stdlib_lapack_lsq_aux.fypp Source File

Source Code

#:include "common.fypp" 
submodule(stdlib_lapack_eig_svd_lsq) stdlib_lapack_lsq_aux
  implicit none

#:for ik,it,ii in LINALG_INT_KINDS_TYPES

     pure module subroutine stdlib${ii}$_slaic1( job, j, x, sest, w, gamma, sestpr, s, c )
     !! SLAIC1 applies one step of incremental condition estimation in
     !! its simplest version:
     !! Let x, twonorm(x) = 1, be an approximate singular vector of an j-by-j
     !! lower triangular matrix L, such that
     !! twonorm(L*x) = sest
     !! Then SLAIC1 computes sestpr, s, c such that
     !! the vector
     !! [ s*x ]
     !! xhat = [  c  ]
     !! is an approximate singular vector of
     !! [ L      0  ]
     !! Lhat = [ w**T gamma ]
     !! in the sense that
     !! twonorm(Lhat*xhat) = sestpr.
     !! Depending on JOB, an estimate for the largest or smallest singular
     !! value is computed.
     !! Note that [s c]**T and sestpr**2 is an eigenpair of the system
     !! diag(sest*sest, 0) + [alpha  gamma] * [ alpha ]
     !! [ gamma ]
     !! where  alpha =  x**T*w.
        ! -- lapack auxiliary routine --
        ! -- lapack is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee,    --
        ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..--
           use stdlib_blas_constants_sp, only: negone, zero, half, one, two, three, four, eight, ten, czero, chalf, cone, cnegone
           ! Scalar Arguments 
           integer(${ik}$), intent(in) :: j, job
           real(sp), intent(out) :: c, s, sestpr
           real(sp), intent(in) :: gamma, sest
           ! Array Arguments 
           real(sp), intent(in) :: w(j), x(j)
        ! =====================================================================
           ! Local Scalars 
           real(sp) :: absalp, absest, absgam, alpha, b, cosine, eps, norma, s1, s2, sine, t, &
                     test, tmp, zeta1, zeta2
           ! Intrinsic Functions 
           ! Executable Statements 
           eps = stdlib${ii}$_slamch( 'EPSILON' )
           alpha = stdlib${ii}$_sdot( j, x, 1_${ik}$, w, 1_${ik}$ )
           absalp = abs( alpha )
           absgam = abs( gamma )
           absest = abs( sest )
           if( job==1_${ik}$ ) then
              ! estimating largest singular value
              ! special cases
              if( sest==zero ) then
                 s1 = max( absgam, absalp )
                 if( s1==zero ) then
                    s = zero
                    c = one
                    sestpr = zero
                    s = alpha / s1
                    c = gamma / s1
                    tmp = sqrt( s*s+c*c )
                    s = s / tmp
                    c = c / tmp
                    sestpr = s1*tmp
                 end if
              else if( absgam<=eps*absest ) then
                 s = one
                 c = zero
                 tmp = max( absest, absalp )
                 s1 = absest / tmp
                 s2 = absalp / tmp
                 sestpr = tmp*sqrt( s1*s1+s2*s2 )
              else if( absalp<=eps*absest ) then
                 s1 = absgam
                 s2 = absest
                 if( s1<=s2 ) then
                    s = one
                    c = zero
                    sestpr = s2
                    s = zero
                    c = one
                    sestpr = s1
                 end if
              else if( absest<=eps*absalp .or. absest<=eps*absgam ) then
                 s1 = absgam
                 s2 = absalp
                 if( s1<=s2 ) then
                    tmp = s1 / s2
                    s = sqrt( one+tmp*tmp )
                    sestpr = s2*s
                    c = ( gamma / s2 ) / s
                    s = sign( one, alpha ) / s
                    tmp = s2 / s1
                    c = sqrt( one+tmp*tmp )
                    sestpr = s1*c
                    s = ( alpha / s1 ) / c
                    c = sign( one, gamma ) / c
                 end if
                 ! normal case
                 zeta1 = alpha / absest
                 zeta2 = gamma / absest
                 b = ( one-zeta1*zeta1-zeta2*zeta2 )*half
                 c = zeta1*zeta1
                 if( b>zero ) then
                    t = c / ( b+sqrt( b*b+c ) )
                    t = sqrt( b*b+c ) - b
                 end if
                 sine = -zeta1 / t
                 cosine = -zeta2 / ( one+t )
                 tmp = sqrt( sine*sine+cosine*cosine )
                 s = sine / tmp
                 c = cosine / tmp
                 sestpr = sqrt( t+one )*absest
              end if
           else if( job==2_${ik}$ ) then
              ! estimating smallest singular value
              ! special cases
              if( sest==zero ) then
                 sestpr = zero
                 if( max( absgam, absalp )==zero ) then
                    sine = one
                    cosine = zero
                    sine = -gamma
                    cosine = alpha
                 end if
                 s1 = max( abs( sine ), abs( cosine ) )
                 s = sine / s1
                 c = cosine / s1
                 tmp = sqrt( s*s+c*c )
                 s = s / tmp
                 c = c / tmp
              else if( absgam<=eps*absest ) then
                 s = zero
                 c = one
                 sestpr = absgam
              else if( absalp<=eps*absest ) then
                 s1 = absgam
                 s2 = absest
                 if( s1<=s2 ) then
                    s = zero
                    c = one
                    sestpr = s1
                    s = one
                    c = zero
                    sestpr = s2
                 end if
              else if( absest<=eps*absalp .or. absest<=eps*absgam ) then
                 s1 = absgam
                 s2 = absalp
                 if( s1<=s2 ) then
                    tmp = s1 / s2
                    c = sqrt( one+tmp*tmp )
                    sestpr = absest*( tmp / c )
                    s = -( gamma / s2 ) / c
                    c = sign( one, alpha ) / c
                    tmp = s2 / s1
                    s = sqrt( one+tmp*tmp )
                    sestpr = absest / s
                    c = ( alpha / s1 ) / s
                    s = -sign( one, gamma ) / s
                 end if
                 ! normal case
                 zeta1 = alpha / absest
                 zeta2 = gamma / absest
                 norma = max( one+zeta1*zeta1+abs( zeta1*zeta2 ),abs( zeta1*zeta2 )+zeta2*zeta2 )
                 ! see if root is closer to zero or to one
                 test = one + two*( zeta1-zeta2 )*( zeta1+zeta2 )
                 if( test>=zero ) then
                    ! root is close to zero, compute directly
                    b = ( zeta1*zeta1+zeta2*zeta2+one )*half
                    c = zeta2*zeta2
                    t = c / ( b+sqrt( abs( b*b-c ) ) )
                    sine = zeta1 / ( one-t )
                    cosine = -zeta2 / t
                    sestpr = sqrt( t+four*eps*eps*norma )*absest
                    ! root is closer to one, shift by that amount
                    b = ( zeta2*zeta2+zeta1*zeta1-one )*half
                    c = zeta1*zeta1
                    if( b>=zero ) then
                       t = -c / ( b+sqrt( b*b+c ) )
                       t = b - sqrt( b*b+c )
                    end if
                    sine = -zeta1 / t
                    cosine = -zeta2 / ( one+t )
                    sestpr = sqrt( one+t+four*eps*eps*norma )*absest
                 end if
                 tmp = sqrt( sine*sine+cosine*cosine )
                 s = sine / tmp
                 c = cosine / tmp
              end if
           end if
     end subroutine stdlib${ii}$_slaic1

     pure module subroutine stdlib${ii}$_dlaic1( job, j, x, sest, w, gamma, sestpr, s, c )
     !! DLAIC1 applies one step of incremental condition estimation in
     !! its simplest version:
     !! Let x, twonorm(x) = 1, be an approximate singular vector of an j-by-j
     !! lower triangular matrix L, such that
     !! twonorm(L*x) = sest
     !! Then DLAIC1 computes sestpr, s, c such that
     !! the vector
     !! [ s*x ]
     !! xhat = [  c  ]
     !! is an approximate singular vector of
     !! [ L       0  ]
     !! Lhat = [ w**T gamma ]
     !! in the sense that
     !! twonorm(Lhat*xhat) = sestpr.
     !! Depending on JOB, an estimate for the largest or smallest singular
     !! value is computed.
     !! Note that [s c]**T and sestpr**2 is an eigenpair of the system
     !! diag(sest*sest, 0) + [alpha  gamma] * [ alpha ]
     !! [ gamma ]
     !! where  alpha =  x**T*w.
        ! -- lapack auxiliary routine --
        ! -- lapack is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee,    --
        ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..--
           use stdlib_blas_constants_dp, only: negone, zero, half, one, two, three, four, eight, ten, czero, chalf, cone, cnegone
           ! Scalar Arguments 
           integer(${ik}$), intent(in) :: j, job
           real(dp), intent(out) :: c, s, sestpr
           real(dp), intent(in) :: gamma, sest
           ! Array Arguments 
           real(dp), intent(in) :: w(j), x(j)
        ! =====================================================================
           ! Local Scalars 
           real(dp) :: absalp, absest, absgam, alpha, b, cosine, eps, norma, s1, s2, sine, t, &
                     test, tmp, zeta1, zeta2
           ! Intrinsic Functions 
           ! Executable Statements 
           eps = stdlib${ii}$_dlamch( 'EPSILON' )
           alpha = stdlib${ii}$_ddot( j, x, 1_${ik}$, w, 1_${ik}$ )
           absalp = abs( alpha )
           absgam = abs( gamma )
           absest = abs( sest )
           if( job==1_${ik}$ ) then
              ! estimating largest singular value
              ! special cases
              if( sest==zero ) then
                 s1 = max( absgam, absalp )
                 if( s1==zero ) then
                    s = zero
                    c = one
                    sestpr = zero
                    s = alpha / s1
                    c = gamma / s1
                    tmp = sqrt( s*s+c*c )
                    s = s / tmp
                    c = c / tmp
                    sestpr = s1*tmp
                 end if
              else if( absgam<=eps*absest ) then
                 s = one
                 c = zero
                 tmp = max( absest, absalp )
                 s1 = absest / tmp
                 s2 = absalp / tmp
                 sestpr = tmp*sqrt( s1*s1+s2*s2 )
              else if( absalp<=eps*absest ) then
                 s1 = absgam
                 s2 = absest
                 if( s1<=s2 ) then
                    s = one
                    c = zero
                    sestpr = s2
                    s = zero
                    c = one
                    sestpr = s1
                 end if
              else if( absest<=eps*absalp .or. absest<=eps*absgam ) then
                 s1 = absgam
                 s2 = absalp
                 if( s1<=s2 ) then
                    tmp = s1 / s2
                    s = sqrt( one+tmp*tmp )
                    sestpr = s2*s
                    c = ( gamma / s2 ) / s
                    s = sign( one, alpha ) / s
                    tmp = s2 / s1
                    c = sqrt( one+tmp*tmp )
                    sestpr = s1*c
                    s = ( alpha / s1 ) / c
                    c = sign( one, gamma ) / c
                 end if
                 ! normal case
                 zeta1 = alpha / absest
                 zeta2 = gamma / absest
                 b = ( one-zeta1*zeta1-zeta2*zeta2 )*half
                 c = zeta1*zeta1
                 if( b>zero ) then
                    t = c / ( b+sqrt( b*b+c ) )
                    t = sqrt( b*b+c ) - b
                 end if
                 sine = -zeta1 / t
                 cosine = -zeta2 / ( one+t )
                 tmp = sqrt( sine*sine+cosine*cosine )
                 s = sine / tmp
                 c = cosine / tmp
                 sestpr = sqrt( t+one )*absest
              end if
           else if( job==2_${ik}$ ) then
              ! estimating smallest singular value
              ! special cases
              if( sest==zero ) then
                 sestpr = zero
                 if( max( absgam, absalp )==zero ) then
                    sine = one
                    cosine = zero
                    sine = -gamma
                    cosine = alpha
                 end if
                 s1 = max( abs( sine ), abs( cosine ) )
                 s = sine / s1
                 c = cosine / s1
                 tmp = sqrt( s*s+c*c )
                 s = s / tmp
                 c = c / tmp
              else if( absgam<=eps*absest ) then
                 s = zero
                 c = one
                 sestpr = absgam
              else if( absalp<=eps*absest ) then
                 s1 = absgam
                 s2 = absest
                 if( s1<=s2 ) then
                    s = zero
                    c = one
                    sestpr = s1
                    s = one
                    c = zero
                    sestpr = s2
                 end if
              else if( absest<=eps*absalp .or. absest<=eps*absgam ) then
                 s1 = absgam
                 s2 = absalp
                 if( s1<=s2 ) then
                    tmp = s1 / s2
                    c = sqrt( one+tmp*tmp )
                    sestpr = absest*( tmp / c )
                    s = -( gamma / s2 ) / c
                    c = sign( one, alpha ) / c
                    tmp = s2 / s1
                    s = sqrt( one+tmp*tmp )
                    sestpr = absest / s
                    c = ( alpha / s1 ) / s
                    s = -sign( one, gamma ) / s
                 end if
                 ! normal case
                 zeta1 = alpha / absest
                 zeta2 = gamma / absest
                 norma = max( one+zeta1*zeta1+abs( zeta1*zeta2 ),abs( zeta1*zeta2 )+zeta2*zeta2 )
                 ! see if root is closer to zero or to one
                 test = one + two*( zeta1-zeta2 )*( zeta1+zeta2 )
                 if( test>=zero ) then
                    ! root is close to zero, compute directly
                    b = ( zeta1*zeta1+zeta2*zeta2+one )*half
                    c = zeta2*zeta2
                    t = c / ( b+sqrt( abs( b*b-c ) ) )
                    sine = zeta1 / ( one-t )
                    cosine = -zeta2 / t
                    sestpr = sqrt( t+four*eps*eps*norma )*absest
                    ! root is closer to one, shift by that amount
                    b = ( zeta2*zeta2+zeta1*zeta1-one )*half
                    c = zeta1*zeta1
                    if( b>=zero ) then
                       t = -c / ( b+sqrt( b*b+c ) )
                       t = b - sqrt( b*b+c )
                    end if
                    sine = -zeta1 / t
                    cosine = -zeta2 / ( one+t )
                    sestpr = sqrt( one+t+four*eps*eps*norma )*absest
                 end if
                 tmp = sqrt( sine*sine+cosine*cosine )
                 s = sine / tmp
                 c = cosine / tmp
              end if
           end if
     end subroutine stdlib${ii}$_dlaic1

#:for rk,rt,ri in REAL_KINDS_TYPES
#:if not rk in ["sp","dp"]
     pure module subroutine stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$laic1( job, j, x, sest, w, gamma, sestpr, s, c )
     !! DLAIC1: applies one step of incremental condition estimation in
     !! its simplest version:
     !! Let x, twonorm(x) = 1, be an approximate singular vector of an j-by-j
     !! lower triangular matrix L, such that
     !! twonorm(L*x) = sest
     !! Then DLAIC1 computes sestpr, s, c such that
     !! the vector
     !! [ s*x ]
     !! xhat = [  c  ]
     !! is an approximate singular vector of
     !! [ L       0  ]
     !! Lhat = [ w**T gamma ]
     !! in the sense that
     !! twonorm(Lhat*xhat) = sestpr.
     !! Depending on JOB, an estimate for the largest or smallest singular
     !! value is computed.
     !! Note that [s c]**T and sestpr**2 is an eigenpair of the system
     !! diag(sest*sest, 0) + [alpha  gamma] * [ alpha ]
     !! [ gamma ]
     !! where  alpha =  x**T*w.
        ! -- lapack auxiliary routine --
        ! -- lapack is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee,    --
        ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..--
           use stdlib_blas_constants_${rk}$, only: negone, zero, half, one, two, three, four, eight, ten, czero, chalf, cone, cnegone
           ! Scalar Arguments 
           integer(${ik}$), intent(in) :: j, job
           real(${rk}$), intent(out) :: c, s, sestpr
           real(${rk}$), intent(in) :: gamma, sest
           ! Array Arguments 
           real(${rk}$), intent(in) :: w(j), x(j)
        ! =====================================================================
           ! Local Scalars 
           real(${rk}$) :: absalp, absest, absgam, alpha, b, cosine, eps, norma, s1, s2, sine, t, &
                     test, tmp, zeta1, zeta2
           ! Intrinsic Functions 
           ! Executable Statements 
           eps = stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$lamch( 'EPSILON' )
           alpha = stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$dot( j, x, 1_${ik}$, w, 1_${ik}$ )
           absalp = abs( alpha )
           absgam = abs( gamma )
           absest = abs( sest )
           if( job==1_${ik}$ ) then
              ! estimating largest singular value
              ! special cases
              if( sest==zero ) then
                 s1 = max( absgam, absalp )
                 if( s1==zero ) then
                    s = zero
                    c = one
                    sestpr = zero
                    s = alpha / s1
                    c = gamma / s1
                    tmp = sqrt( s*s+c*c )
                    s = s / tmp
                    c = c / tmp
                    sestpr = s1*tmp
                 end if
              else if( absgam<=eps*absest ) then
                 s = one
                 c = zero
                 tmp = max( absest, absalp )
                 s1 = absest / tmp
                 s2 = absalp / tmp
                 sestpr = tmp*sqrt( s1*s1+s2*s2 )
              else if( absalp<=eps*absest ) then
                 s1 = absgam
                 s2 = absest
                 if( s1<=s2 ) then
                    s = one
                    c = zero
                    sestpr = s2
                    s = zero
                    c = one
                    sestpr = s1
                 end if
              else if( absest<=eps*absalp .or. absest<=eps*absgam ) then
                 s1 = absgam
                 s2 = absalp
                 if( s1<=s2 ) then
                    tmp = s1 / s2
                    s = sqrt( one+tmp*tmp )
                    sestpr = s2*s
                    c = ( gamma / s2 ) / s
                    s = sign( one, alpha ) / s
                    tmp = s2 / s1
                    c = sqrt( one+tmp*tmp )
                    sestpr = s1*c
                    s = ( alpha / s1 ) / c
                    c = sign( one, gamma ) / c
                 end if
                 ! normal case
                 zeta1 = alpha / absest
                 zeta2 = gamma / absest
                 b = ( one-zeta1*zeta1-zeta2*zeta2 )*half
                 c = zeta1*zeta1
                 if( b>zero ) then
                    t = c / ( b+sqrt( b*b+c ) )
                    t = sqrt( b*b+c ) - b
                 end if
                 sine = -zeta1 / t
                 cosine = -zeta2 / ( one+t )
                 tmp = sqrt( sine*sine+cosine*cosine )
                 s = sine / tmp
                 c = cosine / tmp
                 sestpr = sqrt( t+one )*absest
              end if
           else if( job==2_${ik}$ ) then
              ! estimating smallest singular value
              ! special cases
              if( sest==zero ) then
                 sestpr = zero
                 if( max( absgam, absalp )==zero ) then
                    sine = one
                    cosine = zero
                    sine = -gamma
                    cosine = alpha
                 end if
                 s1 = max( abs( sine ), abs( cosine ) )
                 s = sine / s1
                 c = cosine / s1
                 tmp = sqrt( s*s+c*c )
                 s = s / tmp
                 c = c / tmp
              else if( absgam<=eps*absest ) then
                 s = zero
                 c = one
                 sestpr = absgam
              else if( absalp<=eps*absest ) then
                 s1 = absgam
                 s2 = absest
                 if( s1<=s2 ) then
                    s = zero
                    c = one
                    sestpr = s1
                    s = one
                    c = zero
                    sestpr = s2
                 end if
              else if( absest<=eps*absalp .or. absest<=eps*absgam ) then
                 s1 = absgam
                 s2 = absalp
                 if( s1<=s2 ) then
                    tmp = s1 / s2
                    c = sqrt( one+tmp*tmp )
                    sestpr = absest*( tmp / c )
                    s = -( gamma / s2 ) / c
                    c = sign( one, alpha ) / c
                    tmp = s2 / s1
                    s = sqrt( one+tmp*tmp )
                    sestpr = absest / s
                    c = ( alpha / s1 ) / s
                    s = -sign( one, gamma ) / s
                 end if
                 ! normal case
                 zeta1 = alpha / absest
                 zeta2 = gamma / absest
                 norma = max( one+zeta1*zeta1+abs( zeta1*zeta2 ),abs( zeta1*zeta2 )+zeta2*zeta2 )
                 ! see if root is closer to zero or to one
                 test = one + two*( zeta1-zeta2 )*( zeta1+zeta2 )
                 if( test>=zero ) then
                    ! root is close to zero, compute directly
                    b = ( zeta1*zeta1+zeta2*zeta2+one )*half
                    c = zeta2*zeta2
                    t = c / ( b+sqrt( abs( b*b-c ) ) )
                    sine = zeta1 / ( one-t )
                    cosine = -zeta2 / t
                    sestpr = sqrt( t+four*eps*eps*norma )*absest
                    ! root is closer to one, shift by that amount
                    b = ( zeta2*zeta2+zeta1*zeta1-one )*half
                    c = zeta1*zeta1
                    if( b>=zero ) then
                       t = -c / ( b+sqrt( b*b+c ) )
                       t = b - sqrt( b*b+c )
                    end if
                    sine = -zeta1 / t
                    cosine = -zeta2 / ( one+t )
                    sestpr = sqrt( one+t+four*eps*eps*norma )*absest
                 end if
                 tmp = sqrt( sine*sine+cosine*cosine )
                 s = sine / tmp
                 c = cosine / tmp
              end if
           end if
     end subroutine stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$laic1


     pure module subroutine stdlib${ii}$_claic1( job, j, x, sest, w, gamma, sestpr, s, c )
     !! CLAIC1 applies one step of incremental condition estimation in
     !! its simplest version:
     !! Let x, twonorm(x) = 1, be an approximate singular vector of an j-by-j
     !! lower triangular matrix L, such that
     !! twonorm(L*x) = sest
     !! Then CLAIC1 computes sestpr, s, c such that
     !! the vector
     !! [ s*x ]
     !! xhat = [  c  ]
     !! is an approximate singular vector of
     !! [ L      0  ]
     !! Lhat = [ w**H gamma ]
     !! in the sense that
     !! twonorm(Lhat*xhat) = sestpr.
     !! Depending on JOB, an estimate for the largest or smallest singular
     !! value is computed.
     !! Note that [s c]**H and sestpr**2 is an eigenpair of the system
     !! diag(sest*sest, 0) + [alpha  gamma] * [ conjg(alpha) ]
     !! [ conjg(gamma) ]
     !! where  alpha =  x**H*w.
        ! -- lapack auxiliary routine --
        ! -- lapack is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee,    --
        ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..--
           use stdlib_blas_constants_sp, only: negone, zero, half, one, two, three, four, eight, ten, czero, chalf, cone, cnegone
           ! Scalar Arguments 
           integer(${ik}$), intent(in) :: j, job
           real(sp), intent(in) :: sest
           real(sp), intent(out) :: sestpr
           complex(sp), intent(out) :: c, s
           complex(sp), intent(in) :: gamma
           ! Array Arguments 
           complex(sp), intent(in) :: w(j), x(j)
        ! =====================================================================
           ! Local Scalars 
           real(sp) :: absalp, absest, absgam, b, eps, norma, s1, s2, scl, t, test, tmp, zeta1, &
           complex(sp) :: alpha, cosine, sine
           ! Intrinsic Functions 
           ! Executable Statements 
           eps = stdlib${ii}$_slamch( 'EPSILON' )
           alpha = stdlib${ii}$_cdotc( j, x, 1_${ik}$, w, 1_${ik}$ )
           absalp = abs( alpha )
           absgam = abs( gamma )
           absest = abs( sest )
           if( job==1_${ik}$ ) then
              ! estimating largest singular value
              ! special cases
              if( sest==zero ) then
                 s1 = max( absgam, absalp )
                 if( s1==zero ) then
                    s = zero
                    c = one
                    sestpr = zero
                    s = alpha / s1
                    c = gamma / s1
                    tmp = real( sqrt( s*conjg( s )+c*conjg( c ) ),KIND=sp)
                    s = s / tmp
                    c = c / tmp
                    sestpr = s1*tmp
                 end if
              else if( absgam<=eps*absest ) then
                 s = one
                 c = zero
                 tmp = max( absest, absalp )
                 s1 = absest / tmp
                 s2 = absalp / tmp
                 sestpr = tmp*sqrt( s1*s1+s2*s2 )
              else if( absalp<=eps*absest ) then
                 s1 = absgam
                 s2 = absest
                 if( s1<=s2 ) then
                    s = one
                    c = zero
                    sestpr = s2
                    s = zero
                    c = one
                    sestpr = s1
                 end if
              else if( absest<=eps*absalp .or. absest<=eps*absgam ) then
                 s1 = absgam
                 s2 = absalp
                 if( s1<=s2 ) then
                    tmp = s1 / s2
                    scl = sqrt( one+tmp*tmp )
                    sestpr = s2*scl
                    s = ( alpha / s2 ) / scl
                    c = ( gamma / s2 ) / scl
                    tmp = s2 / s1
                    scl = sqrt( one+tmp*tmp )
                    sestpr = s1*scl
                    s = ( alpha / s1 ) / scl
                    c = ( gamma / s1 ) / scl
                 end if
                 ! normal case
                 zeta1 = absalp / absest
                 zeta2 = absgam / absest
                 b = ( one-zeta1*zeta1-zeta2*zeta2 )*half
                 c = zeta1*zeta1
                 if( b>zero ) then
                    t = real( c / ( b+sqrt( b*b+c ) ),KIND=sp)
                    t = real( sqrt( b*b+c ) - b,KIND=sp)
                 end if
                 sine = -( alpha / absest ) / t
                 cosine = -( gamma / absest ) / ( one+t )
                 tmp = real( sqrt( sine * conjg( sine )+ cosine * conjg( cosine ) ),KIND=sp)
                 s = sine / tmp
                 c = cosine / tmp
                 sestpr = sqrt( t+one )*absest
              end if
           else if( job==2_${ik}$ ) then
              ! estimating smallest singular value
              ! special cases
              if( sest==zero ) then
                 sestpr = zero
                 if( max( absgam, absalp )==zero ) then
                    sine = one
                    cosine = zero
                    sine = -conjg( gamma )
                    cosine = conjg( alpha )
                 end if
                 s1 = max( abs( sine ), abs( cosine ) )
                 s = sine / s1
                 c = cosine / s1
                 tmp = real( sqrt( s*conjg( s )+c*conjg( c ) ),KIND=sp)
                 s = s / tmp
                 c = c / tmp
              else if( absgam<=eps*absest ) then
                 s = zero
                 c = one
                 sestpr = absgam
              else if( absalp<=eps*absest ) then
                 s1 = absgam
                 s2 = absest
                 if( s1<=s2 ) then
                    s = zero
                    c = one
                    sestpr = s1
                    s = one
                    c = zero
                    sestpr = s2
                 end if
              else if( absest<=eps*absalp .or. absest<=eps*absgam ) then
                 s1 = absgam
                 s2 = absalp
                 if( s1<=s2 ) then
                    tmp = s1 / s2
                    scl = sqrt( one+tmp*tmp )
                    sestpr = absest*( tmp / scl )
                    s = -( conjg( gamma ) / s2 ) / scl
                    c = ( conjg( alpha ) / s2 ) / scl
                    tmp = s2 / s1
                    scl = sqrt( one+tmp*tmp )
                    sestpr = absest / scl
                    s = -( conjg( gamma ) / s1 ) / scl
                    c = ( conjg( alpha ) / s1 ) / scl
                 end if
                 ! normal case
                 zeta1 = absalp / absest
                 zeta2 = absgam / absest
                 norma = max( one+zeta1*zeta1+zeta1*zeta2,zeta1*zeta2+zeta2*zeta2 )
                 ! see if root is closer to zero or to one
                 test = one + two*( zeta1-zeta2 )*( zeta1+zeta2 )
                 if( test>=zero ) then
                    ! root is close to zero, compute directly
                    b = ( zeta1*zeta1+zeta2*zeta2+one )*half
                    c = zeta2*zeta2
                    t = real( c / ( b+sqrt( abs( b*b-c ) ) ),KIND=sp)
                    sine = ( alpha / absest ) / ( one-t )
                    cosine = -( gamma / absest ) / t
                    sestpr = sqrt( t+four*eps*eps*norma )*absest
                    ! root is closer to one, shift by that amount
                    b = ( zeta2*zeta2+zeta1*zeta1-one )*half
                    c = zeta1*zeta1
                    if( b>=zero ) then
                       t = real( -c / ( b+sqrt( b*b+c ) ),KIND=sp)
                       t = real( b - sqrt( b*b+c ),KIND=sp)
                    end if
                    sine = -( alpha / absest ) / t
                    cosine = -( gamma / absest ) / ( one+t )
                    sestpr = sqrt( one+t+four*eps*eps*norma )*absest
                 end if
                 tmp = real( sqrt( sine * conjg( sine )+ cosine * conjg( cosine ) ),KIND=sp)
                 s = sine / tmp
                 c = cosine / tmp
              end if
           end if
     end subroutine stdlib${ii}$_claic1

     pure module subroutine stdlib${ii}$_zlaic1( job, j, x, sest, w, gamma, sestpr, s, c )
     !! ZLAIC1 applies one step of incremental condition estimation in
     !! its simplest version:
     !! Let x, twonorm(x) = 1, be an approximate singular vector of an j-by-j
     !! lower triangular matrix L, such that
     !! twonorm(L*x) = sest
     !! Then ZLAIC1 computes sestpr, s, c such that
     !! the vector
     !! [ s*x ]
     !! xhat = [  c  ]
     !! is an approximate singular vector of
     !! [ L       0  ]
     !! Lhat = [ w**H gamma ]
     !! in the sense that
     !! twonorm(Lhat*xhat) = sestpr.
     !! Depending on JOB, an estimate for the largest or smallest singular
     !! value is computed.
     !! Note that [s c]**H and sestpr**2 is an eigenpair of the system
     !! diag(sest*sest, 0) + [alpha  gamma] * [ conjg(alpha) ]
     !! [ conjg(gamma) ]
     !! where  alpha =  x**H * w.
        ! -- lapack auxiliary routine --
        ! -- lapack is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee,    --
        ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..--
           use stdlib_blas_constants_dp, only: negone, zero, half, one, two, three, four, eight, ten, czero, chalf, cone, cnegone
           ! Scalar Arguments 
           integer(${ik}$), intent(in) :: j, job
           real(dp), intent(in) :: sest
           real(dp), intent(out) :: sestpr
           complex(dp), intent(out) :: c, s
           complex(dp), intent(in) :: gamma
           ! Array Arguments 
           complex(dp), intent(in) :: w(j), x(j)
        ! =====================================================================
           ! Local Scalars 
           real(dp) :: absalp, absest, absgam, b, eps, norma, s1, s2, scl, t, test, tmp, zeta1, &
           complex(dp) :: alpha, cosine, sine
           ! Intrinsic Functions 
           ! Executable Statements 
           eps = stdlib${ii}$_dlamch( 'EPSILON' )
           alpha = stdlib${ii}$_zdotc( j, x, 1_${ik}$, w, 1_${ik}$ )
           absalp = abs( alpha )
           absgam = abs( gamma )
           absest = abs( sest )
           if( job==1_${ik}$ ) then
              ! estimating largest singular value
              ! special cases
              if( sest==zero ) then
                 s1 = max( absgam, absalp )
                 if( s1==zero ) then
                    s = zero
                    c = one
                    sestpr = zero
                    s = alpha / s1
                    c = gamma / s1
                    tmp = real( sqrt( s*conjg( s )+c*conjg( c ) ),KIND=dp)
                    s = s / tmp
                    c = c / tmp
                    sestpr = s1*tmp
                 end if
              else if( absgam<=eps*absest ) then
                 s = one
                 c = zero
                 tmp = max( absest, absalp )
                 s1 = absest / tmp
                 s2 = absalp / tmp
                 sestpr = tmp*sqrt( s1*s1+s2*s2 )
              else if( absalp<=eps*absest ) then
                 s1 = absgam
                 s2 = absest
                 if( s1<=s2 ) then
                    s = one
                    c = zero
                    sestpr = s2
                    s = zero
                    c = one
                    sestpr = s1
                 end if
              else if( absest<=eps*absalp .or. absest<=eps*absgam ) then
                 s1 = absgam
                 s2 = absalp
                 if( s1<=s2 ) then
                    tmp = s1 / s2
                    scl = sqrt( one+tmp*tmp )
                    sestpr = s2*scl
                    s = ( alpha / s2 ) / scl
                    c = ( gamma / s2 ) / scl
                    tmp = s2 / s1
                    scl = sqrt( one+tmp*tmp )
                    sestpr = s1*scl
                    s = ( alpha / s1 ) / scl
                    c = ( gamma / s1 ) / scl
                 end if
                 ! normal case
                 zeta1 = absalp / absest
                 zeta2 = absgam / absest
                 b = ( one-zeta1*zeta1-zeta2*zeta2 )*half
                 c = zeta1*zeta1
                 if( b>zero ) then
                    t = real( c / ( b+sqrt( b*b+c ) ),KIND=dp)
                    t = real( sqrt( b*b+c ) - b,KIND=dp)
                 end if
                 sine = -( alpha / absest ) / t
                 cosine = -( gamma / absest ) / ( one+t )
                 tmp = real( sqrt( sine * conjg( sine )+ cosine * conjg( cosine ) ),KIND=dp)
                 s = sine / tmp
                 c = cosine / tmp
                 sestpr = sqrt( t+one )*absest
              end if
           else if( job==2_${ik}$ ) then
              ! estimating smallest singular value
              ! special cases
              if( sest==zero ) then
                 sestpr = zero
                 if( max( absgam, absalp )==zero ) then
                    sine = one
                    cosine = zero
                    sine = -conjg( gamma )
                    cosine = conjg( alpha )
                 end if
                 s1 = max( abs( sine ), abs( cosine ) )
                 s = sine / s1
                 c = cosine / s1
                 tmp = real( sqrt( s*conjg( s )+c*conjg( c ) ),KIND=dp)
                 s = s / tmp
                 c = c / tmp
              else if( absgam<=eps*absest ) then
                 s = zero
                 c = one
                 sestpr = absgam
              else if( absalp<=eps*absest ) then
                 s1 = absgam
                 s2 = absest
                 if( s1<=s2 ) then
                    s = zero
                    c = one
                    sestpr = s1
                    s = one
                    c = zero
                    sestpr = s2
                 end if
              else if( absest<=eps*absalp .or. absest<=eps*absgam ) then
                 s1 = absgam
                 s2 = absalp
                 if( s1<=s2 ) then
                    tmp = s1 / s2
                    scl = sqrt( one+tmp*tmp )
                    sestpr = absest*( tmp / scl )
                    s = -( conjg( gamma ) / s2 ) / scl
                    c = ( conjg( alpha ) / s2 ) / scl
                    tmp = s2 / s1
                    scl = sqrt( one+tmp*tmp )
                    sestpr = absest / scl
                    s = -( conjg( gamma ) / s1 ) / scl
                    c = ( conjg( alpha ) / s1 ) / scl
                 end if
                 ! normal case
                 zeta1 = absalp / absest
                 zeta2 = absgam / absest
                 norma = max( one+zeta1*zeta1+zeta1*zeta2,zeta1*zeta2+zeta2*zeta2 )
                 ! see if root is closer to zero or to one
                 test = one + two*( zeta1-zeta2 )*( zeta1+zeta2 )
                 if( test>=zero ) then
                    ! root is close to zero, compute directly
                    b = ( zeta1*zeta1+zeta2*zeta2+one )*half
                    c = zeta2*zeta2
                    t = real( c / ( b+sqrt( abs( b*b-c ) ) ),KIND=dp)
                    sine = ( alpha / absest ) / ( one-t )
                    cosine = -( gamma / absest ) / t
                    sestpr = sqrt( t+four*eps*eps*norma )*absest
                    ! root is closer to one, shift by that amount
                    b = ( zeta2*zeta2+zeta1*zeta1-one )*half
                    c = zeta1*zeta1
                    if( b>=zero ) then
                       t = -c / ( b+sqrt( b*b+c ) )
                       t = b - sqrt( b*b+c )
                    end if
                    sine = -( alpha / absest ) / t
                    cosine = -( gamma / absest ) / ( one+t )
                    sestpr = sqrt( one+t+four*eps*eps*norma )*absest
                 end if
                 tmp = real( sqrt( sine * conjg( sine )+ cosine * conjg( cosine ) ),KIND=dp)
                 s = sine / tmp
                 c = cosine / tmp
              end if
           end if
     end subroutine stdlib${ii}$_zlaic1

#:for ck,ct,ci in CMPLX_KINDS_TYPES
#:if not ck in ["sp","dp"]
     pure module subroutine stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$laic1( job, j, x, sest, w, gamma, sestpr, s, c )
     !! ZLAIC1: applies one step of incremental condition estimation in
     !! its simplest version:
     !! Let x, twonorm(x) = 1, be an approximate singular vector of an j-by-j
     !! lower triangular matrix L, such that
     !! twonorm(L*x) = sest
     !! Then ZLAIC1 computes sestpr, s, c such that
     !! the vector
     !! [ s*x ]
     !! xhat = [  c  ]
     !! is an approximate singular vector of
     !! [ L       0  ]
     !! Lhat = [ w**H gamma ]
     !! in the sense that
     !! twonorm(Lhat*xhat) = sestpr.
     !! Depending on JOB, an estimate for the largest or smallest singular
     !! value is computed.
     !! Note that [s c]**H and sestpr**2 is an eigenpair of the system
     !! diag(sest*sest, 0) + [alpha  gamma] * [ conjg(alpha) ]
     !! [ conjg(gamma) ]
     !! where  alpha =  x**H * w.
        ! -- lapack auxiliary routine --
        ! -- lapack is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee,    --
        ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..--
           use stdlib_blas_constants_${ck}$, only: negone, zero, half, one, two, three, four, eight, ten, czero, chalf, cone, cnegone
           ! Scalar Arguments 
           integer(${ik}$), intent(in) :: j, job
           real(${ck}$), intent(in) :: sest
           real(${ck}$), intent(out) :: sestpr
           complex(${ck}$), intent(out) :: c, s
           complex(${ck}$), intent(in) :: gamma
           ! Array Arguments 
           complex(${ck}$), intent(in) :: w(j), x(j)
        ! =====================================================================
           ! Local Scalars 
           real(${ck}$) :: absalp, absest, absgam, b, eps, norma, s1, s2, scl, t, test, tmp, zeta1, &
           complex(${ck}$) :: alpha, cosine, sine
           ! Intrinsic Functions 
           ! Executable Statements 
           eps = stdlib${ii}$_${c2ri(ci)}$lamch( 'EPSILON' )
           alpha = stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$dotc( j, x, 1_${ik}$, w, 1_${ik}$ )
           absalp = abs( alpha )
           absgam = abs( gamma )
           absest = abs( sest )
           if( job==1_${ik}$ ) then
              ! estimating largest singular value
              ! special cases
              if( sest==zero ) then
                 s1 = max( absgam, absalp )
                 if( s1==zero ) then
                    s = zero
                    c = one
                    sestpr = zero
                    s = alpha / s1
                    c = gamma / s1
                    tmp = real( sqrt( s*conjg( s )+c*conjg( c ) ),KIND=${ck}$)
                    s = s / tmp
                    c = c / tmp
                    sestpr = s1*tmp
                 end if
              else if( absgam<=eps*absest ) then
                 s = one
                 c = zero
                 tmp = max( absest, absalp )
                 s1 = absest / tmp
                 s2 = absalp / tmp
                 sestpr = tmp*sqrt( s1*s1+s2*s2 )
              else if( absalp<=eps*absest ) then
                 s1 = absgam
                 s2 = absest
                 if( s1<=s2 ) then
                    s = one
                    c = zero
                    sestpr = s2
                    s = zero
                    c = one
                    sestpr = s1
                 end if
              else if( absest<=eps*absalp .or. absest<=eps*absgam ) then
                 s1 = absgam
                 s2 = absalp
                 if( s1<=s2 ) then
                    tmp = s1 / s2
                    scl = sqrt( one+tmp*tmp )
                    sestpr = s2*scl
                    s = ( alpha / s2 ) / scl
                    c = ( gamma / s2 ) / scl
                    tmp = s2 / s1
                    scl = sqrt( one+tmp*tmp )
                    sestpr = s1*scl
                    s = ( alpha / s1 ) / scl
                    c = ( gamma / s1 ) / scl
                 end if
                 ! normal case
                 zeta1 = absalp / absest
                 zeta2 = absgam / absest
                 b = ( one-zeta1*zeta1-zeta2*zeta2 )*half
                 c = zeta1*zeta1
                 if( b>zero ) then
                    t = real( c / ( b+sqrt( b*b+c ) ),KIND=${ck}$)
                    t = real( sqrt( b*b+c ) - b,KIND=${ck}$)
                 end if
                 sine = -( alpha / absest ) / t
                 cosine = -( gamma / absest ) / ( one+t )
                 tmp = real( sqrt( sine * conjg( sine )+ cosine * conjg( cosine ) ),KIND=${ck}$)
                 s = sine / tmp
                 c = cosine / tmp
                 sestpr = sqrt( t+one )*absest
              end if
           else if( job==2_${ik}$ ) then
              ! estimating smallest singular value
              ! special cases
              if( sest==zero ) then
                 sestpr = zero
                 if( max( absgam, absalp )==zero ) then
                    sine = one
                    cosine = zero
                    sine = -conjg( gamma )
                    cosine = conjg( alpha )
                 end if
                 s1 = max( abs( sine ), abs( cosine ) )
                 s = sine / s1
                 c = cosine / s1
                 tmp = real( sqrt( s*conjg( s )+c*conjg( c ) ),KIND=${ck}$)
                 s = s / tmp
                 c = c / tmp
              else if( absgam<=eps*absest ) then
                 s = zero
                 c = one
                 sestpr = absgam
              else if( absalp<=eps*absest ) then
                 s1 = absgam
                 s2 = absest
                 if( s1<=s2 ) then
                    s = zero
                    c = one
                    sestpr = s1
                    s = one
                    c = zero
                    sestpr = s2
                 end if
              else if( absest<=eps*absalp .or. absest<=eps*absgam ) then
                 s1 = absgam
                 s2 = absalp
                 if( s1<=s2 ) then
                    tmp = s1 / s2
                    scl = sqrt( one+tmp*tmp )
                    sestpr = absest*( tmp / scl )
                    s = -( conjg( gamma ) / s2 ) / scl
                    c = ( conjg( alpha ) / s2 ) / scl
                    tmp = s2 / s1
                    scl = sqrt( one+tmp*tmp )
                    sestpr = absest / scl
                    s = -( conjg( gamma ) / s1 ) / scl
                    c = ( conjg( alpha ) / s1 ) / scl
                 end if
                 ! normal case
                 zeta1 = absalp / absest
                 zeta2 = absgam / absest
                 norma = max( one+zeta1*zeta1+zeta1*zeta2,zeta1*zeta2+zeta2*zeta2 )
                 ! see if root is closer to zero or to one
                 test = one + two*( zeta1-zeta2 )*( zeta1+zeta2 )
                 if( test>=zero ) then
                    ! root is close to zero, compute directly
                    b = ( zeta1*zeta1+zeta2*zeta2+one )*half
                    c = zeta2*zeta2
                    t = real( c / ( b+sqrt( abs( b*b-c ) ) ),KIND=${ck}$)
                    sine = ( alpha / absest ) / ( one-t )
                    cosine = -( gamma / absest ) / t
                    sestpr = sqrt( t+four*eps*eps*norma )*absest
                    ! root is closer to one, shift by that amount
                    b = ( zeta2*zeta2+zeta1*zeta1-one )*half
                    c = zeta1*zeta1
                    if( b>=zero ) then
                       t = -c / ( b+sqrt( b*b+c ) )
                       t = b - sqrt( b*b+c )
                    end if
                    sine = -( alpha / absest ) / t
                    cosine = -( gamma / absest ) / ( one+t )
                    sestpr = sqrt( one+t+four*eps*eps*norma )*absest
                 end if
                 tmp = real( sqrt( sine * conjg( sine )+ cosine * conjg( cosine ) ),KIND=${ck}$)
                 s = sine / tmp
                 c = cosine / tmp
              end if
           end if
     end subroutine stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$laic1


     pure module subroutine stdlib${ii}$_slals0( icompq, nl, nr, sqre, nrhs, b, ldb, bx, ldbx,perm, givptr, &
     !! SLALS0 applies back the multiplying factors of either the left or the
     !! right singular vector matrix of a diagonal matrix appended by a row
     !! to the right hand side matrix B in solving the least squares problem
     !! using the divide-and-conquer SVD approach.
     !! For the left singular vector matrix, three types of orthogonal
     !! matrices are involved:
     !! (1L) Givens rotations: the number of such rotations is GIVPTR; the
     !! pairs of columns/rows they were applied to are stored in GIVCOL;
     !! and the C- and S-values of these rotations are stored in GIVNUM.
     !! (2L) Permutation. The (NL+1)-st row of B is to be moved to the first
     !! row, and for J=2:N, PERM(J)-th row of B is to be moved to the
     !! J-th row.
     !! (3L) The left singular vector matrix of the remaining matrix.
     !! For the right singular vector matrix, four types of orthogonal
     !! matrices are involved:
     !! (1R) The right singular vector matrix of the remaining matrix.
     !! (2R) If SQRE = 1, one extra Givens rotation to generate the right
     !! null space.
     !! (3R) The inverse transformation of (2L).
     !! (4R) The inverse transformation of (1L).
               givcol, ldgcol, givnum, ldgnum,poles, difl, difr, z, k, c, s, work, info )
        ! -- lapack computational routine --
        ! -- lapack is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee,    --
        ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..--
           use stdlib_blas_constants_sp, only: negone, zero, half, one, two, three, four, eight, ten, czero, chalf, cone, cnegone
           ! Scalar Arguments 
           integer(${ik}$), intent(in) :: givptr, icompq, k, ldb, ldbx, ldgcol, ldgnum, nl, nr, nrhs,&
           integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: info
           real(sp), intent(in) :: c, s
           ! Array Arguments 
           integer(${ik}$), intent(in) :: givcol(ldgcol,*), perm(*)
           real(sp), intent(inout) :: b(ldb,*)
           real(sp), intent(out) :: bx(ldbx,*), work(*)
           real(sp), intent(in) :: difl(*), difr(ldgnum,*), givnum(ldgnum,*), poles(ldgnum,*), z(&
        ! =====================================================================
           ! Local Scalars 
           integer(${ik}$) :: i, j, m, n, nlp1
           real(sp) :: diflj, difrj, dj, dsigj, dsigjp, temp
           ! Intrinsic Functions 
           ! Executable Statements 
           ! test the input parameters.
           info = 0_${ik}$
           n = nl + nr + 1_${ik}$
           if( ( icompq<0_${ik}$ ) .or. ( icompq>1_${ik}$ ) ) then
              info = -1_${ik}$
           else if( nl<1_${ik}$ ) then
              info = -2_${ik}$
           else if( nr<1_${ik}$ ) then
              info = -3_${ik}$
           else if( ( sqre<0_${ik}$ ) .or. ( sqre>1_${ik}$ ) ) then
              info = -4_${ik}$
           else if( nrhs<1_${ik}$ ) then
              info = -5_${ik}$
           else if( ldb<n ) then
              info = -7_${ik}$
           else if( ldbx<n ) then
              info = -9_${ik}$
           else if( givptr<0_${ik}$ ) then
              info = -11_${ik}$
           else if( ldgcol<n ) then
              info = -13_${ik}$
           else if( ldgnum<n ) then
              info = -15_${ik}$
           else if( k<1_${ik}$ ) then
              info = -20_${ik}$
           end if
           if( info/=0_${ik}$ ) then
              call stdlib${ii}$_xerbla( 'SLALS0', -info )
           end if
           m = n + sqre
           nlp1 = nl + 1_${ik}$
           if( icompq==0_${ik}$ ) then
              ! apply back orthogonal transformations from the left.
              ! step (1l): apply back the givens rotations performed.
              do i = 1, givptr
                 call stdlib${ii}$_srot( nrhs, b( givcol( i, 2_${ik}$ ), 1_${ik}$ ), ldb,b( givcol( i, 1_${ik}$ ), 1_${ik}$ ), ldb, &
                           givnum( i, 2_${ik}$ ),givnum( i, 1_${ik}$ ) )
              end do
              ! step (2l): permute rows of b.
              call stdlib${ii}$_scopy( nrhs, b( nlp1, 1_${ik}$ ), ldb, bx( 1_${ik}$, 1_${ik}$ ), ldbx )
              do i = 2, n
                 call stdlib${ii}$_scopy( nrhs, b( perm( i ), 1_${ik}$ ), ldb, bx( i, 1_${ik}$ ), ldbx )
              end do
              ! step (3l): apply the inverse of the left singular vector
              ! matrix to bx.
              if( k==1_${ik}$ ) then
                 call stdlib${ii}$_scopy( nrhs, bx, ldbx, b, ldb )
                 if( z( 1_${ik}$ )<zero ) then
                    call stdlib${ii}$_sscal( nrhs, negone, b, ldb )
                 end if
                 loop_50: do j = 1, k
                    diflj = difl( j )
                    dj = poles( j, 1_${ik}$ )
                    dsigj = -poles( j, 2_${ik}$ )
                    if( j<k ) then
                       difrj = -difr( j, 1_${ik}$ )
                       dsigjp = -poles( j+1, 2_${ik}$ )
                    end if
                    if( ( z( j )==zero ) .or. ( poles( j, 2_${ik}$ )==zero ) )then
                       work( j ) = zero
                       work( j ) = -poles( j, 2_${ik}$ )*z( j ) / diflj /( poles( j, 2_${ik}$ )+dj )
                    end if
                    do i = 1, j - 1
                       if( ( z( i )==zero ) .or.( poles( i, 2_${ik}$ )==zero ) ) then
                          work( i ) = zero
                          work( i ) = poles( i, 2_${ik}$ )*z( i ) /( stdlib${ii}$_slamc3( poles( i, 2_${ik}$ ), dsigj &
                                    )-diflj ) / ( poles( i, 2_${ik}$ )+dj )
                       end if
                    end do
                    do i = j + 1, k
                       if( ( z( i )==zero ) .or.( poles( i, 2_${ik}$ )==zero ) ) then
                          work( i ) = zero
                          work( i ) = poles( i, 2_${ik}$ )*z( i ) /( stdlib${ii}$_slamc3( poles( i, 2_${ik}$ ), &
                                    dsigjp )+difrj ) / ( poles( i, 2_${ik}$ )+dj )
                       end if
                    end do
                    work( 1_${ik}$ ) = negone
                    temp = stdlib${ii}$_snrm2( k, work, 1_${ik}$ )
                    call stdlib${ii}$_sgemv( 'T', k, nrhs, one, bx, ldbx, work, 1_${ik}$, zero,b( j, 1_${ik}$ ), ldb )
                    call stdlib${ii}$_slascl( 'G', 0_${ik}$, 0_${ik}$, temp, one, 1_${ik}$, nrhs, b( j, 1_${ik}$ ),ldb, info )
                 end do loop_50
              end if
              ! move the deflated rows of bx to b also.
              if( k<max( m, n ) )call stdlib${ii}$_slacpy( 'A', n-k, nrhs, bx( k+1, 1_${ik}$ ), ldbx,b( k+1, 1_${ik}$ &
                        ), ldb )
              ! apply back the right orthogonal transformations.
              ! step (1r): apply back the new right singular vector matrix
              ! to b.
              if( k==1_${ik}$ ) then
                 call stdlib${ii}$_scopy( nrhs, b, ldb, bx, ldbx )
                 do j = 1, k
                    dsigj = poles( j, 2_${ik}$ )
                    if( z( j )==zero ) then
                       work( j ) = zero
                       work( j ) = -z( j ) / difl( j ) /( dsigj+poles( j, 1_${ik}$ ) ) / difr( j, 2_${ik}$ )
                    end if
                    do i = 1, j - 1
                       if( z( j )==zero ) then
                          work( i ) = zero
                          work( i ) = z( j ) / ( stdlib${ii}$_slamc3( dsigj, -poles( i+1,2_${ik}$ ) )-difr( i, &
                                    1_${ik}$ ) ) /( dsigj+poles( i, 1_${ik}$ ) ) / difr( i, 2_${ik}$ )
                       end if
                    end do
                    do i = j + 1, k
                       if( z( j )==zero ) then
                          work( i ) = zero
                          work( i ) = z( j ) / ( stdlib${ii}$_slamc3( dsigj, -poles( i,2_${ik}$ ) )-difl( i ) )&
                                     /( dsigj+poles( i, 1_${ik}$ ) ) / difr( i, 2_${ik}$ )
                       end if
                    end do
                    call stdlib${ii}$_sgemv( 'T', k, nrhs, one, b, ldb, work, 1_${ik}$, zero,bx( j, 1_${ik}$ ), ldbx )
                 end do
              end if
              ! step (2r): if sqre = 1, apply back the rotation that is
              ! related to the right null space of the subproblem.
              if( sqre==1_${ik}$ ) then
                 call stdlib${ii}$_scopy( nrhs, b( m, 1_${ik}$ ), ldb, bx( m, 1_${ik}$ ), ldbx )
                 call stdlib${ii}$_srot( nrhs, bx( 1_${ik}$, 1_${ik}$ ), ldbx, bx( m, 1_${ik}$ ), ldbx, c, s )
              end if
              if( k<max( m, n ) )call stdlib${ii}$_slacpy( 'A', n-k, nrhs, b( k+1, 1_${ik}$ ), ldb, bx( k+1, 1_${ik}$ &
                        ),ldbx )
              ! step (3r): permute rows of b.
              call stdlib${ii}$_scopy( nrhs, bx( 1_${ik}$, 1_${ik}$ ), ldbx, b( nlp1, 1_${ik}$ ), ldb )
              if( sqre==1_${ik}$ ) then
                 call stdlib${ii}$_scopy( nrhs, bx( m, 1_${ik}$ ), ldbx, b( m, 1_${ik}$ ), ldb )
              end if
              do i = 2, n
                 call stdlib${ii}$_scopy( nrhs, bx( i, 1_${ik}$ ), ldbx, b( perm( i ), 1_${ik}$ ), ldb )
              end do
              ! step (4r): apply back the givens rotations performed.
              do i = givptr, 1, -1
                 call stdlib${ii}$_srot( nrhs, b( givcol( i, 2_${ik}$ ), 1_${ik}$ ), ldb,b( givcol( i, 1_${ik}$ ), 1_${ik}$ ), ldb, &
                           givnum( i, 2_${ik}$ ),-givnum( i, 1_${ik}$ ) )
              end do
           end if
     end subroutine stdlib${ii}$_slals0

     pure module subroutine stdlib${ii}$_dlals0( icompq, nl, nr, sqre, nrhs, b, ldb, bx, ldbx,perm, givptr, &
     !! DLALS0 applies back the multiplying factors of either the left or the
     !! right singular vector matrix of a diagonal matrix appended by a row
     !! to the right hand side matrix B in solving the least squares problem
     !! using the divide-and-conquer SVD approach.
     !! For the left singular vector matrix, three types of orthogonal
     !! matrices are involved:
     !! (1L) Givens rotations: the number of such rotations is GIVPTR; the
     !! pairs of columns/rows they were applied to are stored in GIVCOL;
     !! and the C- and S-values of these rotations are stored in GIVNUM.
     !! (2L) Permutation. The (NL+1)-st row of B is to be moved to the first
     !! row, and for J=2:N, PERM(J)-th row of B is to be moved to the
     !! J-th row.
     !! (3L) The left singular vector matrix of the remaining matrix.
     !! For the right singular vector matrix, four types of orthogonal
     !! matrices are involved:
     !! (1R) The right singular vector matrix of the remaining matrix.
     !! (2R) If SQRE = 1, one extra Givens rotation to generate the right
     !! null space.
     !! (3R) The inverse transformation of (2L).
     !! (4R) The inverse transformation of (1L).
               givcol, ldgcol, givnum, ldgnum,poles, difl, difr, z, k, c, s, work, info )
        ! -- lapack computational routine --
        ! -- lapack is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee,    --
        ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..--
           use stdlib_blas_constants_dp, only: negone, zero, half, one, two, three, four, eight, ten, czero, chalf, cone, cnegone
           ! Scalar Arguments 
           integer(${ik}$), intent(in) :: givptr, icompq, k, ldb, ldbx, ldgcol, ldgnum, nl, nr, nrhs,&
           integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: info
           real(dp), intent(in) :: c, s
           ! Array Arguments 
           integer(${ik}$), intent(in) :: givcol(ldgcol,*), perm(*)
           real(dp), intent(inout) :: b(ldb,*)
           real(dp), intent(out) :: bx(ldbx,*), work(*)
           real(dp), intent(in) :: difl(*), difr(ldgnum,*), givnum(ldgnum,*), poles(ldgnum,*), z(&
        ! =====================================================================
           ! Local Scalars 
           integer(${ik}$) :: i, j, m, n, nlp1
           real(dp) :: diflj, difrj, dj, dsigj, dsigjp, temp
           ! Intrinsic Functions 
           ! Executable Statements 
           ! test the input parameters.
           info = 0_${ik}$
           n = nl + nr + 1_${ik}$
           if( ( icompq<0_${ik}$ ) .or. ( icompq>1_${ik}$ ) ) then
              info = -1_${ik}$
           else if( nl<1_${ik}$ ) then
              info = -2_${ik}$
           else if( nr<1_${ik}$ ) then
              info = -3_${ik}$
           else if( ( sqre<0_${ik}$ ) .or. ( sqre>1_${ik}$ ) ) then
              info = -4_${ik}$
           else if( nrhs<1_${ik}$ ) then
              info = -5_${ik}$
           else if( ldb<n ) then
              info = -7_${ik}$
           else if( ldbx<n ) then
              info = -9_${ik}$
           else if( givptr<0_${ik}$ ) then
              info = -11_${ik}$
           else if( ldgcol<n ) then
              info = -13_${ik}$
           else if( ldgnum<n ) then
              info = -15_${ik}$
           else if( k<1_${ik}$ ) then
              info = -20_${ik}$
           end if
           if( info/=0_${ik}$ ) then
              call stdlib${ii}$_xerbla( 'DLALS0', -info )
           end if
           m = n + sqre
           nlp1 = nl + 1_${ik}$
           if( icompq==0_${ik}$ ) then
              ! apply back orthogonal transformations from the left.
              ! step (1l): apply back the givens rotations performed.
              do i = 1, givptr
                 call stdlib${ii}$_drot( nrhs, b( givcol( i, 2_${ik}$ ), 1_${ik}$ ), ldb,b( givcol( i, 1_${ik}$ ), 1_${ik}$ ), ldb, &
                           givnum( i, 2_${ik}$ ),givnum( i, 1_${ik}$ ) )
              end do
              ! step (2l): permute rows of b.
              call stdlib${ii}$_dcopy( nrhs, b( nlp1, 1_${ik}$ ), ldb, bx( 1_${ik}$, 1_${ik}$ ), ldbx )
              do i = 2, n
                 call stdlib${ii}$_dcopy( nrhs, b( perm( i ), 1_${ik}$ ), ldb, bx( i, 1_${ik}$ ), ldbx )
              end do
              ! step (3l): apply the inverse of the left singular vector
              ! matrix to bx.
              if( k==1_${ik}$ ) then
                 call stdlib${ii}$_dcopy( nrhs, bx, ldbx, b, ldb )
                 if( z( 1_${ik}$ )<zero ) then
                    call stdlib${ii}$_dscal( nrhs, negone, b, ldb )
                 end if
                 loop_50: do j = 1, k
                    diflj = difl( j )
                    dj = poles( j, 1_${ik}$ )
                    dsigj = -poles( j, 2_${ik}$ )
                    if( j<k ) then
                       difrj = -difr( j, 1_${ik}$ )
                       dsigjp = -poles( j+1, 2_${ik}$ )
                    end if
                    if( ( z( j )==zero ) .or. ( poles( j, 2_${ik}$ )==zero ) )then
                       work( j ) = zero
                       work( j ) = -poles( j, 2_${ik}$ )*z( j ) / diflj /( poles( j, 2_${ik}$ )+dj )
                    end if
                    do i = 1, j - 1
                       if( ( z( i )==zero ) .or.( poles( i, 2_${ik}$ )==zero ) ) then
                          work( i ) = zero
                          work( i ) = poles( i, 2_${ik}$ )*z( i ) /( stdlib${ii}$_dlamc3( poles( i, 2_${ik}$ ), dsigj &
                                    )-diflj ) / ( poles( i, 2_${ik}$ )+dj )
                       end if
                    end do
                    do i = j + 1, k
                       if( ( z( i )==zero ) .or.( poles( i, 2_${ik}$ )==zero ) ) then
                          work( i ) = zero
                          work( i ) = poles( i, 2_${ik}$ )*z( i ) /( stdlib${ii}$_dlamc3( poles( i, 2_${ik}$ ), &
                                    dsigjp )+difrj ) / ( poles( i, 2_${ik}$ )+dj )
                       end if
                    end do
                    work( 1_${ik}$ ) = negone
                    temp = stdlib${ii}$_dnrm2( k, work, 1_${ik}$ )
                    call stdlib${ii}$_dgemv( 'T', k, nrhs, one, bx, ldbx, work, 1_${ik}$, zero,b( j, 1_${ik}$ ), ldb )
                    call stdlib${ii}$_dlascl( 'G', 0_${ik}$, 0_${ik}$, temp, one, 1_${ik}$, nrhs, b( j, 1_${ik}$ ),ldb, info )
                 end do loop_50
              end if
              ! move the deflated rows of bx to b also.
              if( k<max( m, n ) )call stdlib${ii}$_dlacpy( 'A', n-k, nrhs, bx( k+1, 1_${ik}$ ), ldbx,b( k+1, 1_${ik}$ &
                        ), ldb )
              ! apply back the right orthogonal transformations.
              ! step (1r): apply back the new right singular vector matrix
              ! to b.
              if( k==1_${ik}$ ) then
                 call stdlib${ii}$_dcopy( nrhs, b, ldb, bx, ldbx )
                 do j = 1, k
                    dsigj = poles( j, 2_${ik}$ )
                    if( z( j )==zero ) then
                       work( j ) = zero
                       work( j ) = -z( j ) / difl( j ) /( dsigj+poles( j, 1_${ik}$ ) ) / difr( j, 2_${ik}$ )
                    end if
                    do i = 1, j - 1
                       if( z( j )==zero ) then
                          work( i ) = zero
                          work( i ) = z( j ) / ( stdlib${ii}$_dlamc3( dsigj, -poles( i+1,2_${ik}$ ) )-difr( i, &
                                    1_${ik}$ ) ) /( dsigj+poles( i, 1_${ik}$ ) ) / difr( i, 2_${ik}$ )
                       end if
                    end do
                    do i = j + 1, k
                       if( z( j )==zero ) then
                          work( i ) = zero
                          work( i ) = z( j ) / ( stdlib${ii}$_dlamc3( dsigj, -poles( i,2_${ik}$ ) )-difl( i ) )&
                                     /( dsigj+poles( i, 1_${ik}$ ) ) / difr( i, 2_${ik}$ )
                       end if
                    end do
                    call stdlib${ii}$_dgemv( 'T', k, nrhs, one, b, ldb, work, 1_${ik}$, zero,bx( j, 1_${ik}$ ), ldbx )
                 end do
              end if
              ! step (2r): if sqre = 1, apply back the rotation that is
              ! related to the right null space of the subproblem.
              if( sqre==1_${ik}$ ) then
                 call stdlib${ii}$_dcopy( nrhs, b( m, 1_${ik}$ ), ldb, bx( m, 1_${ik}$ ), ldbx )
                 call stdlib${ii}$_drot( nrhs, bx( 1_${ik}$, 1_${ik}$ ), ldbx, bx( m, 1_${ik}$ ), ldbx, c, s )
              end if
              if( k<max( m, n ) )call stdlib${ii}$_dlacpy( 'A', n-k, nrhs, b( k+1, 1_${ik}$ ), ldb, bx( k+1, 1_${ik}$ &
                        ),ldbx )
              ! step (3r): permute rows of b.
              call stdlib${ii}$_dcopy( nrhs, bx( 1_${ik}$, 1_${ik}$ ), ldbx, b( nlp1, 1_${ik}$ ), ldb )
              if( sqre==1_${ik}$ ) then
                 call stdlib${ii}$_dcopy( nrhs, bx( m, 1_${ik}$ ), ldbx, b( m, 1_${ik}$ ), ldb )
              end if
              do i = 2, n
                 call stdlib${ii}$_dcopy( nrhs, bx( i, 1_${ik}$ ), ldbx, b( perm( i ), 1_${ik}$ ), ldb )
              end do
              ! step (4r): apply back the givens rotations performed.
              do i = givptr, 1, -1
                 call stdlib${ii}$_drot( nrhs, b( givcol( i, 2_${ik}$ ), 1_${ik}$ ), ldb,b( givcol( i, 1_${ik}$ ), 1_${ik}$ ), ldb, &
                           givnum( i, 2_${ik}$ ),-givnum( i, 1_${ik}$ ) )
              end do
           end if
     end subroutine stdlib${ii}$_dlals0

#:for rk,rt,ri in REAL_KINDS_TYPES
#:if not rk in ["sp","dp"]
     pure module subroutine stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$lals0( icompq, nl, nr, sqre, nrhs, b, ldb, bx, ldbx,perm, givptr, &
     !! DLALS0: applies back the multiplying factors of either the left or the
     !! right singular vector matrix of a diagonal matrix appended by a row
     !! to the right hand side matrix B in solving the least squares problem
     !! using the divide-and-conquer SVD approach.
     !! For the left singular vector matrix, three types of orthogonal
     !! matrices are involved:
     !! (1L) Givens rotations: the number of such rotations is GIVPTR; the
     !! pairs of columns/rows they were applied to are stored in GIVCOL;
     !! and the C- and S-values of these rotations are stored in GIVNUM.
     !! (2L) Permutation. The (NL+1)-st row of B is to be moved to the first
     !! row, and for J=2:N, PERM(J)-th row of B is to be moved to the
     !! J-th row.
     !! (3L) The left singular vector matrix of the remaining matrix.
     !! For the right singular vector matrix, four types of orthogonal
     !! matrices are involved:
     !! (1R) The right singular vector matrix of the remaining matrix.
     !! (2R) If SQRE = 1, one extra Givens rotation to generate the right
     !! null space.
     !! (3R) The inverse transformation of (2L).
     !! (4R) The inverse transformation of (1L).
               givcol, ldgcol, givnum, ldgnum,poles, difl, difr, z, k, c, s, work, info )
        ! -- lapack computational routine --
        ! -- lapack is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee,    --
        ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..--
           use stdlib_blas_constants_${rk}$, only: negone, zero, half, one, two, three, four, eight, ten, czero, chalf, cone, cnegone
           ! Scalar Arguments 
           integer(${ik}$), intent(in) :: givptr, icompq, k, ldb, ldbx, ldgcol, ldgnum, nl, nr, nrhs,&
           integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: info
           real(${rk}$), intent(in) :: c, s
           ! Array Arguments 
           integer(${ik}$), intent(in) :: givcol(ldgcol,*), perm(*)
           real(${rk}$), intent(inout) :: b(ldb,*)
           real(${rk}$), intent(out) :: bx(ldbx,*), work(*)
           real(${rk}$), intent(in) :: difl(*), difr(ldgnum,*), givnum(ldgnum,*), poles(ldgnum,*), z(&
        ! =====================================================================
           ! Local Scalars 
           integer(${ik}$) :: i, j, m, n, nlp1
           real(${rk}$) :: diflj, difrj, dj, dsigj, dsigjp, temp
           ! Intrinsic Functions 
           ! Executable Statements 
           ! test the input parameters.
           info = 0_${ik}$
           n = nl + nr + 1_${ik}$
           if( ( icompq<0_${ik}$ ) .or. ( icompq>1_${ik}$ ) ) then
              info = -1_${ik}$
           else if( nl<1_${ik}$ ) then
              info = -2_${ik}$
           else if( nr<1_${ik}$ ) then
              info = -3_${ik}$
           else if( ( sqre<0_${ik}$ ) .or. ( sqre>1_${ik}$ ) ) then
              info = -4_${ik}$
           else if( nrhs<1_${ik}$ ) then
              info = -5_${ik}$
           else if( ldb<n ) then
              info = -7_${ik}$
           else if( ldbx<n ) then
              info = -9_${ik}$
           else if( givptr<0_${ik}$ ) then
              info = -11_${ik}$
           else if( ldgcol<n ) then
              info = -13_${ik}$
           else if( ldgnum<n ) then
              info = -15_${ik}$
           else if( k<1_${ik}$ ) then
              info = -20_${ik}$
           end if
           if( info/=0_${ik}$ ) then
              call stdlib${ii}$_xerbla( 'DLALS0', -info )
           end if
           m = n + sqre
           nlp1 = nl + 1_${ik}$
           if( icompq==0_${ik}$ ) then
              ! apply back orthogonal transformations from the left.
              ! step (1l): apply back the givens rotations performed.
              do i = 1, givptr
                 call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$rot( nrhs, b( givcol( i, 2_${ik}$ ), 1_${ik}$ ), ldb,b( givcol( i, 1_${ik}$ ), 1_${ik}$ ), ldb, &
                           givnum( i, 2_${ik}$ ),givnum( i, 1_${ik}$ ) )
              end do
              ! step (2l): permute rows of b.
              call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$copy( nrhs, b( nlp1, 1_${ik}$ ), ldb, bx( 1_${ik}$, 1_${ik}$ ), ldbx )
              do i = 2, n
                 call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$copy( nrhs, b( perm( i ), 1_${ik}$ ), ldb, bx( i, 1_${ik}$ ), ldbx )
              end do
              ! step (3l): apply the inverse of the left singular vector
              ! matrix to bx.
              if( k==1_${ik}$ ) then
                 call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$copy( nrhs, bx, ldbx, b, ldb )
                 if( z( 1_${ik}$ )<zero ) then
                    call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$scal( nrhs, negone, b, ldb )
                 end if
                 loop_50: do j = 1, k
                    diflj = difl( j )
                    dj = poles( j, 1_${ik}$ )
                    dsigj = -poles( j, 2_${ik}$ )
                    if( j<k ) then
                       difrj = -difr( j, 1_${ik}$ )
                       dsigjp = -poles( j+1, 2_${ik}$ )
                    end if
                    if( ( z( j )==zero ) .or. ( poles( j, 2_${ik}$ )==zero ) )then
                       work( j ) = zero
                       work( j ) = -poles( j, 2_${ik}$ )*z( j ) / diflj /( poles( j, 2_${ik}$ )+dj )
                    end if
                    do i = 1, j - 1
                       if( ( z( i )==zero ) .or.( poles( i, 2_${ik}$ )==zero ) ) then
                          work( i ) = zero
                          work( i ) = poles( i, 2_${ik}$ )*z( i ) /( stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$lamc3( poles( i, 2_${ik}$ ), dsigj &
                                    )-diflj ) / ( poles( i, 2_${ik}$ )+dj )
                       end if
                    end do
                    do i = j + 1, k
                       if( ( z( i )==zero ) .or.( poles( i, 2_${ik}$ )==zero ) ) then
                          work( i ) = zero
                          work( i ) = poles( i, 2_${ik}$ )*z( i ) /( stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$lamc3( poles( i, 2_${ik}$ ), &
                                    dsigjp )+difrj ) / ( poles( i, 2_${ik}$ )+dj )
                       end if
                    end do
                    work( 1_${ik}$ ) = negone
                    temp = stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$nrm2( k, work, 1_${ik}$ )
                    call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$gemv( 'T', k, nrhs, one, bx, ldbx, work, 1_${ik}$, zero,b( j, 1_${ik}$ ), ldb )
                    call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$lascl( 'G', 0_${ik}$, 0_${ik}$, temp, one, 1_${ik}$, nrhs, b( j, 1_${ik}$ ),ldb, info )
                 end do loop_50
              end if
              ! move the deflated rows of bx to b also.
              if( k<max( m, n ) )call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$lacpy( 'A', n-k, nrhs, bx( k+1, 1_${ik}$ ), ldbx,b( k+1, 1_${ik}$ &
                        ), ldb )
              ! apply back the right orthogonal transformations.
              ! step (1r): apply back the new right singular vector matrix
              ! to b.
              if( k==1_${ik}$ ) then
                 call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$copy( nrhs, b, ldb, bx, ldbx )
                 do j = 1, k
                    dsigj = poles( j, 2_${ik}$ )
                    if( z( j )==zero ) then
                       work( j ) = zero
                       work( j ) = -z( j ) / difl( j ) /( dsigj+poles( j, 1_${ik}$ ) ) / difr( j, 2_${ik}$ )
                    end if
                    do i = 1, j - 1
                       if( z( j )==zero ) then
                          work( i ) = zero
                          work( i ) = z( j ) / ( stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$lamc3( dsigj, -poles( i+1,2_${ik}$ ) )-difr( i, &
                                    1_${ik}$ ) ) /( dsigj+poles( i, 1_${ik}$ ) ) / difr( i, 2_${ik}$ )
                       end if
                    end do
                    do i = j + 1, k
                       if( z( j )==zero ) then
                          work( i ) = zero
                          work( i ) = z( j ) / ( stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$lamc3( dsigj, -poles( i,2_${ik}$ ) )-difl( i ) )&
                                     /( dsigj+poles( i, 1_${ik}$ ) ) / difr( i, 2_${ik}$ )
                       end if
                    end do
                    call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$gemv( 'T', k, nrhs, one, b, ldb, work, 1_${ik}$, zero,bx( j, 1_${ik}$ ), ldbx )
                 end do
              end if
              ! step (2r): if sqre = 1, apply back the rotation that is
              ! related to the right null space of the subproblem.
              if( sqre==1_${ik}$ ) then
                 call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$copy( nrhs, b( m, 1_${ik}$ ), ldb, bx( m, 1_${ik}$ ), ldbx )
                 call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$rot( nrhs, bx( 1_${ik}$, 1_${ik}$ ), ldbx, bx( m, 1_${ik}$ ), ldbx, c, s )
              end if
              if( k<max( m, n ) )call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$lacpy( 'A', n-k, nrhs, b( k+1, 1_${ik}$ ), ldb, bx( k+1, 1_${ik}$ &
                        ),ldbx )
              ! step (3r): permute rows of b.
              call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$copy( nrhs, bx( 1_${ik}$, 1_${ik}$ ), ldbx, b( nlp1, 1_${ik}$ ), ldb )
              if( sqre==1_${ik}$ ) then
                 call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$copy( nrhs, bx( m, 1_${ik}$ ), ldbx, b( m, 1_${ik}$ ), ldb )
              end if
              do i = 2, n
                 call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$copy( nrhs, bx( i, 1_${ik}$ ), ldbx, b( perm( i ), 1_${ik}$ ), ldb )
              end do
              ! step (4r): apply back the givens rotations performed.
              do i = givptr, 1, -1
                 call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$rot( nrhs, b( givcol( i, 2_${ik}$ ), 1_${ik}$ ), ldb,b( givcol( i, 1_${ik}$ ), 1_${ik}$ ), ldb, &
                           givnum( i, 2_${ik}$ ),-givnum( i, 1_${ik}$ ) )
              end do
           end if
     end subroutine stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$lals0


     pure module subroutine stdlib${ii}$_clals0( icompq, nl, nr, sqre, nrhs, b, ldb, bx, ldbx,perm, givptr, &
     !! CLALS0 applies back the multiplying factors of either the left or the
     !! right singular vector matrix of a diagonal matrix appended by a row
     !! to the right hand side matrix B in solving the least squares problem
     !! using the divide-and-conquer SVD approach.
     !! For the left singular vector matrix, three types of orthogonal
     !! matrices are involved:
     !! (1L) Givens rotations: the number of such rotations is GIVPTR; the
     !! pairs of columns/rows they were applied to are stored in GIVCOL;
     !! and the C- and S-values of these rotations are stored in GIVNUM.
     !! (2L) Permutation. The (NL+1)-st row of B is to be moved to the first
     !! row, and for J=2:N, PERM(J)-th row of B is to be moved to the
     !! J-th row.
     !! (3L) The left singular vector matrix of the remaining matrix.
     !! For the right singular vector matrix, four types of orthogonal
     !! matrices are involved:
     !! (1R) The right singular vector matrix of the remaining matrix.
     !! (2R) If SQRE = 1, one extra Givens rotation to generate the right
     !! null space.
     !! (3R) The inverse transformation of (2L).
     !! (4R) The inverse transformation of (1L).
               givcol, ldgcol, givnum, ldgnum,poles, difl, difr, z, k, c, s, rwork, info )
        ! -- lapack computational routine --
        ! -- lapack is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee,    --
        ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..--
           use stdlib_blas_constants_sp, only: negone, zero, half, one, two, three, four, eight, ten, czero, chalf, cone, cnegone
           ! Scalar Arguments 
           integer(${ik}$), intent(in) :: givptr, icompq, k, ldb, ldbx, ldgcol, ldgnum, nl, nr, nrhs,&
           integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: info
           real(sp), intent(in) :: c, s
           ! Array Arguments 
           integer(${ik}$), intent(in) :: givcol(ldgcol,*), perm(*)
           real(sp), intent(in) :: difl(*), difr(ldgnum,*), givnum(ldgnum,*), poles(ldgnum,*), z(&
           real(sp), intent(out) :: rwork(*)
           complex(sp), intent(inout) :: b(ldb,*)
           complex(sp), intent(out) :: bx(ldbx,*)
        ! =====================================================================
           ! Local Scalars 
           integer(${ik}$) :: i, j, jcol, jrow, m, n, nlp1
           real(sp) :: diflj, difrj, dj, dsigj, dsigjp, temp
           ! Intrinsic Functions 
           ! Executable Statements 
           ! test the input parameters.
           info = 0_${ik}$
           n = nl + nr + 1_${ik}$
           if( ( icompq<0_${ik}$ ) .or. ( icompq>1_${ik}$ ) ) then
              info = -1_${ik}$
           else if( nl<1_${ik}$ ) then
              info = -2_${ik}$
           else if( nr<1_${ik}$ ) then
              info = -3_${ik}$
           else if( ( sqre<0_${ik}$ ) .or. ( sqre>1_${ik}$ ) ) then
              info = -4_${ik}$
           else if( nrhs<1_${ik}$ ) then
              info = -5_${ik}$
           else if( ldb<n ) then
              info = -7_${ik}$
           else if( ldbx<n ) then
              info = -9_${ik}$
           else if( givptr<0_${ik}$ ) then
              info = -11_${ik}$
           else if( ldgcol<n ) then
              info = -13_${ik}$
           else if( ldgnum<n ) then
              info = -15_${ik}$
           else if( k<1_${ik}$ ) then
              info = -20_${ik}$
           end if
           if( info/=0_${ik}$ ) then
              call stdlib${ii}$_xerbla( 'CLALS0', -info )
           end if
           m = n + sqre
           nlp1 = nl + 1_${ik}$
           if( icompq==0_${ik}$ ) then
              ! apply back orthogonal transformations from the left.
              ! step (1l): apply back the givens rotations performed.
              do i = 1, givptr
                 call stdlib${ii}$_csrot( nrhs, b( givcol( i, 2_${ik}$ ), 1_${ik}$ ), ldb,b( givcol( i, 1_${ik}$ ), 1_${ik}$ ), ldb,&
                            givnum( i, 2_${ik}$ ),givnum( i, 1_${ik}$ ) )
              end do
              ! step (2l): permute rows of b.
              call stdlib${ii}$_ccopy( nrhs, b( nlp1, 1_${ik}$ ), ldb, bx( 1_${ik}$, 1_${ik}$ ), ldbx )
              do i = 2, n
                 call stdlib${ii}$_ccopy( nrhs, b( perm( i ), 1_${ik}$ ), ldb, bx( i, 1_${ik}$ ), ldbx )
              end do
              ! step (3l): apply the inverse of the left singular vector
              ! matrix to bx.
              if( k==1_${ik}$ ) then
                 call stdlib${ii}$_ccopy( nrhs, bx, ldbx, b, ldb )
                 if( z( 1_${ik}$ )<zero ) then
                    call stdlib${ii}$_csscal( nrhs, negone, b, ldb )
                 end if
                 loop_100: do j = 1, k
                    diflj = difl( j )
                    dj = poles( j, 1_${ik}$ )
                    dsigj = -poles( j, 2_${ik}$ )
                    if( j<k ) then
                       difrj = -difr( j, 1_${ik}$ )
                       dsigjp = -poles( j+1, 2_${ik}$ )
                    end if
                    if( ( z( j )==zero ) .or. ( poles( j, 2_${ik}$ )==zero ) )then
                       rwork( j ) = zero
                       rwork( j ) = -poles( j, 2_${ik}$ )*z( j ) / diflj /( poles( j, 2_${ik}$ )+dj )
                    end if
                    do i = 1, j - 1
                       if( ( z( i )==zero ) .or.( poles( i, 2_${ik}$ )==zero ) ) then
                          rwork( i ) = zero
                          rwork( i ) = poles( i, 2_${ik}$ )*z( i ) /( stdlib${ii}$_slamc3( poles( i, 2_${ik}$ ), &
                                    dsigj )-diflj ) / ( poles( i, 2_${ik}$ )+dj )
                       end if
                    end do
                    do i = j + 1, k
                       if( ( z( i )==zero ) .or.( poles( i, 2_${ik}$ )==zero ) ) then
                          rwork( i ) = zero
                          rwork( i ) = poles( i, 2_${ik}$ )*z( i ) /( stdlib${ii}$_slamc3( poles( i, 2_${ik}$ ), &
                                    dsigjp )+difrj ) / ( poles( i, 2_${ik}$ )+dj )
                       end if
                    end do
                    rwork( 1_${ik}$ ) = negone
                    temp = stdlib${ii}$_snrm2( k, rwork, 1_${ik}$ )
                    ! since b and bx are complex, the following call to stdlib${ii}$_sgemv
                    ! is performed in two steps (real and imaginary parts).
                    ! call stdlib${ii}$_sgemv( 't', k, nrhs, one, bx, ldbx, work, 1, zero,
          ! $                     b( j, 1 ), ldb )
                    i = k + nrhs*2_${ik}$
                    do jcol = 1, nrhs
                       do jrow = 1, k
                          i = i + 1_${ik}$
                          rwork( i ) = real( bx( jrow, jcol ),KIND=sp)
                       end do
                    end do
                    call stdlib${ii}$_sgemv( 'T', k, nrhs, one, rwork( 1_${ik}$+k+nrhs*2_${ik}$ ), k,rwork( 1_${ik}$ ), 1_${ik}$, &
                              zero, rwork( 1_${ik}$+k ), 1_${ik}$ )
                    i = k + nrhs*2_${ik}$
                    do jcol = 1, nrhs
                       do jrow = 1, k
                          i = i + 1_${ik}$
                          rwork( i ) = aimag( bx( jrow, jcol ) )
                       end do
                    end do
                    call stdlib${ii}$_sgemv( 'T', k, nrhs, one, rwork( 1_${ik}$+k+nrhs*2_${ik}$ ), k,rwork( 1_${ik}$ ), 1_${ik}$, &
                              zero, rwork( 1_${ik}$+k+nrhs ), 1_${ik}$ )
                    do jcol = 1, nrhs
                       b( j, jcol ) = cmplx( rwork( jcol+k ),rwork( jcol+k+nrhs ),KIND=sp)
                    end do
                    call stdlib${ii}$_clascl( 'G', 0_${ik}$, 0_${ik}$, temp, one, 1_${ik}$, nrhs, b( j, 1_${ik}$ ),ldb, info )
                 end do loop_100
              end if
              ! move the deflated rows of bx to b also.
              if( k<max( m, n ) )call stdlib${ii}$_clacpy( 'A', n-k, nrhs, bx( k+1, 1_${ik}$ ), ldbx,b( k+1, 1_${ik}$ &
                        ), ldb )
              ! apply back the right orthogonal transformations.
              ! step (1r): apply back the new right singular vector matrix
              ! to b.
              if( k==1_${ik}$ ) then
                 call stdlib${ii}$_ccopy( nrhs, b, ldb, bx, ldbx )
                 loop_180: do j = 1, k
                    dsigj = poles( j, 2_${ik}$ )
                    if( z( j )==zero ) then
                       rwork( j ) = zero
                       rwork( j ) = -z( j ) / difl( j ) /( dsigj+poles( j, 1_${ik}$ ) ) / difr( j, 2_${ik}$ )
                    end if
                    do i = 1, j - 1
                       if( z( j )==zero ) then
                          rwork( i ) = zero
                          rwork( i ) = z( j ) / ( stdlib${ii}$_slamc3( dsigj, -poles( i+1,2_${ik}$ ) )-difr( i,&
                                     1_${ik}$ ) ) /( dsigj+poles( i, 1_${ik}$ ) ) / difr( i, 2_${ik}$ )
                       end if
                    end do
                    do i = j + 1, k
                       if( z( j )==zero ) then
                          rwork( i ) = zero
                          rwork( i ) = z( j ) / ( stdlib${ii}$_slamc3( dsigj, -poles( i,2_${ik}$ ) )-difl( i ) &
                                    ) /( dsigj+poles( i, 1_${ik}$ ) ) / difr( i, 2_${ik}$ )
                       end if
                    end do
                    ! since b and bx are complex, the following call to stdlib${ii}$_sgemv
                    ! is performed in two steps (real and imaginary parts).
                    ! call stdlib${ii}$_sgemv( 't', k, nrhs, one, b, ldb, work, 1, zero,
          ! $                     bx( j, 1 ), ldbx )
                    i = k + nrhs*2_${ik}$
                    do jcol = 1, nrhs
                       do jrow = 1, k
                          i = i + 1_${ik}$
                          rwork( i ) = real( b( jrow, jcol ),KIND=sp)
                       end do
                    end do
                    call stdlib${ii}$_sgemv( 'T', k, nrhs, one, rwork( 1_${ik}$+k+nrhs*2_${ik}$ ), k,rwork( 1_${ik}$ ), 1_${ik}$, &
                              zero, rwork( 1_${ik}$+k ), 1_${ik}$ )
                    i = k + nrhs*2_${ik}$
                    do jcol = 1, nrhs
                       do jrow = 1, k
                          i = i + 1_${ik}$
                          rwork( i ) = aimag( b( jrow, jcol ) )
                       end do
                    end do
                    call stdlib${ii}$_sgemv( 'T', k, nrhs, one, rwork( 1_${ik}$+k+nrhs*2_${ik}$ ), k,rwork( 1_${ik}$ ), 1_${ik}$, &
                              zero, rwork( 1_${ik}$+k+nrhs ), 1_${ik}$ )
                    do jcol = 1, nrhs
                       bx( j, jcol ) = cmplx( rwork( jcol+k ),rwork( jcol+k+nrhs ),KIND=sp)
                    end do
                 end do loop_180
              end if
              ! step (2r): if sqre = 1, apply back the rotation that is
              ! related to the right null space of the subproblem.
              if( sqre==1_${ik}$ ) then
                 call stdlib${ii}$_ccopy( nrhs, b( m, 1_${ik}$ ), ldb, bx( m, 1_${ik}$ ), ldbx )
                 call stdlib${ii}$_csrot( nrhs, bx( 1_${ik}$, 1_${ik}$ ), ldbx, bx( m, 1_${ik}$ ), ldbx, c, s )
              end if
              if( k<max( m, n ) )call stdlib${ii}$_clacpy( 'A', n-k, nrhs, b( k+1, 1_${ik}$ ), ldb,bx( k+1, 1_${ik}$ )&
                        , ldbx )
              ! step (3r): permute rows of b.
              call stdlib${ii}$_ccopy( nrhs, bx( 1_${ik}$, 1_${ik}$ ), ldbx, b( nlp1, 1_${ik}$ ), ldb )
              if( sqre==1_${ik}$ ) then
                 call stdlib${ii}$_ccopy( nrhs, bx( m, 1_${ik}$ ), ldbx, b( m, 1_${ik}$ ), ldb )
              end if
              do i = 2, n
                 call stdlib${ii}$_ccopy( nrhs, bx( i, 1_${ik}$ ), ldbx, b( perm( i ), 1_${ik}$ ), ldb )
              end do
              ! step (4r): apply back the givens rotations performed.
              do i = givptr, 1, -1
                 call stdlib${ii}$_csrot( nrhs, b( givcol( i, 2_${ik}$ ), 1_${ik}$ ), ldb,b( givcol( i, 1_${ik}$ ), 1_${ik}$ ), ldb,&
                            givnum( i, 2_${ik}$ ),-givnum( i, 1_${ik}$ ) )
              end do
           end if
     end subroutine stdlib${ii}$_clals0

     pure module subroutine stdlib${ii}$_zlals0( icompq, nl, nr, sqre, nrhs, b, ldb, bx, ldbx,perm, givptr, &
     !! ZLALS0 applies back the multiplying factors of either the left or the
     !! right singular vector matrix of a diagonal matrix appended by a row
     !! to the right hand side matrix B in solving the least squares problem
     !! using the divide-and-conquer SVD approach.
     !! For the left singular vector matrix, three types of orthogonal
     !! matrices are involved:
     !! (1L) Givens rotations: the number of such rotations is GIVPTR; the
     !! pairs of columns/rows they were applied to are stored in GIVCOL;
     !! and the C- and S-values of these rotations are stored in GIVNUM.
     !! (2L) Permutation. The (NL+1)-st row of B is to be moved to the first
     !! row, and for J=2:N, PERM(J)-th row of B is to be moved to the
     !! J-th row.
     !! (3L) The left singular vector matrix of the remaining matrix.
     !! For the right singular vector matrix, four types of orthogonal
     !! matrices are involved:
     !! (1R) The right singular vector matrix of the remaining matrix.
     !! (2R) If SQRE = 1, one extra Givens rotation to generate the right
     !! null space.
     !! (3R) The inverse transformation of (2L).
     !! (4R) The inverse transformation of (1L).
               givcol, ldgcol, givnum, ldgnum,poles, difl, difr, z, k, c, s, rwork, info )
        ! -- lapack computational routine --
        ! -- lapack is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee,    --
        ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..--
           use stdlib_blas_constants_dp, only: negone, zero, half, one, two, three, four, eight, ten, czero, chalf, cone, cnegone
           ! Scalar Arguments 
           integer(${ik}$), intent(in) :: givptr, icompq, k, ldb, ldbx, ldgcol, ldgnum, nl, nr, nrhs,&
           integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: info
           real(dp), intent(in) :: c, s
           ! Array Arguments 
           integer(${ik}$), intent(in) :: givcol(ldgcol,*), perm(*)
           real(dp), intent(in) :: difl(*), difr(ldgnum,*), givnum(ldgnum,*), poles(ldgnum,*), z(&
           real(dp), intent(out) :: rwork(*)
           complex(dp), intent(inout) :: b(ldb,*)
           complex(dp), intent(out) :: bx(ldbx,*)
        ! =====================================================================
           ! Local Scalars 
           integer(${ik}$) :: i, j, jcol, jrow, m, n, nlp1
           real(dp) :: diflj, difrj, dj, dsigj, dsigjp, temp
           ! Intrinsic Functions 
           ! Executable Statements 
           ! test the input parameters.
           info = 0_${ik}$
           n = nl + nr + 1_${ik}$
           if( ( icompq<0_${ik}$ ) .or. ( icompq>1_${ik}$ ) ) then
              info = -1_${ik}$
           else if( nl<1_${ik}$ ) then
              info = -2_${ik}$
           else if( nr<1_${ik}$ ) then
              info = -3_${ik}$
           else if( ( sqre<0_${ik}$ ) .or. ( sqre>1_${ik}$ ) ) then
              info = -4_${ik}$
           else if( nrhs<1_${ik}$ ) then
              info = -5_${ik}$
           else if( ldb<n ) then
              info = -7_${ik}$
           else if( ldbx<n ) then
              info = -9_${ik}$
           else if( givptr<0_${ik}$ ) then
              info = -11_${ik}$
           else if( ldgcol<n ) then
              info = -13_${ik}$
           else if( ldgnum<n ) then
              info = -15_${ik}$
           else if( k<1_${ik}$ ) then
              info = -20_${ik}$
           end if
           if( info/=0_${ik}$ ) then
              call stdlib${ii}$_xerbla( 'ZLALS0', -info )
           end if
           m = n + sqre
           nlp1 = nl + 1_${ik}$
           if( icompq==0_${ik}$ ) then
              ! apply back orthogonal transformations from the left.
              ! step (1l): apply back the givens rotations performed.
              do i = 1, givptr
                 call stdlib${ii}$_zdrot( nrhs, b( givcol( i, 2_${ik}$ ), 1_${ik}$ ), ldb,b( givcol( i, 1_${ik}$ ), 1_${ik}$ ), ldb,&
                            givnum( i, 2_${ik}$ ),givnum( i, 1_${ik}$ ) )
              end do
              ! step (2l): permute rows of b.
              call stdlib${ii}$_zcopy( nrhs, b( nlp1, 1_${ik}$ ), ldb, bx( 1_${ik}$, 1_${ik}$ ), ldbx )
              do i = 2, n
                 call stdlib${ii}$_zcopy( nrhs, b( perm( i ), 1_${ik}$ ), ldb, bx( i, 1_${ik}$ ), ldbx )
              end do
              ! step (3l): apply the inverse of the left singular vector
              ! matrix to bx.
              if( k==1_${ik}$ ) then
                 call stdlib${ii}$_zcopy( nrhs, bx, ldbx, b, ldb )
                 if( z( 1_${ik}$ )<zero ) then
                    call stdlib${ii}$_zdscal( nrhs, negone, b, ldb )
                 end if
                 loop_100: do j = 1, k
                    diflj = difl( j )
                    dj = poles( j, 1_${ik}$ )
                    dsigj = -poles( j, 2_${ik}$ )
                    if( j<k ) then
                       difrj = -difr( j, 1_${ik}$ )
                       dsigjp = -poles( j+1, 2_${ik}$ )
                    end if
                    if( ( z( j )==zero ) .or. ( poles( j, 2_${ik}$ )==zero ) )then
                       rwork( j ) = zero
                       rwork( j ) = -poles( j, 2_${ik}$ )*z( j ) / diflj /( poles( j, 2_${ik}$ )+dj )
                    end if
                    do i = 1, j - 1
                       if( ( z( i )==zero ) .or.( poles( i, 2_${ik}$ )==zero ) ) then
                          rwork( i ) = zero
                          rwork( i ) = poles( i, 2_${ik}$ )*z( i ) /( stdlib${ii}$_dlamc3( poles( i, 2_${ik}$ ), &
                                    dsigj )-diflj ) / ( poles( i, 2_${ik}$ )+dj )
                       end if
                    end do
                    do i = j + 1, k
                       if( ( z( i )==zero ) .or.( poles( i, 2_${ik}$ )==zero ) ) then
                          rwork( i ) = zero
                          rwork( i ) = poles( i, 2_${ik}$ )*z( i ) /( stdlib${ii}$_dlamc3( poles( i, 2_${ik}$ ), &
                                    dsigjp )+difrj ) / ( poles( i, 2_${ik}$ )+dj )
                       end if
                    end do
                    rwork( 1_${ik}$ ) = negone
                    temp = stdlib${ii}$_dnrm2( k, rwork, 1_${ik}$ )
                    ! since b and bx are complex, the following call to stdlib${ii}$_dgemv
                    ! is performed in two steps (real and imaginary parts).
                    ! call stdlib${ii}$_dgemv( 't', k, nrhs, one, bx, ldbx, work, 1, zero,
          ! $                     b( j, 1 ), ldb )
                    i = k + nrhs*2_${ik}$
                    do jcol = 1, nrhs
                       do jrow = 1, k
                          i = i + 1_${ik}$
                          rwork( i ) = real( bx( jrow, jcol ),KIND=dp)
                       end do
                    end do
                    call stdlib${ii}$_dgemv( 'T', k, nrhs, one, rwork( 1_${ik}$+k+nrhs*2_${ik}$ ), k,rwork( 1_${ik}$ ), 1_${ik}$, &
                              zero, rwork( 1_${ik}$+k ), 1_${ik}$ )
                    i = k + nrhs*2_${ik}$
                    do jcol = 1, nrhs
                       do jrow = 1, k
                          i = i + 1_${ik}$
                          rwork( i ) = aimag( bx( jrow, jcol ) )
                       end do
                    end do
                    call stdlib${ii}$_dgemv( 'T', k, nrhs, one, rwork( 1_${ik}$+k+nrhs*2_${ik}$ ), k,rwork( 1_${ik}$ ), 1_${ik}$, &
                              zero, rwork( 1_${ik}$+k+nrhs ), 1_${ik}$ )
                    do jcol = 1, nrhs
                       b( j, jcol ) = cmplx( rwork( jcol+k ),rwork( jcol+k+nrhs ),KIND=dp)
                    end do
                    call stdlib${ii}$_zlascl( 'G', 0_${ik}$, 0_${ik}$, temp, one, 1_${ik}$, nrhs, b( j, 1_${ik}$ ),ldb, info )
                 end do loop_100
              end if
              ! move the deflated rows of bx to b also.
              if( k<max( m, n ) )call stdlib${ii}$_zlacpy( 'A', n-k, nrhs, bx( k+1, 1_${ik}$ ), ldbx,b( k+1, 1_${ik}$ &
                        ), ldb )
              ! apply back the right orthogonal transformations.
              ! step (1r): apply back the new right singular vector matrix
              ! to b.
              if( k==1_${ik}$ ) then
                 call stdlib${ii}$_zcopy( nrhs, b, ldb, bx, ldbx )
                 loop_180: do j = 1, k
                    dsigj = poles( j, 2_${ik}$ )
                    if( z( j )==zero ) then
                       rwork( j ) = zero
                       rwork( j ) = -z( j ) / difl( j ) /( dsigj+poles( j, 1_${ik}$ ) ) / difr( j, 2_${ik}$ )
                    end if
                    do i = 1, j - 1
                       if( z( j )==zero ) then
                          rwork( i ) = zero
                          rwork( i ) = z( j ) / ( stdlib${ii}$_dlamc3( dsigj, -poles( i+1,2_${ik}$ ) )-difr( i,&
                                     1_${ik}$ ) ) /( dsigj+poles( i, 1_${ik}$ ) ) / difr( i, 2_${ik}$ )
                       end if
                    end do
                    do i = j + 1, k
                       if( z( j )==zero ) then
                          rwork( i ) = zero
                          rwork( i ) = z( j ) / ( stdlib${ii}$_dlamc3( dsigj, -poles( i,2_${ik}$ ) )-difl( i ) &
                                    ) /( dsigj+poles( i, 1_${ik}$ ) ) / difr( i, 2_${ik}$ )
                       end if
                    end do
                    ! since b and bx are complex, the following call to stdlib${ii}$_dgemv
                    ! is performed in two steps (real and imaginary parts).
                    ! call stdlib${ii}$_dgemv( 't', k, nrhs, one, b, ldb, work, 1, zero,
          ! $                     bx( j, 1 ), ldbx )
                    i = k + nrhs*2_${ik}$
                    do jcol = 1, nrhs
                       do jrow = 1, k
                          i = i + 1_${ik}$
                          rwork( i ) = real( b( jrow, jcol ),KIND=dp)
                       end do
                    end do
                    call stdlib${ii}$_dgemv( 'T', k, nrhs, one, rwork( 1_${ik}$+k+nrhs*2_${ik}$ ), k,rwork( 1_${ik}$ ), 1_${ik}$, &
                              zero, rwork( 1_${ik}$+k ), 1_${ik}$ )
                    i = k + nrhs*2_${ik}$
                    do jcol = 1, nrhs
                       do jrow = 1, k
                          i = i + 1_${ik}$
                          rwork( i ) = aimag( b( jrow, jcol ) )
                       end do
                    end do
                    call stdlib${ii}$_dgemv( 'T', k, nrhs, one, rwork( 1_${ik}$+k+nrhs*2_${ik}$ ), k,rwork( 1_${ik}$ ), 1_${ik}$, &
                              zero, rwork( 1_${ik}$+k+nrhs ), 1_${ik}$ )
                    do jcol = 1, nrhs
                       bx( j, jcol ) = cmplx( rwork( jcol+k ),rwork( jcol+k+nrhs ),KIND=dp)
                    end do
                 end do loop_180
              end if
              ! step (2r): if sqre = 1, apply back the rotation that is
              ! related to the right null space of the subproblem.
              if( sqre==1_${ik}$ ) then
                 call stdlib${ii}$_zcopy( nrhs, b( m, 1_${ik}$ ), ldb, bx( m, 1_${ik}$ ), ldbx )
                 call stdlib${ii}$_zdrot( nrhs, bx( 1_${ik}$, 1_${ik}$ ), ldbx, bx( m, 1_${ik}$ ), ldbx, c, s )
              end if
              if( k<max( m, n ) )call stdlib${ii}$_zlacpy( 'A', n-k, nrhs, b( k+1, 1_${ik}$ ), ldb, bx( k+1, 1_${ik}$ &
                        ),ldbx )
              ! step (3r): permute rows of b.
              call stdlib${ii}$_zcopy( nrhs, bx( 1_${ik}$, 1_${ik}$ ), ldbx, b( nlp1, 1_${ik}$ ), ldb )
              if( sqre==1_${ik}$ ) then
                 call stdlib${ii}$_zcopy( nrhs, bx( m, 1_${ik}$ ), ldbx, b( m, 1_${ik}$ ), ldb )
              end if
              do i = 2, n
                 call stdlib${ii}$_zcopy( nrhs, bx( i, 1_${ik}$ ), ldbx, b( perm( i ), 1_${ik}$ ), ldb )
              end do
              ! step (4r): apply back the givens rotations performed.
              do i = givptr, 1, -1
                 call stdlib${ii}$_zdrot( nrhs, b( givcol( i, 2_${ik}$ ), 1_${ik}$ ), ldb,b( givcol( i, 1_${ik}$ ), 1_${ik}$ ), ldb,&
                            givnum( i, 2_${ik}$ ),-givnum( i, 1_${ik}$ ) )
              end do
           end if
     end subroutine stdlib${ii}$_zlals0

#:for ck,ct,ci in CMPLX_KINDS_TYPES
#:if not ck in ["sp","dp"]
     pure module subroutine stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$lals0( icompq, nl, nr, sqre, nrhs, b, ldb, bx, ldbx,perm, givptr, &
     !! ZLALS0: applies back the multiplying factors of either the left or the
     !! right singular vector matrix of a diagonal matrix appended by a row
     !! to the right hand side matrix B in solving the least squares problem
     !! using the divide-and-conquer SVD approach.
     !! For the left singular vector matrix, three types of orthogonal
     !! matrices are involved:
     !! (1L) Givens rotations: the number of such rotations is GIVPTR; the
     !! pairs of columns/rows they were applied to are stored in GIVCOL;
     !! and the C- and S-values of these rotations are stored in GIVNUM.
     !! (2L) Permutation. The (NL+1)-st row of B is to be moved to the first
     !! row, and for J=2:N, PERM(J)-th row of B is to be moved to the
     !! J-th row.
     !! (3L) The left singular vector matrix of the remaining matrix.
     !! For the right singular vector matrix, four types of orthogonal
     !! matrices are involved:
     !! (1R) The right singular vector matrix of the remaining matrix.
     !! (2R) If SQRE = 1, one extra Givens rotation to generate the right
     !! null space.
     !! (3R) The inverse transformation of (2L).
     !! (4R) The inverse transformation of (1L).
               givcol, ldgcol, givnum, ldgnum,poles, difl, difr, z, k, c, s, rwork, info )
        ! -- lapack computational routine --
        ! -- lapack is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee,    --
        ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..--
           use stdlib_blas_constants_${ck}$, only: negone, zero, half, one, two, three, four, eight, ten, czero, chalf, cone, cnegone
           ! Scalar Arguments 
           integer(${ik}$), intent(in) :: givptr, icompq, k, ldb, ldbx, ldgcol, ldgnum, nl, nr, nrhs,&
           integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: info
           real(${ck}$), intent(in) :: c, s
           ! Array Arguments 
           integer(${ik}$), intent(in) :: givcol(ldgcol,*), perm(*)
           real(${ck}$), intent(in) :: difl(*), difr(ldgnum,*), givnum(ldgnum,*), poles(ldgnum,*), z(&
           real(${ck}$), intent(out) :: rwork(*)
           complex(${ck}$), intent(inout) :: b(ldb,*)
           complex(${ck}$), intent(out) :: bx(ldbx,*)
        ! =====================================================================
           ! Local Scalars 
           integer(${ik}$) :: i, j, jcol, jrow, m, n, nlp1
           real(${ck}$) :: diflj, difrj, dj, dsigj, dsigjp, temp
           ! Intrinsic Functions 
           ! Executable Statements 
           ! test the input parameters.
           info = 0_${ik}$
           n = nl + nr + 1_${ik}$
           if( ( icompq<0_${ik}$ ) .or. ( icompq>1_${ik}$ ) ) then
              info = -1_${ik}$
           else if( nl<1_${ik}$ ) then
              info = -2_${ik}$
           else if( nr<1_${ik}$ ) then
              info = -3_${ik}$
           else if( ( sqre<0_${ik}$ ) .or. ( sqre>1_${ik}$ ) ) then
              info = -4_${ik}$
           else if( nrhs<1_${ik}$ ) then
              info = -5_${ik}$
           else if( ldb<n ) then
              info = -7_${ik}$
           else if( ldbx<n ) then
              info = -9_${ik}$
           else if( givptr<0_${ik}$ ) then
              info = -11_${ik}$
           else if( ldgcol<n ) then
              info = -13_${ik}$
           else if( ldgnum<n ) then
              info = -15_${ik}$
           else if( k<1_${ik}$ ) then
              info = -20_${ik}$
           end if
           if( info/=0_${ik}$ ) then
              call stdlib${ii}$_xerbla( 'ZLALS0', -info )
           end if
           m = n + sqre
           nlp1 = nl + 1_${ik}$
           if( icompq==0_${ik}$ ) then
              ! apply back orthogonal transformations from the left.
              ! step (1l): apply back the givens rotations performed.
              do i = 1, givptr
                 call stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$drot( nrhs, b( givcol( i, 2_${ik}$ ), 1_${ik}$ ), ldb,b( givcol( i, 1_${ik}$ ), 1_${ik}$ ), ldb,&
                            givnum( i, 2_${ik}$ ),givnum( i, 1_${ik}$ ) )
              end do
              ! step (2l): permute rows of b.
              call stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$copy( nrhs, b( nlp1, 1_${ik}$ ), ldb, bx( 1_${ik}$, 1_${ik}$ ), ldbx )
              do i = 2, n
                 call stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$copy( nrhs, b( perm( i ), 1_${ik}$ ), ldb, bx( i, 1_${ik}$ ), ldbx )
              end do
              ! step (3l): apply the inverse of the left singular vector
              ! matrix to bx.
              if( k==1_${ik}$ ) then
                 call stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$copy( nrhs, bx, ldbx, b, ldb )
                 if( z( 1_${ik}$ )<zero ) then
                    call stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$dscal( nrhs, negone, b, ldb )
                 end if
                 loop_100: do j = 1, k
                    diflj = difl( j )
                    dj = poles( j, 1_${ik}$ )
                    dsigj = -poles( j, 2_${ik}$ )
                    if( j<k ) then
                       difrj = -difr( j, 1_${ik}$ )
                       dsigjp = -poles( j+1, 2_${ik}$ )
                    end if
                    if( ( z( j )==zero ) .or. ( poles( j, 2_${ik}$ )==zero ) )then
                       rwork( j ) = zero
                       rwork( j ) = -poles( j, 2_${ik}$ )*z( j ) / diflj /( poles( j, 2_${ik}$ )+dj )
                    end if
                    do i = 1, j - 1
                       if( ( z( i )==zero ) .or.( poles( i, 2_${ik}$ )==zero ) ) then
                          rwork( i ) = zero
                          rwork( i ) = poles( i, 2_${ik}$ )*z( i ) /( stdlib${ii}$_${c2ri(ci)}$lamc3( poles( i, 2_${ik}$ ), &
                                    dsigj )-diflj ) / ( poles( i, 2_${ik}$ )+dj )
                       end if
                    end do
                    do i = j + 1, k
                       if( ( z( i )==zero ) .or.( poles( i, 2_${ik}$ )==zero ) ) then
                          rwork( i ) = zero
                          rwork( i ) = poles( i, 2_${ik}$ )*z( i ) /( stdlib${ii}$_${c2ri(ci)}$lamc3( poles( i, 2_${ik}$ ), &
                                    dsigjp )+difrj ) / ( poles( i, 2_${ik}$ )+dj )
                       end if
                    end do
                    rwork( 1_${ik}$ ) = negone
                    temp = stdlib${ii}$_${c2ri(ci)}$nrm2( k, rwork, 1_${ik}$ )
                    ! since b and bx are complex, the following call to stdlib${ii}$_${c2ri(ci)}$gemv
                    ! is performed in two steps (real and imaginary parts).
                    ! call stdlib${ii}$_${c2ri(ci)}$gemv( 't', k, nrhs, one, bx, ldbx, work, 1, zero,
          ! $                     b( j, 1 ), ldb )
                    i = k + nrhs*2_${ik}$
                    do jcol = 1, nrhs
                       do jrow = 1, k
                          i = i + 1_${ik}$
                          rwork( i ) = real( bx( jrow, jcol ),KIND=${ck}$)
                       end do
                    end do
                    call stdlib${ii}$_${c2ri(ci)}$gemv( 'T', k, nrhs, one, rwork( 1_${ik}$+k+nrhs*2_${ik}$ ), k,rwork( 1_${ik}$ ), 1_${ik}$, &
                              zero, rwork( 1_${ik}$+k ), 1_${ik}$ )
                    i = k + nrhs*2_${ik}$
                    do jcol = 1, nrhs
                       do jrow = 1, k
                          i = i + 1_${ik}$
                          rwork( i ) = aimag( bx( jrow, jcol ) )
                       end do
                    end do
                    call stdlib${ii}$_${c2ri(ci)}$gemv( 'T', k, nrhs, one, rwork( 1_${ik}$+k+nrhs*2_${ik}$ ), k,rwork( 1_${ik}$ ), 1_${ik}$, &
                              zero, rwork( 1_${ik}$+k+nrhs ), 1_${ik}$ )
                    do jcol = 1, nrhs
                       b( j, jcol ) = cmplx( rwork( jcol+k ),rwork( jcol+k+nrhs ),KIND=${ck}$)
                    end do
                    call stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$lascl( 'G', 0_${ik}$, 0_${ik}$, temp, one, 1_${ik}$, nrhs, b( j, 1_${ik}$ ),ldb, info )
                 end do loop_100
              end if
              ! move the deflated rows of bx to b also.
              if( k<max( m, n ) )call stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$lacpy( 'A', n-k, nrhs, bx( k+1, 1_${ik}$ ), ldbx,b( k+1, 1_${ik}$ &
                        ), ldb )
              ! apply back the right orthogonal transformations.
              ! step (1r): apply back the new right singular vector matrix
              ! to b.
              if( k==1_${ik}$ ) then
                 call stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$copy( nrhs, b, ldb, bx, ldbx )
                 loop_180: do j = 1, k
                    dsigj = poles( j, 2_${ik}$ )
                    if( z( j )==zero ) then
                       rwork( j ) = zero
                       rwork( j ) = -z( j ) / difl( j ) /( dsigj+poles( j, 1_${ik}$ ) ) / difr( j, 2_${ik}$ )
                    end if
                    do i = 1, j - 1
                       if( z( j )==zero ) then
                          rwork( i ) = zero
                          rwork( i ) = z( j ) / ( stdlib${ii}$_${c2ri(ci)}$lamc3( dsigj, -poles( i+1,2_${ik}$ ) )-difr( i,&
                                     1_${ik}$ ) ) /( dsigj+poles( i, 1_${ik}$ ) ) / difr( i, 2_${ik}$ )
                       end if
                    end do
                    do i = j + 1, k
                       if( z( j )==zero ) then
                          rwork( i ) = zero
                          rwork( i ) = z( j ) / ( stdlib${ii}$_${c2ri(ci)}$lamc3( dsigj, -poles( i,2_${ik}$ ) )-difl( i ) &
                                    ) /( dsigj+poles( i, 1_${ik}$ ) ) / difr( i, 2_${ik}$ )
                       end if
                    end do
                    ! since b and bx are complex, the following call to stdlib${ii}$_${c2ri(ci)}$gemv
                    ! is performed in two steps (real and imaginary parts).
                    ! call stdlib${ii}$_${c2ri(ci)}$gemv( 't', k, nrhs, one, b, ldb, work, 1, zero,
          ! $                     bx( j, 1 ), ldbx )
                    i = k + nrhs*2_${ik}$
                    do jcol = 1, nrhs
                       do jrow = 1, k
                          i = i + 1_${ik}$
                          rwork( i ) = real( b( jrow, jcol ),KIND=${ck}$)
                       end do
                    end do
                    call stdlib${ii}$_${c2ri(ci)}$gemv( 'T', k, nrhs, one, rwork( 1_${ik}$+k+nrhs*2_${ik}$ ), k,rwork( 1_${ik}$ ), 1_${ik}$, &
                              zero, rwork( 1_${ik}$+k ), 1_${ik}$ )
                    i = k + nrhs*2_${ik}$
                    do jcol = 1, nrhs
                       do jrow = 1, k
                          i = i + 1_${ik}$
                          rwork( i ) = aimag( b( jrow, jcol ) )
                       end do
                    end do
                    call stdlib${ii}$_${c2ri(ci)}$gemv( 'T', k, nrhs, one, rwork( 1_${ik}$+k+nrhs*2_${ik}$ ), k,rwork( 1_${ik}$ ), 1_${ik}$, &
                              zero, rwork( 1_${ik}$+k+nrhs ), 1_${ik}$ )
                    do jcol = 1, nrhs
                       bx( j, jcol ) = cmplx( rwork( jcol+k ),rwork( jcol+k+nrhs ),KIND=${ck}$)
                    end do
                 end do loop_180
              end if
              ! step (2r): if sqre = 1, apply back the rotation that is
              ! related to the right null space of the subproblem.
              if( sqre==1_${ik}$ ) then
                 call stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$copy( nrhs, b( m, 1_${ik}$ ), ldb, bx( m, 1_${ik}$ ), ldbx )
                 call stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$drot( nrhs, bx( 1_${ik}$, 1_${ik}$ ), ldbx, bx( m, 1_${ik}$ ), ldbx, c, s )
              end if
              if( k<max( m, n ) )call stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$lacpy( 'A', n-k, nrhs, b( k+1, 1_${ik}$ ), ldb, bx( k+1, 1_${ik}$ &
                        ),ldbx )
              ! step (3r): permute rows of b.
              call stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$copy( nrhs, bx( 1_${ik}$, 1_${ik}$ ), ldbx, b( nlp1, 1_${ik}$ ), ldb )
              if( sqre==1_${ik}$ ) then
                 call stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$copy( nrhs, bx( m, 1_${ik}$ ), ldbx, b( m, 1_${ik}$ ), ldb )
              end if
              do i = 2, n
                 call stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$copy( nrhs, bx( i, 1_${ik}$ ), ldbx, b( perm( i ), 1_${ik}$ ), ldb )
              end do
              ! step (4r): apply back the givens rotations performed.
              do i = givptr, 1, -1
                 call stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$drot( nrhs, b( givcol( i, 2_${ik}$ ), 1_${ik}$ ), ldb,b( givcol( i, 1_${ik}$ ), 1_${ik}$ ), ldb,&
                            givnum( i, 2_${ik}$ ),-givnum( i, 1_${ik}$ ) )
              end do
           end if
     end subroutine stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$lals0


     pure module subroutine stdlib${ii}$_slalsa( icompq, smlsiz, n, nrhs, b, ldb, bx, ldbx, u,ldu, vt, k, difl,&
     !! SLALSA is an itermediate step in solving the least squares problem
     !! by computing the SVD of the coefficient matrix in compact form (The
     !! singular vectors are computed as products of simple orthorgonal
     !! matrices.).
     !! If ICOMPQ = 0, SLALSA applies the inverse of the left singular vector
     !! matrix of an upper bidiagonal matrix to the right hand side; and if
     !! ICOMPQ = 1, SLALSA applies the right singular vector matrix to the
     !! right hand side. The singular vector matrices were generated in
     !! compact form by SLALSA.
                difr, z, poles, givptr,givcol, ldgcol, perm, givnum, c, s, work,iwork, info )
        ! -- lapack computational routine --
        ! -- lapack is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee,    --
        ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..--
           use stdlib_blas_constants_sp, only: negone, zero, half, one, two, three, four, eight, ten, czero, chalf, cone, cnegone
           ! Scalar Arguments 
           integer(${ik}$), intent(in) :: icompq, ldb, ldbx, ldgcol, ldu, n, nrhs, smlsiz
           integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: info
           ! Array Arguments 
           integer(${ik}$), intent(in) :: givcol(ldgcol,*), givptr(*), k(*), perm(ldgcol,*)
           integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: iwork(*)
           real(sp), intent(inout) :: b(ldb,*)
           real(sp), intent(out) :: bx(ldbx,*), work(*)
           real(sp), intent(in) :: c(*), difl(ldu,*), difr(ldu,*), givnum(ldu,*), poles(ldu,*), s(&
                     *), u(ldu,*), vt(ldu,*), z(ldu,*)
        ! =====================================================================
           ! Local Scalars 
           integer(${ik}$) :: i, i1, ic, im1, inode, j, lf, ll, lvl, lvl2, nd, ndb1, ndiml, ndimr, &
                     nl, nlf, nlp1, nlvl, nr, nrf, nrp1, sqre
           ! Executable Statements 
           ! test the input parameters.
           info = 0_${ik}$
           if( ( icompq<0_${ik}$ ) .or. ( icompq>1_${ik}$ ) ) then
              info = -1_${ik}$
           else if( smlsiz<3_${ik}$ ) then
              info = -2_${ik}$
           else if( n<smlsiz ) then
              info = -3_${ik}$
           else if( nrhs<1_${ik}$ ) then
              info = -4_${ik}$
           else if( ldb<n ) then
              info = -6_${ik}$
           else if( ldbx<n ) then
              info = -8_${ik}$
           else if( ldu<n ) then
              info = -10_${ik}$
           else if( ldgcol<n ) then
              info = -19_${ik}$
           end if
           if( info/=0_${ik}$ ) then
              call stdlib${ii}$_xerbla( 'SLALSA', -info )
           end if
           ! book-keeping and  setting up the computation tree.
           inode = 1_${ik}$
           ndiml = inode + n
           ndimr = ndiml + n
           call stdlib${ii}$_slasdt( n, nlvl, nd, iwork( inode ), iwork( ndiml ),iwork( ndimr ), smlsiz &
           ! the following code applies back the left singular vector factors.
           ! for applying back the right singular vector factors, go to 50.
           if( icompq==1_${ik}$ ) then
              go to 50
           end if
           ! the nodes on the bottom level of the tree were solved
           ! by stdlib${ii}$_slasdq. the corresponding left and right singular vector
           ! matrices are in explicit form. first apply back the left
           ! singular vector matrices.
           ndb1 = ( nd+1 ) / 2_${ik}$
           do i = ndb1, nd
              ! ic : center row of each node
              ! nl : number of rows of left  subproblem
              ! nr : number of rows of right subproblem
              ! nlf: starting row of the left   subproblem
              ! nrf: starting row of the right  subproblem
              i1 = i - 1_${ik}$
              ic = iwork( inode+i1 )
              nl = iwork( ndiml+i1 )
              nr = iwork( ndimr+i1 )
              nlf = ic - nl
              nrf = ic + 1_${ik}$
              call stdlib${ii}$_sgemm( 'T', 'N', nl, nrhs, nl, one, u( nlf, 1_${ik}$ ), ldu,b( nlf, 1_${ik}$ ), ldb, &
                        zero, bx( nlf, 1_${ik}$ ), ldbx )
              call stdlib${ii}$_sgemm( 'T', 'N', nr, nrhs, nr, one, u( nrf, 1_${ik}$ ), ldu,b( nrf, 1_${ik}$ ), ldb, &
                        zero, bx( nrf, 1_${ik}$ ), ldbx )
           end do
           ! next copy the rows of b that correspond to unchanged rows
           ! in the bidiagonal matrix to bx.
           do i = 1, nd
              ic = iwork( inode+i-1 )
              call stdlib${ii}$_scopy( nrhs, b( ic, 1_${ik}$ ), ldb, bx( ic, 1_${ik}$ ), ldbx )
           end do
           ! finally go through the left singular vector matrices of all
           ! the other subproblems bottom-up on the tree.
           j = 2_${ik}$**nlvl
           sqre = 0_${ik}$
           do lvl = nlvl, 1, -1
              lvl2 = 2_${ik}$*lvl - 1_${ik}$
              ! find the first node lf and last node ll on
              ! the current level lvl
              if( lvl==1_${ik}$ ) then
                 lf = 1_${ik}$
                 ll = 1_${ik}$
                 lf = 2_${ik}$**( lvl-1 )
                 ll = 2_${ik}$*lf - 1_${ik}$
              end if
              do i = lf, ll
                 im1 = i - 1_${ik}$
                 ic = iwork( inode+im1 )
                 nl = iwork( ndiml+im1 )
                 nr = iwork( ndimr+im1 )
                 nlf = ic - nl
                 nrf = ic + 1_${ik}$
                 j = j - 1_${ik}$
                 call stdlib${ii}$_slals0( icompq, nl, nr, sqre, nrhs, bx( nlf, 1_${ik}$ ), ldbx,b( nlf, 1_${ik}$ ), &
                 ldb, perm( nlf, lvl ),givptr( j ), givcol( nlf, lvl2 ), ldgcol,givnum( nlf, lvl2 &
                 ), ldu, poles( nlf, lvl2 ),difl( nlf, lvl ), difr( nlf, lvl2 ),z( nlf, lvl ), k( &
                           j ), c( j ), s( j ), work,info )
              end do
           end do
           go to 90
           ! icompq = 1: applying back the right singular vector factors.
           50 continue
           ! first now go through the right singular vector matrices of all
           ! the tree nodes top-down.
           j = 0_${ik}$
           loop_70: do lvl = 1, nlvl
              lvl2 = 2_${ik}$*lvl - 1_${ik}$
              ! find the first node lf and last node ll on
              ! the current level lvl.
              if( lvl==1_${ik}$ ) then
                 lf = 1_${ik}$
                 ll = 1_${ik}$
                 lf = 2_${ik}$**( lvl-1 )
                 ll = 2_${ik}$*lf - 1_${ik}$
              end if
              do i = ll, lf, -1
                 im1 = i - 1_${ik}$
                 ic = iwork( inode+im1 )
                 nl = iwork( ndiml+im1 )
                 nr = iwork( ndimr+im1 )
                 nlf = ic - nl
                 nrf = ic + 1_${ik}$
                 if( i==ll ) then
                    sqre = 0_${ik}$
                    sqre = 1_${ik}$
                 end if
                 j = j + 1_${ik}$
                 call stdlib${ii}$_slals0( icompq, nl, nr, sqre, nrhs, b( nlf, 1_${ik}$ ), ldb,bx( nlf, 1_${ik}$ ), &
                 ldbx, perm( nlf, lvl ),givptr( j ), givcol( nlf, lvl2 ), ldgcol,givnum( nlf, &
                 lvl2 ), ldu, poles( nlf, lvl2 ),difl( nlf, lvl ), difr( nlf, lvl2 ),z( nlf, lvl )&
                           , k( j ), c( j ), s( j ), work,info )
              end do
           end do loop_70
           ! the nodes on the bottom level of the tree were solved
           ! by stdlib${ii}$_slasdq. the corresponding right singular vector
           ! matrices are in explicit form. apply them back.
           ndb1 = ( nd+1 ) / 2_${ik}$
           do i = ndb1, nd
              i1 = i - 1_${ik}$
              ic = iwork( inode+i1 )
              nl = iwork( ndiml+i1