#:include "common.fypp" submodule(stdlib_lapack_solve) stdlib_lapack_solve_ldl implicit none contains #:for ik,it,ii in LINALG_INT_KINDS_TYPES pure module subroutine stdlib${ii}$_ssysv( uplo, n, nrhs, a, lda, ipiv, b, ldb, work,lwork, info ) !! SSYSV computes the solution to a real system of linear equations !! A * X = B, !! where A is an N-by-N symmetric matrix and X and B are N-by-NRHS !! matrices. !! The diagonal pivoting method is used to factor A as !! A = U * D * U**T, if UPLO = 'U', or !! A = L * D * L**T, if UPLO = 'L', !! where U (or L) is a product of permutation and unit upper (lower) !! triangular matrices, and D is symmetric and block diagonal with !! 1-by-1 and 2-by-2 diagonal blocks. The factored form of A is then !! used to solve the system of equations A * X = B. ! -- lapack driver routine -- ! -- lapack is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee, -- ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..-- use stdlib_blas_constants_sp, only: negone, zero, half, one, two, three, four, eight, ten, czero, chalf, cone, cnegone ! Scalar Arguments character, intent(in) :: uplo integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: info integer(${ik}$), intent(in) :: lda, ldb, lwork, n, nrhs ! Array Arguments integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: ipiv(*) real(sp), intent(inout) :: a(lda,*), b(ldb,*) real(sp), intent(out) :: work(*) ! ===================================================================== ! Local Scalars logical(lk) :: lquery integer(${ik}$) :: lwkopt ! Intrinsic Functions ! Executable Statements ! test the input parameters. info = 0_${ik}$ lquery = ( lwork==-1_${ik}$ ) if( .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'U' ) .and. .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'L' ) ) then info = -1_${ik}$ else if( n<0_${ik}$ ) then info = -2_${ik}$ else if( nrhs<0_${ik}$ ) then info = -3_${ik}$ else if( lda<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -5_${ik}$ else if( ldb<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -8_${ik}$ else if( lwork<1_${ik}$ .and. .not.lquery ) then info = -10_${ik}$ end if if( info==0_${ik}$ ) then if( n==0_${ik}$ ) then lwkopt = 1_${ik}$ else call stdlib${ii}$_ssytrf( uplo, n, a, lda, ipiv, work, -1_${ik}$, info ) lwkopt = work(1_${ik}$) end if work( 1_${ik}$ ) = lwkopt end if if( info/=0_${ik}$ ) then call stdlib${ii}$_xerbla( 'SSYSV ', -info ) return else if( lquery ) then return end if ! compute the factorization a = u*d*u**t or a = l*d*l**t. call stdlib${ii}$_ssytrf( uplo, n, a, lda, ipiv, work, lwork, info ) if( info==0_${ik}$ ) then ! solve the system a*x = b, overwriting b with x. if ( lwork<n ) then ! solve with trs ( use level blas 2) call stdlib${ii}$_ssytrs( uplo, n, nrhs, a, lda, ipiv, b, ldb, info ) else ! solve with trs2 ( use level blas 3) call stdlib${ii}$_ssytrs2( uplo,n,nrhs,a,lda,ipiv,b,ldb,work,info ) end if end if work( 1_${ik}$ ) = lwkopt return end subroutine stdlib${ii}$_ssysv pure module subroutine stdlib${ii}$_dsysv( uplo, n, nrhs, a, lda, ipiv, b, ldb, work,lwork, info ) !! DSYSV computes the solution to a real system of linear equations !! A * X = B, !! where A is an N-by-N symmetric matrix and X and B are N-by-NRHS !! matrices. !! The diagonal pivoting method is used to factor A as !! A = U * D * U**T, if UPLO = 'U', or !! A = L * D * L**T, if UPLO = 'L', !! where U (or L) is a product of permutation and unit upper (lower) !! triangular matrices, and D is symmetric and block diagonal with !! 1-by-1 and 2-by-2 diagonal blocks. The factored form of A is then !! used to solve the system of equations A * X = B. ! -- lapack driver routine -- ! -- lapack is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee, -- ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..-- use stdlib_blas_constants_dp, only: negone, zero, half, one, two, three, four, eight, ten, czero, chalf, cone, cnegone ! Scalar Arguments character, intent(in) :: uplo integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: info integer(${ik}$), intent(in) :: lda, ldb, lwork, n, nrhs ! Array Arguments integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: ipiv(*) real(dp), intent(inout) :: a(lda,*), b(ldb,*) real(dp), intent(out) :: work(*) ! ===================================================================== ! Local Scalars logical(lk) :: lquery integer(${ik}$) :: lwkopt ! Intrinsic Functions ! Executable Statements ! test the input parameters. info = 0_${ik}$ lquery = ( lwork==-1_${ik}$ ) if( .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'U' ) .and. .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'L' ) ) then info = -1_${ik}$ else if( n<0_${ik}$ ) then info = -2_${ik}$ else if( nrhs<0_${ik}$ ) then info = -3_${ik}$ else if( lda<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -5_${ik}$ else if( ldb<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -8_${ik}$ else if( lwork<1_${ik}$ .and. .not.lquery ) then info = -10_${ik}$ end if if( info==0_${ik}$ ) then if( n==0_${ik}$ ) then lwkopt = 1_${ik}$ else call stdlib${ii}$_dsytrf( uplo, n, a, lda, ipiv, work, -1_${ik}$, info ) lwkopt = work(1_${ik}$) end if work( 1_${ik}$ ) = lwkopt end if if( info/=0_${ik}$ ) then call stdlib${ii}$_xerbla( 'DSYSV ', -info ) return else if( lquery ) then return end if ! compute the factorization a = u*d*u**t or a = l*d*l**t. call stdlib${ii}$_dsytrf( uplo, n, a, lda, ipiv, work, lwork, info ) if( info==0_${ik}$ ) then ! solve the system a*x = b, overwriting b with x. if ( lwork<n ) then ! solve with trs ( use level blas 2) call stdlib${ii}$_dsytrs( uplo, n, nrhs, a, lda, ipiv, b, ldb, info ) else ! solve with trs2 ( use level blas 3) call stdlib${ii}$_dsytrs2( uplo,n,nrhs,a,lda,ipiv,b,ldb,work,info ) end if end if work( 1_${ik}$ ) = lwkopt return end subroutine stdlib${ii}$_dsysv #:for rk,rt,ri in REAL_KINDS_TYPES #:if not rk in ["sp","dp"] pure module subroutine stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$sysv( uplo, n, nrhs, a, lda, ipiv, b, ldb, work,lwork, info ) !! DSYSV: computes the solution to a real system of linear equations !! A * X = B, !! where A is an N-by-N symmetric matrix and X and B are N-by-NRHS !! matrices. !! The diagonal pivoting method is used to factor A as !! A = U * D * U**T, if UPLO = 'U', or !! A = L * D * L**T, if UPLO = 'L', !! where U (or L) is a product of permutation and unit upper (lower) !! triangular matrices, and D is symmetric and block diagonal with !! 1-by-1 and 2-by-2 diagonal blocks. The factored form of A is then !! used to solve the system of equations A * X = B. ! -- lapack driver routine -- ! -- lapack is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee, -- ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..-- use stdlib_blas_constants_${rk}$, only: negone, zero, half, one, two, three, four, eight, ten, czero, chalf, cone, cnegone ! Scalar Arguments character, intent(in) :: uplo integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: info integer(${ik}$), intent(in) :: lda, ldb, lwork, n, nrhs ! Array Arguments integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: ipiv(*) real(${rk}$), intent(inout) :: a(lda,*), b(ldb,*) real(${rk}$), intent(out) :: work(*) ! ===================================================================== ! Local Scalars logical(lk) :: lquery integer(${ik}$) :: lwkopt ! Intrinsic Functions ! Executable Statements ! test the input parameters. info = 0_${ik}$ lquery = ( lwork==-1_${ik}$ ) if( .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'U' ) .and. .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'L' ) ) then info = -1_${ik}$ else if( n<0_${ik}$ ) then info = -2_${ik}$ else if( nrhs<0_${ik}$ ) then info = -3_${ik}$ else if( lda<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -5_${ik}$ else if( ldb<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -8_${ik}$ else if( lwork<1_${ik}$ .and. .not.lquery ) then info = -10_${ik}$ end if if( info==0_${ik}$ ) then if( n==0_${ik}$ ) then lwkopt = 1_${ik}$ else call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$sytrf( uplo, n, a, lda, ipiv, work, -1_${ik}$, info ) lwkopt = work(1_${ik}$) end if work( 1_${ik}$ ) = lwkopt end if if( info/=0_${ik}$ ) then call stdlib${ii}$_xerbla( 'DSYSV ', -info ) return else if( lquery ) then return end if ! compute the factorization a = u*d*u**t or a = l*d*l**t. call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$sytrf( uplo, n, a, lda, ipiv, work, lwork, info ) if( info==0_${ik}$ ) then ! solve the system a*x = b, overwriting b with x. if ( lwork<n ) then ! solve with trs ( use level blas 2) call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$sytrs( uplo, n, nrhs, a, lda, ipiv, b, ldb, info ) else ! solve with trs2 ( use level blas 3) call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$sytrs2( uplo,n,nrhs,a,lda,ipiv,b,ldb,work,info ) end if end if work( 1_${ik}$ ) = lwkopt return end subroutine stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$sysv #:endif #:endfor pure module subroutine stdlib${ii}$_csysv( uplo, n, nrhs, a, lda, ipiv, b, ldb, work,lwork, info ) !! CSYSV computes the solution to a complex system of linear equations !! A * X = B, !! where A is an N-by-N symmetric matrix and X and B are N-by-NRHS !! matrices. !! The diagonal pivoting method is used to factor A as !! A = U * D * U**T, if UPLO = 'U', or !! A = L * D * L**T, if UPLO = 'L', !! where U (or L) is a product of permutation and unit upper (lower) !! triangular matrices, and D is symmetric and block diagonal with !! 1-by-1 and 2-by-2 diagonal blocks. The factored form of A is then !! used to solve the system of equations A * X = B. ! -- lapack driver routine -- ! -- lapack is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee, -- ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..-- use stdlib_blas_constants_sp, only: negone, zero, half, one, two, three, four, eight, ten, czero, chalf, cone, cnegone ! Scalar Arguments character, intent(in) :: uplo integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: info integer(${ik}$), intent(in) :: lda, ldb, lwork, n, nrhs ! Array Arguments integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: ipiv(*) complex(sp), intent(inout) :: a(lda,*), b(ldb,*) complex(sp), intent(out) :: work(*) ! ===================================================================== ! Local Scalars logical(lk) :: lquery integer(${ik}$) :: lwkopt ! Intrinsic Functions ! Executable Statements ! test the input parameters. info = 0_${ik}$ lquery = ( lwork==-1_${ik}$ ) if( .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'U' ) .and. .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'L' ) ) then info = -1_${ik}$ else if( n<0_${ik}$ ) then info = -2_${ik}$ else if( nrhs<0_${ik}$ ) then info = -3_${ik}$ else if( lda<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -5_${ik}$ else if( ldb<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -8_${ik}$ else if( lwork<1_${ik}$ .and. .not.lquery ) then info = -10_${ik}$ end if if( info==0_${ik}$ ) then if( n==0_${ik}$ ) then lwkopt = 1_${ik}$ else call stdlib${ii}$_csytrf( uplo, n, a, lda, ipiv, work, -1_${ik}$, info ) lwkopt = real( work(1_${ik}$),KIND=sp) end if work( 1_${ik}$ ) = lwkopt end if if( info/=0_${ik}$ ) then call stdlib${ii}$_xerbla( 'CSYSV ', -info ) return else if( lquery ) then return end if ! compute the factorization a = u*d*u**t or a = l*d*l**t. call stdlib${ii}$_csytrf( uplo, n, a, lda, ipiv, work, lwork, info ) if( info==0_${ik}$ ) then ! solve the system a*x = b, overwriting b with x. if ( lwork<n ) then ! solve with trs ( use level blas 2) call stdlib${ii}$_csytrs( uplo, n, nrhs, a, lda, ipiv, b, ldb, info ) else ! solve with trs2 ( use level blas 3) call stdlib${ii}$_csytrs2( uplo,n,nrhs,a,lda,ipiv,b,ldb,work,info ) end if end if work( 1_${ik}$ ) = lwkopt return end subroutine stdlib${ii}$_csysv pure module subroutine stdlib${ii}$_zsysv( uplo, n, nrhs, a, lda, ipiv, b, ldb, work,lwork, info ) !! ZSYSV computes the solution to a complex system of linear equations !! A * X = B, !! where A is an N-by-N symmetric matrix and X and B are N-by-NRHS !! matrices. !! The diagonal pivoting method is used to factor A as !! A = U * D * U**T, if UPLO = 'U', or !! A = L * D * L**T, if UPLO = 'L', !! where U (or L) is a product of permutation and unit upper (lower) !! triangular matrices, and D is symmetric and block diagonal with !! 1-by-1 and 2-by-2 diagonal blocks. The factored form of A is then !! used to solve the system of equations A * X = B. ! -- lapack driver routine -- ! -- lapack is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee, -- ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..-- use stdlib_blas_constants_dp, only: negone, zero, half, one, two, three, four, eight, ten, czero, chalf, cone, cnegone ! Scalar Arguments character, intent(in) :: uplo integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: info integer(${ik}$), intent(in) :: lda, ldb, lwork, n, nrhs ! Array Arguments integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: ipiv(*) complex(dp), intent(inout) :: a(lda,*), b(ldb,*) complex(dp), intent(out) :: work(*) ! ===================================================================== ! Local Scalars logical(lk) :: lquery integer(${ik}$) :: lwkopt ! Intrinsic Functions ! Executable Statements ! test the input parameters. info = 0_${ik}$ lquery = ( lwork==-1_${ik}$ ) if( .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'U' ) .and. .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'L' ) ) then info = -1_${ik}$ else if( n<0_${ik}$ ) then info = -2_${ik}$ else if( nrhs<0_${ik}$ ) then info = -3_${ik}$ else if( lda<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -5_${ik}$ else if( ldb<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -8_${ik}$ else if( lwork<1_${ik}$ .and. .not.lquery ) then info = -10_${ik}$ end if if( info==0_${ik}$ ) then if( n==0_${ik}$ ) then lwkopt = 1_${ik}$ else call stdlib${ii}$_zsytrf( uplo, n, a, lda, ipiv, work, -1_${ik}$, info ) lwkopt = real( work(1_${ik}$),KIND=dp) end if work( 1_${ik}$ ) = lwkopt end if if( info/=0_${ik}$ ) then call stdlib${ii}$_xerbla( 'ZSYSV ', -info ) return else if( lquery ) then return end if ! compute the factorization a = u*d*u**t or a = l*d*l**t. call stdlib${ii}$_zsytrf( uplo, n, a, lda, ipiv, work, lwork, info ) if( info==0_${ik}$ ) then ! solve the system a*x = b, overwriting b with x. if ( lwork<n ) then ! solve with trs ( use level blas 2) call stdlib${ii}$_zsytrs( uplo, n, nrhs, a, lda, ipiv, b, ldb, info ) else ! solve with trs2 ( use level blas 3) call stdlib${ii}$_zsytrs2( uplo,n,nrhs,a,lda,ipiv,b,ldb,work,info ) end if end if work( 1_${ik}$ ) = lwkopt return end subroutine stdlib${ii}$_zsysv #:for ck,ct,ci in CMPLX_KINDS_TYPES #:if not ck in ["sp","dp"] pure module subroutine stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$sysv( uplo, n, nrhs, a, lda, ipiv, b, ldb, work,lwork, info ) !! ZSYSV: computes the solution to a complex system of linear equations !! A * X = B, !! where A is an N-by-N symmetric matrix and X and B are N-by-NRHS !! matrices. !! The diagonal pivoting method is used to factor A as !! A = U * D * U**T, if UPLO = 'U', or !! A = L * D * L**T, if UPLO = 'L', !! where U (or L) is a product of permutation and unit upper (lower) !! triangular matrices, and D is symmetric and block diagonal with !! 1-by-1 and 2-by-2 diagonal blocks. The factored form of A is then !! used to solve the system of equations A * X = B. ! -- lapack driver routine -- ! -- lapack is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee, -- ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..-- use stdlib_blas_constants_${ck}$, only: negone, zero, half, one, two, three, four, eight, ten, czero, chalf, cone, cnegone ! Scalar Arguments character, intent(in) :: uplo integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: info integer(${ik}$), intent(in) :: lda, ldb, lwork, n, nrhs ! Array Arguments integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: ipiv(*) complex(${ck}$), intent(inout) :: a(lda,*), b(ldb,*) complex(${ck}$), intent(out) :: work(*) ! ===================================================================== ! Local Scalars logical(lk) :: lquery integer(${ik}$) :: lwkopt ! Intrinsic Functions ! Executable Statements ! test the input parameters. info = 0_${ik}$ lquery = ( lwork==-1_${ik}$ ) if( .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'U' ) .and. .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'L' ) ) then info = -1_${ik}$ else if( n<0_${ik}$ ) then info = -2_${ik}$ else if( nrhs<0_${ik}$ ) then info = -3_${ik}$ else if( lda<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -5_${ik}$ else if( ldb<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -8_${ik}$ else if( lwork<1_${ik}$ .and. .not.lquery ) then info = -10_${ik}$ end if if( info==0_${ik}$ ) then if( n==0_${ik}$ ) then lwkopt = 1_${ik}$ else call stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$sytrf( uplo, n, a, lda, ipiv, work, -1_${ik}$, info ) lwkopt = real( work(1_${ik}$),KIND=${ck}$) end if work( 1_${ik}$ ) = lwkopt end if if( info/=0_${ik}$ ) then call stdlib${ii}$_xerbla( 'ZSYSV ', -info ) return else if( lquery ) then return end if ! compute the factorization a = u*d*u**t or a = l*d*l**t. call stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$sytrf( uplo, n, a, lda, ipiv, work, lwork, info ) if( info==0_${ik}$ ) then ! solve the system a*x = b, overwriting b with x. if ( lwork<n ) then ! solve with trs ( use level blas 2) call stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$sytrs( uplo, n, nrhs, a, lda, ipiv, b, ldb, info ) else ! solve with trs2 ( use level blas 3) call stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$sytrs2( uplo,n,nrhs,a,lda,ipiv,b,ldb,work,info ) end if end if work( 1_${ik}$ ) = lwkopt return end subroutine stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$sysv #:endif #:endfor module subroutine stdlib${ii}$_ssysvx( fact, uplo, n, nrhs, a, lda, af, ldaf, ipiv, b,ldb, x, ldx, rcond, & !! SSYSVX uses the diagonal pivoting factorization to compute the !! solution to a real system of linear equations A * X = B, !! where A is an N-by-N symmetric matrix and X and B are N-by-NRHS !! matrices. !! Error bounds on the solution and a condition estimate are also !! provided. ferr, berr, work, lwork,iwork, info ) ! -- lapack driver routine -- ! -- lapack is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee, -- ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..-- use stdlib_blas_constants_sp, only: negone, zero, half, one, two, three, four, eight, ten, czero, chalf, cone, cnegone ! Scalar Arguments character, intent(in) :: fact, uplo integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: info integer(${ik}$), intent(in) :: lda, ldaf, ldb, ldx, lwork, n, nrhs real(sp), intent(out) :: rcond ! Array Arguments integer(${ik}$), intent(inout) :: ipiv(*) integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: iwork(*) real(sp), intent(in) :: a(lda,*), b(ldb,*) real(sp), intent(inout) :: af(ldaf,*) real(sp), intent(out) :: berr(*), ferr(*), work(*), x(ldx,*) ! ===================================================================== ! Local Scalars logical(lk) :: lquery, nofact integer(${ik}$) :: lwkopt, nb real(sp) :: anorm ! Intrinsic Functions ! Executable Statements ! test the input parameters. info = 0_${ik}$ nofact = stdlib_lsame( fact, 'N' ) lquery = ( lwork==-1_${ik}$ ) if( .not.nofact .and. .not.stdlib_lsame( fact, 'F' ) ) then info = -1_${ik}$ else if( .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'U' ) .and. .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'L' ) )& then info = -2_${ik}$ else if( n<0_${ik}$ ) then info = -3_${ik}$ else if( nrhs<0_${ik}$ ) then info = -4_${ik}$ else if( lda<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -6_${ik}$ else if( ldaf<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -8_${ik}$ else if( ldb<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -11_${ik}$ else if( ldx<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -13_${ik}$ else if( lwork<max( 1_${ik}$, 3_${ik}$*n ) .and. .not.lquery ) then info = -18_${ik}$ end if if( info==0_${ik}$ ) then lwkopt = max( 1_${ik}$, 3_${ik}$*n ) if( nofact ) then nb = stdlib${ii}$_ilaenv( 1_${ik}$, 'SSYTRF', uplo, n, -1_${ik}$, -1_${ik}$, -1_${ik}$ ) lwkopt = max( lwkopt, n*nb ) end if work( 1_${ik}$ ) = lwkopt end if if( info/=0_${ik}$ ) then call stdlib${ii}$_xerbla( 'SSYSVX', -info ) return else if( lquery ) then return end if if( nofact ) then ! compute the factorization a = u*d*u**t or a = l*d*l**t. call stdlib${ii}$_slacpy( uplo, n, n, a, lda, af, ldaf ) call stdlib${ii}$_ssytrf( uplo, n, af, ldaf, ipiv, work, lwork, info ) ! return if info is non-zero. if( info>0_${ik}$ )then rcond = zero return end if end if ! compute the norm of the matrix a. anorm = stdlib${ii}$_slansy( 'I', uplo, n, a, lda, work ) ! compute the reciprocal of the condition number of a. call stdlib${ii}$_ssycon( uplo, n, af, ldaf, ipiv, anorm, rcond, work, iwork,info ) ! compute the solution vectors x. call stdlib${ii}$_slacpy( 'FULL', n, nrhs, b, ldb, x, ldx ) call stdlib${ii}$_ssytrs( uplo, n, nrhs, af, ldaf, ipiv, x, ldx, info ) ! use iterative refinement to improve the computed solutions and ! compute error bounds and backward error estimates for them. call stdlib${ii}$_ssyrfs( uplo, n, nrhs, a, lda, af, ldaf, ipiv, b, ldb, x,ldx, ferr, berr, & work, iwork, info ) ! set info = n+1 if the matrix is singular to working precision. if( rcond<stdlib${ii}$_slamch( 'EPSILON' ) )info = n + 1_${ik}$ work( 1_${ik}$ ) = lwkopt return end subroutine stdlib${ii}$_ssysvx module subroutine stdlib${ii}$_dsysvx( fact, uplo, n, nrhs, a, lda, af, ldaf, ipiv, b,ldb, x, ldx, rcond, & !! DSYSVX uses the diagonal pivoting factorization to compute the !! solution to a real system of linear equations A * X = B, !! where A is an N-by-N symmetric matrix and X and B are N-by-NRHS !! matrices. !! Error bounds on the solution and a condition estimate are also !! provided. ferr, berr, work, lwork,iwork, info ) ! -- lapack driver routine -- ! -- lapack is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee, -- ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..-- use stdlib_blas_constants_dp, only: negone, zero, half, one, two, three, four, eight, ten, czero, chalf, cone, cnegone ! Scalar Arguments character, intent(in) :: fact, uplo integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: info integer(${ik}$), intent(in) :: lda, ldaf, ldb, ldx, lwork, n, nrhs real(dp), intent(out) :: rcond ! Array Arguments integer(${ik}$), intent(inout) :: ipiv(*) integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: iwork(*) real(dp), intent(in) :: a(lda,*), b(ldb,*) real(dp), intent(inout) :: af(ldaf,*) real(dp), intent(out) :: berr(*), ferr(*), work(*), x(ldx,*) ! ===================================================================== ! Local Scalars logical(lk) :: lquery, nofact integer(${ik}$) :: lwkopt, nb real(dp) :: anorm ! Intrinsic Functions ! Executable Statements ! test the input parameters. info = 0_${ik}$ nofact = stdlib_lsame( fact, 'N' ) lquery = ( lwork==-1_${ik}$ ) if( .not.nofact .and. .not.stdlib_lsame( fact, 'F' ) ) then info = -1_${ik}$ else if( .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'U' ) .and. .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'L' ) )& then info = -2_${ik}$ else if( n<0_${ik}$ ) then info = -3_${ik}$ else if( nrhs<0_${ik}$ ) then info = -4_${ik}$ else if( lda<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -6_${ik}$ else if( ldaf<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -8_${ik}$ else if( ldb<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -11_${ik}$ else if( ldx<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -13_${ik}$ else if( lwork<max( 1_${ik}$, 3_${ik}$*n ) .and. .not.lquery ) then info = -18_${ik}$ end if if( info==0_${ik}$ ) then lwkopt = max( 1_${ik}$, 3_${ik}$*n ) if( nofact ) then nb = stdlib${ii}$_ilaenv( 1_${ik}$, 'DSYTRF', uplo, n, -1_${ik}$, -1_${ik}$, -1_${ik}$ ) lwkopt = max( lwkopt, n*nb ) end if work( 1_${ik}$ ) = lwkopt end if if( info/=0_${ik}$ ) then call stdlib${ii}$_xerbla( 'DSYSVX', -info ) return else if( lquery ) then return end if if( nofact ) then ! compute the factorization a = u*d*u**t or a = l*d*l**t. call stdlib${ii}$_dlacpy( uplo, n, n, a, lda, af, ldaf ) call stdlib${ii}$_dsytrf( uplo, n, af, ldaf, ipiv, work, lwork, info ) ! return if info is non-zero. if( info>0_${ik}$ )then rcond = zero return end if end if ! compute the norm of the matrix a. anorm = stdlib${ii}$_dlansy( 'I', uplo, n, a, lda, work ) ! compute the reciprocal of the condition number of a. call stdlib${ii}$_dsycon( uplo, n, af, ldaf, ipiv, anorm, rcond, work, iwork,info ) ! compute the solution vectors x. call stdlib${ii}$_dlacpy( 'FULL', n, nrhs, b, ldb, x, ldx ) call stdlib${ii}$_dsytrs( uplo, n, nrhs, af, ldaf, ipiv, x, ldx, info ) ! use iterative refinement to improve the computed solutions and ! compute error bounds and backward error estimates for them. call stdlib${ii}$_dsyrfs( uplo, n, nrhs, a, lda, af, ldaf, ipiv, b, ldb, x,ldx, ferr, berr, & work, iwork, info ) ! set info = n+1 if the matrix is singular to working precision. if( rcond<stdlib${ii}$_dlamch( 'EPSILON' ) )info = n + 1_${ik}$ work( 1_${ik}$ ) = lwkopt return end subroutine stdlib${ii}$_dsysvx #:for rk,rt,ri in REAL_KINDS_TYPES #:if not rk in ["sp","dp"] module subroutine stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$sysvx( fact, uplo, n, nrhs, a, lda, af, ldaf, ipiv, b,ldb, x, ldx, rcond, & !! DSYSVX: uses the diagonal pivoting factorization to compute the !! solution to a real system of linear equations A * X = B, !! where A is an N-by-N symmetric matrix and X and B are N-by-NRHS !! matrices. !! Error bounds on the solution and a condition estimate are also !! provided. ferr, berr, work, lwork,iwork, info ) ! -- lapack driver routine -- ! -- lapack is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee, -- ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..-- use stdlib_blas_constants_${rk}$, only: negone, zero, half, one, two, three, four, eight, ten, czero, chalf, cone, cnegone ! Scalar Arguments character, intent(in) :: fact, uplo integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: info integer(${ik}$), intent(in) :: lda, ldaf, ldb, ldx, lwork, n, nrhs real(${rk}$), intent(out) :: rcond ! Array Arguments integer(${ik}$), intent(inout) :: ipiv(*) integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: iwork(*) real(${rk}$), intent(in) :: a(lda,*), b(ldb,*) real(${rk}$), intent(inout) :: af(ldaf,*) real(${rk}$), intent(out) :: berr(*), ferr(*), work(*), x(ldx,*) ! ===================================================================== ! Local Scalars logical(lk) :: lquery, nofact integer(${ik}$) :: lwkopt, nb real(${rk}$) :: anorm ! Intrinsic Functions ! Executable Statements ! test the input parameters. info = 0_${ik}$ nofact = stdlib_lsame( fact, 'N' ) lquery = ( lwork==-1_${ik}$ ) if( .not.nofact .and. .not.stdlib_lsame( fact, 'F' ) ) then info = -1_${ik}$ else if( .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'U' ) .and. .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'L' ) )& then info = -2_${ik}$ else if( n<0_${ik}$ ) then info = -3_${ik}$ else if( nrhs<0_${ik}$ ) then info = -4_${ik}$ else if( lda<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -6_${ik}$ else if( ldaf<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -8_${ik}$ else if( ldb<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -11_${ik}$ else if( ldx<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -13_${ik}$ else if( lwork<max( 1_${ik}$, 3_${ik}$*n ) .and. .not.lquery ) then info = -18_${ik}$ end if if( info==0_${ik}$ ) then lwkopt = max( 1_${ik}$, 3_${ik}$*n ) if( nofact ) then nb = stdlib${ii}$_ilaenv( 1_${ik}$, 'DSYTRF', uplo, n, -1_${ik}$, -1_${ik}$, -1_${ik}$ ) lwkopt = max( lwkopt, n*nb ) end if work( 1_${ik}$ ) = lwkopt end if if( info/=0_${ik}$ ) then call stdlib${ii}$_xerbla( 'DSYSVX', -info ) return else if( lquery ) then return end if if( nofact ) then ! compute the factorization a = u*d*u**t or a = l*d*l**t. call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$lacpy( uplo, n, n, a, lda, af, ldaf ) call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$sytrf( uplo, n, af, ldaf, ipiv, work, lwork, info ) ! return if info is non-zero. if( info>0_${ik}$ )then rcond = zero return end if end if ! compute the norm of the matrix a. anorm = stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$lansy( 'I', uplo, n, a, lda, work ) ! compute the reciprocal of the condition number of a. call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$sycon( uplo, n, af, ldaf, ipiv, anorm, rcond, work, iwork,info ) ! compute the solution vectors x. call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$lacpy( 'FULL', n, nrhs, b, ldb, x, ldx ) call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$sytrs( uplo, n, nrhs, af, ldaf, ipiv, x, ldx, info ) ! use iterative refinement to improve the computed solutions and ! compute error bounds and backward error estimates for them. call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$syrfs( uplo, n, nrhs, a, lda, af, ldaf, ipiv, b, ldb, x,ldx, ferr, berr, & work, iwork, info ) ! set info = n+1 if the matrix is singular to working precision. if( rcond<stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$lamch( 'EPSILON' ) )info = n + 1_${ik}$ work( 1_${ik}$ ) = lwkopt return end subroutine stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$sysvx #:endif #:endfor module subroutine stdlib${ii}$_csysvx( fact, uplo, n, nrhs, a, lda, af, ldaf, ipiv, b,ldb, x, ldx, rcond, & !! CSYSVX uses the diagonal pivoting factorization to compute the !! solution to a complex system of linear equations A * X = B, !! where A is an N-by-N symmetric matrix and X and B are N-by-NRHS !! matrices. !! Error bounds on the solution and a condition estimate are also !! provided. ferr, berr, work, lwork,rwork, info ) ! -- lapack driver routine -- ! -- lapack is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee, -- ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..-- use stdlib_blas_constants_sp, only: negone, zero, half, one, two, three, four, eight, ten, czero, chalf, cone, cnegone ! Scalar Arguments character, intent(in) :: fact, uplo integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: info integer(${ik}$), intent(in) :: lda, ldaf, ldb, ldx, lwork, n, nrhs real(sp), intent(out) :: rcond ! Array Arguments integer(${ik}$), intent(inout) :: ipiv(*) real(sp), intent(out) :: berr(*), ferr(*), rwork(*) complex(sp), intent(in) :: a(lda,*), b(ldb,*) complex(sp), intent(inout) :: af(ldaf,*) complex(sp), intent(out) :: work(*), x(ldx,*) ! ===================================================================== ! Local Scalars logical(lk) :: lquery, nofact integer(${ik}$) :: lwkopt, nb real(sp) :: anorm ! Intrinsic Functions ! Executable Statements ! test the input parameters. info = 0_${ik}$ nofact = stdlib_lsame( fact, 'N' ) lquery = ( lwork==-1_${ik}$ ) if( .not.nofact .and. .not.stdlib_lsame( fact, 'F' ) ) then info = -1_${ik}$ else if( .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'U' ) .and. .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'L' ) )& then info = -2_${ik}$ else if( n<0_${ik}$ ) then info = -3_${ik}$ else if( nrhs<0_${ik}$ ) then info = -4_${ik}$ else if( lda<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -6_${ik}$ else if( ldaf<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -8_${ik}$ else if( ldb<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -11_${ik}$ else if( ldx<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -13_${ik}$ else if( lwork<max( 1_${ik}$, 2_${ik}$*n ) .and. .not.lquery ) then info = -18_${ik}$ end if if( info==0_${ik}$ ) then lwkopt = max( 1_${ik}$, 2_${ik}$*n ) if( nofact ) then nb = stdlib${ii}$_ilaenv( 1_${ik}$, 'CSYTRF', uplo, n, -1_${ik}$, -1_${ik}$, -1_${ik}$ ) lwkopt = max( lwkopt, n*nb ) end if work( 1_${ik}$ ) = lwkopt end if if( info/=0_${ik}$ ) then call stdlib${ii}$_xerbla( 'CSYSVX', -info ) return else if( lquery ) then return end if if( nofact ) then ! compute the factorization a = u*d*u**t or a = l*d*l**t. call stdlib${ii}$_clacpy( uplo, n, n, a, lda, af, ldaf ) call stdlib${ii}$_csytrf( uplo, n, af, ldaf, ipiv, work, lwork, info ) ! return if info is non-zero. if( info>0_${ik}$ )then rcond = zero return end if end if ! compute the norm of the matrix a. anorm = stdlib${ii}$_clansy( 'I', uplo, n, a, lda, rwork ) ! compute the reciprocal of the condition number of a. call stdlib${ii}$_csycon( uplo, n, af, ldaf, ipiv, anorm, rcond, work, info ) ! compute the solution vectors x. call stdlib${ii}$_clacpy( 'FULL', n, nrhs, b, ldb, x, ldx ) call stdlib${ii}$_csytrs( uplo, n, nrhs, af, ldaf, ipiv, x, ldx, info ) ! use iterative refinement to improve the computed solutions and ! compute error bounds and backward error estimates for them. call stdlib${ii}$_csyrfs( uplo, n, nrhs, a, lda, af, ldaf, ipiv, b, ldb, x,ldx, ferr, berr, & work, rwork, info ) ! set info = n+1 if the matrix is singular to working precision. if( rcond<stdlib${ii}$_slamch( 'EPSILON' ) )info = n + 1_${ik}$ work( 1_${ik}$ ) = lwkopt return end subroutine stdlib${ii}$_csysvx module subroutine stdlib${ii}$_zsysvx( fact, uplo, n, nrhs, a, lda, af, ldaf, ipiv, b,ldb, x, ldx, rcond, & !! ZSYSVX uses the diagonal pivoting factorization to compute the !! solution to a complex system of linear equations A * X = B, !! where A is an N-by-N symmetric matrix and X and B are N-by-NRHS !! matrices. !! Error bounds on the solution and a condition estimate are also !! provided. ferr, berr, work, lwork,rwork, info ) ! -- lapack driver routine -- ! -- lapack is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee, -- ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..-- use stdlib_blas_constants_dp, only: negone, zero, half, one, two, three, four, eight, ten, czero, chalf, cone, cnegone ! Scalar Arguments character, intent(in) :: fact, uplo integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: info integer(${ik}$), intent(in) :: lda, ldaf, ldb, ldx, lwork, n, nrhs real(dp), intent(out) :: rcond ! Array Arguments integer(${ik}$), intent(inout) :: ipiv(*) real(dp), intent(out) :: berr(*), ferr(*), rwork(*) complex(dp), intent(in) :: a(lda,*), b(ldb,*) complex(dp), intent(inout) :: af(ldaf,*) complex(dp), intent(out) :: work(*), x(ldx,*) ! ===================================================================== ! Local Scalars logical(lk) :: lquery, nofact integer(${ik}$) :: lwkopt, nb real(dp) :: anorm ! Intrinsic Functions ! Executable Statements ! test the input parameters. info = 0_${ik}$ nofact = stdlib_lsame( fact, 'N' ) lquery = ( lwork==-1_${ik}$ ) if( .not.nofact .and. .not.stdlib_lsame( fact, 'F' ) ) then info = -1_${ik}$ else if( .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'U' ) .and. .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'L' ) )& then info = -2_${ik}$ else if( n<0_${ik}$ ) then info = -3_${ik}$ else if( nrhs<0_${ik}$ ) then info = -4_${ik}$ else if( lda<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -6_${ik}$ else if( ldaf<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -8_${ik}$ else if( ldb<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -11_${ik}$ else if( ldx<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -13_${ik}$ else if( lwork<max( 1_${ik}$, 2_${ik}$*n ) .and. .not.lquery ) then info = -18_${ik}$ end if if( info==0_${ik}$ ) then lwkopt = max( 1_${ik}$, 2_${ik}$*n ) if( nofact ) then nb = stdlib${ii}$_ilaenv( 1_${ik}$, 'ZSYTRF', uplo, n, -1_${ik}$, -1_${ik}$, -1_${ik}$ ) lwkopt = max( lwkopt, n*nb ) end if work( 1_${ik}$ ) = lwkopt end if if( info/=0_${ik}$ ) then call stdlib${ii}$_xerbla( 'ZSYSVX', -info ) return else if( lquery ) then return end if if( nofact ) then ! compute the factorization a = u*d*u**t or a = l*d*l**t. call stdlib${ii}$_zlacpy( uplo, n, n, a, lda, af, ldaf ) call stdlib${ii}$_zsytrf( uplo, n, af, ldaf, ipiv, work, lwork, info ) ! return if info is non-zero. if( info>0_${ik}$ )then rcond = zero return end if end if ! compute the norm of the matrix a. anorm = stdlib${ii}$_zlansy( 'I', uplo, n, a, lda, rwork ) ! compute the reciprocal of the condition number of a. call stdlib${ii}$_zsycon( uplo, n, af, ldaf, ipiv, anorm, rcond, work, info ) ! compute the solution vectors x. call stdlib${ii}$_zlacpy( 'FULL', n, nrhs, b, ldb, x, ldx ) call stdlib${ii}$_zsytrs( uplo, n, nrhs, af, ldaf, ipiv, x, ldx, info ) ! use iterative refinement to improve the computed solutions and ! compute error bounds and backward error estimates for them. call stdlib${ii}$_zsyrfs( uplo, n, nrhs, a, lda, af, ldaf, ipiv, b, ldb, x,ldx, ferr, berr, & work, rwork, info ) ! set info = n+1 if the matrix is singular to working precision. if( rcond<stdlib${ii}$_dlamch( 'EPSILON' ) )info = n + 1_${ik}$ work( 1_${ik}$ ) = lwkopt return end subroutine stdlib${ii}$_zsysvx #:for ck,ct,ci in CMPLX_KINDS_TYPES #:if not ck in ["sp","dp"] module subroutine stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$sysvx( fact, uplo, n, nrhs, a, lda, af, ldaf, ipiv, b,ldb, x, ldx, rcond, & !! ZSYSVX: uses the diagonal pivoting factorization to compute the !! solution to a complex system of linear equations A * X = B, !! where A is an N-by-N symmetric matrix and X and B are N-by-NRHS !! matrices. !! Error bounds on the solution and a condition estimate are also !! provided. ferr, berr, work, lwork,rwork, info ) ! -- lapack driver routine -- ! -- lapack is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee, -- ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..-- use stdlib_blas_constants_${ck}$, only: negone, zero, half, one, two, three, four, eight, ten, czero, chalf, cone, cnegone ! Scalar Arguments character, intent(in) :: fact, uplo integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: info integer(${ik}$), intent(in) :: lda, ldaf, ldb, ldx, lwork, n, nrhs real(${ck}$), intent(out) :: rcond ! Array Arguments integer(${ik}$), intent(inout) :: ipiv(*) real(${ck}$), intent(out) :: berr(*), ferr(*), rwork(*) complex(${ck}$), intent(in) :: a(lda,*), b(ldb,*) complex(${ck}$), intent(inout) :: af(ldaf,*) complex(${ck}$), intent(out) :: work(*), x(ldx,*) ! ===================================================================== ! Local Scalars logical(lk) :: lquery, nofact integer(${ik}$) :: lwkopt, nb real(${ck}$) :: anorm ! Intrinsic Functions ! Executable Statements ! test the input parameters. info = 0_${ik}$ nofact = stdlib_lsame( fact, 'N' ) lquery = ( lwork==-1_${ik}$ ) if( .not.nofact .and. .not.stdlib_lsame( fact, 'F' ) ) then info = -1_${ik}$ else if( .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'U' ) .and. .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'L' ) )& then info = -2_${ik}$ else if( n<0_${ik}$ ) then info = -3_${ik}$ else if( nrhs<0_${ik}$ ) then info = -4_${ik}$ else if( lda<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -6_${ik}$ else if( ldaf<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -8_${ik}$ else if( ldb<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -11_${ik}$ else if( ldx<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -13_${ik}$ else if( lwork<max( 1_${ik}$, 2_${ik}$*n ) .and. .not.lquery ) then info = -18_${ik}$ end if if( info==0_${ik}$ ) then lwkopt = max( 1_${ik}$, 2_${ik}$*n ) if( nofact ) then nb = stdlib${ii}$_ilaenv( 1_${ik}$, 'ZSYTRF', uplo, n, -1_${ik}$, -1_${ik}$, -1_${ik}$ ) lwkopt = max( lwkopt, n*nb ) end if work( 1_${ik}$ ) = lwkopt end if if( info/=0_${ik}$ ) then call stdlib${ii}$_xerbla( 'ZSYSVX', -info ) return else if( lquery ) then return end if if( nofact ) then ! compute the factorization a = u*d*u**t or a = l*d*l**t. call stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$lacpy( uplo, n, n, a, lda, af, ldaf ) call stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$sytrf( uplo, n, af, ldaf, ipiv, work, lwork, info ) ! return if info is non-zero. if( info>0_${ik}$ )then rcond = zero return end if end if ! compute the norm of the matrix a. anorm = stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$lansy( 'I', uplo, n, a, lda, rwork ) ! compute the reciprocal of the condition number of a. call stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$sycon( uplo, n, af, ldaf, ipiv, anorm, rcond, work, info ) ! compute the solution vectors x. call stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$lacpy( 'FULL', n, nrhs, b, ldb, x, ldx ) call stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$sytrs( uplo, n, nrhs, af, ldaf, ipiv, x, ldx, info ) ! use iterative refinement to improve the computed solutions and ! compute error bounds and backward error estimates for them. call stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$syrfs( uplo, n, nrhs, a, lda, af, ldaf, ipiv, b, ldb, x,ldx, ferr, berr, & work, rwork, info ) ! set info = n+1 if the matrix is singular to working precision. if( rcond<stdlib${ii}$_${c2ri(ci)}$lamch( 'EPSILON' ) )info = n + 1_${ik}$ work( 1_${ik}$ ) = lwkopt return end subroutine stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$sysvx #:endif #:endfor pure module subroutine stdlib${ii}$_ssysv_rk( uplo, n, nrhs, a, lda, e, ipiv, b, ldb,work, lwork, info ) !! SSYSV_RK computes the solution to a real system of linear !! equations A * X = B, where A is an N-by-N symmetric matrix !! and X and B are N-by-NRHS matrices. !! The bounded Bunch-Kaufman (rook) diagonal pivoting method is used !! to factor A as !! A = P*U*D*(U**T)*(P**T), if UPLO = 'U', or !! A = P*L*D*(L**T)*(P**T), if UPLO = 'L', !! where U (or L) is unit upper (or lower) triangular matrix, !! U**T (or L**T) is the transpose of U (or L), P is a permutation !! matrix, P**T is the transpose of P, and D is symmetric and block !! diagonal with 1-by-1 and 2-by-2 diagonal blocks. !! SSYTRF_RK is called to compute the factorization of a real !! symmetric matrix. The factored form of A is then used to solve !! the system of equations A * X = B by calling BLAS3 routine SSYTRS_3. ! -- lapack driver routine -- ! -- lapack is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee, -- ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..-- use stdlib_blas_constants_sp, only: negone, zero, half, one, two, three, four, eight, ten, czero, chalf, cone, cnegone ! Scalar Arguments character, intent(in) :: uplo integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: info integer(${ik}$), intent(in) :: lda, ldb, lwork, n, nrhs ! Array Arguments integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: ipiv(*) real(sp), intent(inout) :: a(lda,*), b(ldb,*) real(sp), intent(out) :: e(*), work(*) ! ===================================================================== ! Local Scalars logical(lk) :: lquery integer(${ik}$) :: lwkopt ! Intrinsic Functions ! Executable Statements ! test the input parameters. info = 0_${ik}$ lquery = ( lwork==-1_${ik}$ ) if( .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'U' ) .and. .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'L' ) ) then info = -1_${ik}$ else if( n<0_${ik}$ ) then info = -2_${ik}$ else if( nrhs<0_${ik}$ ) then info = -3_${ik}$ else if( lda<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -5_${ik}$ else if( ldb<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -9_${ik}$ else if( lwork<1_${ik}$ .and. .not.lquery ) then info = -11_${ik}$ end if if( info==0_${ik}$ ) then if( n==0_${ik}$ ) then lwkopt = 1_${ik}$ else call stdlib${ii}$_ssytrf_rk( uplo, n, a, lda, e, ipiv, work, -1_${ik}$, info ) lwkopt = work(1_${ik}$) end if work( 1_${ik}$ ) = lwkopt end if if( info/=0_${ik}$ ) then call stdlib${ii}$_xerbla( 'SSYSV_RK ', -info ) return else if( lquery ) then return end if ! compute the factorization a = p*u*d*(u**t)*(p**t) or ! a = p*u*d*(u**t)*(p**t). call stdlib${ii}$_ssytrf_rk( uplo, n, a, lda, e, ipiv, work, lwork, info ) if( info==0_${ik}$ ) then ! solve the system a*x = b with blas3 solver, overwriting b with x. call stdlib${ii}$_ssytrs_3( uplo, n, nrhs, a, lda, e, ipiv, b, ldb, info ) end if work( 1_${ik}$ ) = lwkopt return end subroutine stdlib${ii}$_ssysv_rk pure module subroutine stdlib${ii}$_dsysv_rk( uplo, n, nrhs, a, lda, e, ipiv, b, ldb,work, lwork, info ) !! DSYSV_RK computes the solution to a real system of linear !! equations A * X = B, where A is an N-by-N symmetric matrix !! and X and B are N-by-NRHS matrices. !! The bounded Bunch-Kaufman (rook) diagonal pivoting method is used !! to factor A as !! A = P*U*D*(U**T)*(P**T), if UPLO = 'U', or !! A = P*L*D*(L**T)*(P**T), if UPLO = 'L', !! where U (or L) is unit upper (or lower) triangular matrix, !! U**T (or L**T) is the transpose of U (or L), P is a permutation !! matrix, P**T is the transpose of P, and D is symmetric and block !! diagonal with 1-by-1 and 2-by-2 diagonal blocks. !! DSYTRF_RK is called to compute the factorization of a real !! symmetric matrix. The factored form of A is then used to solve !! the system of equations A * X = B by calling BLAS3 routine DSYTRS_3. ! -- lapack driver routine -- ! -- lapack is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee, -- ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..-- use stdlib_blas_constants_dp, only: negone, zero, half, one, two, three, four, eight, ten, czero, chalf, cone, cnegone ! Scalar Arguments character, intent(in) :: uplo integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: info integer(${ik}$), intent(in) :: lda, ldb, lwork, n, nrhs ! Array Arguments integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: ipiv(*) real(dp), intent(inout) :: a(lda,*), b(ldb,*) real(dp), intent(out) :: e(*), work(*) ! ===================================================================== ! Local Scalars logical(lk) :: lquery integer(${ik}$) :: lwkopt ! Intrinsic Functions ! Executable Statements ! test the input parameters. info = 0_${ik}$ lquery = ( lwork==-1_${ik}$ ) if( .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'U' ) .and. .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'L' ) ) then info = -1_${ik}$ else if( n<0_${ik}$ ) then info = -2_${ik}$ else if( nrhs<0_${ik}$ ) then info = -3_${ik}$ else if( lda<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -5_${ik}$ else if( ldb<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -9_${ik}$ else if( lwork<1_${ik}$ .and. .not.lquery ) then info = -11_${ik}$ end if if( info==0_${ik}$ ) then if( n==0_${ik}$ ) then lwkopt = 1_${ik}$ else call stdlib${ii}$_dsytrf_rk( uplo, n, a, lda, e, ipiv, work, -1_${ik}$, info ) lwkopt = work(1_${ik}$) end if work( 1_${ik}$ ) = lwkopt end if if( info/=0_${ik}$ ) then call stdlib${ii}$_xerbla( 'DSYSV_RK ', -info ) return else if( lquery ) then return end if ! compute the factorization a = p*u*d*(u**t)*(p**t) or ! a = p*u*d*(u**t)*(p**t). call stdlib${ii}$_dsytrf_rk( uplo, n, a, lda, e, ipiv, work, lwork, info ) if( info==0_${ik}$ ) then ! solve the system a*x = b with blas3 solver, overwriting b with x. call stdlib${ii}$_dsytrs_3( uplo, n, nrhs, a, lda, e, ipiv, b, ldb, info ) end if work( 1_${ik}$ ) = lwkopt return end subroutine stdlib${ii}$_dsysv_rk #:for rk,rt,ri in REAL_KINDS_TYPES #:if not rk in ["sp","dp"] pure module subroutine stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$sysv_rk( uplo, n, nrhs, a, lda, e, ipiv, b, ldb,work, lwork, info ) !! DSYSV_RK: computes the solution to a real system of linear !! equations A * X = B, where A is an N-by-N symmetric matrix !! and X and B are N-by-NRHS matrices. !! The bounded Bunch-Kaufman (rook) diagonal pivoting method is used !! to factor A as !! A = P*U*D*(U**T)*(P**T), if UPLO = 'U', or !! A = P*L*D*(L**T)*(P**T), if UPLO = 'L', !! where U (or L) is unit upper (or lower) triangular matrix, !! U**T (or L**T) is the transpose of U (or L), P is a permutation !! matrix, P**T is the transpose of P, and D is symmetric and block !! diagonal with 1-by-1 and 2-by-2 diagonal blocks. !! DSYTRF_RK is called to compute the factorization of a real !! symmetric matrix. The factored form of A is then used to solve !! the system of equations A * X = B by calling BLAS3 routine DSYTRS_3. ! -- lapack driver routine -- ! -- lapack is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee, -- ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..-- use stdlib_blas_constants_${rk}$, only: negone, zero, half, one, two, three, four, eight, ten, czero, chalf, cone, cnegone ! Scalar Arguments character, intent(in) :: uplo integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: info integer(${ik}$), intent(in) :: lda, ldb, lwork, n, nrhs ! Array Arguments integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: ipiv(*) real(${rk}$), intent(inout) :: a(lda,*), b(ldb,*) real(${rk}$), intent(out) :: e(*), work(*) ! ===================================================================== ! Local Scalars logical(lk) :: lquery integer(${ik}$) :: lwkopt ! Intrinsic Functions ! Executable Statements ! test the input parameters. info = 0_${ik}$ lquery = ( lwork==-1_${ik}$ ) if( .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'U' ) .and. .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'L' ) ) then info = -1_${ik}$ else if( n<0_${ik}$ ) then info = -2_${ik}$ else if( nrhs<0_${ik}$ ) then info = -3_${ik}$ else if( lda<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -5_${ik}$ else if( ldb<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -9_${ik}$ else if( lwork<1_${ik}$ .and. .not.lquery ) then info = -11_${ik}$ end if if( info==0_${ik}$ ) then if( n==0_${ik}$ ) then lwkopt = 1_${ik}$ else call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$sytrf_rk( uplo, n, a, lda, e, ipiv, work, -1_${ik}$, info ) lwkopt = work(1_${ik}$) end if work( 1_${ik}$ ) = lwkopt end if if( info/=0_${ik}$ ) then call stdlib${ii}$_xerbla( 'DSYSV_RK ', -info ) return else if( lquery ) then return end if ! compute the factorization a = p*u*d*(u**t)*(p**t) or ! a = p*u*d*(u**t)*(p**t). call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$sytrf_rk( uplo, n, a, lda, e, ipiv, work, lwork, info ) if( info==0_${ik}$ ) then ! solve the system a*x = b with blas3 solver, overwriting b with x. call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$sytrs_3( uplo, n, nrhs, a, lda, e, ipiv, b, ldb, info ) end if work( 1_${ik}$ ) = lwkopt return end subroutine stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$sysv_rk #:endif #:endfor pure module subroutine stdlib${ii}$_csysv_rk( uplo, n, nrhs, a, lda, e, ipiv, b, ldb, work,lwork, info ) !! CSYSV_RK computes the solution to a complex system of linear !! equations A * X = B, where A is an N-by-N symmetric matrix !! and X and B are N-by-NRHS matrices. !! The bounded Bunch-Kaufman (rook) diagonal pivoting method is used !! to factor A as !! A = P*U*D*(U**T)*(P**T), if UPLO = 'U', or !! A = P*L*D*(L**T)*(P**T), if UPLO = 'L', !! where U (or L) is unit upper (or lower) triangular matrix, !! U**T (or L**T) is the transpose of U (or L), P is a permutation !! matrix, P**T is the transpose of P, and D is symmetric and block !! diagonal with 1-by-1 and 2-by-2 diagonal blocks. !! CSYTRF_RK is called to compute the factorization of a complex !! symmetric matrix. The factored form of A is then used to solve !! the system of equations A * X = B by calling BLAS3 routine CSYTRS_3. ! -- lapack driver routine -- ! -- lapack is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee, -- ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..-- use stdlib_blas_constants_sp, only: negone, zero, half, one, two, three, four, eight, ten, czero, chalf, cone, cnegone ! Scalar Arguments character, intent(in) :: uplo integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: info integer(${ik}$), intent(in) :: lda, ldb, lwork, n, nrhs ! Array Arguments integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: ipiv(*) complex(sp), intent(inout) :: a(lda,*), b(ldb,*) complex(sp), intent(out) :: e(*), work(*) ! ===================================================================== ! Local Scalars logical(lk) :: lquery integer(${ik}$) :: lwkopt ! Intrinsic Functions ! Executable Statements ! test the input parameters. info = 0_${ik}$ lquery = ( lwork==-1_${ik}$ ) if( .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'U' ) .and. .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'L' ) ) then info = -1_${ik}$ else if( n<0_${ik}$ ) then info = -2_${ik}$ else if( nrhs<0_${ik}$ ) then info = -3_${ik}$ else if( lda<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -5_${ik}$ else if( ldb<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -9_${ik}$ else if( lwork<1_${ik}$ .and. .not.lquery ) then info = -11_${ik}$ end if if( info==0_${ik}$ ) then if( n==0_${ik}$ ) then lwkopt = 1_${ik}$ else call stdlib${ii}$_csytrf_rk( uplo, n, a, lda, e, ipiv, work, -1_${ik}$, info ) lwkopt = real( work(1_${ik}$),KIND=sp) end if work( 1_${ik}$ ) = lwkopt end if if( info/=0_${ik}$ ) then call stdlib${ii}$_xerbla( 'CSYSV_RK ', -info ) return else if( lquery ) then return end if ! compute the factorization a = u*d*u**t or a = l*d*l**t. call stdlib${ii}$_csytrf_rk( uplo, n, a, lda, e, ipiv, work, lwork, info ) if( info==0_${ik}$ ) then ! solve the system a*x = b with blas3 solver, overwriting b with x. call stdlib${ii}$_csytrs_3( uplo, n, nrhs, a, lda, e, ipiv, b, ldb, info ) end if work( 1_${ik}$ ) = lwkopt return end subroutine stdlib${ii}$_csysv_rk pure module subroutine stdlib${ii}$_zsysv_rk( uplo, n, nrhs, a, lda, e, ipiv, b, ldb, work,lwork, info ) !! ZSYSV_RK computes the solution to a complex system of linear !! equations A * X = B, where A is an N-by-N symmetric matrix !! and X and B are N-by-NRHS matrices. !! The bounded Bunch-Kaufman (rook) diagonal pivoting method is used !! to factor A as !! A = P*U*D*(U**T)*(P**T), if UPLO = 'U', or !! A = P*L*D*(L**T)*(P**T), if UPLO = 'L', !! where U (or L) is unit upper (or lower) triangular matrix, !! U**T (or L**T) is the transpose of U (or L), P is a permutation !! matrix, P**T is the transpose of P, and D is symmetric and block !! diagonal with 1-by-1 and 2-by-2 diagonal blocks. !! ZSYTRF_RK is called to compute the factorization of a complex !! symmetric matrix. The factored form of A is then used to solve !! the system of equations A * X = B by calling BLAS3 routine ZSYTRS_3. ! -- lapack driver routine -- ! -- lapack is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee, -- ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..-- use stdlib_blas_constants_dp, only: negone, zero, half, one, two, three, four, eight, ten, czero, chalf, cone, cnegone ! Scalar Arguments character, intent(in) :: uplo integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: info integer(${ik}$), intent(in) :: lda, ldb, lwork, n, nrhs ! Array Arguments integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: ipiv(*) complex(dp), intent(inout) :: a(lda,*), b(ldb,*) complex(dp), intent(out) :: e(*), work(*) ! ===================================================================== ! Local Scalars logical(lk) :: lquery integer(${ik}$) :: lwkopt ! Intrinsic Functions ! Executable Statements ! test the input parameters. info = 0_${ik}$ lquery = ( lwork==-1_${ik}$ ) if( .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'U' ) .and. .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'L' ) ) then info = -1_${ik}$ else if( n<0_${ik}$ ) then info = -2_${ik}$ else if( nrhs<0_${ik}$ ) then info = -3_${ik}$ else if( lda<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -5_${ik}$ else if( ldb<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -9_${ik}$ else if( lwork<1_${ik}$ .and. .not.lquery ) then info = -11_${ik}$ end if if( info==0_${ik}$ ) then if( n==0_${ik}$ ) then lwkopt = 1_${ik}$ else call stdlib${ii}$_zsytrf_rk( uplo, n, a, lda, e, ipiv, work, -1_${ik}$, info ) lwkopt = real( work(1_${ik}$),KIND=dp) end if work( 1_${ik}$ ) = lwkopt end if if( info/=0_${ik}$ ) then call stdlib${ii}$_xerbla( 'ZSYSV_RK ', -info ) return else if( lquery ) then return end if ! compute the factorization a = p*u*d*(u**t)*(p**t) or ! a = p*u*d*(u**t)*(p**t). call stdlib${ii}$_zsytrf_rk( uplo, n, a, lda, e, ipiv, work, lwork, info ) if( info==0_${ik}$ ) then ! solve the system a*x = b with blas3 solver, overwriting b with x. call stdlib${ii}$_zsytrs_3( uplo, n, nrhs, a, lda, e, ipiv, b, ldb, info ) end if work( 1_${ik}$ ) = lwkopt return end subroutine stdlib${ii}$_zsysv_rk #:for ck,ct,ci in CMPLX_KINDS_TYPES #:if not ck in ["sp","dp"] pure module subroutine stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$sysv_rk( uplo, n, nrhs, a, lda, e, ipiv, b, ldb, work,lwork, info ) !! ZSYSV_RK: computes the solution to a complex system of linear !! equations A * X = B, where A is an N-by-N symmetric matrix !! and X and B are N-by-NRHS matrices. !! The bounded Bunch-Kaufman (rook) diagonal pivoting method is used !! to factor A as !! A = P*U*D*(U**T)*(P**T), if UPLO = 'U', or !! A = P*L*D*(L**T)*(P**T), if UPLO = 'L', !! where U (or L) is unit upper (or lower) triangular matrix, !! U**T (or L**T) is the transpose of U (or L), P is a permutation !! matrix, P**T is the transpose of P, and D is symmetric and block !! diagonal with 1-by-1 and 2-by-2 diagonal blocks. !! ZSYTRF_RK is called to compute the factorization of a complex !! symmetric matrix. The factored form of A is then used to solve !! the system of equations A * X = B by calling BLAS3 routine ZSYTRS_3. ! -- lapack driver routine -- ! -- lapack is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee, -- ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..-- use stdlib_blas_constants_${ck}$, only: negone, zero, half, one, two, three, four, eight, ten, czero, chalf, cone, cnegone ! Scalar Arguments character, intent(in) :: uplo integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: info integer(${ik}$), intent(in) :: lda, ldb, lwork, n, nrhs ! Array Arguments integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: ipiv(*) complex(${ck}$), intent(inout) :: a(lda,*), b(ldb,*) complex(${ck}$), intent(out) :: e(*), work(*) ! ===================================================================== ! Local Scalars logical(lk) :: lquery integer(${ik}$) :: lwkopt ! Intrinsic Functions ! Executable Statements ! test the input parameters. info = 0_${ik}$ lquery = ( lwork==-1_${ik}$ ) if( .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'U' ) .and. .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'L' ) ) then info = -1_${ik}$ else if( n<0_${ik}$ ) then info = -2_${ik}$ else if( nrhs<0_${ik}$ ) then info = -3_${ik}$ else if( lda<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -5_${ik}$ else if( ldb<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -9_${ik}$ else if( lwork<1_${ik}$ .and. .not.lquery ) then info = -11_${ik}$ end if if( info==0_${ik}$ ) then if( n==0_${ik}$ ) then lwkopt = 1_${ik}$ else call stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$sytrf_rk( uplo, n, a, lda, e, ipiv, work, -1_${ik}$, info ) lwkopt = real( work(1_${ik}$),KIND=${ck}$) end if work( 1_${ik}$ ) = lwkopt end if if( info/=0_${ik}$ ) then call stdlib${ii}$_xerbla( 'ZSYSV_RK ', -info ) return else if( lquery ) then return end if ! compute the factorization a = p*u*d*(u**t)*(p**t) or ! a = p*u*d*(u**t)*(p**t). call stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$sytrf_rk( uplo, n, a, lda, e, ipiv, work, lwork, info ) if( info==0_${ik}$ ) then ! solve the system a*x = b with blas3 solver, overwriting b with x. call stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$sytrs_3( uplo, n, nrhs, a, lda, e, ipiv, b, ldb, info ) end if work( 1_${ik}$ ) = lwkopt return end subroutine stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$sysv_rk #:endif #:endfor pure module subroutine stdlib${ii}$_ssysv_rook( uplo, n, nrhs, a, lda, ipiv, b, ldb, work,lwork, info ) !! SSYSV_ROOK computes the solution to a real system of linear !! equations !! A * X = B, !! where A is an N-by-N symmetric matrix and X and B are N-by-NRHS !! matrices. !! The diagonal pivoting method is used to factor A as !! A = U * D * U**T, if UPLO = 'U', or !! A = L * D * L**T, if UPLO = 'L', !! where U (or L) is a product of permutation and unit upper (lower) !! triangular matrices, and D is symmetric and block diagonal with !! 1-by-1 and 2-by-2 diagonal blocks. !! SSYTRF_ROOK is called to compute the factorization of a real !! symmetric matrix A using the bounded Bunch-Kaufman ("rook") diagonal !! pivoting method. !! The factored form of A is then used to solve the system !! of equations A * X = B by calling SSYTRS_ROOK. ! -- lapack driver routine -- ! -- lapack is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee, -- ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..-- use stdlib_blas_constants_sp, only: negone, zero, half, one, two, three, four, eight, ten, czero, chalf, cone, cnegone ! Scalar Arguments character, intent(in) :: uplo integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: info integer(${ik}$), intent(in) :: lda, ldb, lwork, n, nrhs ! Array Arguments integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: ipiv(*) real(sp), intent(inout) :: a(lda,*), b(ldb,*) real(sp), intent(out) :: work(*) ! ===================================================================== ! Local Scalars logical(lk) :: lquery integer(${ik}$) :: lwkopt ! Intrinsic Functions ! Executable Statements ! test the input parameters. info = 0_${ik}$ lquery = ( lwork==-1_${ik}$ ) if( .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'U' ) .and. .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'L' ) ) then info = -1_${ik}$ else if( n<0_${ik}$ ) then info = -2_${ik}$ else if( nrhs<0_${ik}$ ) then info = -3_${ik}$ else if( lda<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -5_${ik}$ else if( ldb<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -8_${ik}$ else if( lwork<1_${ik}$ .and. .not.lquery ) then info = -10_${ik}$ end if if( info==0_${ik}$ ) then if( n==0_${ik}$ ) then lwkopt = 1_${ik}$ else call stdlib${ii}$_ssytrf_rook( uplo, n, a, lda, ipiv, work, -1_${ik}$, info ) lwkopt = work(1_${ik}$) end if work( 1_${ik}$ ) = lwkopt end if if( info/=0_${ik}$ ) then call stdlib${ii}$_xerbla( 'SSYSV_ROOK ', -info ) return else if( lquery ) then return end if ! compute the factorization a = u*d*u**t or a = l*d*l**t. call stdlib${ii}$_ssytrf_rook( uplo, n, a, lda, ipiv, work, lwork, info ) if( info==0_${ik}$ ) then ! solve the system a*x = b, overwriting b with x. ! solve with trs_rook ( use level 2 blas) call stdlib${ii}$_ssytrs_rook( uplo, n, nrhs, a, lda, ipiv, b, ldb, info ) end if work( 1_${ik}$ ) = lwkopt return end subroutine stdlib${ii}$_ssysv_rook pure module subroutine stdlib${ii}$_dsysv_rook( uplo, n, nrhs, a, lda, ipiv, b, ldb, work,lwork, info ) !! DSYSV_ROOK computes the solution to a real system of linear !! equations !! A * X = B, !! where A is an N-by-N symmetric matrix and X and B are N-by-NRHS !! matrices. !! The diagonal pivoting method is used to factor A as !! A = U * D * U**T, if UPLO = 'U', or !! A = L * D * L**T, if UPLO = 'L', !! where U (or L) is a product of permutation and unit upper (lower) !! triangular matrices, and D is symmetric and block diagonal with !! 1-by-1 and 2-by-2 diagonal blocks. !! DSYTRF_ROOK is called to compute the factorization of a real !! symmetric matrix A using the bounded Bunch-Kaufman ("rook") diagonal !! pivoting method. !! The factored form of A is then used to solve the system !! of equations A * X = B by calling DSYTRS_ROOK. ! -- lapack driver routine -- ! -- lapack is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee, -- ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..-- use stdlib_blas_constants_dp, only: negone, zero, half, one, two, three, four, eight, ten, czero, chalf, cone, cnegone ! Scalar Arguments character, intent(in) :: uplo integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: info integer(${ik}$), intent(in) :: lda, ldb, lwork, n, nrhs ! Array Arguments integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: ipiv(*) real(dp), intent(inout) :: a(lda,*), b(ldb,*) real(dp), intent(out) :: work(*) ! ===================================================================== ! Local Scalars logical(lk) :: lquery integer(${ik}$) :: lwkopt ! Intrinsic Functions ! Executable Statements ! test the input parameters. info = 0_${ik}$ lquery = ( lwork==-1_${ik}$ ) if( .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'U' ) .and. .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'L' ) ) then info = -1_${ik}$ else if( n<0_${ik}$ ) then info = -2_${ik}$ else if( nrhs<0_${ik}$ ) then info = -3_${ik}$ else if( lda<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -5_${ik}$ else if( ldb<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -8_${ik}$ else if( lwork<1_${ik}$ .and. .not.lquery ) then info = -10_${ik}$ end if if( info==0_${ik}$ ) then if( n==0_${ik}$ ) then lwkopt = 1_${ik}$ else call stdlib${ii}$_dsytrf_rook( uplo, n, a, lda, ipiv, work, -1_${ik}$, info ) lwkopt = work(1_${ik}$) end if work( 1_${ik}$ ) = lwkopt end if if( info/=0_${ik}$ ) then call stdlib${ii}$_xerbla( 'DSYSV_ROOK ', -info ) return else if( lquery ) then return end if ! compute the factorization a = u*d*u**t or a = l*d*l**t. call stdlib${ii}$_dsytrf_rook( uplo, n, a, lda, ipiv, work, lwork, info ) if( info==0_${ik}$ ) then ! solve the system a*x = b, overwriting b with x. ! solve with trs_rook ( use level 2 blas) call stdlib${ii}$_dsytrs_rook( uplo, n, nrhs, a, lda, ipiv, b, ldb, info ) end if work( 1_${ik}$ ) = lwkopt return end subroutine stdlib${ii}$_dsysv_rook #:for rk,rt,ri in REAL_KINDS_TYPES #:if not rk in ["sp","dp"] pure module subroutine stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$sysv_rook( uplo, n, nrhs, a, lda, ipiv, b, ldb, work,lwork, info ) !! DSYSV_ROOK: computes the solution to a real system of linear !! equations !! A * X = B, !! where A is an N-by-N symmetric matrix and X and B are N-by-NRHS !! matrices. !! The diagonal pivoting method is used to factor A as !! A = U * D * U**T, if UPLO = 'U', or !! A = L * D * L**T, if UPLO = 'L', !! where U (or L) is a product of permutation and unit upper (lower) !! triangular matrices, and D is symmetric and block diagonal with !! 1-by-1 and 2-by-2 diagonal blocks. !! DSYTRF_ROOK is called to compute the factorization of a real !! symmetric matrix A using the bounded Bunch-Kaufman ("rook") diagonal !! pivoting method. !! The factored form of A is then used to solve the system !! of equations A * X = B by calling DSYTRS_ROOK. ! -- lapack driver routine -- ! -- lapack is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee, -- ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..-- use stdlib_blas_constants_${rk}$, only: negone, zero, half, one, two, three, four, eight, ten, czero, chalf, cone, cnegone ! Scalar Arguments character, intent(in) :: uplo integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: info integer(${ik}$), intent(in) :: lda, ldb, lwork, n, nrhs ! Array Arguments integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: ipiv(*) real(${rk}$), intent(inout) :: a(lda,*), b(ldb,*) real(${rk}$), intent(out) :: work(*) ! ===================================================================== ! Local Scalars logical(lk) :: lquery integer(${ik}$) :: lwkopt ! Intrinsic Functions ! Executable Statements ! test the input parameters. info = 0_${ik}$ lquery = ( lwork==-1_${ik}$ ) if( .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'U' ) .and. .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'L' ) ) then info = -1_${ik}$ else if( n<0_${ik}$ ) then info = -2_${ik}$ else if( nrhs<0_${ik}$ ) then info = -3_${ik}$ else if( lda<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -5_${ik}$ else if( ldb<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -8_${ik}$ else if( lwork<1_${ik}$ .and. .not.lquery ) then info = -10_${ik}$ end if if( info==0_${ik}$ ) then if( n==0_${ik}$ ) then lwkopt = 1_${ik}$ else call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$sytrf_rook( uplo, n, a, lda, ipiv, work, -1_${ik}$, info ) lwkopt = work(1_${ik}$) end if work( 1_${ik}$ ) = lwkopt end if if( info/=0_${ik}$ ) then call stdlib${ii}$_xerbla( 'DSYSV_ROOK ', -info ) return else if( lquery ) then return end if ! compute the factorization a = u*d*u**t or a = l*d*l**t. call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$sytrf_rook( uplo, n, a, lda, ipiv, work, lwork, info ) if( info==0_${ik}$ ) then ! solve the system a*x = b, overwriting b with x. ! solve with trs_rook ( use level 2 blas) call stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$sytrs_rook( uplo, n, nrhs, a, lda, ipiv, b, ldb, info ) end if work( 1_${ik}$ ) = lwkopt return end subroutine stdlib${ii}$_${ri}$sysv_rook #:endif #:endfor pure module subroutine stdlib${ii}$_csysv_rook( uplo, n, nrhs, a, lda, ipiv, b, ldb, work,lwork, info ) !! CSYSV_ROOK computes the solution to a complex system of linear !! equations !! A * X = B, !! where A is an N-by-N symmetric matrix and X and B are N-by-NRHS !! matrices. !! The diagonal pivoting method is used to factor A as !! A = U * D * U**T, if UPLO = 'U', or !! A = L * D * L**T, if UPLO = 'L', !! where U (or L) is a product of permutation and unit upper (lower) !! triangular matrices, and D is symmetric and block diagonal with !! 1-by-1 and 2-by-2 diagonal blocks. !! CSYTRF_ROOK is called to compute the factorization of a complex !! symmetric matrix A using the bounded Bunch-Kaufman ("rook") diagonal !! pivoting method. !! The factored form of A is then used to solve the system !! of equations A * X = B by calling CSYTRS_ROOK. ! -- lapack driver routine -- ! -- lapack is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee, -- ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..-- use stdlib_blas_constants_sp, only: negone, zero, half, one, two, three, four, eight, ten, czero, chalf, cone, cnegone ! Scalar Arguments character, intent(in) :: uplo integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: info integer(${ik}$), intent(in) :: lda, ldb, lwork, n, nrhs ! Array Arguments integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: ipiv(*) complex(sp), intent(inout) :: a(lda,*), b(ldb,*) complex(sp), intent(out) :: work(*) ! ===================================================================== ! Local Scalars logical(lk) :: lquery integer(${ik}$) :: lwkopt ! Intrinsic Functions ! Executable Statements ! test the input parameters. info = 0_${ik}$ lquery = ( lwork==-1_${ik}$ ) if( .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'U' ) .and. .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'L' ) ) then info = -1_${ik}$ else if( n<0_${ik}$ ) then info = -2_${ik}$ else if( nrhs<0_${ik}$ ) then info = -3_${ik}$ else if( lda<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -5_${ik}$ else if( ldb<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -8_${ik}$ else if( lwork<1_${ik}$ .and. .not.lquery ) then info = -10_${ik}$ end if if( info==0_${ik}$ ) then if( n==0_${ik}$ ) then lwkopt = 1_${ik}$ else call stdlib${ii}$_csytrf_rook( uplo, n, a, lda, ipiv, work, -1_${ik}$, info ) lwkopt = real( work(1_${ik}$),KIND=sp) end if work( 1_${ik}$ ) = lwkopt end if if( info/=0_${ik}$ ) then call stdlib${ii}$_xerbla( 'CSYSV_ROOK ', -info ) return else if( lquery ) then return end if ! compute the factorization a = u*d*u**t or a = l*d*l**t. call stdlib${ii}$_csytrf_rook( uplo, n, a, lda, ipiv, work, lwork, info ) if( info==0_${ik}$ ) then ! solve the system a*x = b, overwriting b with x. ! solve with trs_rook ( use level 2 blas) call stdlib${ii}$_csytrs_rook( uplo, n, nrhs, a, lda, ipiv, b, ldb, info ) end if work( 1_${ik}$ ) = lwkopt return end subroutine stdlib${ii}$_csysv_rook pure module subroutine stdlib${ii}$_zsysv_rook( uplo, n, nrhs, a, lda, ipiv, b, ldb, work,lwork, info ) !! ZSYSV_ROOK computes the solution to a complex system of linear !! equations !! A * X = B, !! where A is an N-by-N symmetric matrix and X and B are N-by-NRHS !! matrices. !! The diagonal pivoting method is used to factor A as !! A = U * D * U**T, if UPLO = 'U', or !! A = L * D * L**T, if UPLO = 'L', !! where U (or L) is a product of permutation and unit upper (lower) !! triangular matrices, and D is symmetric and block diagonal with !! 1-by-1 and 2-by-2 diagonal blocks. !! ZSYTRF_ROOK is called to compute the factorization of a complex !! symmetric matrix A using the bounded Bunch-Kaufman ("rook") diagonal !! pivoting method. !! The factored form of A is then used to solve the system !! of equations A * X = B by calling ZSYTRS_ROOK. ! -- lapack driver routine -- ! -- lapack is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee, -- ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..-- use stdlib_blas_constants_dp, only: negone, zero, half, one, two, three, four, eight, ten, czero, chalf, cone, cnegone ! Scalar Arguments character, intent(in) :: uplo integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: info integer(${ik}$), intent(in) :: lda, ldb, lwork, n, nrhs ! Array Arguments integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: ipiv(*) complex(dp), intent(inout) :: a(lda,*), b(ldb,*) complex(dp), intent(out) :: work(*) ! ===================================================================== ! Local Scalars logical(lk) :: lquery integer(${ik}$) :: lwkopt ! Intrinsic Functions ! Executable Statements ! test the input parameters. info = 0_${ik}$ lquery = ( lwork==-1_${ik}$ ) if( .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'U' ) .and. .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'L' ) ) then info = -1_${ik}$ else if( n<0_${ik}$ ) then info = -2_${ik}$ else if( nrhs<0_${ik}$ ) then info = -3_${ik}$ else if( lda<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -5_${ik}$ else if( ldb<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -8_${ik}$ else if( lwork<1_${ik}$ .and. .not.lquery ) then info = -10_${ik}$ end if if( info==0_${ik}$ ) then if( n==0_${ik}$ ) then lwkopt = 1_${ik}$ else call stdlib${ii}$_zsytrf_rook( uplo, n, a, lda, ipiv, work, -1_${ik}$, info ) lwkopt = real( work(1_${ik}$),KIND=dp) end if work( 1_${ik}$ ) = lwkopt end if if( info/=0_${ik}$ ) then call stdlib${ii}$_xerbla( 'ZSYSV_ROOK ', -info ) return else if( lquery ) then return end if ! compute the factorization a = u*d*u**t or a = l*d*l**t. call stdlib${ii}$_zsytrf_rook( uplo, n, a, lda, ipiv, work, lwork, info ) if( info==0_${ik}$ ) then ! solve the system a*x = b, overwriting b with x. ! solve with trs_rook ( use level 2 blas) call stdlib${ii}$_zsytrs_rook( uplo, n, nrhs, a, lda, ipiv, b, ldb, info ) end if work( 1_${ik}$ ) = lwkopt return end subroutine stdlib${ii}$_zsysv_rook #:for ck,ct,ci in CMPLX_KINDS_TYPES #:if not ck in ["sp","dp"] pure module subroutine stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$sysv_rook( uplo, n, nrhs, a, lda, ipiv, b, ldb, work,lwork, info ) !! ZSYSV_ROOK: computes the solution to a complex system of linear !! equations !! A * X = B, !! where A is an N-by-N symmetric matrix and X and B are N-by-NRHS !! matrices. !! The diagonal pivoting method is used to factor A as !! A = U * D * U**T, if UPLO = 'U', or !! A = L * D * L**T, if UPLO = 'L', !! where U (or L) is a product of permutation and unit upper (lower) !! triangular matrices, and D is symmetric and block diagonal with !! 1-by-1 and 2-by-2 diagonal blocks. !! ZSYTRF_ROOK is called to compute the factorization of a complex !! symmetric matrix A using the bounded Bunch-Kaufman ("rook") diagonal !! pivoting method. !! The factored form of A is then used to solve the system !! of equations A * X = B by calling ZSYTRS_ROOK. ! -- lapack driver routine -- ! -- lapack is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee, -- ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..-- use stdlib_blas_constants_${ck}$, only: negone, zero, half, one, two, three, four, eight, ten, czero, chalf, cone, cnegone ! Scalar Arguments character, intent(in) :: uplo integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: info integer(${ik}$), intent(in) :: lda, ldb, lwork, n, nrhs ! Array Arguments integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: ipiv(*) complex(${ck}$), intent(inout) :: a(lda,*), b(ldb,*) complex(${ck}$), intent(out) :: work(*) ! ===================================================================== ! Local Scalars logical(lk) :: lquery integer(${ik}$) :: lwkopt ! Intrinsic Functions ! Executable Statements ! test the input parameters. info = 0_${ik}$ lquery = ( lwork==-1_${ik}$ ) if( .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'U' ) .and. .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'L' ) ) then info = -1_${ik}$ else if( n<0_${ik}$ ) then info = -2_${ik}$ else if( nrhs<0_${ik}$ ) then info = -3_${ik}$ else if( lda<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -5_${ik}$ else if( ldb<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -8_${ik}$ else if( lwork<1_${ik}$ .and. .not.lquery ) then info = -10_${ik}$ end if if( info==0_${ik}$ ) then if( n==0_${ik}$ ) then lwkopt = 1_${ik}$ else call stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$sytrf_rook( uplo, n, a, lda, ipiv, work, -1_${ik}$, info ) lwkopt = real( work(1_${ik}$),KIND=${ck}$) end if work( 1_${ik}$ ) = lwkopt end if if( info/=0_${ik}$ ) then call stdlib${ii}$_xerbla( 'ZSYSV_ROOK ', -info ) return else if( lquery ) then return end if ! compute the factorization a = u*d*u**t or a = l*d*l**t. call stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$sytrf_rook( uplo, n, a, lda, ipiv, work, lwork, info ) if( info==0_${ik}$ ) then ! solve the system a*x = b, overwriting b with x. ! solve with trs_rook ( use level 2 blas) call stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$sytrs_rook( uplo, n, nrhs, a, lda, ipiv, b, ldb, info ) end if work( 1_${ik}$ ) = lwkopt return end subroutine stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$sysv_rook #:endif #:endfor pure module subroutine stdlib${ii}$_chesv( uplo, n, nrhs, a, lda, ipiv, b, ldb, work,lwork, info ) !! CHESV computes the solution to a complex system of linear equations !! A * X = B, !! where A is an N-by-N Hermitian matrix and X and B are N-by-NRHS !! matrices. !! The diagonal pivoting method is used to factor A as !! A = U * D * U**H, if UPLO = 'U', or !! A = L * D * L**H, if UPLO = 'L', !! where U (or L) is a product of permutation and unit upper (lower) !! triangular matrices, and D is Hermitian and block diagonal with !! 1-by-1 and 2-by-2 diagonal blocks. The factored form of A is then !! used to solve the system of equations A * X = B. ! -- lapack driver routine -- ! -- lapack is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee, -- ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..-- use stdlib_blas_constants_sp, only: negone, zero, half, one, two, three, four, eight, ten, czero, chalf, cone, cnegone ! Scalar Arguments character, intent(in) :: uplo integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: info integer(${ik}$), intent(in) :: lda, ldb, lwork, n, nrhs ! Array Arguments integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: ipiv(*) complex(sp), intent(inout) :: a(lda,*), b(ldb,*) complex(sp), intent(out) :: work(*) ! ===================================================================== ! Local Scalars logical(lk) :: lquery integer(${ik}$) :: lwkopt, nb ! Intrinsic Functions ! Executable Statements ! test the input parameters. info = 0_${ik}$ lquery = ( lwork==-1_${ik}$ ) if( .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'U' ) .and. .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'L' ) ) then info = -1_${ik}$ else if( n<0_${ik}$ ) then info = -2_${ik}$ else if( nrhs<0_${ik}$ ) then info = -3_${ik}$ else if( lda<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -5_${ik}$ else if( ldb<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -8_${ik}$ else if( lwork<1_${ik}$ .and. .not.lquery ) then info = -10_${ik}$ end if if( info==0_${ik}$ ) then if( n==0_${ik}$ ) then lwkopt = 1_${ik}$ else nb = stdlib${ii}$_ilaenv( 1_${ik}$, 'CHETRF', uplo, n, -1_${ik}$, -1_${ik}$, -1_${ik}$ ) lwkopt = n*nb end if work( 1_${ik}$ ) = lwkopt end if if( info/=0_${ik}$ ) then call stdlib${ii}$_xerbla( 'CHESV ', -info ) return else if( lquery ) then return end if ! compute the factorization a = u*d*u**h or a = l*d*l**h. call stdlib${ii}$_chetrf( uplo, n, a, lda, ipiv, work, lwork, info ) if( info==0_${ik}$ ) then ! solve the system a*x = b, overwriting b with x. if ( lwork<n ) then ! solve with trs ( use level blas 2) call stdlib${ii}$_chetrs( uplo, n, nrhs, a, lda, ipiv, b, ldb, info ) else ! solve with trs2 ( use level blas 3) call stdlib${ii}$_chetrs2( uplo,n,nrhs,a,lda,ipiv,b,ldb,work,info ) end if end if work( 1_${ik}$ ) = lwkopt return end subroutine stdlib${ii}$_chesv pure module subroutine stdlib${ii}$_zhesv( uplo, n, nrhs, a, lda, ipiv, b, ldb, work,lwork, info ) !! ZHESV computes the solution to a complex system of linear equations !! A * X = B, !! where A is an N-by-N Hermitian matrix and X and B are N-by-NRHS !! matrices. !! The diagonal pivoting method is used to factor A as !! A = U * D * U**H, if UPLO = 'U', or !! A = L * D * L**H, if UPLO = 'L', !! where U (or L) is a product of permutation and unit upper (lower) !! triangular matrices, and D is Hermitian and block diagonal with !! 1-by-1 and 2-by-2 diagonal blocks. The factored form of A is then !! used to solve the system of equations A * X = B. ! -- lapack driver routine -- ! -- lapack is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee, -- ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..-- use stdlib_blas_constants_dp, only: negone, zero, half, one, two, three, four, eight, ten, czero, chalf, cone, cnegone ! Scalar Arguments character, intent(in) :: uplo integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: info integer(${ik}$), intent(in) :: lda, ldb, lwork, n, nrhs ! Array Arguments integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: ipiv(*) complex(dp), intent(inout) :: a(lda,*), b(ldb,*) complex(dp), intent(out) :: work(*) ! ===================================================================== ! Local Scalars logical(lk) :: lquery integer(${ik}$) :: lwkopt, nb ! Intrinsic Functions ! Executable Statements ! test the input parameters. info = 0_${ik}$ lquery = ( lwork==-1_${ik}$ ) if( .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'U' ) .and. .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'L' ) ) then info = -1_${ik}$ else if( n<0_${ik}$ ) then info = -2_${ik}$ else if( nrhs<0_${ik}$ ) then info = -3_${ik}$ else if( lda<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -5_${ik}$ else if( ldb<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -8_${ik}$ else if( lwork<1_${ik}$ .and. .not.lquery ) then info = -10_${ik}$ end if if( info==0_${ik}$ ) then if( n==0_${ik}$ ) then lwkopt = 1_${ik}$ else nb = stdlib${ii}$_ilaenv( 1_${ik}$, 'ZHETRF', uplo, n, -1_${ik}$, -1_${ik}$, -1_${ik}$ ) lwkopt = n*nb end if work( 1_${ik}$ ) = lwkopt end if if( info/=0_${ik}$ ) then call stdlib${ii}$_xerbla( 'ZHESV ', -info ) return else if( lquery ) then return end if ! compute the factorization a = u*d*u**h or a = l*d*l**h. call stdlib${ii}$_zhetrf( uplo, n, a, lda, ipiv, work, lwork, info ) if( info==0_${ik}$ ) then ! solve the system a*x = b, overwriting b with x. if ( lwork<n ) then ! solve with trs ( use level blas 2) call stdlib${ii}$_zhetrs( uplo, n, nrhs, a, lda, ipiv, b, ldb, info ) else ! solve with trs2 ( use level blas 3) call stdlib${ii}$_zhetrs2( uplo,n,nrhs,a,lda,ipiv,b,ldb,work,info ) end if end if work( 1_${ik}$ ) = lwkopt return end subroutine stdlib${ii}$_zhesv #:for ck,ct,ci in CMPLX_KINDS_TYPES #:if not ck in ["sp","dp"] pure module subroutine stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$hesv( uplo, n, nrhs, a, lda, ipiv, b, ldb, work,lwork, info ) !! ZHESV: computes the solution to a complex system of linear equations !! A * X = B, !! where A is an N-by-N Hermitian matrix and X and B are N-by-NRHS !! matrices. !! The diagonal pivoting method is used to factor A as !! A = U * D * U**H, if UPLO = 'U', or !! A = L * D * L**H, if UPLO = 'L', !! where U (or L) is a product of permutation and unit upper (lower) !! triangular matrices, and D is Hermitian and block diagonal with !! 1-by-1 and 2-by-2 diagonal blocks. The factored form of A is then !! used to solve the system of equations A * X = B. ! -- lapack driver routine -- ! -- lapack is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee, -- ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..-- use stdlib_blas_constants_${ck}$, only: negone, zero, half, one, two, three, four, eight, ten, czero, chalf, cone, cnegone ! Scalar Arguments character, intent(in) :: uplo integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: info integer(${ik}$), intent(in) :: lda, ldb, lwork, n, nrhs ! Array Arguments integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: ipiv(*) complex(${ck}$), intent(inout) :: a(lda,*), b(ldb,*) complex(${ck}$), intent(out) :: work(*) ! ===================================================================== ! Local Scalars logical(lk) :: lquery integer(${ik}$) :: lwkopt, nb ! Intrinsic Functions ! Executable Statements ! test the input parameters. info = 0_${ik}$ lquery = ( lwork==-1_${ik}$ ) if( .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'U' ) .and. .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'L' ) ) then info = -1_${ik}$ else if( n<0_${ik}$ ) then info = -2_${ik}$ else if( nrhs<0_${ik}$ ) then info = -3_${ik}$ else if( lda<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -5_${ik}$ else if( ldb<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -8_${ik}$ else if( lwork<1_${ik}$ .and. .not.lquery ) then info = -10_${ik}$ end if if( info==0_${ik}$ ) then if( n==0_${ik}$ ) then lwkopt = 1_${ik}$ else nb = stdlib${ii}$_ilaenv( 1_${ik}$, 'ZHETRF', uplo, n, -1_${ik}$, -1_${ik}$, -1_${ik}$ ) lwkopt = n*nb end if work( 1_${ik}$ ) = lwkopt end if if( info/=0_${ik}$ ) then call stdlib${ii}$_xerbla( 'ZHESV ', -info ) return else if( lquery ) then return end if ! compute the factorization a = u*d*u**h or a = l*d*l**h. call stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$hetrf( uplo, n, a, lda, ipiv, work, lwork, info ) if( info==0_${ik}$ ) then ! solve the system a*x = b, overwriting b with x. if ( lwork<n ) then ! solve with trs ( use level blas 2) call stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$hetrs( uplo, n, nrhs, a, lda, ipiv, b, ldb, info ) else ! solve with trs2 ( use level blas 3) call stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$hetrs2( uplo,n,nrhs,a,lda,ipiv,b,ldb,work,info ) end if end if work( 1_${ik}$ ) = lwkopt return end subroutine stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$hesv #:endif #:endfor module subroutine stdlib${ii}$_chesvx( fact, uplo, n, nrhs, a, lda, af, ldaf, ipiv, b,ldb, x, ldx, rcond, & !! CHESVX uses the diagonal pivoting factorization to compute the !! solution to a complex system of linear equations A * X = B, !! where A is an N-by-N Hermitian matrix and X and B are N-by-NRHS !! matrices. !! Error bounds on the solution and a condition estimate are also !! provided. ferr, berr, work, lwork,rwork, info ) ! -- lapack driver routine -- ! -- lapack is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee, -- ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..-- use stdlib_blas_constants_sp, only: negone, zero, half, one, two, three, four, eight, ten, czero, chalf, cone, cnegone ! Scalar Arguments character, intent(in) :: fact, uplo integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: info integer(${ik}$), intent(in) :: lda, ldaf, ldb, ldx, lwork, n, nrhs real(sp), intent(out) :: rcond ! Array Arguments integer(${ik}$), intent(inout) :: ipiv(*) real(sp), intent(out) :: berr(*), ferr(*), rwork(*) complex(sp), intent(in) :: a(lda,*), b(ldb,*) complex(sp), intent(inout) :: af(ldaf,*) complex(sp), intent(out) :: work(*), x(ldx,*) ! ===================================================================== ! Local Scalars logical(lk) :: lquery, nofact integer(${ik}$) :: lwkopt, nb real(sp) :: anorm ! Intrinsic Functions ! Executable Statements ! test the input parameters. info = 0_${ik}$ nofact = stdlib_lsame( fact, 'N' ) lquery = ( lwork==-1_${ik}$ ) if( .not.nofact .and. .not.stdlib_lsame( fact, 'F' ) ) then info = -1_${ik}$ else if( .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'U' ) .and. .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'L' ) )& then info = -2_${ik}$ else if( n<0_${ik}$ ) then info = -3_${ik}$ else if( nrhs<0_${ik}$ ) then info = -4_${ik}$ else if( lda<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -6_${ik}$ else if( ldaf<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -8_${ik}$ else if( ldb<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -11_${ik}$ else if( ldx<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -13_${ik}$ else if( lwork<max( 1_${ik}$, 2_${ik}$*n ) .and. .not.lquery ) then info = -18_${ik}$ end if if( info==0_${ik}$ ) then lwkopt = max( 1_${ik}$, 2_${ik}$*n ) if( nofact ) then nb = stdlib${ii}$_ilaenv( 1_${ik}$, 'CHETRF', uplo, n, -1_${ik}$, -1_${ik}$, -1_${ik}$ ) lwkopt = max( lwkopt, n*nb ) end if work( 1_${ik}$ ) = lwkopt end if if( info/=0_${ik}$ ) then call stdlib${ii}$_xerbla( 'CHESVX', -info ) return else if( lquery ) then return end if if( nofact ) then ! compute the factorization a = u*d*u**h or a = l*d*l**h. call stdlib${ii}$_clacpy( uplo, n, n, a, lda, af, ldaf ) call stdlib${ii}$_chetrf( uplo, n, af, ldaf, ipiv, work, lwork, info ) ! return if info is non-zero. if( info>0_${ik}$ )then rcond = zero return end if end if ! compute the norm of the matrix a. anorm = stdlib${ii}$_clanhe( 'I', uplo, n, a, lda, rwork ) ! compute the reciprocal of the condition number of a. call stdlib${ii}$_checon( uplo, n, af, ldaf, ipiv, anorm, rcond, work, info ) ! compute the solution vectors x. call stdlib${ii}$_clacpy( 'FULL', n, nrhs, b, ldb, x, ldx ) call stdlib${ii}$_chetrs( uplo, n, nrhs, af, ldaf, ipiv, x, ldx, info ) ! use iterative refinement to improve the computed solutions and ! compute error bounds and backward error estimates for them. call stdlib${ii}$_cherfs( uplo, n, nrhs, a, lda, af, ldaf, ipiv, b, ldb, x,ldx, ferr, berr, & work, rwork, info ) ! set info = n+1 if the matrix is singular to working precision. if( rcond<stdlib${ii}$_slamch( 'EPSILON' ) )info = n + 1_${ik}$ work( 1_${ik}$ ) = lwkopt return end subroutine stdlib${ii}$_chesvx module subroutine stdlib${ii}$_zhesvx( fact, uplo, n, nrhs, a, lda, af, ldaf, ipiv, b,ldb, x, ldx, rcond, & !! ZHESVX uses the diagonal pivoting factorization to compute the !! solution to a complex system of linear equations A * X = B, !! where A is an N-by-N Hermitian matrix and X and B are N-by-NRHS !! matrices. !! Error bounds on the solution and a condition estimate are also !! provided. ferr, berr, work, lwork,rwork, info ) ! -- lapack driver routine -- ! -- lapack is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee, -- ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..-- use stdlib_blas_constants_dp, only: negone, zero, half, one, two, three, four, eight, ten, czero, chalf, cone, cnegone ! Scalar Arguments character, intent(in) :: fact, uplo integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: info integer(${ik}$), intent(in) :: lda, ldaf, ldb, ldx, lwork, n, nrhs real(dp), intent(out) :: rcond ! Array Arguments integer(${ik}$), intent(inout) :: ipiv(*) real(dp), intent(out) :: berr(*), ferr(*), rwork(*) complex(dp), intent(in) :: a(lda,*), b(ldb,*) complex(dp), intent(inout) :: af(ldaf,*) complex(dp), intent(out) :: work(*), x(ldx,*) ! ===================================================================== ! Local Scalars logical(lk) :: lquery, nofact integer(${ik}$) :: lwkopt, nb real(dp) :: anorm ! Intrinsic Functions ! Executable Statements ! test the input parameters. info = 0_${ik}$ nofact = stdlib_lsame( fact, 'N' ) lquery = ( lwork==-1_${ik}$ ) if( .not.nofact .and. .not.stdlib_lsame( fact, 'F' ) ) then info = -1_${ik}$ else if( .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'U' ) .and. .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'L' ) )& then info = -2_${ik}$ else if( n<0_${ik}$ ) then info = -3_${ik}$ else if( nrhs<0_${ik}$ ) then info = -4_${ik}$ else if( lda<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -6_${ik}$ else if( ldaf<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -8_${ik}$ else if( ldb<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -11_${ik}$ else if( ldx<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -13_${ik}$ else if( lwork<max( 1_${ik}$, 2_${ik}$*n ) .and. .not.lquery ) then info = -18_${ik}$ end if if( info==0_${ik}$ ) then lwkopt = max( 1_${ik}$, 2_${ik}$*n ) if( nofact ) then nb = stdlib${ii}$_ilaenv( 1_${ik}$, 'ZHETRF', uplo, n, -1_${ik}$, -1_${ik}$, -1_${ik}$ ) lwkopt = max( lwkopt, n*nb ) end if work( 1_${ik}$ ) = lwkopt end if if( info/=0_${ik}$ ) then call stdlib${ii}$_xerbla( 'ZHESVX', -info ) return else if( lquery ) then return end if if( nofact ) then ! compute the factorization a = u*d*u**h or a = l*d*l**h. call stdlib${ii}$_zlacpy( uplo, n, n, a, lda, af, ldaf ) call stdlib${ii}$_zhetrf( uplo, n, af, ldaf, ipiv, work, lwork, info ) ! return if info is non-zero. if( info>0_${ik}$ )then rcond = zero return end if end if ! compute the norm of the matrix a. anorm = stdlib${ii}$_zlanhe( 'I', uplo, n, a, lda, rwork ) ! compute the reciprocal of the condition number of a. call stdlib${ii}$_zhecon( uplo, n, af, ldaf, ipiv, anorm, rcond, work, info ) ! compute the solution vectors x. call stdlib${ii}$_zlacpy( 'FULL', n, nrhs, b, ldb, x, ldx ) call stdlib${ii}$_zhetrs( uplo, n, nrhs, af, ldaf, ipiv, x, ldx, info ) ! use iterative refinement to improve the computed solutions and ! compute error bounds and backward error estimates for them. call stdlib${ii}$_zherfs( uplo, n, nrhs, a, lda, af, ldaf, ipiv, b, ldb, x,ldx, ferr, berr, & work, rwork, info ) ! set info = n+1 if the matrix is singular to working precision. if( rcond<stdlib${ii}$_dlamch( 'EPSILON' ) )info = n + 1_${ik}$ work( 1_${ik}$ ) = lwkopt return end subroutine stdlib${ii}$_zhesvx #:for ck,ct,ci in CMPLX_KINDS_TYPES #:if not ck in ["sp","dp"] module subroutine stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$hesvx( fact, uplo, n, nrhs, a, lda, af, ldaf, ipiv, b,ldb, x, ldx, rcond, & !! ZHESVX: uses the diagonal pivoting factorization to compute the !! solution to a complex system of linear equations A * X = B, !! where A is an N-by-N Hermitian matrix and X and B are N-by-NRHS !! matrices. !! Error bounds on the solution and a condition estimate are also !! provided. ferr, berr, work, lwork,rwork, info ) ! -- lapack driver routine -- ! -- lapack is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee, -- ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..-- use stdlib_blas_constants_${ck}$, only: negone, zero, half, one, two, three, four, eight, ten, czero, chalf, cone, cnegone ! Scalar Arguments character, intent(in) :: fact, uplo integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: info integer(${ik}$), intent(in) :: lda, ldaf, ldb, ldx, lwork, n, nrhs real(${ck}$), intent(out) :: rcond ! Array Arguments integer(${ik}$), intent(inout) :: ipiv(*) real(${ck}$), intent(out) :: berr(*), ferr(*), rwork(*) complex(${ck}$), intent(in) :: a(lda,*), b(ldb,*) complex(${ck}$), intent(inout) :: af(ldaf,*) complex(${ck}$), intent(out) :: work(*), x(ldx,*) ! ===================================================================== ! Local Scalars logical(lk) :: lquery, nofact integer(${ik}$) :: lwkopt, nb real(${ck}$) :: anorm ! Intrinsic Functions ! Executable Statements ! test the input parameters. info = 0_${ik}$ nofact = stdlib_lsame( fact, 'N' ) lquery = ( lwork==-1_${ik}$ ) if( .not.nofact .and. .not.stdlib_lsame( fact, 'F' ) ) then info = -1_${ik}$ else if( .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'U' ) .and. .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'L' ) )& then info = -2_${ik}$ else if( n<0_${ik}$ ) then info = -3_${ik}$ else if( nrhs<0_${ik}$ ) then info = -4_${ik}$ else if( lda<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -6_${ik}$ else if( ldaf<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -8_${ik}$ else if( ldb<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -11_${ik}$ else if( ldx<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -13_${ik}$ else if( lwork<max( 1_${ik}$, 2_${ik}$*n ) .and. .not.lquery ) then info = -18_${ik}$ end if if( info==0_${ik}$ ) then lwkopt = max( 1_${ik}$, 2_${ik}$*n ) if( nofact ) then nb = stdlib${ii}$_ilaenv( 1_${ik}$, 'ZHETRF', uplo, n, -1_${ik}$, -1_${ik}$, -1_${ik}$ ) lwkopt = max( lwkopt, n*nb ) end if work( 1_${ik}$ ) = lwkopt end if if( info/=0_${ik}$ ) then call stdlib${ii}$_xerbla( 'ZHESVX', -info ) return else if( lquery ) then return end if if( nofact ) then ! compute the factorization a = u*d*u**h or a = l*d*l**h. call stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$lacpy( uplo, n, n, a, lda, af, ldaf ) call stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$hetrf( uplo, n, af, ldaf, ipiv, work, lwork, info ) ! return if info is non-zero. if( info>0_${ik}$ )then rcond = zero return end if end if ! compute the norm of the matrix a. anorm = stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$lanhe( 'I', uplo, n, a, lda, rwork ) ! compute the reciprocal of the condition number of a. call stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$hecon( uplo, n, af, ldaf, ipiv, anorm, rcond, work, info ) ! compute the solution vectors x. call stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$lacpy( 'FULL', n, nrhs, b, ldb, x, ldx ) call stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$hetrs( uplo, n, nrhs, af, ldaf, ipiv, x, ldx, info ) ! use iterative refinement to improve the computed solutions and ! compute error bounds and backward error estimates for them. call stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$herfs( uplo, n, nrhs, a, lda, af, ldaf, ipiv, b, ldb, x,ldx, ferr, berr, & work, rwork, info ) ! set info = n+1 if the matrix is singular to working precision. if( rcond<stdlib${ii}$_${c2ri(ci)}$lamch( 'EPSILON' ) )info = n + 1_${ik}$ work( 1_${ik}$ ) = lwkopt return end subroutine stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$hesvx #:endif #:endfor pure module subroutine stdlib${ii}$_chesv_rk( uplo, n, nrhs, a, lda, e, ipiv, b, ldb, work,lwork, info ) !! CHESV_RK computes the solution to a complex system of linear !! equations A * X = B, where A is an N-by-N Hermitian matrix !! and X and B are N-by-NRHS matrices. !! The bounded Bunch-Kaufman (rook) diagonal pivoting method is used !! to factor A as !! A = P*U*D*(U**H)*(P**T), if UPLO = 'U', or !! A = P*L*D*(L**H)*(P**T), if UPLO = 'L', !! where U (or L) is unit upper (or lower) triangular matrix, !! U**H (or L**H) is the conjugate of U (or L), P is a permutation !! matrix, P**T is the transpose of P, and D is Hermitian and block !! diagonal with 1-by-1 and 2-by-2 diagonal blocks. !! CHETRF_RK is called to compute the factorization of a complex !! Hermitian matrix. The factored form of A is then used to solve !! the system of equations A * X = B by calling BLAS3 routine CHETRS_3. ! -- lapack driver routine -- ! -- lapack is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee, -- ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..-- use stdlib_blas_constants_sp, only: negone, zero, half, one, two, three, four, eight, ten, czero, chalf, cone, cnegone ! Scalar Arguments character, intent(in) :: uplo integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: info integer(${ik}$), intent(in) :: lda, ldb, lwork, n, nrhs ! Array Arguments integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: ipiv(*) complex(sp), intent(inout) :: a(lda,*), b(ldb,*) complex(sp), intent(out) :: e(*), work(*) ! ===================================================================== ! Local Scalars logical(lk) :: lquery integer(${ik}$) :: lwkopt ! Intrinsic Functions ! Executable Statements ! test the input parameters. info = 0_${ik}$ lquery = ( lwork==-1_${ik}$ ) if( .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'U' ) .and. .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'L' ) ) then info = -1_${ik}$ else if( n<0_${ik}$ ) then info = -2_${ik}$ else if( nrhs<0_${ik}$ ) then info = -3_${ik}$ else if( lda<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -5_${ik}$ else if( ldb<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -9_${ik}$ else if( lwork<1_${ik}$ .and. .not.lquery ) then info = -11_${ik}$ end if if( info==0_${ik}$ ) then if( n==0_${ik}$ ) then lwkopt = 1_${ik}$ else call stdlib${ii}$_chetrf_rk( uplo, n, a, lda, e, ipiv, work, -1_${ik}$, info ) lwkopt = real( work(1_${ik}$),KIND=sp) end if work( 1_${ik}$ ) = lwkopt end if if( info/=0_${ik}$ ) then call stdlib${ii}$_xerbla( 'CHESV_RK ', -info ) return else if( lquery ) then return end if ! compute the factorization a = u*d*u**t or a = l*d*l**t. call stdlib${ii}$_chetrf_rk( uplo, n, a, lda, e, ipiv, work, lwork, info ) if( info==0_${ik}$ ) then ! solve the system a*x = b with blas3 solver, overwriting b with x. call stdlib${ii}$_chetrs_3( uplo, n, nrhs, a, lda, e, ipiv, b, ldb, info ) end if work( 1_${ik}$ ) = lwkopt return end subroutine stdlib${ii}$_chesv_rk pure module subroutine stdlib${ii}$_zhesv_rk( uplo, n, nrhs, a, lda, e, ipiv, b, ldb, work,lwork, info ) !! ZHESV_RK computes the solution to a complex system of linear !! equations A * X = B, where A is an N-by-N Hermitian matrix !! and X and B are N-by-NRHS matrices. !! The bounded Bunch-Kaufman (rook) diagonal pivoting method is used !! to factor A as !! A = P*U*D*(U**H)*(P**T), if UPLO = 'U', or !! A = P*L*D*(L**H)*(P**T), if UPLO = 'L', !! where U (or L) is unit upper (or lower) triangular matrix, !! U**H (or L**H) is the conjugate of U (or L), P is a permutation !! matrix, P**T is the transpose of P, and D is Hermitian and block !! diagonal with 1-by-1 and 2-by-2 diagonal blocks. !! ZHETRF_RK is called to compute the factorization of a complex !! Hermitian matrix. The factored form of A is then used to solve !! the system of equations A * X = B by calling BLAS3 routine ZHETRS_3. ! -- lapack driver routine -- ! -- lapack is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee, -- ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..-- use stdlib_blas_constants_dp, only: negone, zero, half, one, two, three, four, eight, ten, czero, chalf, cone, cnegone ! Scalar Arguments character, intent(in) :: uplo integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: info integer(${ik}$), intent(in) :: lda, ldb, lwork, n, nrhs ! Array Arguments integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: ipiv(*) complex(dp), intent(inout) :: a(lda,*), b(ldb,*) complex(dp), intent(out) :: e(*), work(*) ! ===================================================================== ! Local Scalars logical(lk) :: lquery integer(${ik}$) :: lwkopt ! Intrinsic Functions ! Executable Statements ! test the input parameters. info = 0_${ik}$ lquery = ( lwork==-1_${ik}$ ) if( .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'U' ) .and. .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'L' ) ) then info = -1_${ik}$ else if( n<0_${ik}$ ) then info = -2_${ik}$ else if( nrhs<0_${ik}$ ) then info = -3_${ik}$ else if( lda<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -5_${ik}$ else if( ldb<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -9_${ik}$ else if( lwork<1_${ik}$ .and. .not.lquery ) then info = -11_${ik}$ end if if( info==0_${ik}$ ) then if( n==0_${ik}$ ) then lwkopt = 1_${ik}$ else call stdlib${ii}$_zhetrf_rk( uplo, n, a, lda, e, ipiv, work, -1_${ik}$, info ) lwkopt = real( work(1_${ik}$),KIND=dp) end if work( 1_${ik}$ ) = lwkopt end if if( info/=0_${ik}$ ) then call stdlib${ii}$_xerbla( 'ZHESV_RK ', -info ) return else if( lquery ) then return end if ! compute the factorization a = p*u*d*(u**h)*(p**t) or ! a = p*u*d*(u**h)*(p**t). call stdlib${ii}$_zhetrf_rk( uplo, n, a, lda, e, ipiv, work, lwork, info ) if( info==0_${ik}$ ) then ! solve the system a*x = b with blas3 solver, overwriting b with x. call stdlib${ii}$_zhetrs_3( uplo, n, nrhs, a, lda, e, ipiv, b, ldb, info ) end if work( 1_${ik}$ ) = lwkopt return end subroutine stdlib${ii}$_zhesv_rk #:for ck,ct,ci in CMPLX_KINDS_TYPES #:if not ck in ["sp","dp"] pure module subroutine stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$hesv_rk( uplo, n, nrhs, a, lda, e, ipiv, b, ldb, work,lwork, info ) !! ZHESV_RK: computes the solution to a complex system of linear !! equations A * X = B, where A is an N-by-N Hermitian matrix !! and X and B are N-by-NRHS matrices. !! The bounded Bunch-Kaufman (rook) diagonal pivoting method is used !! to factor A as !! A = P*U*D*(U**H)*(P**T), if UPLO = 'U', or !! A = P*L*D*(L**H)*(P**T), if UPLO = 'L', !! where U (or L) is unit upper (or lower) triangular matrix, !! U**H (or L**H) is the conjugate of U (or L), P is a permutation !! matrix, P**T is the transpose of P, and D is Hermitian and block !! diagonal with 1-by-1 and 2-by-2 diagonal blocks. !! ZHETRF_RK is called to compute the factorization of a complex !! Hermitian matrix. The factored form of A is then used to solve !! the system of equations A * X = B by calling BLAS3 routine ZHETRS_3. ! -- lapack driver routine -- ! -- lapack is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee, -- ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..-- use stdlib_blas_constants_${ck}$, only: negone, zero, half, one, two, three, four, eight, ten, czero, chalf, cone, cnegone ! Scalar Arguments character, intent(in) :: uplo integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: info integer(${ik}$), intent(in) :: lda, ldb, lwork, n, nrhs ! Array Arguments integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: ipiv(*) complex(${ck}$), intent(inout) :: a(lda,*), b(ldb,*) complex(${ck}$), intent(out) :: e(*), work(*) ! ===================================================================== ! Local Scalars logical(lk) :: lquery integer(${ik}$) :: lwkopt ! Intrinsic Functions ! Executable Statements ! test the input parameters. info = 0_${ik}$ lquery = ( lwork==-1_${ik}$ ) if( .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'U' ) .and. .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'L' ) ) then info = -1_${ik}$ else if( n<0_${ik}$ ) then info = -2_${ik}$ else if( nrhs<0_${ik}$ ) then info = -3_${ik}$ else if( lda<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -5_${ik}$ else if( ldb<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -9_${ik}$ else if( lwork<1_${ik}$ .and. .not.lquery ) then info = -11_${ik}$ end if if( info==0_${ik}$ ) then if( n==0_${ik}$ ) then lwkopt = 1_${ik}$ else call stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$hetrf_rk( uplo, n, a, lda, e, ipiv, work, -1_${ik}$, info ) lwkopt = real( work(1_${ik}$),KIND=${ck}$) end if work( 1_${ik}$ ) = lwkopt end if if( info/=0_${ik}$ ) then call stdlib${ii}$_xerbla( 'ZHESV_RK ', -info ) return else if( lquery ) then return end if ! compute the factorization a = p*u*d*(u**h)*(p**t) or ! a = p*u*d*(u**h)*(p**t). call stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$hetrf_rk( uplo, n, a, lda, e, ipiv, work, lwork, info ) if( info==0_${ik}$ ) then ! solve the system a*x = b with blas3 solver, overwriting b with x. call stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$hetrs_3( uplo, n, nrhs, a, lda, e, ipiv, b, ldb, info ) end if work( 1_${ik}$ ) = lwkopt return end subroutine stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$hesv_rk #:endif #:endfor pure module subroutine stdlib${ii}$_chesv_rook( uplo, n, nrhs, a, lda, ipiv, b, ldb, work,lwork, info ) !! CHESV_ROOK computes the solution to a complex system of linear equations !! A * X = B, !! where A is an N-by-N Hermitian matrix and X and B are N-by-NRHS !! matrices. !! The bounded Bunch-Kaufman ("rook") diagonal pivoting method is used !! to factor A as !! A = U * D * U**T, if UPLO = 'U', or !! A = L * D * L**T, if UPLO = 'L', !! where U (or L) is a product of permutation and unit upper (lower) !! triangular matrices, and D is Hermitian and block diagonal with !! 1-by-1 and 2-by-2 diagonal blocks. !! CHETRF_ROOK is called to compute the factorization of a complex !! Hermition matrix A using the bounded Bunch-Kaufman ("rook") diagonal !! pivoting method. !! The factored form of A is then used to solve the system !! of equations A * X = B by calling CHETRS_ROOK (uses BLAS 2). ! -- lapack driver routine -- ! -- lapack is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee, -- ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..-- use stdlib_blas_constants_sp, only: negone, zero, half, one, two, three, four, eight, ten, czero, chalf, cone, cnegone ! Scalar Arguments character, intent(in) :: uplo integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: info integer(${ik}$), intent(in) :: lda, ldb, lwork, n, nrhs ! Array Arguments integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: ipiv(*) complex(sp), intent(inout) :: a(lda,*), b(ldb,*) complex(sp), intent(out) :: work(*) ! ===================================================================== ! Local Scalars logical(lk) :: lquery integer(${ik}$) :: lwkopt, nb ! Intrinsic Functions ! Executable Statements ! test the input parameters. info = 0_${ik}$ lquery = ( lwork==-1_${ik}$ ) if( .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'U' ) .and. .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'L' ) ) then info = -1_${ik}$ else if( n<0_${ik}$ ) then info = -2_${ik}$ else if( nrhs<0_${ik}$ ) then info = -3_${ik}$ else if( lda<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -5_${ik}$ else if( ldb<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -8_${ik}$ else if( lwork<1_${ik}$ .and. .not.lquery ) then info = -10_${ik}$ end if if( info==0_${ik}$ ) then if( n==0_${ik}$ ) then lwkopt = 1_${ik}$ else nb = stdlib${ii}$_ilaenv( 1_${ik}$, 'CHETRF_ROOK', uplo, n, -1_${ik}$, -1_${ik}$, -1_${ik}$ ) lwkopt = n*nb end if work( 1_${ik}$ ) = lwkopt end if if( info/=0_${ik}$ ) then call stdlib${ii}$_xerbla( 'CHESV_ROOK ', -info ) return else if( lquery ) then return end if ! compute the factorization a = u*d*u**h or a = l*d*l**h. call stdlib${ii}$_chetrf_rook( uplo, n, a, lda, ipiv, work, lwork, info ) if( info==0_${ik}$ ) then ! solve the system a*x = b, overwriting b with x. ! solve with trs ( use level blas 2) call stdlib${ii}$_chetrs_rook( uplo, n, nrhs, a, lda, ipiv, b, ldb, info ) end if work( 1_${ik}$ ) = lwkopt return end subroutine stdlib${ii}$_chesv_rook pure module subroutine stdlib${ii}$_zhesv_rook( uplo, n, nrhs, a, lda, ipiv, b, ldb, work,lwork, info ) !! ZHESV_ROOK computes the solution to a complex system of linear equations !! A * X = B, !! where A is an N-by-N Hermitian matrix and X and B are N-by-NRHS !! matrices. !! The bounded Bunch-Kaufman ("rook") diagonal pivoting method is used !! to factor A as !! A = U * D * U**T, if UPLO = 'U', or !! A = L * D * L**T, if UPLO = 'L', !! where U (or L) is a product of permutation and unit upper (lower) !! triangular matrices, and D is Hermitian and block diagonal with !! 1-by-1 and 2-by-2 diagonal blocks. !! ZHETRF_ROOK is called to compute the factorization of a complex !! Hermition matrix A using the bounded Bunch-Kaufman ("rook") diagonal !! pivoting method. !! The factored form of A is then used to solve the system !! of equations A * X = B by calling ZHETRS_ROOK (uses BLAS 2). ! -- lapack driver routine -- ! -- lapack is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee, -- ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..-- use stdlib_blas_constants_dp, only: negone, zero, half, one, two, three, four, eight, ten, czero, chalf, cone, cnegone ! Scalar Arguments character, intent(in) :: uplo integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: info integer(${ik}$), intent(in) :: lda, ldb, lwork, n, nrhs ! Array Arguments integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: ipiv(*) complex(dp), intent(inout) :: a(lda,*), b(ldb,*) complex(dp), intent(out) :: work(*) ! ===================================================================== ! Local Scalars logical(lk) :: lquery integer(${ik}$) :: lwkopt, nb ! Intrinsic Functions ! Executable Statements ! test the input parameters. info = 0_${ik}$ lquery = ( lwork==-1_${ik}$ ) if( .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'U' ) .and. .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'L' ) ) then info = -1_${ik}$ else if( n<0_${ik}$ ) then info = -2_${ik}$ else if( nrhs<0_${ik}$ ) then info = -3_${ik}$ else if( lda<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -5_${ik}$ else if( ldb<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -8_${ik}$ else if( lwork<1_${ik}$ .and. .not.lquery ) then info = -10_${ik}$ end if if( info==0_${ik}$ ) then if( n==0_${ik}$ ) then lwkopt = 1_${ik}$ else nb = stdlib${ii}$_ilaenv( 1_${ik}$, 'ZHETRF_ROOK', uplo, n, -1_${ik}$, -1_${ik}$, -1_${ik}$ ) lwkopt = n*nb end if work( 1_${ik}$ ) = lwkopt end if if( info/=0_${ik}$ ) then call stdlib${ii}$_xerbla( 'ZHESV_ROOK ', -info ) return else if( lquery ) then return end if ! compute the factorization a = u*d*u**h or a = l*d*l**h. call stdlib${ii}$_zhetrf_rook( uplo, n, a, lda, ipiv, work, lwork, info ) if( info==0_${ik}$ ) then ! solve the system a*x = b, overwriting b with x. ! solve with trs ( use level blas 2) call stdlib${ii}$_zhetrs_rook( uplo, n, nrhs, a, lda, ipiv, b, ldb, info ) end if work( 1_${ik}$ ) = lwkopt return end subroutine stdlib${ii}$_zhesv_rook #:for ck,ct,ci in CMPLX_KINDS_TYPES #:if not ck in ["sp","dp"] pure module subroutine stdlib${ii}$_${ci}$hesv_rook( uplo, n, nrhs, a, lda, ipiv, b, ldb, work,lwork, info ) !! ZHESV_ROOK: computes the solution to a complex system of linear equations !! A * X = B, !! where A is an N-by-N Hermitian matrix and X and B are N-by-NRHS !! matrices. !! The bounded Bunch-Kaufman ("rook") diagonal pivoting method is used !! to factor A as !! A = U * D * U**T, if UPLO = 'U', or !! A = L * D * L**T, if UPLO = 'L', !! where U (or L) is a product of permutation and unit upper (lower) !! triangular matrices, and D is Hermitian and block diagonal with !! 1-by-1 and 2-by-2 diagonal blocks. !! ZHETRF_ROOK is called to compute the factorization of a complex !! Hermition matrix A using the bounded Bunch-Kaufman ("rook") diagonal !! pivoting method. !! The factored form of A is then used to solve the system !! of equations A * X = B by calling ZHETRS_ROOK (uses BLAS 2). ! -- lapack driver routine -- ! -- lapack is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee, -- ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..-- use stdlib_blas_constants_${ck}$, only: negone, zero, half, one, two, three, four, eight, ten, czero, chalf, cone, cnegone ! Scalar Arguments character, intent(in) :: uplo integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: info integer(${ik}$), intent(in) :: lda, ldb, lwork, n, nrhs ! Array Arguments integer(${ik}$), intent(out) :: ipiv(*) complex(${ck}$), intent(inout) :: a(lda,*), b(ldb,*) complex(${ck}$), intent(out) :: work(*) ! ===================================================================== ! Local Scalars logical(lk) :: lquery integer(${ik}$) :: lwkopt, nb ! Intrinsic Functions ! Executable Statements ! test the input parameters. info = 0_${ik}$ lquery = ( lwork==-1_${ik}$ ) if( .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'U' ) .and. .not.stdlib_lsame( uplo, 'L' ) ) then info = -1_${ik}$ else if( n<0_${ik}$ ) then info = -2_${ik}$ else if( nrhs<0_${ik}$ ) then info = -3_${ik}$ else if( lda<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -5_${ik}$ else if( ldb<max( 1_${ik}$, n ) ) then info = -8_${ik}$ else if( lwork<1_${ik}$ .and. .not.lquery ) then info = -10_${ik}$ end if if( info==0_${ik}$ ) then if( n==0_${ik}$ ) then lwkopt = 1_${ik}$ else nb = stdlib${ii}$_ilaenv( 1_${ik}$, 'ZHETRF_ROOK', uplo, n, -1_${ik}$, -1_${ik}$, -1_${ik}$ ) lwkopt = n*nb end if work( 1_${ik}$ ) = lwkopt end if if( info