ll==m-1 ) then
              ! convergence of bottom singular value, return to top of loop
              m = m - 1_${ik}$
              go to 60
           end if
           90 continue
           ll = ll + 1_${ik}$
           ! e(ll) through e(m-1) are nonzero, e(ll-1) is zero
           if( ll==m-1 ) then
              ! 2 by 2 block, handle separately
              call stdlib${ii}$_slasv2( d( m-1 ), e( m-1 ), d( m ), sigmn, sigmx, sinr,cosr, sinl, cosl &
              d( m-1 ) = sigmx
              e( m-1 ) = zero
              d( m ) = sigmn
              ! compute singular vectors, if desired
              if( ncvt>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_csrot( ncvt, vt( m-1, 1_${ik}$ ), ldvt, vt( m, 1_${ik}$ ), ldvt,cosr, &
                        sinr )
              if( nru>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_csrot( nru, u( 1_${ik}$, m-1 ), 1_${ik}$, u( 1_${ik}$, m ), 1_${ik}$, cosl, sinl )
              if( ncc>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_csrot( ncc, c( m-1, 1_${ik}$ ), ldc, c( m, 1_${ik}$ ), ldc, cosl,sinl )
              m = m - 2_${ik}$
              go to 60
           end if
           ! if working on new submatrix, choose shift direction
           ! (from larger end diagonal element towards smaller)
           if( ll>oldm .or. m<oldll ) then
              if( abs( d( ll ) )>=abs( d( m ) ) ) then
                 ! chase bulge from top (big end) to bottom (small end)
                 idir = 1_${ik}$
                 ! chase bulge from bottom (big end) to top (small end)
                 idir = 2_${ik}$
              end if
           end if
           ! apply convergence tests
           if( idir==1_${ik}$ ) then
              ! run convergence test in forward direction
              ! first apply standard test to bottom of matrix
              if( abs( e( m-1 ) )<=abs( tol )*abs( d( m ) ) .or.( tol<zero .and. abs( e( m-1 ) )&
                        <=thresh ) ) then
                 e( m-1 ) = zero
                 go to 60
              end if
              if( tol>=zero ) then
                 ! if relative accuracy desired,
                 ! apply convergence criterion forward
                 mu = abs( d( ll ) )
                 sminl = mu
                 do lll = ll, m - 1
                    if( abs( e( lll ) )<=tol*mu ) then
                       e( lll ) = zero
                       go to 60
                    end if
                    mu = abs( d( lll+1 ) )*( mu / ( mu+abs( e( lll ) ) ) )
                    sminl = min( sminl, mu )
                 end do
              end if
              ! run convergence test in backward direction
              ! first apply standard test to top of matrix
              if( abs( e( ll ) )<=abs( tol )*abs( d( ll ) ) .or.( tol<zero .and. abs( e( ll ) )&
                        <=thresh ) ) then
                 e( ll ) = zero
                 go to 60
              end if
              if( tol>=zero ) then
                 ! if relative accuracy desired,
                 ! apply convergence criterion backward
                 mu = abs( d( m ) )
                 sminl = mu
                 do lll = m - 1, ll, -1
                    if( abs( e( lll ) )<=tol*mu ) then
                       e( lll ) = zero
                       go to 60
                    end if
                    mu = abs( d( lll ) )*( mu / ( mu+abs( e( lll ) ) ) )
                    sminl = min( sminl, mu )
                 end do
              end if
           end if
           oldll = ll
           oldm = m
           ! compute shift.  first, test if shifting would ruin relative
           ! accuracy, and if so set the shift to zero.
           if( tol>=zero .and. n*tol*( sminl / smax )<=max( eps, hndrth*tol ) ) then
              ! use a zero shift to avoid loss of relative accuracy
              shift = zero
              ! compute the shift from 2-by-2 block at end of matrix
              if( idir==1_${ik}$ ) then
                 sll = abs( d( ll ) )
                 call stdlib${ii}$_slas2( d( m-1 ), e( m-1 ), d( m ), shift, r )
                 sll = abs( d( m ) )
                 call stdlib${ii}$_slas2( d( ll ), e( ll ), d( ll+1 ), shift, r )
              end if
              ! test if shift negligible, and if so set to zero
              if( sll>zero ) then
                 if( ( shift / sll )**2_${ik}$<eps )shift = zero
              end if
           end if
           ! increment iteration count
           iter = iter + m - ll
           ! if shift = 0, do simplified qr iteration
           if( shift==zero ) then
              if( idir==1_${ik}$ ) then
                 ! chase bulge from top to bottom
                 ! save cosines and sines for later singular vector updates
                 cs = one
                 oldcs = one
                 do i = ll, m - 1
                    call stdlib${ii}$_slartg( d( i )*cs, e( i ), cs, sn, r )
                    if( i>ll )e( i-1 ) = oldsn*r
                    call stdlib${ii}$_slartg( oldcs*r, d( i+1 )*sn, oldcs, oldsn, d( i ) )
                    rwork( i-ll+1 ) = cs
                    rwork( i-ll+1+nm1 ) = sn
                    rwork( i-ll+1+nm12 ) = oldcs
                    rwork( i-ll+1+nm13 ) = oldsn
                 end do
                 h = d( m )*cs
                 d( m ) = h*oldcs
                 e( m-1 ) = h*oldsn
                 ! update singular vectors
                 if( ncvt>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_clasr( 'L', 'V', 'F', m-ll+1, ncvt, rwork( 1_${ik}$ ),rwork( n )&
                           , vt( ll, 1_${ik}$ ), ldvt )
                 if( nru>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_clasr( 'R', 'V', 'F', nru, m-ll+1, rwork( nm12+1 ),rwork( &
                           nm13+1 ), u( 1_${ik}$, ll ), ldu )
                 if( ncc>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_clasr( 'L', 'V', 'F', m-ll+1, ncc, rwork( nm12+1 ),rwork( &
                           nm13+1 ), c( ll, 1_${ik}$ ), ldc )
                 ! test convergence
                 if( abs( e( m-1 ) )<=thresh )e( m-1 ) = zero
                 ! chase bulge from bottom to top
                 ! save cosines and sines for later singular vector updates
                 cs = one
                 oldcs = one
                 do i = m, ll + 1, -1
                    call stdlib${ii}$_slartg( d( i )*cs, e( i-1 ), cs, sn, r )
                    if( i<m )e( i ) = oldsn*r
                    call stdlib${ii}$_slartg( oldcs*r, d( i-1 )*sn, oldcs, oldsn, d( i ) )
                    rwork( i-ll ) = cs
                    rwork( i-ll+nm1 ) = -sn
                    rwork( i-ll+nm12 ) = oldcs
                    rwork( i-ll+nm13 ) = -oldsn
                 end do
                 h = d( ll )*cs
                 d( ll ) = h*oldcs
                 e( ll ) = h*oldsn
                 ! update singular vectors
                 if( ncvt>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_clasr( 'L', 'V', 'B', m-ll+1, ncvt, rwork( nm12+1 ),&
                           rwork( nm13+1 ), vt( ll, 1_${ik}$ ), ldvt )
                 if( nru>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_clasr( 'R', 'V', 'B', nru, m-ll+1, rwork( 1_${ik}$ ),rwork( n ), &
                           u( 1_${ik}$, ll ), ldu )
                 if( ncc>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_clasr( 'L', 'V', 'B', m-ll+1, ncc, rwork( 1_${ik}$ ),rwork( n ), &
                           c( ll, 1_${ik}$ ), ldc )
                 ! test convergence
                 if( abs( e( ll ) )<=thresh )e( ll ) = zero
              end if
              ! use nonzero shift
              if( idir==1_${ik}$ ) then
                 ! chase bulge from top to bottom
                 ! save cosines and sines for later singular vector updates
                 f = ( abs( d( ll ) )-shift )*( sign( one, d( ll ) )+shift / d( ll ) )
                 g = e( ll )
                 do i = ll, m - 1
                    call stdlib${ii}$_slartg( f, g, cosr, sinr, r )
                    if( i>ll )e( i-1 ) = r
                    f = cosr*d( i ) + sinr*e( i )
                    e( i ) = cosr*e( i ) - sinr*d( i )
                    g = sinr*d( i+1 )
                    d( i+1 ) = cosr*d( i+1 )
                    call stdlib${ii}$_slartg( f, g, cosl, sinl, r )
                    d( i ) = r
                    f = cosl*e( i ) + sinl*d( i+1 )
                    d( i+1 ) = cosl*d( i+1 ) - sinl*e( i )
                    if( i<m-1 ) then
                       g = sinl*e( i+1 )
                       e( i+1 ) = cosl*e( i+1 )
                    end if
                    rwork( i-ll+1 ) = cosr
                    rwork( i-ll+1+nm1 ) = sinr
                    rwork( i-ll+1+nm12 ) = cosl
                    rwork( i-ll+1+nm13 ) = sinl
                 end do
                 e( m-1 ) = f
                 ! update singular vectors
                 if( ncvt>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_clasr( 'L', 'V', 'F', m-ll+1, ncvt, rwork( 1_${ik}$ ),rwork( n )&
                           , vt( ll, 1_${ik}$ ), ldvt )
                 if( nru>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_clasr( 'R', 'V', 'F', nru, m-ll+1, rwork( nm12+1 ),rwork( &
                           nm13+1 ), u( 1_${ik}$, ll ), ldu )
                 if( ncc>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_clasr( 'L', 'V', 'F', m-ll+1, ncc, rwork( nm12+1 ),rwork( &
                           nm13+1 ), c( ll, 1_${ik}$ ), ldc )
                 ! test convergence
                 if( abs( e( m-1 ) )<=thresh )e( m-1 ) = zero
                 ! chase bulge from bottom to top
                 ! save cosines and sines for later singular vector updates
                 f = ( abs( d( m ) )-shift )*( sign( one, d( m ) )+shift /d( m ) )
                 g = e( m-1 )
                 do i = m, ll + 1, -1
                    call stdlib${ii}$_slartg( f, g, cosr, sinr, r )
                    if( i<m )e( i ) = r
                    f = cosr*d( i ) + sinr*e( i-1 )
                    e( i-1 ) = cosr*e( i-1 ) - sinr*d( i )
                    g = sinr*d( i-1 )
                    d( i-1 ) = cosr*d( i-1 )
                    call stdlib${ii}$_slartg( f, g, cosl, sinl, r )
                    d( i ) = r
                    f = cosl*e( i-1 ) + sinl*d( i-1 )
                    d( i-1 ) = cosl*d( i-1 ) - sinl*e( i-1 )
                    if( i>ll+1 ) then
                       g = sinl*e( i-2 )
                       e( i-2 ) = cosl*e( i-2 )
                    end if
                    rwork( i-ll ) = cosr
                    rwork( i-ll+nm1 ) = -sinr
                    rwork( i-ll+nm12 ) = cosl
                    rwork( i-ll+nm13 ) = -sinl
                 end do
                 e( ll ) = f
                 ! test convergence
                 if( abs( e( ll ) )<=thresh )e( ll ) = zero
                 ! update singular vectors if desired
                 if( ncvt>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_clasr( 'L', 'V', 'B', m-ll+1, ncvt, rwork( nm12+1 ),&
                           rwork( nm13+1 ), vt( ll, 1_${ik}$ ), ldvt )
                 if( nru>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_clasr( 'R', 'V', 'B', nru, m-ll+1, rwork( 1_${ik}$ ),rwork( n ), &
                           u( 1_${ik}$, ll ), ldu )
                 if( ncc>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_clasr( 'L', 'V', 'B', m-ll+1, ncc, rwork( 1_${ik}$ ),rwork( n ), &
                           c( ll, 1_${ik}$ ), ldc )
              end if
           end if
           ! qr iteration finished, go back and check convergence
           go to 60
           ! all singular values converged, so make them positive
           160 continue
           do i = 1, n
              if( d( i )<zero ) then
                 d( i ) = -d( i )
                 ! change sign of singular vectors, if desired
                 if( ncvt>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_csscal( ncvt, negone, vt( i, 1_${ik}$ ), ldvt )
              end if
           end do
           ! sort the singular values into decreasing order (insertion sort on
           ! singular values, but only one transposition per singular vector)
           do i = 1, n - 1
              ! scan for smallest d(i)
              isub = 1_${ik}$
              smin = d( 1_${ik}$ )
              do j = 2, n + 1 - i
                 if( d( j )<=smin ) then
                    isub = j
                    smin = d( j )
                 end if
              end do
              if( isub/=n+1-i ) then
                 ! swap singular values and vectors
                 d( isub ) = d( n+1-i )
                 d( n+1-i ) = smin
                 if( ncvt>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_cswap( ncvt, vt( isub, 1_${ik}$ ), ldvt, vt( n+1-i, 1_${ik}$ ),ldvt )
                 if( nru>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_cswap( nru, u( 1_${ik}$, isub ), 1_${ik}$, u( 1_${ik}$, n+1-i ), 1_${ik}$ )
                 if( ncc>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_cswap( ncc, c( isub, 1_${ik}$ ), ldc, c( n+1-i, 1_${ik}$ ), ldc )
              end if
           end do
           go to 220
           ! maximum number of iterations exceeded, failure to converge
           200 continue
           info = 0_${ik}$
           do i = 1, n - 1
              if( e( i )/=zero )info = info + 1_${ik}$
           end do
           220 continue
     end subroutine stdlib${ii}$_cbdsqr

     pure module subroutine stdlib${ii}$_zbdsqr( uplo, n, ncvt, nru, ncc, d, e, vt, ldvt, u,ldu, c, ldc, rwork,&
     !! ZBDSQR computes the singular values and, optionally, the right and/or
     !! left singular vectors from the singular value decomposition (SVD) of
     !! a real N-by-N (upper or lower) bidiagonal matrix B using the implicit
     !! zero-shift QR algorithm.  The SVD of B has the form
     !! B = Q * S * P**H
     !! where S is the diagonal matrix of singular values, Q is an orthogonal
     !! matrix of left singular vectors, and P is an orthogonal matrix of
     !! right singular vectors.  If left singular vectors are requested, this
     !! subroutine actually returns U*Q instead of Q, and, if right singular
     !! vectors are requested, this subroutine returns P**H*VT instead of
     !! P**H, for given complex input matrices U and VT.  When U and VT are
     !! the unitary matrices that reduce a general matrix A to bidiagonal
     !! form: A = U*B*VT, as computed by ZGEBRD, then
     !! A = (U*Q) * S * (P**H*VT)
     !! is the SVD of A.  Optionally, the subroutine may also compute Q**H*C
     !! for a given complex input matrix C.
     !! See "Computing  Small Singular Values of Bidiagonal Matrices With
     !! Guaranteed High Relative Accuracy," by J. Demmel and W. Kahan,
     !! LAPACK Working Note #3 (or SIAM J. Sci. Statist. Comput. vol. 11,
     !! no. 5, pp. 873-912, Sept 1990) and
     !! "Accurate singular values and differential qd algorithms," by
     !! B. Parlett and V. Fernando, Technical Report CPAM-554, Mathematics
     !! Department, University of California at Berkeley, July 1992
     !! for a detailed description of the algorithm.
                info )
        ! -- lapack computational routine --
        ! -- lapack is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee,    --
        ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..--
           use stdlib_blas_constants_dp, only: negone, zero, half, one, two, three, four, eight, ten, czero, chalf, cone, cnegone
           ! Scalar Arguments 
           character, intent(in) :: uplo
           integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: info
           integer(${ik}$), intent(in) :: ldc, ldu, ldvt, n, ncc, ncvt, nru
           ! Array Arguments 
           real(dp), intent(inout) :: d(*), e(*)
           real(dp), intent(out) :: rwork(*)
           complex(dp), intent(inout) :: c(ldc,*), u(ldu,*), vt(ldvt,*)
        ! =====================================================================
           ! Parameters 
           real(dp), parameter :: hndrth = 0.01_dp
           real(dp), parameter :: hndrd = 100.0_dp
           real(dp), parameter :: meigth = -0.125_dp
           integer(${ik}$), parameter :: maxitr = 6_${ik}$
           ! Local Scalars 
           logical(lk) :: lower, rotate
           integer(${ik}$) :: i, idir, isub, iter, j, ll, lll, m, maxit, nm1, nm12, nm13, oldll, &
           real(dp) :: abse, abss, cosl, cosr, cs, eps, f, g, h, mu, oldcs, oldsn, r, shift, &
           sigmn, sigmx, sinl, sinr, sll, smax, smin, sminl, sminoa, sn, thresh, tol, tolmul, &
           ! Intrinsic Functions 
           ! Executable Statements 
           ! test the input parameters.
           info = 0_${ik}$
           lower = stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'L' )
           if( .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'U' ) .and. .not.lower ) then
              info = -1_${ik}$
           else if( n<0_${ik}$ ) then
              info = -2_${ik}$
           else if( ncvt<0_${ik}$ ) then
              info = -3_${ik}$
           else if( nru<0_${ik}$ ) then
              info = -4_${ik}$
           else if( ncc<0_${ik}$ ) then
              info = -5_${ik}$
           else if( ( ncvt==0_${ik}$ .and. ldvt<1_${ik}$ ) .or.( ncvt>0_${ik}$ .and. ldvt<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) ) then
              info = -9_${ik}$
           else if( ldu<max( 1_${ik}$, nru ) ) then
              info = -11_${ik}$
           else if( ( ncc==0_${ik}$ .and. ldc<1_${ik}$ ) .or.( ncc>0_${ik}$ .and. ldc<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) ) then
              info = -13_${ik}$
           end if
           if( info/=0_${ik}$ ) then
              call stdlib${ii}$_xerbla( 'ZBDSQR', -info )
           end if
           if( n==0 )return
           if( n==1 )go to 160
           ! rotate is true if any singular vectors desired, false otherwise
           rotate = ( ncvt>0_${ik}$ ) .or. ( nru>0_${ik}$ ) .or. ( ncc>0_${ik}$ )
           ! if no singular vectors desired, use qd algorithm
           if( .not.rotate ) then
              call stdlib${ii}$_dlasq1( n, d, e, rwork, info )
           ! if info equals 2, dqds didn't finish, try to finish
              if( info /= 2 ) return
              info = 0_${ik}$
           end if
           nm1 = n - 1_${ik}$
           nm12 = nm1 + nm1
           nm13 = nm12 + nm1
           idir = 0_${ik}$
           ! get machine constants
           eps = stdlib${ii}$_dlamch( 'EPSILON' )
           unfl = stdlib${ii}$_dlamch( 'SAFE MINIMUM' )
           ! if matrix lower bidiagonal, rotate to be upper bidiagonal
           ! by applying givens rotations on the left
           if( lower ) then
              do i = 1, n - 1
                 call stdlib${ii}$_dlartg( d( i ), e( i ), cs, sn, r )
                 d( i ) = r
                 e( i ) = sn*d( i+1 )
                 d( i+1 ) = cs*d( i+1 )
                 rwork( i ) = cs
                 rwork( nm1+i ) = sn
              end do
              ! update singular vectors if desired
              if( nru>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_zlasr( 'R', 'V', 'F', nru, n, rwork( 1_${ik}$ ), rwork( n ),u, ldu )
              if( ncc>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_zlasr( 'L', 'V', 'F', n, ncc, rwork( 1_${ik}$ ), rwork( n ),c, ldc )
           end if
           ! compute singular values to relative accuracy tol
           ! (by setting tol to be negative, algorithm will compute
           ! singular values to absolute accuracy abs(tol)*norm(input matrix))
           tolmul = max( ten, min( hndrd, eps**meigth ) )
           tol = tolmul*eps
           ! compute approximate maximum, minimum singular values
           smax = zero
           do i = 1, n
              smax = max( smax, abs( d( i ) ) )
           end do
           do i = 1, n - 1
              smax = max( smax, abs( e( i ) ) )
           end do
           sminl = zero
           if( tol>=zero ) then
              ! relative accuracy desired
              sminoa = abs( d( 1_${ik}$ ) )
              if( sminoa==zero )go to 50
              mu = sminoa
              do i = 2, n
                 mu = abs( d( i ) )*( mu / ( mu+abs( e( i-1 ) ) ) )
                 sminoa = min( sminoa, mu )
                 if( sminoa==zero )go to 50
              end do
              50 continue
              sminoa = sminoa / sqrt( real( n,KIND=dp) )
              thresh = max( tol*sminoa, maxitr*n*n*unfl )
              ! absolute accuracy desired
              thresh = max( abs( tol )*smax, maxitr*n*n*unfl )
           end if
           ! prepare for main iteration loop for the singular values
           ! (maxit is the maximum number of passes through the inner
           ! loop permitted before nonconvergence signalled.)
           maxit = maxitr*n*n
           iter = 0_${ik}$
           oldll = -1_${ik}$
           oldm = -1_${ik}$
           ! m points to last element of unconverged part of matrix
           m = n
           ! begin main iteration loop
           60 continue
           ! check for convergence or exceeding iteration count
           if( m<=1 )go to 160
           if( iter>maxit )go to 200
           ! find diagonal block of matrix to work on
           if( tol<zero .and. abs( d( m ) )<=thresh )d( m ) = zero
           smax = abs( d( m ) )
           smin = smax
           do lll = 1, m - 1
              ll = m - lll
              abss = abs( d( ll ) )
              abse = abs( e( ll ) )
              if( tol<zero .and. abss<=thresh )d( ll ) = zero
              if( abse<=thresh )go to 80
              smin = min( smin, abss )
              smax = max( smax, abss, abse )
           end do
           ll = 0_${ik}$
           go to 90
           80 continue
           e( ll ) = zero
           ! matrix splits since e(ll) = 0
           if( ll==m-1 ) then
              ! convergence of bottom singular value, return to top of loop
              m = m - 1_${ik}$
              go to 60
           end if
           90 continue
           ll = ll + 1_${ik}$
           ! e(ll) through e(m-1) are nonzero, e(ll-1) is zero
           if( ll==m-1 ) then
              ! 2 by 2 block, handle separately
              call stdlib${ii}$_dlasv2( d( m-1 ), e( m-1 ), d( m ), sigmn, sigmx, sinr,cosr, sinl, cosl &
              d( m-1 ) = sigmx
              e( m-1 ) = zero
              d( m ) = sigmn
              ! compute singular vectors, if desired
              if( ncvt>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_zdrot( ncvt, vt( m-1, 1_${ik}$ ), ldvt, vt( m, 1_${ik}$ ), ldvt,cosr, &
                        sinr )
              if( nru>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_zdrot( nru, u( 1_${ik}$, m-1 ), 1_${ik}$, u( 1_${ik}$, m ), 1_${ik}$, cosl, sinl )
              if( ncc>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_zdrot( ncc, c( m-1, 1_${ik}$ ), ldc, c( m, 1_${ik}$ ), ldc, cosl,sinl )
              m = m - 2_${ik}$
              go to 60
           end if
           ! if working on new submatrix, choose shift direction
           ! (from larger end diagonal element towards smaller)
           if( ll>oldm .or. m<oldll ) then
              if( abs( d( ll ) )>=abs( d( m ) ) ) then
                 ! chase bulge from top (big end) to bottom (small end)
                 idir = 1_${ik}$
                 ! chase bulge from bottom (big end) to top (small end)
                 idir = 2_${ik}$
              end if
           end if
           ! apply convergence tests
           if( idir==1_${ik}$ ) then
              ! run convergence test in forward direction
              ! first apply standard test to bottom of matrix
              if( abs( e( m-1 ) )<=abs( tol )*abs( d( m ) ) .or.( tol<zero .and. abs( e( m-1 ) )&
                        <=thresh ) ) then
                 e( m-1 ) = zero
                 go to 60
              end if
              if( tol>=zero ) then
                 ! if relative accuracy desired,
                 ! apply convergence criterion forward
                 mu = abs( d( ll ) )
                 sminl = mu
                 do lll = ll, m - 1
                    if( abs( e( lll ) )<=tol*mu ) then
                       e( lll ) = zero
                       go to 60
                    end if
                    mu = abs( d( lll+1 ) )*( mu / ( mu+abs( e( lll ) ) ) )
                    sminl = min( sminl, mu )
                 end do
              end if
              ! run convergence test in backward direction
              ! first apply standard test to top of matrix
              if( abs( e( ll ) )<=abs( tol )*abs( d( ll ) ) .or.( tol<zero .and. abs( e( ll ) )&
                        <=thresh ) ) then
                 e( ll ) = zero
                 go to 60
              end if
              if( tol>=zero ) then
                 ! if relative accuracy desired,
                 ! apply convergence criterion backward
                 mu = abs( d( m ) )
                 sminl = mu
                 do lll = m - 1, ll, -1
                    if( abs( e( lll ) )<=tol*mu ) then
                       e( lll ) = zero
                       go to 60
                    end if
                    mu = abs( d( lll ) )*( mu / ( mu+abs( e( lll ) ) ) )
                    sminl = min( sminl, mu )
                 end do
              end if
           end if
           oldll = ll
           oldm = m
           ! compute shift.  first, test if shifting would ruin relative
           ! accuracy, and if so set the shift to zero.
           if( tol>=zero .and. n*tol*( sminl / smax )<=max( eps, hndrth*tol ) ) then
              ! use a zero shift to avoid loss of relative accuracy
              shift = zero
              ! compute the shift from 2-by-2 block at end of matrix
              if( idir==1_${ik}$ ) then
                 sll = abs( d( ll ) )
                 call stdlib${ii}$_dlas2( d( m-1 ), e( m-1 ), d( m ), shift, r )
                 sll = abs( d( m ) )
                 call stdlib${ii}$_dlas2( d( ll ), e( ll ), d( ll+1 ), shift, r )
              end if
              ! test if shift negligible, and if so set to zero
              if( sll>zero ) then
                 if( ( shift / sll )**2_${ik}$<eps )shift = zero
              end if
           end if
           ! increment iteration count
           iter = iter + m - ll
           ! if shift = 0, do simplified qr iteration
           if( shift==zero ) then
              if( idir==1_${ik}$ ) then
                 ! chase bulge from top to bottom
                 ! save cosines and sines for later singular vector updates
                 cs = one
                 oldcs = one
                 do i = ll, m - 1
                    call stdlib${ii}$_dlartg( d( i )*cs, e( i ), cs, sn, r )
                    if( i>ll )e( i-1 ) = oldsn*r
                    call stdlib${ii}$_dlartg( oldcs*r, d( i+1 )*sn, oldcs, oldsn, d( i ) )
                    rwork( i-ll+1 ) = cs
                    rwork( i-ll+1+nm1 ) = sn
                    rwork( i-ll+1+nm12 ) = oldcs
                    rwork( i-ll+1+nm13 ) = oldsn
                 end do
                 h = d( m )*cs
                 d( m ) = h*oldcs
                 e( m-1 ) = h*oldsn
                 ! update singular vectors
                 if( ncvt>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_zlasr( 'L', 'V', 'F', m-ll+1, ncvt, rwork( 1_${ik}$ ),rwork( n )&
                           , vt( ll, 1_${ik}$ ), ldvt )
                 if( nru>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_zlasr( 'R', 'V', 'F', nru, m-ll+1, rwork( nm12+1 ),rwork( &
                           nm13+1 ), u( 1_${ik}$, ll ), ldu )
                 if( ncc>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_zlasr( 'L', 'V', 'F', m-ll+1, ncc, rwork( nm12+1 ),rwork( &
                           nm13+1 ), c( ll, 1_${ik}$ ), ldc )
                 ! test convergence
                 if( abs( e( m-1 ) )<=thresh )e( m-1 ) = zero
                 ! chase bulge from bottom to top
                 ! save cosines and sines for later singular vector updates
                 cs = one
                 oldcs = one
                 do i = m, ll + 1, -1
                    call stdlib${ii}$_dlartg( d( i )*cs, e( i-1 ), cs, sn, r )
                    if( i<m )e( i ) = oldsn*r
                    call stdlib${ii}$_dlartg( oldcs*r, d( i-1 )*sn, oldcs, oldsn, d( i ) )
                    rwork( i-ll ) = cs
                    rwork( i-ll+nm1 ) = -sn
                    rwork( i-ll+nm12 ) = oldcs
                    rwork( i-ll+nm13 ) = -oldsn
                 end do
                 h = d( ll )*cs
                 d( ll ) = h*oldcs
                 e( ll ) = h*oldsn
                 ! update singular vectors
                 if( ncvt>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_zlasr( 'L', 'V', 'B', m-ll+1, ncvt, rwork( nm12+1 ),&
                           rwork( nm13+1 ), vt( ll, 1_${ik}$ ), ldvt )
                 if( nru>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_zlasr( 'R', 'V', 'B', nru, m-ll+1, rwork( 1_${ik}$ ),rwork( n ), &
                           u( 1_${ik}$, ll ), ldu )
                 if( ncc>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_zlasr( 'L', 'V', 'B', m-ll+1, ncc, rwork( 1_${ik}$ ),rwork( n ), &
                           c( ll, 1_${ik}$ ), ldc )
                 ! test convergence
                 if( abs( e( ll ) )<=thresh )e( ll ) = zero
              end if
              ! use nonzero shift
              if( idir==1_${ik}$ ) then
                 ! chase bulge from top to bottom
                 ! save cosines and sines for later singular vector updates
                 f = ( abs( d( ll ) )-shift )*( sign( one, d( ll ) )+shift / d( ll ) )
                 g = e( ll )
                 do i = ll, m - 1
                    call stdlib${ii}$_dlartg( f, g, cosr, sinr, r )
                    if( i>ll )e( i-1 ) = r
                    f = cosr*d( i ) + sinr*e( i )
                    e( i ) = cosr*e( i ) - sinr*d( i )
                    g = sinr*d( i+1 )
                    d( i+1 ) = cosr*d( i+1 )
                    call stdlib${ii}$_dlartg( f, g, cosl, sinl, r )
                    d( i ) = r
                    f = cosl*e( i ) + sinl*d( i+1 )
                    d( i+1 ) = cosl*d( i+1 ) - sinl*e( i )
                    if( i<m-1 ) then
                       g = sinl*e( i+1 )
                       e( i+1 ) = cosl*e( i+1 )
                    end if
                    rwork( i-ll+1 ) = cosr
                    rwork( i-ll+1+nm1 ) = sinr
                    rwork( i-ll+1+nm12 ) = cosl
                    rwork( i-ll+1+nm13 ) = sinl
                 end do
                 e( m-1 ) = f
                 ! update singular vectors
                 if( ncvt>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_zlasr( 'L', 'V', 'F', m-ll+1, ncvt, rwork( 1_${ik}$ ),rwork( n )&
                           , vt( ll, 1_${ik}$ ), ldvt )
                 if( nru>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_zlasr( 'R', 'V', 'F', nru, m-ll+1, rwork( nm12+1 ),rwork( &
                           nm13+1 ), u( 1_${ik}$, ll ), ldu )
                 if( ncc>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_zlasr( 'L', 'V', 'F', m-ll+1, ncc, rwork( nm12+1 ),rwork( &
                           nm13+1 ), c( ll, 1_${ik}$ ), ldc )
                 ! test convergence
                 if( abs( e( m-1 ) )<=thresh )e( m-1 ) = zero
                 ! chase bulge from bottom to top
                 ! save cosines and sines for later singular vector updates
                 f = ( abs( d( m ) )-shift )*( sign( one, d( m ) )+shift /d( m ) )
                 g = e( m-1 )
                 do i = m, ll + 1, -1
                    call stdlib${ii}$_dlartg( f, g, cosr, sinr, r )
                    if( i<m )e( i ) = r
                    f = cosr*d( i ) + sinr*e( i-1 )
                    e( i-1 ) = cosr*e( i-1 ) - sinr*d( i )
                    g = sinr*d( i-1 )
                    d( i-1 ) = cosr*d( i-1 )
                    call stdlib${ii}$_dlartg( f, g, cosl, sinl, r )
                    d( i ) = r
                    f = cosl*e( i-1 ) + sinl*d( i-1 )
                    d( i-1 ) = cosl*d( i-1 ) - sinl*e( i-1 )
                    if( i>ll+1 ) then
                       g = sinl*e( i-2 )
                       e( i-2 ) = cosl*e( i-2 )
                    end if
                    rwork( i-ll ) = cosr
                    rwork( i-ll+nm1 ) = -sinr
                    rwork( i-ll+nm12 ) = cosl
                    rwork( i-ll+nm13 ) = -sinl
                 end do
                 e( ll ) = f
                 ! test convergence
                 if( abs( e( ll ) )<=thresh )e( ll ) = zero
                 ! update singular vectors if desired
                 if( ncvt>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_zlasr( 'L', 'V', 'B', m-ll+1, ncvt, rwork( nm12+1 ),&
                           rwork( nm13+1 ), vt( ll, 1_${ik}$ ), ldvt )
                 if( nru>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_zlasr( 'R', 'V', 'B', nru, m-ll+1, rwork( 1_${ik}$ ),rwork( n ), &
                           u( 1_${ik}$, ll ), ldu )
                 if( ncc>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_zlasr( 'L', 'V', 'B', m-ll+1, ncc, rwork( 1_${ik}$ ),rwork( n ), &
                           c( ll, 1_${ik}$ ), ldc )
              end if
           end if
           ! qr iteration finished, go back and check convergence
           go to 60
           ! all singular values converged, so make them positive
           160 continue
           do i = 1, n
              if( d( i )<zero ) then
                 d( i ) = -d( i )
                 ! change sign of singular vectors, if desired
                 if( ncvt>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_zdscal( ncvt, negone, vt( i, 1_${ik}$ ), ldvt )
              end if
           end do
           ! sort the singular values into decreasing order (insertion sort on
           ! singular values, but only one transposition per singular vector)
           do i = 1, n - 1
              ! scan for smallest d(i)
              isub = 1_${ik}$
              smin = d( 1_${ik}$ )
              do j = 2, n + 1 - i
                 if( d( j )<=smin ) then
                    isub = j
                    smin = d( j )
                 end if
              end do
              if( isub/=n+1-i ) then
                 ! swap singular values and vectors
                 d( isub ) = d( n+1-i )
                 d( n+1-i ) = smin
                 if( ncvt>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_zswap( ncvt, vt( isub, 1_${ik}$ ), ldvt, vt( n+1-i, 1_${ik}$ ),ldvt )
                 if( nru>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_zswap( nru, u( 1_${ik}$, isub ), 1_${ik}$, u( 1_${ik}$, n+1-i ), 1_${ik}$ )
                 if( ncc>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_zswap( ncc, c( isub, 1_${ik}$ ), ldc, c( n+1-i, 1_${ik}$ ), ldc )
              end if
           end do
           go to 220
           ! maximum number of iterations exceeded, failure to converge
           200 continue
           info = 0_${ik}$
           do i = 1, n - 1
              if( e( i )/=zero )info = info + 1_${ik}$
           end do
           220 continue
     end subroutine stdlib${ii}$_zbdsqr

#:for ck,ct,ci in CMPLX_KINDS_TYPES
#:if not ck in ["sp","dp"]
     pure module subroutine stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$bdsqr( uplo, n, ncvt, nru, ncc, d, e, vt, ldvt, u,ldu, c, ldc, rwork,&
     !! ZBDSQR: computes the singular values and, optionally, the right and/or
     !! left singular vectors from the singular value decomposition (SVD) of
     !! a real N-by-N (upper or lower) bidiagonal matrix B using the implicit
     !! zero-shift QR algorithm.  The SVD of B has the form
     !! B = Q * S * P**H
     !! where S is the diagonal matrix of singular values, Q is an orthogonal
     !! matrix of left singular vectors, and P is an orthogonal matrix of
     !! right singular vectors.  If left singular vectors are requested, this
     !! subroutine actually returns U*Q instead of Q, and, if right singular
     !! vectors are requested, this subroutine returns P**H*VT instead of
     !! P**H, for given complex input matrices U and VT.  When U and VT are
     !! the unitary matrices that reduce a general matrix A to bidiagonal
     !! form: A = U*B*VT, as computed by ZGEBRD, then
     !! A = (U*Q) * S * (P**H*VT)
     !! is the SVD of A.  Optionally, the subroutine may also compute Q**H*C
     !! for a given complex input matrix C.
     !! See "Computing  Small Singular Values of Bidiagonal Matrices With
     !! Guaranteed High Relative Accuracy," by J. Demmel and W. Kahan,
     !! LAPACK Working Note #3 (or SIAM J. Sci. Statist. Comput. vol. 11,
     !! no. 5, pp. 873-912, Sept 1990) and
     !! "Accurate singular values and differential qd algorithms," by
     !! B. Parlett and V. Fernando, Technical Report CPAM-554, Mathematics
     !! Department, University of California at Berkeley, July 1992
     !! for a detailed description of the algorithm.
                info )
        ! -- lapack computational routine --
        ! -- lapack is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee,    --
        ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..--
           use stdlib_blas_constants_${ck}$, only: negone, zero, half, one, two, three, four, eight, ten, czero, chalf, cone, cnegone
           ! Scalar Arguments 
           character, intent(in) :: uplo
           integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: info
           integer(${ik}$), intent(in) :: ldc, ldu, ldvt, n, ncc, ncvt, nru
           ! Array Arguments 
           real(${ck}$), intent(inout) :: d(*), e(*)
           real(${ck}$), intent(out) :: rwork(*)
           complex(${ck}$), intent(inout) :: c(ldc,*), u(ldu,*), vt(ldvt,*)
        ! =====================================================================
           ! Parameters 
           real(${ck}$), parameter :: hndrth = 0.01_${ck}$
           real(${ck}$), parameter :: hndrd = 100.0_${ck}$
           real(${ck}$), parameter :: meigth = -0.125_${ck}$
           integer(${ik}$), parameter :: maxitr = 6_${ik}$
           ! Local Scalars 
           logical(lk) :: lower, rotate
           integer(${ik}$) :: i, idir, isub, iter, j, ll, lll, m, maxit, nm1, nm12, nm13, oldll, &
           real(${ck}$) :: abse, abss, cosl, cosr, cs, eps, f, g, h, mu, oldcs, oldsn, r, shift, &
           sigmn, sigmx, sinl, sinr, sll, smax, smin, sminl, sminoa, sn, thresh, tol, tolmul, &
           ! Intrinsic Functions 
           ! Executable Statements 
           ! test the input parameters.
           info = 0_${ik}$
           lower = stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'L' )
           if( .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'U' ) .and. .not.lower ) then
              info = -1_${ik}$
           else if( n<0_${ik}$ ) then
              info = -2_${ik}$
           else if( ncvt<0_${ik}$ ) then
              info = -3_${ik}$
           else if( nru<0_${ik}$ ) then
              info = -4_${ik}$
           else if( ncc<0_${ik}$ ) then
              info = -5_${ik}$
           else if( ( ncvt==0_${ik}$ .and. ldvt<1_${ik}$ ) .or.( ncvt>0_${ik}$ .and. ldvt<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) ) then
              info = -9_${ik}$
           else if( ldu<max( 1_${ik}$, nru ) ) then
              info = -11_${ik}$
           else if( ( ncc==0_${ik}$ .and. ldc<1_${ik}$ ) .or.( ncc>0_${ik}$ .and. ldc<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) ) then
              info = -13_${ik}$
           end if
           if( info/=0_${ik}$ ) then
              call stdlib${ii}$_xerbla( 'ZBDSQR', -info )
           end if
           if( n==0 )return
           if( n==1 )go to 160
           ! rotate is true if any singular vectors desired, false otherwise
           rotate = ( ncvt>0_${ik}$ ) .or. ( nru>0_${ik}$ ) .or. ( ncc>0_${ik}$ )
           ! if no singular vectors desired, use qd algorithm
           if( .not.rotate ) then
              call stdlib${ii}$_${c2ri(ci)}$lasq1( n, d, e, rwork, info )
           ! if info equals 2, dqds didn't finish, try to finish
              if( info /= 2 ) return
              info = 0_${ik}$
           end if
           nm1 = n - 1_${ik}$
           nm12 = nm1 + nm1
           nm13 = nm12 + nm1
           idir = 0_${ik}$
           ! get machine constants
           eps = stdlib${ii}$_${c2ri(ci)}$lamch( 'EPSILON' )
           unfl = stdlib${ii}$_${c2ri(ci)}$lamch( 'SAFE MINIMUM' )
           ! if matrix lower bidiagonal, rotate to be upper bidiagonal
           ! by applying givens rotations on the left
           if( lower ) then
              do i = 1, n - 1
                 call stdlib${ii}$_${c2ri(ci)}$lartg( d( i ), e( i ), cs, sn, r )
                 d( i ) = r
                 e( i ) = sn*d( i+1 )
                 d( i+1 ) = cs*d( i+1 )
                 rwork( i ) = cs
                 rwork( nm1+i ) = sn
              end do
              ! update singular vectors if desired
              if( nru>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$lasr( 'R', 'V', 'F', nru, n, rwork( 1_${ik}$ ), rwork( n ),u, ldu )
              if( ncc>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$lasr( 'L', 'V', 'F', n, ncc, rwork( 1_${ik}$ ), rwork( n ),c, ldc )
           end if
           ! compute singular values to relative accuracy tol
           ! (by setting tol to be negative, algorithm will compute
           ! singular values to absolute accuracy abs(tol)*norm(input matrix))
           tolmul = max( ten, min( hndrd, eps**meigth ) )
           tol = tolmul*eps
           ! compute approximate maximum, minimum singular values
           smax = zero
           do i = 1, n
              smax = max( smax, abs( d( i ) ) )
           end do
           do i = 1, n - 1
              smax = max( smax, abs( e( i ) ) )
           end do
           sminl = zero
           if( tol>=zero ) then
              ! relative accuracy desired
              sminoa = abs( d( 1_${ik}$ ) )
              if( sminoa==zero )go to 50
              mu = sminoa
              do i = 2, n
                 mu = abs( d( i ) )*( mu / ( mu+abs( e( i-1 ) ) ) )
                 sminoa = min( sminoa, mu )
                 if( sminoa==zero )go to 50
              end do
              50 continue
              sminoa = sminoa / sqrt( real( n,KIND=${ck}$) )
              thresh = max( tol*sminoa, maxitr*n*n*unfl )
              ! absolute accuracy desired
              thresh = max( abs( tol )*smax, maxitr*n*n*unfl )
           end if
           ! prepare for main iteration loop for the singular values
           ! (maxit is the maximum number of passes through the inner
           ! loop permitted before nonconvergence signalled.)
           maxit = maxitr*n*n
           iter = 0_${ik}$
           oldll = -1_${ik}$
           oldm = -1_${ik}$
           ! m points to last element of unconverged part of matrix
           m = n
           ! begin main iteration loop
           60 continue
           ! check for convergence or exceeding iteration count
           if( m<=1 )go to 160
           if( iter>maxit )go to 200
           ! find diagonal block of matrix to work on
           if( tol<zero .and. abs( d( m ) )<=thresh )d( m ) = zero
           smax = abs( d( m ) )
           smin = smax
           do lll = 1, m - 1
              ll = m - lll
              abss = abs( d( ll ) )
              abse = abs( e( ll ) )
              if( tol<zero .and. abss<=thresh )d( ll ) = zero
              if( abse<=thresh )go to 80
              smin = min( smin, abss )
              smax = max( smax, abss, abse )
           end do
           ll = 0_${ik}$
           go to 90
           80 continue
           e( ll ) = zero
           ! matrix splits since e(ll) = 0
           if( ll==m-1 ) then
              ! convergence of bottom singular value, return to top of loop
              m = m - 1_${ik}$
              go to 60
           end if
           90 continue
           ll = ll + 1_${ik}$
           ! e(ll) through e(m-1) are nonzero, e(ll-1) is zero
           if( ll==m-1 ) then
              ! 2 by 2 block, handle separately
              call stdlib${ii}$_${c2ri(ci)}$lasv2( d( m-1 ), e( m-1 ), d( m ), sigmn, sigmx, sinr,cosr, sinl, cosl &
              d( m-1 ) = sigmx
              e( m-1 ) = zero
              d( m ) = sigmn
              ! compute singular vectors, if desired
              if( ncvt>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$drot( ncvt, vt( m-1, 1_${ik}$ ), ldvt, vt( m, 1_${ik}$ ), ldvt,cosr, &
                        sinr )
              if( nru>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$drot( nru, u( 1_${ik}$, m-1 ), 1_${ik}$, u( 1_${ik}$, m ), 1_${ik}$, cosl, sinl )
              if( ncc>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$drot( ncc, c( m-1, 1_${ik}$ ), ldc, c( m, 1_${ik}$ ), ldc, cosl,sinl )
              m = m - 2_${ik}$
              go to 60
           end if
           ! if working on new submatrix, choose shift direction
           ! (from larger end diagonal element towards smaller)
           if( ll>oldm .or. m<oldll ) then
              if( abs( d( ll ) )>=abs( d( m ) ) ) then
                 ! chase bulge from top (big end) to bottom (small end)
                 idir = 1_${ik}$
                 ! chase bulge from bottom (big end) to top (small end)
                 idir = 2_${ik}$
              end if
           end if
           ! apply convergence tests
           if( idir==1_${ik}$ ) then
              ! run convergence test in forward direction
              ! first apply standard test to bottom of matrix
              if( abs( e( m-1 ) )<=abs( tol )*abs( d( m ) ) .or.( tol<zero .and. abs( e( m-1 ) )&
                        <=thresh ) ) then
                 e( m-1 ) = zero
                 go to 60
              end if
              if( tol>=zero ) then
                 ! if relative accuracy desired,
                 ! apply convergence criterion forward
                 mu = abs( d( ll ) )
                 sminl = mu
                 do lll = ll, m - 1
                    if( abs( e( lll ) )<=tol*mu ) then
                       e( lll ) = zero
                       go to 60
                    end if
                    mu = abs( d( lll+1 ) )*( mu / ( mu+abs( e( lll ) ) ) )
                    sminl = min( sminl, mu )
                 end do
              end if
              ! run convergence test in backward direction
              ! first apply standard test to top of matrix
              if( abs( e( ll ) )<=abs( tol )*abs( d( ll ) ) .or.( tol<zero .and. abs( e( ll ) )&
                        <=thresh ) ) then
                 e( ll ) = zero
                 go to 60
              end if
              if( tol>=zero ) then
                 ! if relative accuracy desired,
                 ! apply convergence criterion backward
                 mu = abs( d( m ) )
                 sminl = mu
                 do lll = m - 1, ll, -1
                    if( abs( e( lll ) )<=tol*mu ) then
                       e( lll ) = zero
                       go to 60
                    end if
                    mu = abs( d( lll ) )*( mu / ( mu+abs( e( lll ) ) ) )
                    sminl = min( sminl, mu )
                 end do
              end if
           end if
           oldll = ll
           oldm = m
           ! compute shift.  first, test if shifting would ruin relative
           ! accuracy, and if so set the shift to zero.
           if( tol>=zero .and. n*tol*( sminl / smax )<=max( eps, hndrth*tol ) ) then
              ! use a zero shift to avoid loss of relative accuracy
              shift = zero
              ! compute the shift from 2-by-2 block at end of matrix
              if( idir==1_${ik}$ ) then
                 sll = abs( d( ll ) )
                 call stdlib${ii}$_${c2ri(ci)}$las2( d( m-1 ), e( m-1 ), d( m ), shift, r )
                 sll = abs( d( m ) )
                 call stdlib${ii}$_${c2ri(ci)}$las2( d( ll ), e( ll ), d( ll+1 ), shift, r )
              end if
              ! test if shift negligible, and if so set to zero
              if( sll>zero ) then
                 if( ( shift / sll )**2_${ik}$<eps )shift = zero
              end if
           end if
           ! increment iteration count
           iter = iter + m - ll
           ! if shift = 0, do simplified qr iteration
           if( shift==zero ) then
              if( idir==1_${ik}$ ) then
                 ! chase bulge from top to bottom
                 ! save cosines and sines for later singular vector updates
                 cs = one
                 oldcs = one
                 do i = ll, m - 1
                    call stdlib${ii}$_${c2ri(ci)}$lartg( d( i )*cs, e( i ), cs, sn, r )
                    if( i>ll )e( i-1 ) = oldsn*r
                    call stdlib${ii}$_${c2ri(ci)}$lartg( oldcs*r, d( i+1 )*sn, oldcs, oldsn, d( i ) )
                    rwork( i-ll+1 ) = cs
                    rwork( i-ll+1+nm1 ) = sn
                    rwork( i-ll+1+nm12 ) = oldcs
                    rwork( i-ll+1+nm13 ) = oldsn
                 end do
                 h = d( m )*cs
                 d( m ) = h*oldcs
                 e( m-1 ) = h*oldsn
                 ! update singular vectors
                 if( ncvt>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$lasr( 'L', 'V', 'F', m-ll+1, ncvt, rwork( 1_${ik}$ ),rwork( n )&
                           , vt( ll, 1_${ik}$ ), ldvt )
                 if( nru>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$lasr( 'R', 'V', 'F', nru, m-ll+1, rwork( nm12+1 ),rwork( &
                           nm13+1 ), u( 1_${ik}$, ll ), ldu )
                 if( ncc>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$lasr( 'L', 'V', 'F', m-ll+1, ncc, rwork( nm12+1 ),rwork( &
                           nm13+1 ), c( ll, 1_${ik}$ ), ldc )
                 ! test convergence
                 if( abs( e( m-1 ) )<=thresh )e( m-1 ) = zero
                 ! chase bulge from bottom to top
                 ! save cosines and sines for later singular vector updates
                 cs = one
                 oldcs = one
                 do i = m, ll + 1, -1
                    call stdlib${ii}$_${c2ri(ci)}$lartg( d( i )*cs, e( i-1 ), cs, sn, r )
                    if( i<m )e( i ) = oldsn*r
                    call stdlib${ii}$_${c2ri(ci)}$lartg( oldcs*r, d( i-1 )*sn, oldcs, oldsn, d( i ) )
                    rwork( i-ll ) = cs
                    rwork( i-ll+nm1 ) = -sn
                    rwork( i-ll+nm12 ) = oldcs
                    rwork( i-ll+nm13 ) = -oldsn
                 end do
                 h = d( ll )*cs
                 d( ll ) = h*oldcs
                 e( ll ) = h*oldsn
                 ! update singular vectors
                 if( ncvt>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$lasr( 'L', 'V', 'B', m-ll+1, ncvt, rwork( nm12+1 ),&
                           rwork( nm13+1 ), vt( ll, 1_${ik}$ ), ldvt )
                 if( nru>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$lasr( 'R', 'V', 'B', nru, m-ll+1, rwork( 1_${ik}$ ),rwork( n ), &
                           u( 1_${ik}$, ll ), ldu )
                 if( ncc>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$lasr( 'L', 'V', 'B', m-ll+1, ncc, rwork( 1_${ik}$ ),rwork( n ), &
                           c( ll, 1_${ik}$ ), ldc )
                 ! test convergence
                 if( abs( e( ll ) )<=thresh )e( ll ) = zero
              end if
              ! use nonzero shift
              if( idir==1_${ik}$ ) then
                 ! chase bulge from top to bottom
                 ! save cosines and sines for later singular vector updates
                 f = ( abs( d( ll ) )-shift )*( sign( one, d( ll ) )+shift / d( ll ) )
                 g = e( ll )
                 do i = ll, m - 1
                    call stdlib${ii}$_${c2ri(ci)}$lartg( f, g, cosr, sinr, r )
                    if( i>ll )e( i-1 ) = r
                    f = cosr*d( i ) + sinr*e( i )
                    e( i ) = cosr*e( i ) - sinr*d( i )
                    g = sinr*d( i+1 )
                    d( i+1 ) = cosr*d( i+1 )
                    call stdlib${ii}$_${c2ri(ci)}$lartg( f, g, cosl, sinl, r )
                    d( i ) = r
                    f = cosl*e( i ) + sinl*d( i+1 )
                    d( i+1 ) = cosl*d( i+1 ) - sinl*e( i )
                    if( i<m-1 ) then
                       g = sinl*e( i+1 )
                       e( i+1 ) = cosl*e( i+1 )
                    end if
                    rwork( i-ll+1 ) = cosr
                    rwork( i-ll+1+nm1 ) = sinr
                    rwork( i-ll+1+nm12 ) = cosl
                    rwork( i-ll+1+nm13 ) = sinl
                 end do
                 e( m-1 ) = f
                 ! update singular vectors
                 if( ncvt>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$lasr( 'L', 'V', 'F', m-ll+1, ncvt, rwork( 1_${ik}$ ),rwork( n )&
                           , vt( ll, 1_${ik}$ ), ldvt )
                 if( nru>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$lasr( 'R', 'V', 'F', nru, m-ll+1, rwork( nm12+1 ),rwork( &
                           nm13+1 ), u( 1_${ik}$, ll ), ldu )
                 if( ncc>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$lasr( 'L', 'V', 'F', m-ll+1, ncc, rwork( nm12+1 ),rwork( &
                           nm13+1 ), c( ll, 1_${ik}$ ), ldc )
                 ! test convergence
                 if( abs( e( m-1 ) )<=thresh )e( m-1 ) = zero
                 ! chase bulge from bottom to top
                 ! save cosines and sines for later singular vector updates
                 f = ( abs( d( m ) )-shift )*( sign( one, d( m ) )+shift /d( m ) )
                 g = e( m-1 )
                 do i = m, ll + 1, -1
                    call stdlib${ii}$_${c2ri(ci)}$lartg( f, g, cosr, sinr, r )
                    if( i<m )e( i ) = r
                    f = cosr*d( i ) + sinr*e( i-1 )
                    e( i-1 ) = cosr*e( i-1 ) - sinr*d( i )
                    g = sinr*d( i-1 )
                    d( i-1 ) = cosr*d( i-1 )
                    call stdlib${ii}$_${c2ri(ci)}$lartg( f, g, cosl, sinl, r )
                    d( i ) = r
                    f = cosl*e( i-1 ) + sinl*d( i-1 )
                    d( i-1 ) = cosl*d( i-1 ) - sinl*e( i-1 )
                    if( i>ll+1 ) then
                       g = sinl*e( i-2 )
                       e( i-2 ) = cosl*e( i-2 )
                    end if
                    rwork( i-ll ) = cosr
                    rwork( i-ll+nm1 ) = -sinr
                    rwork( i-ll+nm12 ) = cosl
                    rwork( i-ll+nm13 ) = -sinl
                 end do
                 e( ll ) = f
                 ! test convergence
                 if( abs( e( ll ) )<=thresh )e( ll ) = zero
                 ! update singular vectors if desired
                 if( ncvt>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$lasr( 'L', 'V', 'B', m-ll+1, ncvt, rwork( nm12+1 ),&
                           rwork( nm13+1 ), vt( ll, 1_${ik}$ ), ldvt )
                 if( nru>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$lasr( 'R', 'V', 'B', nru, m-ll+1, rwork( 1_${ik}$ ),rwork( n ), &
                           u( 1_${ik}$, ll ), ldu )
                 if( ncc>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$lasr( 'L', 'V', 'B', m-ll+1, ncc, rwork( 1_${ik}$ ),rwork( n ), &
                           c( ll, 1_${ik}$ ), ldc )
              end if
           end if
           ! qr iteration finished, go back and check convergence
           go to 60
           ! all singular values converged, so make them positive
           160 continue
           do i = 1, n
              if( d( i )<zero ) then
                 d( i ) = -d( i )
                 ! change sign of singular vectors, if desired
                 if( ncvt>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$dscal( ncvt, negone, vt( i, 1_${ik}$ ), ldvt )
              end if
           end do
           ! sort the singular values into decreasing order (insertion sort on
           ! singular values, but only one transposition per singular vector)
           do i = 1, n - 1
              ! scan for smallest d(i)
              isub = 1_${ik}$
              smin = d( 1_${ik}$ )
              do j = 2, n + 1 - i
                 if( d( j )<=smin ) then
                    isub = j
                    smin = d( j )
                 end if
              end do
              if( isub/=n+1-i ) then
                 ! swap singular values and vectors
                 d( isub ) = d( n+1-i )
                 d( n+1-i ) = smin
                 if( ncvt>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$swap( ncvt, vt( isub, 1_${ik}$ ), ldvt, vt( n+1-i, 1_${ik}$ ),ldvt )
                 if( nru>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$swap( nru, u( 1_${ik}$, isub ), 1_${ik}$, u( 1_${ik}$, n+1-i ), 1_${ik}$ )
                 if( ncc>0_${ik}$ )call stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$swap( ncc, c( isub, 1_${ik}$ ), ldc, c( n+1-i, 1_${ik}$ ), ldc )
              end if
           end do
           go to 220
           ! maximum number of iterations exceeded, failure to converge
           200 continue
           info = 0_${ik}$
           do i = 1, n - 1
              if( e( i )/=zero )info = info + 1_${ik}$
           end do
           220 continue
     end subroutine stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$bdsqr


     pure module subroutine stdlib${ii}$_sbdsdc( uplo, compq, n, d, e, u, ldu, vt, ldvt, q, iq,work, iwork, &
     !! SBDSDC computes the singular value decomposition (SVD) of a real
     !! N-by-N (upper or lower) bidiagonal matrix B:  B = U * S * VT,
     !! using a divide and conquer method, where S is a diagonal matrix
     !! with non-negative diagonal elements (the singular values of B), and
     !! U and VT are orthogonal matrices of left and right singular vectors,
     !! respectively. SBDSDC can be used to compute all singular values,
     !! and optionally, singular vectors or singular vectors in compact form.
     !! This code makes very mild assumptions about floating point
     !! arithmetic. It will work on machines with a guard digit in
     !! add/subtract, or on those binary machines without guard digits
     !! which subtract like the Cray X-MP, Cray Y-MP, Cray C-90, or Cray-2.
     !! It could conceivably fail on hexadecimal or decimal machines
     !! without guard digits, but we know of none.  See SLASD3 for details.
     !! The code currently calls SLASDQ if singular values only are desired.
     !! However, it can be slightly modified to compute singular values
     !! using the divide and conquer method.
               info )
        ! -- lapack computational routine --
        ! -- lapack is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee,    --
        ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..--
           use stdlib_blas_constants_sp, only: negone, zero, half, one, two, three, four, eight, ten, czero, chalf, cone, cnegone
           ! Scalar Arguments 
           character, intent(in) :: compq, uplo
           integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: info
           integer(${ik}$), intent(in) :: ldu, ldvt, n
           ! Array Arguments 
           integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: iq(*), iwork(*)
           real(sp), intent(inout) :: d(*), e(*)
           real(sp), intent(out) :: q(*), u(ldu,*), vt(ldvt,*), work(*)
        ! =====================================================================
        ! changed dimension statement in comment describing e from (n) to
        ! (n-1).  sven, 17 feb 05.
        ! =====================================================================
           ! Local Scalars 
           integer(${ik}$) :: difl, difr, givcol, givnum, givptr, i, ic, icompq, ierr, ii, is, iu, &
           iuplo, ivt, j, k, kk, mlvl, nm1, nsize, perm, poles, qstart, smlsiz, smlszp, sqre, &
                     start, wstart, z
           real(sp) :: cs, eps, orgnrm, p, r, sn
           ! Intrinsic Functions 
           ! Executable Statements 
           ! test the input parameters.
           info = 0_${ik}$
           iuplo = 0_${ik}$
           if( stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'U' ) )iuplo = 1_${ik}$
           if( stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'L' ) )iuplo = 2_${ik}$
           if( stdlib_lsame( compq, 'N' ) ) then
              icompq = 0_${ik}$
           else if( stdlib_lsame( compq, 'P' ) ) then
              icompq = 1_${ik}$
           else if( stdlib_lsame( compq, 'I' ) ) then
              icompq = 2_${ik}$
              icompq = -1_${ik}$
           end if
           if( iuplo==0_${ik}$ ) then
              info = -1_${ik}$
           else if( icompq<0_${ik}$ ) then
              info = -2_${ik}$
           else if( n<0_${ik}$ ) then
              info = -3_${ik}$
           else if( ( ldu<1_${ik}$ ) .or. ( ( icompq==2_${ik}$ ) .and. ( ldu<n ) ) ) then
              info = -7_${ik}$
           else if( ( ldvt<1_${ik}$ ) .or. ( ( icompq==2_${ik}$ ) .and. ( ldvt<n ) ) ) then
              info = -9_${ik}$
           end if
           if( info/=0_${ik}$ ) then
              call stdlib${ii}$_xerbla( 'SBDSDC', -info )
           end if
           ! quick return if possible
           if( n==0 )return
           smlsiz = stdlib${ii}$_ilaenv( 9_${ik}$, 'SBDSDC', ' ', 0_${ik}$, 0_${ik}$, 0_${ik}$, 0_${ik}$ )
           if( n==1_${ik}$ ) then
              if( icompq==1_${ik}$ ) then
                 q( 1_${ik}$ ) = sign( one, d( 1_${ik}$ ) )
                 q( 1_${ik}$+smlsiz*n ) = one
              else if( icompq==2_${ik}$ ) then
                 u( 1_${ik}$, 1_${ik}$ ) = sign( one, d( 1_${ik}$ ) )
                 vt( 1_${ik}$, 1_${ik}$ ) = one
              end if
              d( 1_${ik}$ ) = abs( d( 1_${ik}$ ) )
           end if
           nm1 = n - 1_${ik}$
           ! if matrix lower bidiagonal, rotate to be upper bidiagonal
           ! by applying givens rotations on the left
           wstart = 1_${ik}$
           qstart = 3_${ik}$
           if( icompq==1_${ik}$ ) then
              call stdlib${ii}$_scopy( n, d, 1_${ik}$, q( 1_${ik}$ ), 1_${ik}$ )
              call stdlib${ii}$_scopy( n-1, e, 1_${ik}$, q( n+1 ), 1_${ik}$ )
           end if
           if( iuplo==2_${ik}$ ) then
              qstart = 5_${ik}$
              if( icompq == 2_${ik}$ ) wstart = 2_${ik}$*n - 1_${ik}$
              do i = 1, n - 1
                 call stdlib${ii}$_slartg( d( i ), e( i ), cs, sn, r )
                 d( i ) = r
                 e( i ) = sn*d( i+1 )
                 d( i+1 ) = cs*d( i+1 )
                 if( icompq==1_${ik}$ ) then
                    q( i+2*n ) = cs
                    q( i+3*n ) = sn
                 else if( icompq==2_${ik}$ ) then
                    work( i ) = cs
                    work( nm1+i ) = -sn
                 end if
              end do
           end if
           ! if icompq = 0, use stdlib_slasdq to compute the singular values.
           if( icompq==0_${ik}$ ) then
              ! ignore wstart, instead using work( 1 ), since the two vectors
              ! for cs and -sn above are added only if icompq == 2,
              ! and adding them exceeds documented work size of 4*n.
              call stdlib${ii}$_slasdq( 'U', 0_${ik}$, n, 0_${ik}$, 0_${ik}$, 0_${ik}$, d, e, vt, ldvt, u, ldu, u,ldu, work( 1_${ik}$ ), &
                        info )
              go to 40
           end if
           ! if n is smaller than the minimum divide size smlsiz, then solve
           ! the problem with another solver.
           if( n<=smlsiz ) then
              if( icompq==2_${ik}$ ) then
                 call stdlib${ii}$_slaset( 'A', n, n, zero, one, u, ldu )
                 call stdlib${ii}$_slaset( 'A', n, n, zero, one, vt, ldvt )
                 call stdlib${ii}$_slasdq( 'U', 0_${ik}$, n, n, n, 0_${ik}$, d, e, vt, ldvt, u, ldu, u,ldu, work( &
                           wstart ), info )
              else if( icompq==1_${ik}$ ) then
                 iu = 1_${ik}$
                 ivt = iu + n
                 call stdlib${ii}$_slaset( 'A', n, n, zero, one, q( iu+( qstart-1 )*n ),n )
                 call stdlib${ii}$_slaset( 'A', n, n, zero, one, q( ivt+( qstart-1 )*n ),n )
                 call stdlib${ii}$_slasdq( 'U', 0_${ik}$, n, n, n, 0_${ik}$, d, e,q( ivt+( qstart-1 )*n ), n,q( iu+( &
                           qstart-1 )*n ), n,q( iu+( qstart-1 )*n ), n, work( wstart ),info )
              end if
              go to 40
           end if
           if( icompq==2_${ik}$ ) then
              call stdlib${ii}$_slaset( 'A', n, n, zero, one, u, ldu )
              call stdlib${ii}$_slaset( 'A', n, n, zero, one, vt, ldvt )
           end if
           ! scale.
           orgnrm = stdlib${ii}$_slanst( 'M', n, d, e )
           if( orgnrm==zero )return
           call stdlib${ii}$_slascl( 'G', 0_${ik}$, 0_${ik}$, orgnrm, one, n, 1_${ik}$, d, n, ierr )
           call stdlib${ii}$_slascl( 'G', 0_${ik}$, 0_${ik}$, orgnrm, one, nm1, 1_${ik}$, e, nm1, ierr )
           eps = stdlib${ii}$_slamch( 'EPSILON' )
           mlvl = int( log( real( n,KIND=sp) / real( smlsiz+1,KIND=sp) ) / log( two ),KIND=${ik}$) + &
           smlszp = smlsiz + 1_${ik}$
           if( icompq==1_${ik}$ ) then
              iu = 1_${ik}$
              ivt = 1_${ik}$ + smlsiz
              difl = ivt + smlszp
              difr = difl + mlvl
              z = difr + mlvl*2_${ik}$
              ic = z + mlvl
              is = ic + 1_${ik}$
              poles = is + 1_${ik}$
              givnum = poles + 2_${ik}$*mlvl
              k = 1_${ik}$
              givptr = 2_${ik}$
              perm = 3_${ik}$
              givcol = perm + mlvl
           end if
           do i = 1, n
              if( abs( d( i ) )<eps ) then
                 d( i ) = sign( eps, d( i ) )
              end if
           end do
           start = 1_${ik}$
           sqre = 0_${ik}$
           loop_30: do i = 1, nm1
              if( ( abs( e( i ) )<eps ) .or. ( i==nm1 ) ) then
              ! subproblem found. first determine its size and then
              ! apply divide and conquer on it.
                 if( i<nm1 ) then
              ! a subproblem with e(i) small for i < nm1.
                    nsize = i - start + 1_${ik}$
                 else if( abs( e( i ) )>=eps ) then
              ! a subproblem with e(nm1) not too small but i = nm1.
                    nsize = n - start + 1_${ik}$
              ! a subproblem with e(nm1) small. this implies an
              ! 1-by-1 subproblem at d(n). solve this 1-by-1 problem
              ! first.
                    nsize = i - start + 1_${ik}$
                    if( icompq==2_${ik}$ ) then
                       u( n, n ) = sign( one, d( n ) )
                       vt( n, n ) = one
                    else if( icompq==1_${ik}$ ) then
                       q( n+( qstart-1 )*n ) = sign( one, d( n ) )
                       q( n+( smlsiz+qstart-1 )*n ) = one
                    end if
                    d( n ) = abs( d( n ) )
                 end if
                 if( icompq==2_${ik}$ ) then
                    call stdlib${ii}$_slasd0( nsize, sqre, d( start ), e( start ),u( start, start ), &
                              ldu, vt( start, start ),ldvt, smlsiz, iwork, work( wstart ), info )
                    call stdlib${ii}$_slasda( icompq, smlsiz, nsize, sqre, d( start ),e( start ), q( &
                    start+( iu+qstart-2 )*n ), n,q( start+( ivt+qstart-2 )*n ),iq( start+k*n ), q(&
                     start+( difl+qstart-2 )*n ), q( start+( difr+qstart-2 )*n ),q( start+( z+&
                     qstart-2 )*n ),q( start+( poles+qstart-2 )*n ),iq( start+givptr*n ), iq( &
                     start+givcol*n ),n, iq( start+perm*n ),q( start+( givnum+qstart-2 )*n ),q( &
                     start+( ic+qstart-2 )*n ),q( start+( is+qstart-2 )*n ),work( wstart ), iwork,&
                                info )
                 end if
                 if( info/=0_${ik}$ ) then
                 end if
                 start = i + 1_${ik}$
              end if
           end do loop_30
           ! unscale
           call stdlib${ii}$_slascl( 'G', 0_${ik}$, 0_${ik}$, one, orgnrm, n, 1_${ik}$, d, n, ierr )
           40 continue
           ! use selection sort to minimize swaps of singular vectors
           do ii = 2, n
              i = ii - 1_${ik}$
              kk = i
              p = d( i )
              do j = ii, n
                 if( d( j )>p ) then
                    kk = j
                    p = d( j )
                 end if
              end do
              if( kk/=i ) then
                 d( kk ) = d( i )
                 d( i ) = p
                 if( icompq==1_${ik}$ ) then
                    iq( i ) = kk
                 else if( icompq==2_${ik}$ ) then
                    call stdlib${ii}$_sswap( n, u( 1_${ik}$, i ), 1_${ik}$, u( 1_${ik}$, kk ), 1_${ik}$ )
                    call stdlib${ii}$_sswap( n, vt( i, 1_${ik}$ ), ldvt, vt( kk, 1_${ik}$ ), ldvt )
                 end if
              else if( icompq==1_${ik}$ ) then
                 iq( i ) = i
              end if
           end do
           ! if icompq = 1, use iq(n,1) as the indicator for uplo
           if( icompq==1_${ik}$ ) then
              if( iuplo==1_${ik}$ ) then
                 iq( n ) = 1_${ik}$
                 iq( n ) = 0_${ik}$
              end if
           end if
           ! if b is lower bidiagonal, update u by those givens rotations
           ! which rotated b to be upper bidiagonal
           if( ( iuplo==2_${ik}$ ) .and. ( icompq==2_${ik}$ ) )call stdlib${ii}$_slasr( 'L', 'V', 'B', n, n, work( 1_${ik}$ )&
                     , work( n ), u, ldu )
     end subroutine stdlib${ii}$_sbdsdc

     pure module subroutine stdlib${ii}$_dbdsdc( uplo, compq, n, d, e, u, ldu, vt, ldvt, q, iq,work, iwork, &
     !! DBDSDC computes the singular value decomposition (SVD) of a real
     !! N-by-N (upper or lower) bidiagonal matrix B:  B = U * S * VT,
     !! using a divide and conquer method, where S is a diagonal matrix
     !! with non-negative diagonal elements (the singular values of B), and
     !! U and VT are orthogonal matrices of left and right singular vectors,
     !! respectively. DBDSDC can be used to compute all singular values,
     !! and optionally, singular vectors or singular vectors in compact form.
     !! This code makes very mild assumptions about floating point
     !! arithmetic. It will work on machines with a guard digit in
     !! add/subtract, or on those binary machines without guard digits
     !! which subtract like the Cray X-MP, Cray Y-MP, Cray C-90, or Cray-2.
     !! It could conceivably fail on hexadecimal or decimal machines
     !! without guard digits, but we know of none.  See DLASD3 for details.
     !! The code currently calls DLASDQ if singular values only are desired.
     !! However, it can be slightly modified to compute singular values
     !! using the divide and conquer method.
               info )
        ! -- lapack computational routine --
        ! -- lapack is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee,    --
        ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..--
           use stdlib_blas_constants_dp, only: negone, zero, half, one, two, three, four, eight, ten, czero, chalf, cone, cnegone
           ! Scalar Arguments 
           character, intent(in) :: compq, uplo
           integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: info
           integer(${ik}$), intent(in) :: ldu, ldvt, n
           ! Array Arguments 
           integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: iq(*), iwork(*)
           real(dp), intent(inout) :: d(*), e(*)
           real(dp), intent(out) :: q(*), u(ldu,*), vt(ldvt,*), work(*)
        ! =====================================================================
        ! changed dimension statement in comment describing e from (n) to
        ! (n-1).  sven, 17 feb 05.
        ! =====================================================================
           ! Local Scalars 
           integer(${ik}$) :: difl, difr, givcol, givnum, givptr, i, ic, icompq, ierr, ii, is, iu, &
           iuplo, ivt, j, k, kk, mlvl, nm1, nsize, perm, poles, qstart, smlsiz, smlszp, sqre, &
                     start, wstart, z
           real(dp) :: cs, eps, orgnrm, p, r, sn
           ! Intrinsic Functions 
           ! Executable Statements 
           ! test the input parameters.
           info = 0_${ik}$
           iuplo = 0_${ik}$
           if( stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'U' ) )iuplo = 1_${ik}$
           if( stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'L' ) )iuplo = 2_${ik}$
           if( stdlib_lsame( compq, 'N' ) ) then
              icompq = 0_${ik}$
           else if( stdlib_lsame( compq, 'P' ) ) then
              icompq = 1_${ik}$
           else if( stdlib_lsame( compq, 'I' ) ) then
              icompq = 2_${ik}$
              icompq = -1_${ik}$
           end if
           if( iuplo==0_${ik}$ ) then
              info = -1_${ik}$
           else if( icompq<0_${ik}$ ) then
              info = -2_${ik}$
           else if( n<0_${ik}$ ) then
              info = -3_${ik}$
           else if( ( ldu<1_${ik}$ ) .or. ( ( icompq==2_${ik}$ ) .and. ( ldu<n ) ) ) then
              info = -7_${ik}$
           else if( ( ldvt<1_${ik}$ ) .or. ( ( icompq==2_${ik}$ ) .and. ( ldvt<n ) ) ) then
              info = -9_${ik}$
           end if
           if( info/=0_${ik}$ ) then
              call stdlib${ii}$_xerbla( 'DBDSDC', -info )
           end if
           ! quick return if possible
           if( n==0 )return
           smlsiz = stdlib${ii}$_ilaenv( 9_${ik}$, 'DBDSDC', ' ', 0_${ik}$, 0_${ik}$, 0_${ik}$, 0_${ik}$ )
           if( n==1_${ik}$ ) then
              if( icompq==1_${ik}$ ) then
                 q( 1_${ik}$ ) = sign( one, d( 1_${ik}$ ) )
                 q( 1_${ik}$+smlsiz*n ) = one
              else if( icompq==2_${ik}$ ) then
                 u( 1_${ik}$, 1_${ik}$ ) = sign( one, d( 1_${ik}$ ) )
                 vt( 1_${ik}$, 1_${ik}$ ) = one
              end if
              d( 1_${ik}$ ) = abs( d( 1_${ik}$ ) )
           end if
           nm1 = n - 1_${ik}$
           ! if matrix lower bidiagonal, rotate to be upper bidiagonal
           ! by applying givens rotations on the left
           wstart = 1_${ik}$
           qstart = 3_${ik}$
           if( icompq==1_${ik}$ ) then
              call stdlib${ii}$_dcopy( n, d, 1_${ik}$, q( 1_${ik}$ ), 1_${ik}$ )
              call stdlib${ii}$_dcopy( n-1, e, 1_${ik}$, q( n+1 ), 1_${ik}$ )
           end if
           if( iuplo==2_${ik}$ ) then
              qstart = 5_${ik}$
              if( icompq == 2_${ik}$ ) wstart = 2_${ik}$*n - 1_${ik}$
              do i = 1, n - 1
                 call stdlib${ii}$_dlartg( d( i ), e( i ), cs, sn, r )
                 d( i ) = r
                 e( i ) = sn*d( i+1 )
                 d( i+1 ) = cs*d( i+1 )
                 if( icompq==1_${ik}$ ) then
                    q( i+2*n ) = cs
                    q( i+3*n ) = sn
                 else if( icompq==2_${ik}$ ) then
                    work( i ) = cs
                    work( nm1+i ) = -sn
                 end if
              end do
           end if
           ! if icompq = 0, use stdlib_dlasdq to compute the singular values.
           if( icompq==0_${ik}$ ) then
              ! ignore wstart, instead using work( 1 ), since the two vectors
              ! for cs and -sn above are added only if icompq == 2,
              ! and adding them exceeds documented work size of 4*n.
              call stdlib${ii}$_dlasdq( 'U', 0_${ik}$, n, 0_${ik}$, 0_${ik}$, 0_${ik}$, d, e, vt, ldvt, u, ldu, u,ldu, work( 1_${ik}$ ), &
                        info )
              go to 40
           end if
           ! if n is smaller than the minimum divide size smlsiz, then solve
           ! the problem with another solver.
           if( n<=smlsiz ) then
              if( icompq==2_${ik}$ ) then
                 call stdlib${ii}$_dlaset( 'A', n, n, zero, one, u, ldu )
                 call stdlib${ii}$_dlaset( 'A', n, n, zero, one, vt, ldvt )
                 call stdlib${ii}$_dlasdq( 'U', 0_${ik}$, n, n, n, 0_${ik}$, d, e, vt, ldvt, u, ldu, u,ldu, work( &
                           wstart ), info )
              else if( icompq==1_${ik}$ ) then
                 iu = 1_${ik}$
                 ivt = iu + n
                 call stdlib${ii}$_dlaset( 'A', n, n, zero, one, q( iu+( qstart-1 )*n ),n )
                 call stdlib${ii}$_dlaset( 'A', n, n, zero, one, q( ivt+( qstart-1 )*n ),n )
                 call stdlib${ii}$_dlasdq( 'U', 0_${ik}$, n, n, n, 0_${ik}$, d, e,q( ivt+( qstart-1 )*n ), n,q( iu+( &
                           qstart-1 )*n ), n,q( iu+( qstart-1 )*n ), n, work( wstart ),info )
              end if
              go to 40
           end if
           if( icompq==2_${ik}$ ) then
              call stdlib${ii}$_dlaset( 'A', n, n, zero, one, u, ldu )
              call stdlib${ii}$_dlaset( 'A', n, n, zero, one, vt, ldvt )
           end if
           ! scale.
           orgnrm = stdlib${ii}$_dlanst( 'M', n, d, e )
           if( orgnrm==zero )return
           call stdlib${ii}$_dlascl( 'G', 0_${ik}$, 0_${ik}$, orgnrm, one, n, 1_${ik}$, d, n, ierr )
           call stdlib${ii}$_dlascl( 'G', 0_${ik}$, 0_${ik}$, orgnrm, one, nm1, 1_${ik}$, e, nm1, ierr )
           eps = (0.9e+0_dp)*stdlib${ii}$_dlamch( 'EPSILON' )
           mlvl = int( log( real( n,KIND=dp) / real( smlsiz+1,KIND=dp) ) / log( two ),KIND=${ik}$) + &
           smlszp = smlsiz + 1_${ik}$
           if( icompq==1_${ik}$ ) then
              iu = 1_${ik}$
              ivt = 1_${ik}$ + smlsiz
              difl = ivt + smlszp
              difr = difl + mlvl
              z = difr + mlvl*2_${ik}$
              ic = z + mlvl
              is = ic + 1_${ik}$
              poles = is + 1_${ik}$
              givnum = poles + 2_${ik}$*mlvl
              k = 1_${ik}$
              givptr = 2_${ik}$
              perm = 3_${ik}$
              givcol = perm + mlvl
           end if
           do i = 1, n
              if( abs( d( i ) )<eps ) then
                 d( i ) = sign( eps, d( i ) )
              end if
           end do
           start = 1_${ik}$
           sqre = 0_${ik}$
           loop_30: do i = 1, nm1
              if( ( abs( e( i ) )<eps ) .or. ( i==nm1 ) ) then
                 ! subproblem found. first determine its size and then
                 ! apply divide and conquer on it.
                 if( i<nm1 ) then
                    ! a subproblem with e(i) small for i < nm1.
                    nsize = i - start + 1_${ik}$
                 else if( abs( e( i ) )>=eps ) then
                    ! a subproblem with e(nm1) not too small but i = nm1.
                    nsize = n - start + 1_${ik}$
                    ! a subproblem with e(nm1) small. this implies an
                    ! 1-by-1 subproblem at d(n). solve this 1-by-1 problem
                    ! first.
                    nsize = i - start + 1_${ik}$
                    if( icompq==2_${ik}$ ) then
                       u( n, n ) = sign( one, d( n ) )
                       vt( n, n ) = one
                    else if( icompq==1_${ik}$ ) then
                       q( n+( qstart-1 )*n ) = sign( one, d( n ) )
                       q( n+( smlsiz+qstart-1 )*n ) = one
                    end if
                    d( n ) = abs( d( n ) )
                 end if
                 if( icompq==2_${ik}$ ) then
                    call stdlib${ii}$_dlasd0( nsize, sqre, d( start ), e( start ),u( start, start ), &
                              ldu, vt( start, start ),ldvt, smlsiz, iwork, work( wstart ), info )
                    call stdlib${ii}$_dlasda( icompq, smlsiz, nsize, sqre, d( start ),e( start ), q( &
                    start+( iu+qstart-2 )*n ), n,q( start+( ivt+qstart-2 )*n ),iq( start+k*n ), q(&
                     start+( difl+qstart-2 )*n ), q( start+( difr+qstart-2 )*n ),q( start+( z+&
                     qstart-2 )*n ),q( start+( poles+qstart-2 )*n ),iq( start+givptr*n ), iq( &
                     start+givcol*n ),n, iq( start+perm*n ),q( start+( givnum+qstart-2 )*n ),q( &
                     start+( ic+qstart-2 )*n ),q( start+( is+qstart-2 )*n ),work( wstart ), iwork,&
                                info )
                 end if
                 if( info/=0_${ik}$ ) then
                 end if
                 start = i + 1_${ik}$
              end if
           end do loop_30
           ! unscale
           call stdlib${ii}$_dlascl( 'G', 0_${ik}$, 0_${ik}$, one, orgnrm, n, 1_${ik}$, d, n, ierr )
           40 continue
           ! use selection sort to minimize swaps of singular vectors
           do ii = 2, n
              i = ii - 1_${ik}$
              kk = i
              p = d( i )
              do j = ii, n
                 if( d( j )>p ) then
                    kk = j
                    p = d( j )
                 end if
              end do
              if( kk/=i ) then
                 d( kk ) = d( i )
                 d( i ) = p
                 if( icompq==1_${ik}$ ) then
                    iq( i ) = kk
                 else if( icompq==2_${ik}$ ) then
                    call stdlib${ii}$_dswap( n, u( 1_${ik}$, i ), 1_${ik}$, u( 1_${ik}$, kk ), 1_${ik}$ )
                    call stdlib${ii}$_dswap( n, vt( i, 1_${ik}$ ), ldvt, vt( kk, 1_${ik}$ ), ldvt )
                 end if
              else if( icompq==1_${ik}$ ) then
                 iq( i ) = i
              end if
           end do
           ! if icompq = 1, use iq(n,1) as the indicator for uplo
           if( icompq==1_${ik}$ ) then
              if( iuplo==1_${ik}$ ) then
                 iq( n ) = 1_${ik}$
                 iq( n ) = 0_${ik}$
              end if
           end if
           ! if b is lower bidiagonal, update u by those givens rotations
           ! which rotated b to be upper bidiagonal
           if( ( iuplo==2_${ik}$ ) .and. ( icompq==2_${ik}$ ) )call stdlib${ii}$_dlasr( 'L', 'V', 'B', n, n, work( 1_${ik}$ )&
                     , work( n ), u, ldu )
     end subroutine stdlib${ii}$_dbdsdc

#:for rk,rt,ri in REAL_KINDS_TYPES
#:if not rk in ["sp","dp"]
     pure module subroutine stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$bdsdc( uplo, compq, n, d, e, u, ldu, vt, ldvt, q, iq,work, iwork, &
     !! DBDSDC: computes the singular value decomposition (SVD) of a real
     !! N-by-N (upper or lower) bidiagonal matrix B:  B = U * S * VT,
     !! using a divide and conquer method, where S is a diagonal matrix
     !! with non-negative diagonal elements (the singular values of B), and
     !! U and VT are orthogonal matrices of left and right singular vectors,
     !! respectively. DBDSDC can be used to compute all singular values,
     !! and optionally, singular vectors or singular vectors in compact form.
     !! This code makes very mild assumptions about floating point
     !! arithmetic. It will work on machines with a guard digit in
     !! add/subtract, or on those binary machines without guard digits
     !! which subtract like the Cray X-MP, Cray Y-MP, Cray C-90, or Cray-2.
     !! It could conceivably fail on hexadecimal or decimal machines
     !! without guard digits, but we know of none.  See DLASD3 for details.
     !! The code currently calls DLASDQ if singular values only are desired.
     !! However, it can be slightly modified to compute singular values
     !! using the divide and conquer method.
               info )
        ! -- lapack computational routine --
        ! -- lapack is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee,    --
        ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..--
           use stdlib_blas_constants_${rk}$, only: negone, zero, half, one, two, three, four, eight, ten, czero, chalf, cone, cnegone
           ! Scalar Arguments 
           character, intent(in) :: compq, uplo
           integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: info
           integer(${ik}$), intent(in) :: ldu, ldvt, n
           ! Array Arguments 
           integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: iq(*), iwork(*)
           real(${rk}$), intent(inout) :: d(*), e(*)
           real(${rk}$), intent(out) :: q(*), u(ldu,*), vt(ldvt,*), work(*)
        ! =====================================================================
        ! changed dimension statement in comment describing e from (n) to
        ! (n-1).  sven, 17 feb 05.
        ! =====================================================================
           ! Local Scalars 
           integer(${ik}$) :: difl, difr, givcol, givnum, givptr, i, ic, icompq, ierr, ii, is, iu, &
           iuplo, ivt, j, k, kk, mlvl, nm1, nsize, perm, poles, qstart, smlsiz, smlszp, sqre, &
                     start, wstart, z
           real(${rk}$) :: cs, eps, orgnrm, p, r, sn
           ! Intrinsic Functions 
           ! Executable Statements 
           ! test the input parameters.
           info = 0_${ik}$
           iuplo = 0_${ik}$
           if( stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'U' ) )iuplo = 1_${ik}$
           if( stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'L' ) )iuplo = 2_${ik}$
           if( stdlib_lsame( compq, 'N' ) ) then
              icompq = 0_${ik}$
           else if( stdlib_lsame( compq, 'P' ) ) then
              icompq = 1_${ik}$
           else if( stdlib_lsame( compq, 'I' ) ) then
              icompq = 2_${ik}$
              icompq = -1_${ik}$
           end if
           if( iuplo==0_${ik}$ ) then
              info = -1_${ik}$
           else if( icompq<0_${ik}$ ) then
              info = -2_${ik}$
           else if( n<0_${ik}$ ) then
              info = -3_${ik}$
           else if( ( ldu<1_${ik}$ ) .or. ( ( icompq==2_${ik}$ ) .and. ( ldu<n ) ) ) then
              info = -7_${ik}$
           else if( ( ldvt<1_${ik}$ ) .or. ( ( icompq==2_${ik}$ ) .and. ( ldvt<n ) ) ) then
              info = -9_${ik}$
           end if
           if( info/=0_${ik}$ ) then
              call stdlib${ii}$_xerbla( 'DBDSDC', -info )
           end if
           ! quick return if possible
           if( n==0 )return
           smlsiz = stdlib${ii}$_ilaenv( 9_${ik}$, 'DBDSDC', ' ', 0_${ik}$, 0_${ik}$, 0_${ik}$, 0_${ik}$ )
           if( n==1_${ik}$ ) then
              if( icompq==1_${ik}$ ) then
                 q( 1_${ik}$ ) = sign( one, d( 1_${ik}$ ) )
                 q( 1_${ik}$+smlsiz*n ) = one
              else if( icompq==2_${ik}$ ) then
                 u( 1_${ik}$, 1_${ik}$ ) = sign( one, d( 1_${ik}$ ) )
                 vt( 1_${ik}$, 1_${ik}$ ) = one
              end if
              d( 1_${ik}$ ) = abs( d( 1_${ik}$ ) )
           end if
           nm1 = n - 1_${ik}$
           ! if matrix lower bidiagonal, rotate to be upper bidiagonal
           ! by applying givens rotations on the left
           wstart = 1_${ik}$
           qstart = 3_${ik}$
           if( icompq==1_${ik}$ ) then
              call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$copy( n, d, 1_${ik}$, q( 1_${ik}$ ), 1_${ik}$ )
              call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$copy( n-1, e, 1_${ik}$, q( n+1 ), 1_${ik}$ )
           end if
           if( iuplo==2_${ik}$ ) then
              qstart = 5_${ik}$
              if( icompq == 2_${ik}$ ) wstart = 2_${ik}$*n - 1_${ik}$
              do i = 1, n - 1
                 call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$lartg( d( i ), e( i ), cs, sn, r )
                 d( i ) = r
                 e( i ) = sn*d( i+1 )
                 d( i+1 ) = cs*d( i+1 )
                 if( icompq==1_${ik}$ ) then
                    q( i+2*n ) = cs
                    q( i+3*n ) = sn
                 else if( icompq==2_${ik}$ ) then
                    work( i ) = cs
                    work( nm1+i ) = -sn
                 end if
              end do
           end if
           ! if icompq = 0, use stdlib_${ri}$lasdq to compute the singular values.
           if( icompq==0_${ik}$ ) then
              ! ignore wstart, instead using work( 1 ), since the two vectors
              ! for cs and -sn above are added only if icompq == 2,
              ! and adding them exceeds documented work size of 4*n.
              call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$lasdq( 'U', 0_${ik}$, n, 0_${ik}$, 0_${ik}$, 0_${ik}$, d, e, vt, ldvt, u, ldu, u,ldu, work( 1_${ik}$ ), &
                        info )
              go to 40
           end if
           ! if n is smaller than the minimum divide size smlsiz, then solve
           ! the problem with another solver.
           if( n<=smlsiz ) then
              if( icompq==2_${ik}$ ) then
                 call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$laset( 'A', n, n, zero, one, u, ldu )
                 call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$laset( 'A', n, n, zero, one, vt, ldvt )
                 call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$lasdq( 'U', 0_${ik}$, n, n, n, 0_${ik}$, d, e, vt, ldvt, u, ldu, u,ldu, work( &
                           wstart ), info )
              else if( icompq==1_${ik}$ ) then
                 iu = 1_${ik}$
                 ivt = iu + n
                 call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$laset( 'A', n, n, zero, one, q( iu+( qstart-1 )*n ),n )
                 call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$laset( 'A', n, n, zero, one, q( ivt+( qstart-1 )*n ),n )
                 call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$lasdq( 'U', 0_${ik}$, n, n, n, 0_${ik}$, d, e,q( ivt+( qstart-1 )*n ), n,q( iu+( &
                           qstart-1 )*n ), n,q( iu+( qstart-1 )*n ), n, work( wstart ),info )
              end if
              go to 40
           end if
           if( icompq==2_${ik}$ ) then
              call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$laset( 'A', n, n, zero, one, u, ldu )
              call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$laset( 'A', n, n, zero, one, vt, ldvt )
           end if
           ! scale.
           orgnrm = stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$lanst( 'M', n, d, e )
           if( orgnrm==zero )return
           call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$lascl( 'G', 0_${ik}$, 0_${ik}$, orgnrm, one, n, 1_${ik}$, d, n, ierr )
           call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$lascl( 'G', 0_${ik}$, 0_${ik}$, orgnrm, one, nm1, 1_${ik}$, e, nm1, ierr )
           eps = (0.9e+0_${rk}$)*stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$lamch( 'EPSILON' )
           mlvl = int( log( real( n,KIND=${rk}$) / real( smlsiz+1,KIND=${rk}$) ) / log( two ),KIND=${ik}$) + &
           smlszp = smlsiz + 1_${ik}$
           if( icompq==1_${ik}$ ) then
              iu = 1_${ik}$
              ivt = 1_${ik}$ + smlsiz
              difl = ivt + smlszp
              difr = difl + mlvl
              z = difr + mlvl*2_${ik}$
              ic = z + mlvl
              is = ic + 1_${ik}$
              poles = is + 1_${ik}$
              givnum = poles + 2_${ik}$*mlvl
              k = 1_${ik}$
              givptr = 2_${ik}$
              perm = 3_${ik}$
              givcol = perm + mlvl
           end if
           do i = 1, n
              if( abs( d( i ) )<eps ) then
                 d( i ) = sign( eps, d( i ) )
              end if
           end do
           start = 1_${ik}$
           sqre = 0_${ik}$
           loop_30: do i = 1, nm1
              if( ( abs( e( i ) )<eps ) .or. ( i==nm1 ) ) then
                 ! subproblem found. first determine its size and then
                 ! apply divide and conquer on it.
                 if( i<nm1 ) then
                    ! a subproblem with e(i) small for i < nm1.
                    nsize = i - start + 1_${ik}$
                 else if( abs( e( i ) )>=eps ) then
                    ! a subproblem with e(nm1) not too small but i = nm1.
                    nsize = n - start + 1_${ik}$
                    ! a subproblem with e(nm1) small. this implies an
                    ! 1-by-1 subproblem at d(n). solve this 1-by-1 problem
                    ! first.
                    nsize = i - start + 1_${ik}$
                    if( icompq==2_${ik}$ ) then
                       u( n, n ) = sign( one, d( n ) )
                       vt( n, n ) = one
                    else if( icompq==1_${ik}$ ) then
                       q( n+( qstart-1 )*n ) = sign( one, d( n ) )
                       q( n+( smlsiz+qstart-1 )*n ) = one
                    end if
                    d( n ) = abs( d( n ) )
                 end if
                 if( icompq==2_${ik}$ ) then
                    call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$lasd0( nsize, sqre, d( start ), e( start ),u( start, start ), &
                              ldu, vt( start, start ),ldvt, smlsiz, iwork, work( wstart ), info )
                    call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$lasda( icompq, smlsiz, nsize, sqre, d( start ),e( start ), q( &
                    start+( iu+qstart-2 )*n ), n,q( start+( ivt+qstart-2 )*n ),iq( start+k*n ), q(&
                     start+( difl+qstart-2 )*n ), q( start+( difr+qstart-2 )*n ),q( start+( z+&
                     qstart-2 )*n ),q( start+( poles+qstart-2 )*n ),iq( start+givptr*n ), iq( &
                     start+givcol*n ),n, iq( start+perm*n ),q( start+( givnum+qstart-2 )*n ),q( &
                     start+( ic+qstart-2 )*n ),q( start+( is+qstart-2 )*n ),work( wstart ), iwork,&
                                info )
                 end if
                 if( info/=0_${ik}$ ) then
                 end if
                 start = i + 1_${ik}$
              end if
           end do loop_30
           ! unscale
           call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$lascl( 'G', 0_${ik}$, 0_${ik}$, one, orgnrm, n, 1_${ik}$, d, n, ierr )
           40 continue
           ! use selection sort to minimize swaps of singular vectors
           do ii = 2, n
              i = ii - 1_${ik}$
              kk = i
              p = d( i )
              do j = ii, n
                 if( d( j )>p ) then
                    kk = j
                    p = d( j )
                 end if
              end do
              if( kk/=i ) then
                 d( kk ) = d( i )
                 d( i ) = p
                 if( icompq==1_${ik}$ ) then
                    iq( i ) = kk
                 else if( icompq==2_${ik}$ ) then
                    call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$swap( n, u( 1_${ik}$, i ), 1_${ik}$, u( 1_${ik}$, kk ), 1_${ik}$ )
                    call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$swap( n, vt( i, 1_${ik}$ ), ldvt, vt( kk, 1_${ik}$ ), ldvt )
                 end if
              else if( icompq==1_${ik}$ ) then
                 iq( i ) = i
              end if
           end do
           ! if icompq = 1, use iq(n,1) as the indicator for uplo
           if( icompq==1_${ik}$ ) then
              if( iuplo==1_${ik}$ ) then
                 iq( n ) = 1_${ik}$
                 iq( n ) = 0_${ik}$
              end if
           end if
           ! if b is lower bidiagonal, update u by those givens rotations
           ! which rotated b to be upper bidiagonal
           if( ( iuplo==2_${ik}$ ) .and. ( icompq==2_${ik}$ ) )call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$lasr( 'L', 'V', 'B', n, n, work( 1_${ik}$ )&
                     , work( n ), u, ldu )
     end subroutine stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$bdsdc


end submodule stdlib_lapack_eigv_svd_drivers3