stdlib_linalg_blas_d.fypp Source File

Source Code

#:include "common.fypp" 
module stdlib_linalg_blas_d
     use stdlib_linalg_constants
     use stdlib_linalg_blas_aux
     use stdlib_linalg_blas_s
     use stdlib_linalg_blas_c
     implicit none(type,external)

     public :: sp,dp,qp,lk,ilp
     public :: stdlib_dasum
     public :: stdlib_daxpy
     public :: stdlib_dcopy
     public :: stdlib_ddot
     public :: stdlib_dgbmv
     public :: stdlib_dgemm
     public :: stdlib_dgemv
     public :: stdlib_dger
     public :: stdlib_dnrm2
     public :: stdlib_drot
     public :: stdlib_drotg
     public :: stdlib_drotm
     public :: stdlib_drotmg
     public :: stdlib_dsbmv
     public :: stdlib_dscal
     public :: stdlib_dsdot
     public :: stdlib_dspmv
     public :: stdlib_dspr
     public :: stdlib_dspr2
     public :: stdlib_dswap
     public :: stdlib_dsymm
     public :: stdlib_dsymv
     public :: stdlib_dsyr
     public :: stdlib_dsyr2
     public :: stdlib_dsyr2k
     public :: stdlib_dsyrk
     public :: stdlib_dtbmv
     public :: stdlib_dtbsv
     public :: stdlib_dtpmv
     public :: stdlib_dtpsv
     public :: stdlib_dtrmm
     public :: stdlib_dtrmv
     public :: stdlib_dtrsm
     public :: stdlib_dtrsv
     public :: stdlib_dzasum
     public :: stdlib_dznrm2

     ! 64-bit real constants 
     real(dp),    parameter, private ::     negone = -1.00_dp
     real(dp),    parameter, private ::       zero = 0.00_dp
     real(dp),    parameter, private ::       half = 0.50_dp
     real(dp),    parameter, private ::        one = 1.00_dp
     real(dp),    parameter, private ::        two = 2.00_dp
     real(dp),    parameter, private ::      three = 3.00_dp
     real(dp),    parameter, private ::       four = 4.00_dp
     real(dp),    parameter, private ::      eight = 8.00_dp
     real(dp),    parameter, private ::        ten = 10.00_dp

     ! 64-bit complex constants 
     complex(dp), parameter, private :: czero   = ( 0.0_dp,0.0_dp)
     complex(dp), parameter, private :: chalf   = ( 0.5_dp,0.0_dp)
     complex(dp), parameter, private :: cone    = ( 1.0_dp,0.0_dp)
     complex(dp), parameter, private :: cnegone = (-1.0_dp,0.0_dp)

     ! 64-bit scaling constants 
     integer,     parameter, private :: maxexp = maxexponent(zero) 
     integer,     parameter, private :: minexp = minexponent(zero) 
     real(dp),    parameter, private :: rradix = real(radix(zero),dp) 
     real(dp),    parameter, private :: ulp    = epsilon(zero) 
     real(dp),    parameter, private :: eps    = ulp*half 
     real(dp),    parameter, private :: safmin = rradix**max(minexp-1,1-maxexp) 
     real(dp),    parameter, private :: safmax = one/safmin 
     real(dp),    parameter, private :: smlnum = safmin/ulp 
     real(dp),    parameter, private :: bignum = safmax*ulp 
     real(dp),    parameter, private :: rtmin  = sqrt(smlnum) 
     real(dp),    parameter, private :: rtmax  = sqrt(bignum) 

     ! 64-bit Blue's scaling constants 
     ! ssml>=1/s and sbig==1/S with s,S as defined in 
     real(dp),    parameter, private :: tsml   = rradix**ceiling((minexp-1)*half) 
     real(dp),    parameter, private :: tbig   = rradix**floor((maxexp-digits(zero)+1)*half) 
     real(dp),    parameter, private :: ssml   = rradix**(-floor((minexp-digits(zero))*half)) 
     real(dp),    parameter, private :: sbig   = rradix**(-ceiling((maxexp+digits(zero)-1)*half)) 


     pure real(dp) function stdlib_dasum(n,dx,incx)
     !! DASUM takes the sum of the absolute values.
        ! -- reference blas level1 routine --
        ! -- reference blas is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee,    --
        ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..--
           ! Scalar Arguments 
           integer(ilp), intent(in) :: incx, n
           ! Array Arguments 
           real(dp), intent(in) :: dx(*)
        ! =====================================================================
           ! Local Scalars 
           real(dp) :: dtemp
           integer(ilp) :: i, m, mp1, nincx
           ! Intrinsic Functions 
           intrinsic :: abs,mod
           stdlib_dasum = zero
           dtemp = zero
           if (n<=0 .or. incx<=0) return
           if (incx==1) then
              ! code for increment equal to 1
              ! clean-up loop
              m = mod(n,6)
              if (m/=0) then
                 do i = 1,m
                    dtemp = dtemp + abs(dx(i))
                 end do
                 if (n<6) then
                    stdlib_dasum = dtemp
                 end if
              end if
              mp1 = m + 1
              do i = mp1,n,6
                 dtemp = dtemp + abs(dx(i)) + abs(dx(i+1)) +abs(dx(i+2)) + abs(dx(i+3)) +abs(dx(i+&
                           4)) + abs(dx(i+5))
              end do
              ! code for increment not equal to 1
              nincx = n*incx
              do i = 1,nincx,incx
                 dtemp = dtemp + abs(dx(i))
              end do
           end if
           stdlib_dasum = dtemp
     end function stdlib_dasum

     pure subroutine stdlib_daxpy(n,da,dx,incx,dy,incy)
     !! DAXPY constant times a vector plus a vector.
     !! uses unrolled loops for increments equal to one.
        ! -- reference blas level1 routine --
        ! -- reference blas is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee,    --
        ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..--
           ! Scalar Arguments 
           real(dp), intent(in) :: da
           integer(ilp), intent(in) :: incx, incy, n
           ! Array Arguments 
           real(dp), intent(in) :: dx(*)
           real(dp), intent(inout) :: dy(*)
        ! =====================================================================
           ! Local Scalars 
           integer(ilp) :: i, ix, iy, m, mp1
           ! Intrinsic Functions 
           intrinsic :: mod
           if (n<=0) return
           if (da==0.0_dp) return
           if (incx==1 .and. incy==1) then
              ! code for both increments equal to 1
              ! clean-up loop
              m = mod(n,4)
              if (m/=0) then
                 do i = 1,m
                    dy(i) = dy(i) + da*dx(i)
                 end do
              end if
              if (n<4) return
              mp1 = m + 1
              do i = mp1,n,4
                 dy(i) = dy(i) + da*dx(i)
                 dy(i+1) = dy(i+1) + da*dx(i+1)
                 dy(i+2) = dy(i+2) + da*dx(i+2)
                 dy(i+3) = dy(i+3) + da*dx(i+3)
              end do
              ! code for unequal increments or equal increments
                ! not equal to 1
              ix = 1
              iy = 1
              if (incx<0) ix = (-n+1)*incx + 1
              if (incy<0) iy = (-n+1)*incy + 1
              do i = 1,n
               dy(iy) = dy(iy) + da*dx(ix)
               ix = ix + incx
               iy = iy + incy
              end do
           end if
     end subroutine stdlib_daxpy

     pure subroutine stdlib_dcopy(n,dx,incx,dy,incy)
     !! DCOPY copies a vector, x, to a vector, y.
     !! uses unrolled loops for increments equal to 1.
        ! -- reference blas level1 routine --
        ! -- reference blas is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee,    --
        ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..--
           ! Scalar Arguments 
           integer(ilp), intent(in) :: incx, incy, n
           ! Array Arguments 
           real(dp), intent(in) :: dx(*)
           real(dp), intent(out) :: dy(*)
        ! =====================================================================
           ! Local Scalars 
           integer(ilp) :: i, ix, iy, m, mp1
           ! Intrinsic Functions 
           intrinsic :: mod
           if (n<=0) return
           if (incx==1 .and. incy==1) then
              ! code for both increments equal to 1
              ! clean-up loop
              m = mod(n,7)
              if (m/=0) then
                 do i = 1,m
                    dy(i) = dx(i)
                 end do
                 if (n<7) return
              end if
              mp1 = m + 1
              do i = mp1,n,7
                 dy(i) = dx(i)
                 dy(i+1) = dx(i+1)
                 dy(i+2) = dx(i+2)
                 dy(i+3) = dx(i+3)
                 dy(i+4) = dx(i+4)
                 dy(i+5) = dx(i+5)
                 dy(i+6) = dx(i+6)
              end do
              ! code for unequal increments or equal increments
                ! not equal to 1
              ix = 1
              iy = 1
              if (incx<0) ix = (-n+1)*incx + 1
              if (incy<0) iy = (-n+1)*incy + 1
              do i = 1,n
                 dy(iy) = dx(ix)
                 ix = ix + incx
                 iy = iy + incy
              end do
           end if
     end subroutine stdlib_dcopy

     pure real(dp) function stdlib_ddot(n,dx,incx,dy,incy)
     !! DDOT forms the dot product of two vectors.
     !! uses unrolled loops for increments equal to one.
        ! -- reference blas level1 routine --
        ! -- reference blas is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee,    --
        ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..--
           ! Scalar Arguments 
           integer(ilp), intent(in) :: incx, incy, n
           ! Array Arguments 
           real(dp), intent(in) :: dx(*), dy(*)
        ! =====================================================================
           ! Local Scalars 
           real(dp) :: dtemp
           integer(ilp) :: i, ix, iy, m, mp1
           ! Intrinsic Functions 
           intrinsic :: mod
           stdlib_ddot = zero
           dtemp = zero
           if (n<=0) return
           if (incx==1 .and. incy==1) then
              ! code for both increments equal to 1
              ! clean-up loop
              m = mod(n,5)
              if (m/=0) then
                 do i = 1,m
                    dtemp = dtemp + dx(i)*dy(i)
                 end do
                 if (n<5) then
                 end if
              end if
              mp1 = m + 1
              do i = mp1,n,5
               dtemp = dtemp + dx(i)*dy(i) + dx(i+1)*dy(i+1) +dx(i+2)*dy(i+2) + dx(i+3)*dy(i+3) + &
              end do
              ! code for unequal increments or equal increments
                ! not equal to 1
              ix = 1
              iy = 1
              if (incx<0) ix = (-n+1)*incx + 1
              if (incy<0) iy = (-n+1)*incy + 1
              do i = 1,n
                 dtemp = dtemp + dx(ix)*dy(iy)
                 ix = ix + incx
                 iy = iy + incy
              end do
           end if
           stdlib_ddot = dtemp
     end function stdlib_ddot

     pure subroutine stdlib_dgbmv(trans,m,n,kl,ku,alpha,a,lda,x,incx,beta,y,incy)
     !! DGBMV performs one of the matrix-vector operations
     !! y := alpha*A*x + beta*y,   or   y := alpha*A**T*x + beta*y,
     !! where alpha and beta are scalars, x and y are vectors and A is an
     !! m by n band matrix, with kl sub-diagonals and ku super-diagonals.
        ! -- reference blas level2 routine --
        ! -- reference blas is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee,    --
        ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..--
           ! Scalar Arguments 
           real(dp), intent(in) :: alpha, beta
           integer(ilp), intent(in) :: incx, incy, kl, ku, lda, m, n
           character, intent(in) :: trans
           ! Array Arguments 
           real(dp), intent(in) :: a(lda,*), x(*)
           real(dp), intent(inout) :: y(*)
        ! =====================================================================
           ! Local Scalars 
           real(dp) :: temp
           integer(ilp) :: i, info, ix, iy, j, jx, jy, k, kup1, kx, ky, lenx, leny
           ! Intrinsic Functions 
           intrinsic :: max,min
           ! test the input parameters.
           info = 0
           if (.not.stdlib_lsame(trans,'N') .and. .not.stdlib_lsame(trans,'T') &
                     .and..not.stdlib_lsame(trans,'C')) then
               info = 1
           else if (m<0) then
               info = 2
           else if (n<0) then
               info = 3
           else if (kl<0) then
               info = 4
           else if (ku<0) then
               info = 5
           else if (lda< (kl+ku+1)) then
               info = 8
           else if (incx==0) then
               info = 10
           else if (incy==0) then
               info = 13
           end if
           if (info/=0) then
               call stdlib_xerbla('DGBMV ',info)
           end if
           ! quick return if possible.
           if ((m==0) .or. (n==0) .or.((alpha==zero).and. (beta==one))) return
           ! set  lenx  and  leny, the lengths of the vectors x and y, and set
           ! up the start points in  x  and  y.
           if (stdlib_lsame(trans,'N')) then
               lenx = n
               leny = m
               lenx = m
               leny = n
           end if
           if (incx>0) then
               kx = 1
               kx = 1 - (lenx-1)*incx
           end if
           if (incy>0) then
               ky = 1
               ky = 1 - (leny-1)*incy
           end if
           ! start the operations. in this version the elements of a are
           ! accessed sequentially with one pass through the band part of a.
           ! first form  y := beta*y.
           if (beta/=one) then
               if (incy==1) then
                   if (beta==zero) then
                       do i = 1,leny
                           y(i) = zero
                       end do
                       do i = 1,leny
                           y(i) = beta*y(i)
                       end do
                   end if
                   iy = ky
                   if (beta==zero) then
                       do i = 1,leny
                           y(iy) = zero
                           iy = iy + incy
                       end do
                       do i = 1,leny
                           y(iy) = beta*y(iy)
                           iy = iy + incy
                       end do
                   end if
               end if
           end if
           if (alpha==zero) return
           kup1 = ku + 1
           if (stdlib_lsame(trans,'N')) then
              ! form  y := alpha*a*x + y.
               jx = kx
               if (incy==1) then
                   do j = 1,n
                       temp = alpha*x(jx)
                       k = kup1 - j
                       do i = max(1,j-ku),min(m,j+kl)
                           y(i) = y(i) + temp*a(k+i,j)
                       end do
                       jx = jx + incx
                   end do
                   do j = 1,n
                       temp = alpha*x(jx)
                       iy = ky
                       k = kup1 - j
                       do i = max(1,j-ku),min(m,j+kl)
                           y(iy) = y(iy) + temp*a(k+i,j)
                           iy = iy + incy
                       end do
                       jx = jx + incx
                       if (j>ku) ky = ky + incy
                   end do
               end if
              ! form  y := alpha*a**t*x + y.
               jy = ky
               if (incx==1) then
                   do j = 1,n
                       temp = zero
                       k = kup1 - j
                       do i = max(1,j-ku),min(m,j+kl)
                           temp = temp + a(k+i,j)*x(i)
                       end do
                       y(jy) = y(jy) + alpha*temp
                       jy = jy + incy
                   end do
                   do j = 1,n
                       temp = zero
                       ix = kx
                       k = kup1 - j
                       do i = max(1,j-ku),min(m,j+kl)
                           temp = temp + a(k+i,j)*x(ix)
                           ix = ix + incx
                       end do
                       y(jy) = y(jy) + alpha*temp
                       jy = jy + incy
                       if (j>ku) kx = kx + incx
                   end do
               end if
           end if
     end subroutine stdlib_dgbmv

     pure subroutine stdlib_dgemm(transa,transb,m,n,k,alpha,a,lda,b,ldb,beta,c,ldc)
     !! DGEMM performs one of the matrix-matrix operations
     !! C := alpha*op( A )*op( B ) + beta*C,
     !! where  op( X ) is one of
     !! op( X ) = X   or   op( X ) = X**T,
     !! alpha and beta are scalars, and A, B and C are matrices, with op( A )
     !! an m by k matrix,  op( B )  a  k by n matrix and  C an m by n matrix.
        ! -- reference blas level3 routine --
        ! -- reference blas is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee,    --
        ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..--
           ! Scalar Arguments 
           real(dp), intent(in) :: alpha, beta
           integer(ilp), intent(in) :: k, lda, ldb, ldc, m, n
           character, intent(in) :: transa, transb
           ! Array Arguments 
           real(dp), intent(in) :: a(lda,*), b(ldb,*)
           real(dp), intent(inout) :: c(ldc,*)
        ! =====================================================================
           ! Intrinsic Functions 
           intrinsic :: max
           ! Local Scalars 
           real(dp) :: temp
           integer(ilp) :: i, info, j, l, nrowa, nrowb
           logical(lk) :: nota, notb
           ! set  nota  and  notb  as  true if  a  and  b  respectively are not
           ! transposed and set  nrowa and nrowb  as the number of rows of  a
           ! and  b  respectively.
           nota = stdlib_lsame(transa,'N')
           notb = stdlib_lsame(transb,'N')
           if (nota) then
               nrowa = m
               nrowa = k
           end if
           if (notb) then
               nrowb = k
               nrowb = n
           end if
           ! test the input parameters.
           info = 0
           if ((.not.nota) .and. (.not.stdlib_lsame(transa,'C')) .and.(.not.stdlib_lsame(transa,&
                     'T'))) then
               info = 1
           else if ((.not.notb) .and. (.not.stdlib_lsame(transb,'C')) .and.(.not.stdlib_lsame(&
                     transb,'T'))) then
               info = 2
           else if (m<0) then
               info = 3
           else if (n<0) then
               info = 4
           else if (k<0) then
               info = 5
           else if (lda<max(1,nrowa)) then
               info = 8
           else if (ldb<max(1,nrowb)) then
               info = 10
           else if (ldc<max(1,m)) then
               info = 13
           end if
           if (info/=0) then
               call stdlib_xerbla('DGEMM ',info)
           end if
           ! quick return if possible.
           if ((m==0) .or. (n==0) .or.(((alpha==zero).or. (k==0)).and. (beta==one))) &
           ! and if
           if (alpha==zero) then
               if (beta==zero) then
                   do j = 1,n
                       do i = 1,m
                           c(i,j) = zero
                       end do
                   end do
                   do j = 1,n
                       do i = 1,m
                           c(i,j) = beta*c(i,j)
                       end do
                   end do
               end if
           end if
           ! start the operations.
           if (notb) then
               if (nota) then
                 ! form  c := alpha*a*b + beta*c.
                   do j = 1,n
                       if (beta==zero) then
                           do i = 1,m
                               c(i,j) = zero
                           end do
                       else if (beta/=one) then
                           do i = 1,m
                               c(i,j) = beta*c(i,j)
                           end do
                       end if
                       do l = 1,k
                           temp = alpha*b(l,j)
                           do i = 1,m
                               c(i,j) = c(i,j) + temp*a(i,l)
                           end do
                       end do
                   end do
                 ! form  c := alpha*a**t*b + beta*c
                   do j = 1,n
                       do i = 1,m
                           temp = zero
                           do l = 1,k
                               temp = temp + a(l,i)*b(l,j)
                           end do
                           if (beta==zero) then
                               c(i,j) = alpha*temp
                               c(i,j) = alpha*temp + beta*c(i,j)
                           end if
                       end do
                   end do
               end if
               if (nota) then
                 ! form  c := alpha*a*b**t + beta*c
                   do j = 1,n
                       if (beta==zero) then
                           do i = 1,m
                               c(i,j) = zero
                           end do
                       else if (beta/=one) then
                           do i = 1,m
                               c(i,j) = beta*c(i,j)
                           end do
                       end if
                       do l = 1,k
                           temp = alpha*b(j,l)
                           do i = 1,m
                               c(i,j) = c(i,j) + temp*a(i,l)
                           end do
                       end do
                   end do
                 ! form  c := alpha*a**t*b**t + beta*c
                   do j = 1,n
                       do i = 1,m
                           temp = zero
                           do l = 1,k
                               temp = temp + a(l,i)*b(j,l)
                           end do
                           if (beta==zero) then
                               c(i,j) = alpha*temp
                               c(i,j) = alpha*temp + beta*c(i,j)
                           end if
                       end do
                   end do
               end if
           end if
     end subroutine stdlib_dgemm

     pure subroutine stdlib_dgemv(trans,m,n,alpha,a,lda,x,incx,beta,y,incy)
     !! DGEMV performs one of the matrix-vector operations
     !! y := alpha*A*x + beta*y,   or   y := alpha*A**T*x + beta*y,
     !! where alpha and beta are scalars, x and y are vectors and A is an
     !! m by n matrix.
        ! -- reference blas level2 routine --
        ! -- reference blas is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee,    --
        ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..--
           ! Scalar Arguments 
           real(dp), intent(in) :: alpha, beta
           integer(ilp), intent(in) :: incx, incy, lda, m, n
           character, intent(in) :: trans
           ! Array Arguments 
           real(dp), intent(in) :: a(lda,*), x(*)
           real(dp), intent(inout) :: y(*)
        ! =====================================================================
           ! Local Scalars 
           real(dp) :: temp
           integer(ilp) :: i, info, ix, iy, j, jx, jy, kx, ky, lenx, leny
           ! Intrinsic Functions 
           intrinsic :: max
           ! test the input parameters.
           info = 0
           if (.not.stdlib_lsame(trans,'N') .and. .not.stdlib_lsame(trans,'T') &
                     .and..not.stdlib_lsame(trans,'C')) then
               info = 1
           else if (m<0) then
               info = 2
           else if (n<0) then
               info = 3
           else if (lda<max(1,m)) then
               info = 6
           else if (incx==0) then
               info = 8
           else if (incy==0) then
               info = 11
           end if
           if (info/=0) then
               call stdlib_xerbla('DGEMV ',info)
           end if
           ! quick return if possible.
           if ((m==0) .or. (n==0) .or.((alpha==zero).and. (beta==one))) return
           ! set  lenx  and  leny, the lengths of the vectors x and y, and set
           ! up the start points in  x  and  y.
           if (stdlib_lsame(trans,'N')) then
               lenx = n
               leny = m
               lenx = m
               leny = n
           end if
           if (incx>0) then
               kx = 1
               kx = 1 - (lenx-1)*incx
           end if
           if (incy>0) then
               ky = 1
               ky = 1 - (leny-1)*incy
           end if
           ! start the operations. in this version the elements of a are
           ! accessed sequentially with one pass through a.
           ! first form  y := beta*y.
           if (beta/=one) then
               if (incy==1) then
                   if (beta==zero) then
                       do i = 1,leny
                           y(i) = zero
                       end do
                       do i = 1,leny
                           y(i) = beta*y(i)
                       end do
                   end if
                   iy = ky
                   if (beta==zero) then
                       do i = 1,leny
                           y(iy) = zero
                           iy = iy + incy
                       end do
                       do i = 1,leny
                           y(iy) = beta*y(iy)
                           iy = iy + incy
                       end do
                   end if
               end if
           end if
           if (alpha==zero) return
           if (stdlib_lsame(trans,'N')) then
              ! form  y := alpha*a*x + y.
               jx = kx
               if (incy==1) then
                   do j = 1,n
                       temp = alpha*x(jx)
                       do i = 1,m
                           y(i) = y(i) + temp*a(i,j)
                       end do
                       jx = jx + incx
                   end do
                   do j = 1,n
                       temp = alpha*x(jx)
                       iy = ky
                       do i = 1,m
                           y(iy) = y(iy) + temp*a(i,j)
                           iy = iy + incy
                       end do
                       jx = jx + incx
                   end do
               end if
              ! form  y := alpha*a**t*x + y.
               jy = ky
               if (incx==1) then
                   do j = 1,n
                       temp = zero
                       do i = 1,m
                           temp = temp + a(i,j)*x(i)
                       end do
                       y(jy) = y(jy) + alpha*temp
                       jy = jy + incy
                   end do
                   do j = 1,n
                       temp = zero
                       ix = kx
                       do i = 1,m
                           temp = temp + a(i,j)*x(ix)
                           ix = ix + incx
                       end do
                       y(jy) = y(jy) + alpha*temp
                       jy = jy + incy
                   end do
               end if
           end if
     end subroutine stdlib_dgemv

     pure subroutine stdlib_dger(m,n,alpha,x,incx,y,incy,a,lda)
     !! DGER performs the rank 1 operation
     !! A := alpha*x*y**T + A,
     !! where alpha is a scalar, x is an m element vector, y is an n element
     !! vector and A is an m by n matrix.
        ! -- reference blas level2 routine --
        ! -- reference blas is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee,    --
        ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..--
           ! Scalar Arguments 
           real(dp), intent(in) :: alpha
           integer(ilp), intent(in) :: incx, incy, lda, m, n
           ! Array Arguments 
           real(dp), intent(inout) :: a(lda,*)
           real(dp), intent(in) :: x(*), y(*)
        ! =====================================================================
           ! Local Scalars 
           real(dp) :: temp
           integer(ilp) :: i, info, ix, j, jy, kx
           ! Intrinsic Functions 
           intrinsic :: max
           ! test the input parameters.
           info = 0
           if (m<0) then
               info = 1
           else if (n<0) then
               info = 2
           else if (incx==0) then
               info = 5
           else if (incy==0) then
               info = 7
           else if (lda<max(1,m)) then
               info = 9
           end if
           if (info/=0) then
               call stdlib_xerbla('DGER  ',info)
           end if
           ! quick return if possible.
           if ((m==0) .or. (n==0) .or. (alpha==zero)) return
           ! start the operations. in this version the elements of a are
           ! accessed sequentially with one pass through a.
           if (incy>0) then
               jy = 1
               jy = 1 - (n-1)*incy
           end if
           if (incx==1) then
               do j = 1,n
                   if (y(jy)/=zero) then
                       temp = alpha*y(jy)
                       do i = 1,m
                           a(i,j) = a(i,j) + x(i)*temp
                       end do
                   end if
                   jy = jy + incy
               end do
               if (incx>0) then
                   kx = 1
                   kx = 1 - (m-1)*incx
               end if
               do j = 1,n
                   if (y(jy)/=zero) then
                       temp = alpha*y(jy)
                       ix = kx
                       do i = 1,m
                           a(i,j) = a(i,j) + x(ix)*temp
                           ix = ix + incx
                       end do
                   end if
                   jy = jy + incy
               end do
           end if
     end subroutine stdlib_dger

     pure function stdlib_dnrm2( n, x, incx )
     !! DNRM2 returns the euclidean norm of a vector via the function
     !! name, so that
     !! DNRM2 := sqrt( x'*x )
        real(dp) :: stdlib_dnrm2
        ! -- reference blas level1 routine (version 3.9.1_dp) --
        ! -- reference blas is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee,    --
        ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..--
           ! march 2021
        ! Constants 
        integer, parameter :: wp = kind(1._dp)
        real(dp), parameter :: maxn = huge(0.0_dp)
        ! .. blue's scaling constants ..
        ! Scalar Arguments 
     integer(ilp), intent(in) :: incx, n
        ! Array Arguments 
        real(dp), intent(in) :: x(*)
        ! Local Scalars 
     integer(ilp) :: i, ix
     logical(lk) :: notbig
        real(dp) :: abig, amed, asml, ax, scl, sumsq, ymax, ymin
        ! quick return if possible
        stdlib_dnrm2 = zero
        if( n <= 0 ) return
        scl = one
        sumsq = zero
        ! compute the sum of squares in 3 accumulators:
           ! abig -- sums of squares scaled down to avoid overflow
           ! asml -- sums of squares scaled up to avoid underflow
           ! amed -- sums of squares that do not require scaling
        ! the thresholds and multipliers are
           ! tbig -- values bigger than this are scaled down by sbig
           ! tsml -- values smaller than this are scaled up by ssml
        notbig = .true.
        asml = zero
        amed = zero
        abig = zero
        ix = 1
        if( incx < 0 ) ix = 1 - (n-1)*incx
        do i = 1, n
           ax = abs(x(ix))
           if (ax > tbig) then
              abig = abig + (ax*sbig)**2
              notbig = .false.
           else if (ax < tsml) then
              if (notbig) asml = asml + (ax*ssml)**2
              amed = amed + ax**2
           end if
           ix = ix + incx
        end do
        ! combine abig and amed or amed and asml if more than one
        ! accumulator was used.
        if (abig > zero) then
           ! combine abig and amed if abig > 0.
           if ( (amed > zero) .or. (amed > maxn) .or. (amed /= amed) ) then
              abig = abig + (amed*sbig)*sbig
           end if
           scl = one / sbig
           sumsq = abig
        else if (asml > zero) then
           ! combine amed and asml if asml > 0.
           if ( (amed > zero) .or. (amed > maxn) .or. (amed /= amed) ) then
              amed = sqrt(amed)
              asml = sqrt(asml) / ssml
              if (asml > amed) then
                 ymin = amed
                 ymax = asml
                 ymin = asml
                 ymax = amed
              end if
              scl = one
              sumsq = ymax**2*( one + (ymin/ymax)**2 )
              scl = one / ssml
              sumsq = asml
           end if
           ! otherwise all values are mid-range
           scl = one
           sumsq = amed
        end if
        stdlib_dnrm2 = scl*sqrt( sumsq )
     end function stdlib_dnrm2

     pure subroutine stdlib_drot(n,dx,incx,dy,incy,c,s)
     !! DROT applies a plane rotation.
        ! -- reference blas level1 routine --
        ! -- reference blas is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee,    --
        ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..--
           ! Scalar Arguments 
           real(dp), intent(in) :: c, s
           integer(ilp), intent(in) :: incx, incy, n
           ! Array Arguments 
           real(dp), intent(inout) :: dx(*), dy(*)
        ! =====================================================================
           ! Local Scalars 
           real(dp) :: dtemp
           integer(ilp) :: i, ix, iy
           if (n<=0) return
           if (incx==1 .and. incy==1) then
             ! code for both increments equal to 1
              do i = 1,n
                 dtemp = c*dx(i) + s*dy(i)
                 dy(i) = c*dy(i) - s*dx(i)
                 dx(i) = dtemp
              end do
             ! code for unequal increments or equal increments not equal
               ! to 1
              ix = 1
              iy = 1
              if (incx<0) ix = (-n+1)*incx + 1
              if (incy<0) iy = (-n+1)*incy + 1
              do i = 1,n
                 dtemp = c*dx(ix) + s*dy(iy)
                 dy(iy) = c*dy(iy) - s*dx(ix)
                 dx(ix) = dtemp
                 ix = ix + incx
                 iy = iy + incy
              end do
           end if
     end subroutine stdlib_drot

     pure subroutine stdlib_drotg( a, b, c, s )
     !! The computation uses the formulas
     !! sigma = sgn(a)    if |a| >  |b|
     !! = sgn(b)    if |b| >= |a|
     !! r = sigma*sqrt( a**2 + b**2 )
     !! c = 1; s = 0      if r = 0
     !! c = a/r; s = b/r  if r != 0
     !! The subroutine also computes
     !! z = s    if |a| > |b|,
     !! = 1/c  if |b| >= |a| and c != 0
     !! = 1    if c = 0
     !! This allows c and s to be reconstructed from z as follows:
     !! If z = 1, set c = 0, s = 1.
     !! If |z| < 1, set c = sqrt(1 - z**2) and s = z.
     !! If |z| > 1, set c = 1/z and s = sqrt( 1 - c**2).
        ! -- reference blas level1 routine --
        ! -- reference blas is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee,    --
        ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..--
        ! Constants 
        integer, parameter :: wp = kind(1._dp)
        ! Scaling Constants 
        ! Scalar Arguments 
        real(dp), intent(inout) :: a, b
        real(dp), intent(out) :: c, s
        ! Local Scalars 
        real(dp) :: anorm, bnorm, scl, sigma, r, z
        anorm = abs(a)
        bnorm = abs(b)
        if( bnorm == zero ) then
           c = one
           s = zero
           b = zero
        else if( anorm == zero ) then
           c = zero
           s = one
           a = b
           b = one
           scl = min( safmax, max( safmin, anorm, bnorm ) )
           if( anorm > bnorm ) then
              sigma = sign(one,a)
              sigma = sign(one,b)
           end if
           r = sigma*( scl*sqrt((a/scl)**2 + (b/scl)**2) )
           c = a/r
           s = b/r
           if( anorm > bnorm ) then
              z = s
           else if( c /= zero ) then
              z = one/c
              z = one
           end if
           a = r
           b = z
        end if
     end subroutine stdlib_drotg

     pure subroutine stdlib_drotm(n,dx,incx,dy,incy,dparam)    
     !! DROTM applies the modified Givens transformation, \(H\), to the 2-by-N matrix 
     !! $$ \left[ \begin{array}{c}DX^T\\DY^T\\ \end{array} \right], $$ 
     !! where \(^T\) indicates transpose. The elements of \(DX\) are in 
     !! DX(LX+I*INCX), I = 0:N-1, where LX = 1 if INCX >= 0, else LX = (-INCX)*N, 
     !! and similarly for DY using LY and INCY. 
     !! With DPARAM(1)=DFLAG, \(H\) has one of the following forms: 
     !! $$ H=\underbrace{\begin{bmatrix}DH_{11} & DH_{12}\\DH_{21} & DH_{22}\end{bmatrix}}_{DFLAG=-1},
     !!      \underbrace{\begin{bmatrix}1 & DH_{12}\\DH_{21} & 1\end{bmatrix}}_{DFLAG=0}, 
     !!      \underbrace{\begin{bmatrix}DH_{11} & 1\\-1 & DH_{22}\end{bmatrix}}_{DFLAG=1},  
     !!      \underbrace{\begin{bmatrix}1 & 0\\0 & 1\end{bmatrix}}_{DFLAG=-2}. $$     
     !! See DROTMG for a description of data storage in DPARAM.   
        ! -- reference blas level1 routine --
        ! -- reference blas is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee,    --
        ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..--
           ! Scalar Arguments 
           integer(ilp), intent(in) :: incx, incy, n
           ! Array Arguments 
           real(dp), intent(in) :: dparam(5)
           real(dp), intent(inout) :: dx(*), dy(*)
        ! =====================================================================
           ! Local Scalars 
           real(dp) :: dflag, dh11, dh12, dh21, dh22, two, w, z, zero
           integer(ilp) :: i, kx, ky, nsteps
           ! Data Statements 
           zero = 0.0_dp
           two = 2.0_dp
           dflag = dparam(1)
           if (n<=0 .or. (dflag+two==zero)) return
           if (incx==incy.and.incx>0) then
              nsteps = n*incx
              if (dflag<zero) then
                 dh11 = dparam(2)
                 dh12 = dparam(4)
                 dh21 = dparam(3)
                 dh22 = dparam(5)
                 do i = 1,nsteps,incx
                    w = dx(i)
                    z = dy(i)
                    dx(i) = w*dh11 + z*dh12
                    dy(i) = w*dh21 + z*dh22
                 end do
              else if (dflag==zero) then
                 dh12 = dparam(4)
                 dh21 = dparam(3)
                 do i = 1,nsteps,incx
                    w = dx(i)
                    z = dy(i)
                    dx(i) = w + z*dh12
                    dy(i) = w*dh21 + z
                 end do
                 dh11 = dparam(2)
                 dh22 = dparam(5)
                 do i = 1,nsteps,incx
                    w = dx(i)
                    z = dy(i)
                    dx(i) = w*dh11 + z
                    dy(i) = -w + dh22*z
                 end do
              end if
              kx = 1
              ky = 1
              if (incx<0) kx = 1 + (1-n)*incx
              if (incy<0) ky = 1 + (1-n)*incy
              if (dflag<zero) then
                 dh11 = dparam(2)
                 dh12 = dparam(4)
                 dh21 = dparam(3)
                 dh22 = dparam(5)
                 do i = 1,n
                    w = dx(kx)
                    z = dy(ky)
                    dx(kx) = w*dh11 + z*dh12
                    dy(ky) = w*dh21 + z*dh22
                    kx = kx + incx
                    ky = ky + incy
                 end do
              else if (dflag==zero) then
                 dh12 = dparam(4)
                 dh21 = dparam(3)
                 do i = 1,n
                    w = dx(kx)
                    z = dy(ky)
                    dx(kx) = w + z*dh12
                    dy(ky) = w*dh21 + z
                    kx = kx + incx
                    ky = ky + incy
                 end do
                  dh11 = dparam(2)
                  dh22 = dparam(5)
                  do i = 1,n
                     w = dx(kx)
                     z = dy(ky)
                     dx(kx) = w*dh11 + z
                     dy(ky) = -w + dh22*z
                     kx = kx + incx
                     ky = ky + incy
                 end do
              end if
           end if
     end subroutine stdlib_drotm

     pure subroutine stdlib_drotmg(dd1,dd2,dx1,dy1,dparam)
     !! DROTMG Constructs the modified Givens transformation matrix \(H\) which zeros the 
     !! second component of the 2-vector 
     !! $$ \left[ {\sqrt{DD_1}\cdot DX_1,\sqrt{DD_2}\cdot DY_2} \right]^T. $$
     !! With DPARAM(1)=DFLAG, \(H\) has one of the following forms:          
     !! $$ H=\underbrace{\begin{bmatrix}DH_{11} & DH_{12}\\DH_{21} & DH_{22}\end{bmatrix}}_{DFLAG=-1},
     !!      \underbrace{\begin{bmatrix}1 & DH_{12}\\DH_{21} & 1\end{bmatrix}}_{DFLAG=0}, 
     !!      \underbrace{\begin{bmatrix}DH_{11} & 1\\-1 & DH_{22}\end{bmatrix}}_{DFLAG=1},  
     !!      \underbrace{\begin{bmatrix}1 & 0\\0 & 1\end{bmatrix}}_{DFLAG=-2}. $$
     !! Locations 2-4 of DPARAM contain DH11, DH21, DH12 and DH22 respectively.
     !! (Values of 1.0, -1.0, or 0.0 implied by the value of DPARAM(1) are not stored in DPARAM.)
     !! The values of parameters GAMSQ and RGAMSQ may be inexact. This is OK as they are only 
     !! used for testing the size of DD1 and DD2. All actual scaling of data is done using GAM.          
        ! -- reference blas level1 routine --
        ! -- reference blas is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee,    --
        ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..--
           ! Scalar Arguments 
           real(dp), intent(inout) :: dd1, dd2, dx1
           real(dp), intent(in) :: dy1
           ! Array Arguments 
           real(dp), intent(out) :: dparam(5)
        ! =====================================================================
           ! Local Scalars 
           real(dp) :: dflag, dh11, dh12, dh21, dh22, dp1, dp2, dq1, dq2, dtemp, du, gam, gamsq, &
                     one, rgamsq, two, zero
           ! Intrinsic Functions 
           intrinsic :: abs
           ! Data Statements 
           zero = 0.0_dp
           one = 1.0_dp
           two = 2.0_dp
           gam = 4096.0_dp
           gamsq = 16777216.0_dp
           rgamsq = 5.9604645e-8_dp
           if (dd1<zero) then
              ! go zero-h-d-and-dx1..
              dflag = -one
              dh11 = zero
              dh12 = zero
              dh21 = zero
              dh22 = zero
              dd1 = zero
              dd2 = zero
              dx1 = zero
              ! case-dd1-nonnegative
              dp2 = dd2*dy1
              if (dp2==zero) then
                 dflag = -two
                 dparam(1) = dflag
              end if
              ! regular-case..
              dp1 = dd1*dx1
              dq2 = dp2*dy1
              dq1 = dp1*dx1
              if (abs(dq1)>abs(dq2)) then
                 dh21 = -dy1/dx1
                 dh12 = dp2/dp1
                 du = one - dh12*dh21
                if (du>zero) then
                  dflag = zero
                  dd1 = dd1/du
                  dd2 = dd2/du
                  dx1 = dx1*du
                  ! this code path if here for safety. we do not expect this
                  ! condition to ever hold except in edge cases with rounding
                  ! errors. see doi: 10.1145/355841.355847
                  dflag = -one
                  dh11 = zero
                  dh12 = zero
                  dh21 = zero
                  dh22 = zero
                  dd1 = zero
                  dd2 = zero
                  dx1 = zero
                end if
                 if (dq2<zero) then
                    ! go zero-h-d-and-dx1..
                    dflag = -one
                    dh11 = zero
                    dh12 = zero
                    dh21 = zero
                    dh22 = zero
                    dd1 = zero
                    dd2 = zero
                    dx1 = zero
                    dflag = one
                    dh11 = dp1/dp2
                    dh22 = dx1/dy1
                    du = one + dh11*dh22
                    dtemp = dd2/du
                    dd2 = dd1/du
                    dd1 = dtemp
                    dx1 = dy1*du
                 end if
              end if
           ! procedure..scale-check
              if (dd1/=zero) then
                 do while ((dd1<=rgamsq) .or. (dd1>=gamsq))
                    if (dflag==zero) then
                       dh11 = one
                       dh22 = one
                       dflag = -one
                       dh21 = -one
                       dh12 = one
                       dflag = -one
                    end if
                    if (dd1<=rgamsq) then
                       dd1 = dd1*gam**2
                       dx1 = dx1/gam
                       dh11 = dh11/gam
                       dh12 = dh12/gam
                       dd1 = dd1/gam**2
                       dx1 = dx1*gam
                       dh11 = dh11*gam
                       dh12 = dh12*gam
                    end if
              end if
              if (dd2/=zero) then
                 do while ( (abs(dd2)<=rgamsq) .or. (abs(dd2)>=gamsq) )
                    if (dflag==zero) then
                       dh11 = one
                       dh22 = one
                       dflag = -one
                       dh21 = -one
                       dh12 = one
                       dflag = -one
                    end if
                    if (abs(dd2)<=rgamsq) then
                       dd2 = dd2*gam**2
                       dh21 = dh21/gam
                       dh22 = dh22/gam
                       dd2 = dd2/gam**2
                       dh21 = dh21*gam
                       dh22 = dh22*gam
                    end if
                 end do
              end if
           end if
           if (dflag<zero) then
              dparam(2) = dh11
              dparam(3) = dh21
              dparam(4) = dh12
              dparam(5) = dh22
           else if (dflag==zero) then
              dparam(3) = dh21
              dparam(4) = dh12
              dparam(2) = dh11
              dparam(5) = dh22
           end if
           dparam(1) = dflag
     end subroutine stdlib_drotmg

     pure subroutine stdlib_dsbmv(uplo,n,k,alpha,a,lda,x,incx,beta,y,incy)
     !! DSBMV performs the matrix-vector  operation
     !! y := alpha*A*x + beta*y,
     !! where alpha and beta are scalars, x and y are n element vectors and
     !! A is an n by n symmetric band matrix, with k super-diagonals.
        ! -- reference blas level2 routine --
        ! -- reference blas is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee,    --
        ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..--
           ! Scalar Arguments 
           real(dp), intent(in) :: alpha, beta
           integer(ilp), intent(in) :: incx, incy, k, lda, n
           character, intent(in) :: uplo
           ! Array Arguments 
           real(dp), intent(in) :: a(lda,*), x(*)
           real(dp), intent(inout) :: y(*)
        ! =====================================================================
           ! Local Scalars 
           real(dp) :: temp1, temp2
           integer(ilp) :: i, info, ix, iy, j, jx, jy, kplus1, kx, ky, l
           ! Intrinsic Functions 
           intrinsic :: max,min
           ! test the input parameters.
           info = 0
           if (.not.stdlib_lsame(uplo,'U') .and. .not.stdlib_lsame(uplo,'L')) then
               info = 1
           else if (n<0) then
               info = 2
           else if (k<0) then
               info = 3
           else if (lda< (k+1)) then
               info = 6
           else if (incx==0) then
               info = 8
           else if (incy==0) then
               info = 11
           end if
           if (info/=0) then
               call stdlib_xerbla('DSBMV ',info)
           end if
           ! quick return if possible.
           if ((n==0) .or. ((alpha==zero).and. (beta==one))) return
           ! set up the start points in  x  and  y.
           if (incx>0) then
               kx = 1
               kx = 1 - (n-1)*incx
           end if
           if (incy>0) then
               ky = 1
               ky = 1 - (n-1)*incy
           end if
           ! start the operations. in this version the elements of the array a
           ! are accessed sequentially with one pass through a.
           ! first form  y := beta*y.
           if (beta/=one) then
               if (incy==1) then
                   if (beta==zero) then
                       do i = 1,n
                           y(i) = zero
                       end do
                       do i = 1,n
                           y(i) = beta*y(i)
                       end do
                   end if
                   iy = ky
                   if (beta==zero) then
                       do i = 1,n
                           y(iy) = zero
                           iy = iy + incy
                       end do
                       do i = 1,n
                           y(iy) = beta*y(iy)
                           iy = iy + incy
                       end do
                   end if
               end if
           end if
           if (alpha==zero) return
           if (stdlib_lsame(uplo,'U')) then
              ! form  y  when upper triangle of a is stored.
               kplus1 = k + 1
               if ((incx==1) .and. (incy==1)) then
                   do j = 1,n
                       temp1 = alpha*x(j)
                       temp2 = zero
                       l = kplus1 - j
                       do i = max(1,j-k),j - 1
                           y(i) = y(i) + temp1*a(l+i,j)
                           temp2 = temp2 + a(l+i,j)*x(i)
                       end do
                       y(j) = y(j) + temp1*a(kplus1,j) + alpha*temp2
                   end do
                   jx = kx
                   jy = ky
                   do j = 1,n
                       temp1 = alpha*x(jx)
                       temp2 = zero
                       ix = kx
                       iy = ky
                       l = kplus1 - j
                       do i = max(1,j-k),j - 1
                           y(iy) = y(iy) + temp1*a(l+i,j)
                           temp2 = temp2 + a(l+i,j)*x(ix)
                           ix = ix + incx
                           iy = iy + incy
                       end do
                       y(jy) = y(jy) + temp1*a(kplus1,j) + alpha*temp2
                       jx = jx + incx
                       jy = jy + incy
                       if (j>k) then
                           kx = kx + incx
                           ky = ky + incy
                       end if
                   end do
               end if
              ! form  y  when lower triangle of a is stored.
               if ((incx==1) .and. (incy==1)) then
                   do j = 1,n
                       temp1 = alpha*x(j)
                       temp2 = zero
                       y(j) = y(j) + temp1*a(1,j)
                       l = 1 - j
                       do i = j + 1,min(n,j+k)
                           y(i) = y(i) + temp1*a(l+i,j)
                           temp2 = temp2 + a(l+i,j)*x(i)
                       end do
                       y(j) = y(j) + alpha*temp2
                   end do
                   jx = kx
                   jy = ky
                   do j = 1,n
                       temp1 = alpha*x(jx)
                       temp2 = zero
                       y(jy) = y(jy) + temp1*a(1,j)
                       l = 1 - j
                       ix = jx
                       iy = jy
                       do i = j + 1,min(n,j+k)
                           ix = ix + incx
                           iy = iy + incy
                           y(iy) = y(iy) + temp1*a(l+i,j)
                           temp2 = temp2 + a(l+i,j)*x(ix)
                       end do
                       y(jy) = y(jy) + alpha*temp2
                       jx = jx + incx
                       jy = jy + incy
                   end do
               end if
           end if
     end subroutine stdlib_dsbmv

     pure subroutine stdlib_dscal(n,da,dx,incx)
     !! DSCAL scales a vector by a constant.
     !! uses unrolled loops for increment equal to 1.
        ! -- reference blas level1 routine --
        ! -- reference blas is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee,    --
        ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..--
           ! Scalar Arguments 
           real(dp), intent(in) :: da
           integer(ilp), intent(in) :: incx, n
           ! Array Arguments 
           real(dp), intent(inout) :: dx(*)
        ! =====================================================================
           ! Local Scalars 
           integer(ilp) :: i, m, mp1, nincx
           ! Intrinsic Functions 
           intrinsic :: mod
           if (n<=0 .or. incx<=0) return
           if (incx==1) then
              ! code for increment equal to 1
              ! clean-up loop
              m = mod(n,5)
              if (m/=0) then
                 do i = 1,m
                    dx(i) = da*dx(i)
                 end do
                 if (n<5) return
              end if
              mp1 = m + 1
              do i = mp1,n,5
                 dx(i) = da*dx(i)
                 dx(i+1) = da*dx(i+1)
                 dx(i+2) = da*dx(i+2)
                 dx(i+3) = da*dx(i+3)
                 dx(i+4) = da*dx(i+4)
              end do
              ! code for increment not equal to 1
              nincx = n*incx
              do i = 1,nincx,incx
                 dx(i) = da*dx(i)
              end do
           end if
     end subroutine stdlib_dscal

     pure real(dp) function stdlib_dsdot(n,sx,incx,sy,incy)
     !! Compute the inner product of two vectors with extended
     !! precision accumulation and result.
     !! Returns D.P. dot product accumulated in D.P., for S.P. SX and SY
     !! DSDOT = sum for I = 0 to N-1 of  SX(LX+I*INCX) * SY(LY+I*INCY),
     !! where LX = 1 if INCX >= 0, else LX = 1+(1-N)*INCX, and LY is
     !! defined in a similar way using INCY.
        ! -- reference blas level1 routine --
        ! -- reference blas is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee,    --
        ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..--
           ! Scalar Arguments 
           integer(ilp), intent(in) :: incx, incy, n
           ! Array Arguments 
           real(sp), intent(in) :: sx(*), sy(*)
        ! authors:
        ! ========
        ! lawson, c. l., (jpl), hanson, r. j., (snla),
        ! kincaid, d. r., (u. of texas), krogh, f. t., (jpl)
        ! =====================================================================
           ! Local Scalars 
           integer(ilp) :: i, kx, ky, ns
           ! Intrinsic Functions 
           intrinsic :: real
           stdlib_dsdot = zero
           if (n<=0) return
           if (incx==incy .and. incx>0) then
           ! code for equal, positive, non-unit increments.
              ns = n*incx
              do i = 1,ns,incx
                 stdlib_dsdot = stdlib_dsdot + real(sx(i),KIND=dp)*real(sy(i),KIND=dp)
              end do
           ! code for unequal or nonpositive increments.
              kx = 1
              ky = 1
              if (incx<0) kx = 1 + (1-n)*incx
              if (incy<0) ky = 1 + (1-n)*incy
              do i = 1,n
                 stdlib_dsdot = stdlib_dsdot + real(sx(kx),KIND=dp)*real(sy(ky),KIND=dp)
                 kx = kx + incx
                 ky = ky + incy
              end do
           end if
     end function stdlib_dsdot

     pure subroutine stdlib_dspmv(uplo,n,alpha,ap,x,incx,beta,y,incy)
     !! DSPMV performs the matrix-vector operation
     !! y := alpha*A*x + beta*y,
     !! where alpha and beta are scalars, x and y are n element vectors and
     !! A is an n by n symmetric matrix, supplied in packed form.
        ! -- reference blas level2 routine --
        ! -- reference blas is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee,    --
        ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..--
           ! Scalar Arguments 
           real(dp), intent(in) :: alpha, beta
           integer(ilp), intent(in) :: incx, incy, n
           character, intent(in) :: uplo
           ! Array Arguments 
           real(dp), intent(in) :: ap(*), x(*)
           real(dp), intent(inout) :: y(*)
        ! =====================================================================
           ! Local Scalars 
           real(dp) :: temp1, temp2
           integer(ilp) :: i, info, ix, iy, j, jx, jy, k, kk, kx, ky
           ! test the input parameters.
           info = 0
           if (.not.stdlib_lsame(uplo,'U') .and. .not.stdlib_lsame(uplo,'L')) then
               info = 1
           else if (n<0) then
               info = 2
           else if (incx==0) then
               info = 6
           else if (incy==0) then
               info = 9
           end if
           if (info/=0) then
               call stdlib_xerbla('DSPMV ',info)
           end if
           ! quick return if possible.
           if ((n==0) .or. ((alpha==zero).and. (beta==one))) return
           ! set up the start points in  x  and  y.
           if (incx>0) then
               kx = 1
               kx = 1 - (n-1)*incx
           end if
           if (incy>0) then
               ky = 1
               ky = 1 - (n-1)*incy
           end if
           ! start the operations. in this version the elements of the array ap
           ! are accessed sequentially with one pass through ap.
           ! first form  y := beta*y.
           if (beta/=one) then
               if (incy==1) then
                   if (beta==zero) then
                       do i = 1,n
                           y(i) = zero
                       end do
                       do i = 1,n
                           y(i) = beta*y(i)
                       end do
                   end if
                   iy = ky
                   if (beta==zero) then
                       do i = 1,n
                           y(iy) = zero
                           iy = iy + incy
                       end do
                       do i = 1,n
                           y(iy) = beta*y(iy)
                           iy = iy + incy
                       end do
                   end if
               end if
           end if
           if (alpha==zero) return
           kk = 1
           if (stdlib_lsame(uplo,'U')) then
              ! form  y  when ap contains the upper triangle.
               if ((incx==1) .and. (incy==1)) then
                   do j = 1,n
                       temp1 = alpha*x(j)
                       temp2 = zero
                       k = kk
                       do i = 1,j - 1
                           y(i) = y(i) + temp1*ap(k)
                           temp2 = temp2 + ap(k)*x(i)
                           k = k + 1
                       end do
                       y(j) = y(j) + temp1*ap(kk+j-1) + alpha*temp2
                       kk = kk + j
                   end do
                   jx = kx
                   jy = ky
                   do j = 1,n
                       temp1 = alpha*x(jx)
                       temp2 = zero
                       ix = kx
                       iy = ky
                       do k = kk,kk + j - 2
                           y(iy) = y(iy) + temp1*ap(k)
                           temp2 = temp2 + ap(k)*x(ix)
                           ix = ix + incx
                           iy = iy + incy
                       end do
                       y(jy) = y(jy) + temp1*ap(kk+j-1) + alpha*temp2
                       jx = jx + incx
                       jy = jy + incy
                       kk = kk + j
                   end do
               end if
              ! form  y  when ap contains the lower triangle.
               if ((incx==1) .and. (incy==1)) then
                   do j = 1,n
                       temp1 = alpha*x(j)
                       temp2 = zero
                       y(j) = y(j) + temp1*ap(kk)
                       k = kk + 1
                       do i = j + 1,n
                           y(i) = y(i) + temp1*ap(k)
                           temp2 = temp2 + ap(k)*x(i)
                           k = k + 1
                       end do
                       y(j) = y(j) + alpha*temp2
                       kk = kk + (n-j+1)
                   end do
                   jx = kx
                   jy = ky
                   do j = 1,n
                       temp1 = alpha*x(jx)
                       temp2 = zero
                       y(jy) = y(jy) + temp1*ap(kk)
                       ix = jx
                       iy = jy
                       do k = kk + 1,kk + n - j
                           ix = ix + incx
                           iy = iy + incy
                           y(iy) = y(iy) + temp1*ap(k)
                           temp2 = temp2 + ap(k)*x(ix)
                       end do
                       y(jy) = y(jy) + alpha*temp2
                       jx = jx + incx
                       jy = jy + incy
                       kk = kk + (n-j+1)
                   end do
               end if
           end if
     end subroutine stdlib_dspmv

     pure subroutine stdlib_dspr(uplo,n,alpha,x,incx,ap)
     !! DSPR performs the symmetric rank 1 operation
     !! A := alpha*x*x**T + A,
     !! where alpha is a real scalar, x is an n element vector and A is an
     !! n by n symmetric matrix, supplied in packed form.
        ! -- reference blas level2 routine --
        ! -- reference blas is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee,    --
        ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..--
           ! Scalar Arguments 
           real(dp), intent(in) :: alpha
           integer(ilp), intent(in) :: incx, n
           character, intent(in) :: uplo
           ! Array Arguments 
           real(dp), intent(inout) :: ap(*)
           real(dp), intent(in) :: x(*)
        ! =====================================================================
           ! Local Scalars 
           real(dp) :: temp
           integer(ilp) :: i, info, ix, j, jx, k, kk, kx
           ! test the input parameters.
           info = 0
           if (.not.stdlib_lsame(uplo,'U') .and. .not.stdlib_lsame(uplo,'L')) then
               info = 1
           else if (n<0) then
               info = 2
           else if (incx==0) then
               info = 5
           end if
           if (info/=0) then
               call stdlib_xerbla('DSPR  ',info)
           end if
           ! quick return if possible.
           if ((n==0) .or. (alpha==zero)) return
           ! set the start point in x if the increment is not unity.
           if (incx<=0) then
               kx = 1 - (n-1)*incx
           else if (incx/=1) then
               kx = 1
           end if
           ! start the operations. in this version the elements of the array ap
           ! are accessed sequentially with one pass through ap.
           kk = 1
           if (stdlib_lsame(uplo,'U')) then
              ! form  a  when upper triangle is stored in ap.
               if (incx==1) then
                   do j = 1,n
                       if (x(j)/=zero) then
                           temp = alpha*x(j)
                           k = kk
                           do i = 1,j
                               ap(k) = ap(k) + x(i)*temp
                               k = k + 1
                           end do
                       end if
                       kk = kk + j
                   end do
                   jx = kx
                   do j = 1,n
                       if (x(jx)/=zero) then
                           temp = alpha*x(jx)
                           ix = kx
                           do k = kk,kk + j - 1
                               ap(k) = ap(k) + x(ix)*temp
                               ix = ix + incx
                           end do
                       end if
                       jx = jx + incx
                       kk = kk + j
                   end do
               end if
              ! form  a  when lower triangle is stored in ap.
               if (incx==1) then
                   do j = 1,n
                       if (x(j)/=zero) then
                           temp = alpha*x(j)
                           k = kk
                           do i = j,n
                               ap(k) = ap(k) + x(i)*temp
                               k = k + 1
                           end do
                       end if
                       kk = kk + n - j + 1
                   end do
                   jx = kx
                   do j = 1,n
                       if (x(jx)/=zero) then
                           temp = alpha*x(jx)
                           ix = jx
                           do k = kk,kk + n - j
                               ap(k) = ap(k) + x(ix)*temp
                               ix = ix + incx
                           end do
                       end if
                       jx = jx + incx
                       kk = kk + n - j + 1
                   end do
               end if
           end if
     end subroutine stdlib_dspr

     pure subroutine stdlib_dspr2(uplo,n,alpha,x,incx,y,incy,ap)
     !! DSPR2 performs the symmetric rank 2 operation
     !! A := alpha*x*y**T + alpha*y*x**T + A,
     !! where alpha is a scalar, x and y are n element vectors and A is an
     !! n by n symmetric matrix, supplied in packed form.
        ! -- reference blas level2 routine --
        ! -- reference blas is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee,    --
        ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..--
           ! Scalar Arguments 
           real(dp), intent(in) :: alpha
           integer(ilp), intent(in) :: incx, incy, n
           character, intent(in) :: uplo
           ! Array Arguments 
           real(dp), intent(inout) :: ap(*)
           real(dp), intent(in) :: x(*), y(*)
        ! =====================================================================
           ! Local Scalars 
           real(dp) :: temp1, temp2
           integer(ilp) :: i, info, ix, iy, j, jx, jy, k, kk, kx, ky
           ! test the input parameters.
           info = 0
           if (.not.stdlib_lsame(uplo,'U') .and. .not.stdlib_lsame(uplo,'L')) then
               info = 1
           else if (n<0) then
               info = 2
           else if (incx==0) then
               info = 5
           else if (incy==0) then
               info = 7
           end if
           if (info/=0) then
               call stdlib_xerbla('DSPR2 ',info)
           end if
           ! quick return if possible.
           if ((n==0) .or. (alpha==zero)) return
           ! set up the start points in x and y if the increments are not both
           ! unity.
           if ((incx/=1) .or. (incy/=1)) then
               if (incx>0) then
                   kx = 1
                   kx = 1 - (n-1)*incx
               end if
               if (incy>0) then
                   ky = 1
                   ky = 1 - (n-1)*incy
               end if
               jx = kx
               jy = ky
           end if
           ! start the operations. in this version the elements of the array ap
           ! are accessed sequentially with one pass through ap.
           kk = 1
           if (stdlib_lsame(uplo,'U')) then
              ! form  a  when upper triangle is stored in ap.
               if ((incx==1) .and. (incy==1)) then
                   do j = 1,n
                       if ((x(j)/=zero) .or. (y(j)/=zero)) then
                           temp1 = alpha*y(j)
                           temp2 = alpha*x(j)
                           k = kk
                           do i = 1,j
                               ap(k) = ap(k) + x(i)*temp1 + y(i)*temp2
                               k = k + 1
                           end do
                       end if
                       kk = kk + j
                   end do
                   do j = 1,n
                       if ((x(jx)/=zero) .or. (y(jy)/=zero)) then
                           temp1 = alpha*y(jy)
                           temp2 = alpha*x(jx)
                           ix = kx
                           iy = ky
                           do k = kk,kk + j - 1
                               ap(k) = ap(k) + x(ix)*temp1 + y(iy)*temp2
                               ix = ix + incx
                               iy = iy + incy
                           end do
                       end if
                       jx = jx + incx
                       jy = jy + incy
                       kk = kk + j
                   end do
               end if
              ! form  a  when lower triangle is stored in ap.
               if ((incx==1) .and. (incy==1)) then
                   do j = 1,n
                       if ((x(j)/=zero) .or. (y(j)/=zero)) then
                           temp1 = alpha*y(j)
                           temp2 = alpha*x(j)
                           k = kk
                           do i = j,n
                               ap(k) = ap(k) + x(i)*temp1 + y(i)*temp2
                               k = k + 1
                           end do
                       end if
                       kk = kk + n - j + 1
                   end do
                   do j = 1,n
                       if ((x(jx)/=zero) .or. (y(jy)/=zero)) then
                           temp1 = alpha*y(jy)
                           temp2 = alpha*x(jx)
                           ix = jx
                           iy = jy
                           do k = kk,kk + n - j
                               ap(k) = ap(k) + x(ix)*temp1 + y(iy)*temp2
                               ix = ix + incx
                               iy = iy + incy
                           end do
                       end if
                       jx = jx + incx
                       jy = jy + incy
                       kk = kk + n - j + 1
                   end do
               end if
           end if
     end subroutine stdlib_dspr2

     pure subroutine stdlib_dswap(n,dx,incx,dy,incy)
     !! DSWAP interchanges two vectors.
     !! uses unrolled loops for increments equal to 1.
        ! -- reference blas level1 routine --
        ! -- reference blas is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee,    --
        ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..--
           ! Scalar Arguments 
           integer(ilp), intent(in) :: incx, incy, n
           ! Array Arguments 
           real(dp), intent(inout) :: dx(*), dy(*)
        ! =====================================================================
           ! Local Scalars 
           real(dp) :: dtemp
           integer(ilp) :: i, ix, iy, m, mp1
           ! Intrinsic Functions 
           intrinsic :: mod
           if (n<=0) return
           if (incx==1 .and. incy==1) then
             ! code for both increments equal to 1
             ! clean-up loop
              m = mod(n,3)
              if (m/=0) then
                 do i = 1,m
                    dtemp = dx(i)
                    dx(i) = dy(i)
                    dy(i) = dtemp
                 end do
                 if (n<3) return
              end if
              mp1 = m + 1
              do i = mp1,n,3
                 dtemp = dx(i)
                 dx(i) = dy(i)
                 dy(i) = dtemp
                 dtemp = dx(i+1)
                 dx(i+1) = dy(i+1)
                 dy(i+1) = dtemp
                 dtemp = dx(i+2)
                 dx(i+2) = dy(i+2)
                 dy(i+2) = dtemp
              end do
             ! code for unequal increments or equal increments not equal
               ! to 1
              ix = 1
              iy = 1
              if (incx<0) ix = (-n+1)*incx + 1
              if (incy<0) iy = (-n+1)*incy + 1
              do i = 1,n
                 dtemp = dx(ix)
                 dx(ix) = dy(iy)
                 dy(iy) = dtemp
                 ix = ix + incx
                 iy = iy + incy
              end do
           end if
     end subroutine stdlib_dswap

     pure subroutine stdlib_dsymm(side,uplo,m,n,alpha,a,lda,b,ldb,beta,c,ldc)
     !! DSYMM performs one of the matrix-matrix operations
     !! C := alpha*A*B + beta*C,
     !! or
     !! C := alpha*B*A + beta*C,
     !! where alpha and beta are scalars,  A is a symmetric matrix and  B and
     !! C are  m by n matrices.
        ! -- reference blas level3 routine --
        ! -- reference blas is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee,    --
        ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..--
           ! Scalar Arguments 
           real(dp), intent(in) :: alpha, beta
           integer(ilp), intent(in) :: lda, ldb, ldc, m, n
           character, intent(in) :: side, uplo
           ! Array Arguments 
           real(dp), intent(in) :: a(lda,*), b(ldb,*)
           real(dp), intent(inout) :: c(ldc,*)
        ! =====================================================================
           ! Intrinsic Functions 
           intrinsic :: max
           ! Local Scalars 
           real(dp) :: temp1, temp2
           integer(ilp) :: i, info, j, k, nrowa
           logical(lk) :: upper
           ! set nrowa as the number of rows of a.
           if (stdlib_lsame(side,'L')) then
               nrowa = m
               nrowa = n
           end if
           upper = stdlib_lsame(uplo,'U')
           ! test the input parameters.
           info = 0
           if ((.not.stdlib_lsame(side,'L')) .and. (.not.stdlib_lsame(side,'R'))) then
               info = 1
           else if ((.not.upper) .and. (.not.stdlib_lsame(uplo,'L'))) then
               info = 2
           else if (m<0) then
               info = 3
           else if (n<0) then
               info = 4
           else if (lda<max(1,nrowa)) then
               info = 7
           else if (ldb<max(1,m)) then
               info = 9
           else if (ldc<max(1,m)) then
               info = 12
           end if
           if (info/=0) then
               call stdlib_xerbla('DSYMM ',info)
           end if
           ! quick return if possible.
           if ((m==0) .or. (n==0) .or.((alpha==zero).and. (beta==one))) return
           ! and when
           if (alpha==zero) then
               if (beta==zero) then
                   do j = 1,n
                       do i = 1,m
                           c(i,j) = zero
                       end do
                   end do
                   do j = 1,n
                       do i = 1,m
                           c(i,j) = beta*c(i,j)
                       end do
                   end do
               end if
           end if
           ! start the operations.
           if (stdlib_lsame(side,'L')) then
              ! form  c := alpha*a*b + beta*c.
               if (upper) then
                   do j = 1,n
                       do i = 1,m
                           temp1 = alpha*b(i,j)
                           temp2 = zero
                           do k = 1,i - 1
                               c(k,j) = c(k,j) + temp1*a(k,i)
                               temp2 = temp2 + b(k,j)*a(k,i)
                           end do
                           if (beta==zero) then
                               c(i,j) = temp1*a(i,i) + alpha*temp2
                               c(i,j) = beta*c(i,j) + temp1*a(i,i) +alpha*temp2
                           end if
                       end do
                   end do
                   do j = 1,n
                       do i = m,1,-1
                           temp1 = alpha*b(i,j)
                           temp2 = zero
                           do k = i + 1,m
                               c(k,j) = c(k,j) + temp1*a(k,i)
                               temp2 = temp2 + b(k,j)*a(k,i)
                           end do
                           if (beta==zero) then
                               c(i,j) = temp1*a(i,i) + alpha*temp2
                               c(i,j) = beta*c(i,j) + temp1*a(i,i) +alpha*temp2
                           end if
                       end do
                   end do
               end if
              ! form  c := alpha*b*a + beta*c.
               loop_170: do j = 1,n
                   temp1 = alpha*a(j,j)
                   if (beta==zero) then
                       do i = 1,m
                           c(i,j) = temp1*b(i,j)
                       end do
                       do i = 1,m
                           c(i,j) = beta*c(i,j) + temp1*b(i,j)
                       end do
                   end if
                   do k = 1,j - 1
                       if (upper) then
                           temp1 = alpha*a(k,j)
                           temp1 = alpha*a(j,k)
                       end if
                       do i = 1,m
                           c(i,j) = c(i,j) + temp1*b(i,k)
                       end do
                   end do
                   do k = j + 1,n
                       if (upper) then
                           temp1 = alpha*a(j,k)
                           temp1 = alpha*a(k,j)
                       end if
                       do i = 1,m
                           c(i,j) = c(i,j) + temp1*b(i,k)
                       end do
                   end do
               end do loop_170
           end if
     end subroutine stdlib_dsymm

     pure subroutine stdlib_dsymv(uplo,n,alpha,a,lda,x,incx,beta,y,incy)
     !! DSYMV performs the matrix-vector  operation
     !! y := alpha*A*x + beta*y,
     !! where alpha and beta are scalars, x and y are n element vectors and
     !! A is an n by n symmetric matrix.
        ! -- reference blas level2 routine --
        ! -- reference blas is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee,    --
        ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..--
           ! Scalar Arguments 
           real(dp), intent(in) :: alpha, beta
           integer(ilp), intent(in) :: incx, incy, lda, n
           character, intent(in) :: uplo
           ! Array Arguments 
           real(dp), intent(in) :: a(lda,*), x(*)
           real(dp), intent(inout) :: y(*)
        ! =====================================================================
           ! Local Scalars 
           real(dp) :: temp1, temp2
           integer(ilp) :: i, info, ix, iy, j, jx, jy, kx, ky
           ! Intrinsic Functions 
           intrinsic :: max
           ! test the input parameters.
           info = 0
           if (.not.stdlib_lsame(uplo,'U') .and. .not.stdlib_lsame(uplo,'L')) then
               info = 1
           else if (n<0) then
               info = 2
           else if (lda<max(1,n)) then
               info = 5
           else if (incx==0) then
               info = 7
           else if (incy==0) then
               info = 10
           end if
           if (info/=0) then
               call stdlib_xerbla('DSYMV ',info)
           end if
           ! quick return if possible.
           if ((n==0) .or. ((alpha==zero).and. (beta==one))) return
           ! set up the start points in  x  and  y.
           if (incx>0) then
               kx = 1
               kx = 1 - (n-1)*incx
           end if
           if (incy>0) then
               ky = 1
               ky = 1 - (n-1)*incy
           end if
           ! start the operations. in this version the elements of a are
           ! accessed sequentially with one pass through the triangular part
           ! of a.
           ! first form  y := beta*y.
           if (beta/=one) then
               if (incy==1) then
                   if (beta==zero) then
                       do i = 1,n
                           y(i) = zero
                       end do
                       do i = 1,n
                           y(i) = beta*y(i)
                       end do
                   end if
                   iy = ky
                   if (beta==zero) then
                       do i = 1,n
                           y(iy) = zero
                           iy = iy + incy
                       end do
                       do i = 1,n
                           y(iy) = beta*y(iy)
                           iy = iy + incy
                       end do
                   end if
               end if
           end if
           if (alpha==zero) return
           if (stdlib_lsame(uplo,'U')) then
              ! form  y  when a is stored in upper triangle.
               if ((incx==1) .and. (incy==1)) then
                   do j = 1,n
                       temp1 = alpha*x(j)
                       temp2 = zero
                       do i = 1,j - 1
                           y(i) = y(i) + temp1*a(i,j)
                           temp2 = temp2 + a(i,j)*x(i)
                       end do
                       y(j) = y(j) + temp1*a(j,j) + alpha*temp2
                   end do
                   jx = kx
                   jy = ky
                   do j = 1,n
                       temp1 = alpha*x(jx)
                       temp2 = zero
                       ix = kx
                       iy = ky
                       do i = 1,j - 1
                           y(iy) = y(iy) + temp1*a(i,j)
                           temp2 = temp2 + a(i,j)*x(ix)
                           ix = ix + incx
                           iy = iy + incy
                       end do
                       y(jy) = y(jy) + temp1*a(j,j) + alpha*temp2
                       jx = jx + incx
                       jy = jy + incy
                   end do
               end if
              ! form  y  when a is stored in lower triangle.
               if ((incx==1) .and. (incy==1)) then
                   do j = 1,n
                       temp1 = alpha*x(j)
                       temp2 = zero
                       y(j) = y(j) + temp1*a(j,j)
                       do i = j + 1,n
                           y(i) = y(i) + temp1*a(i,j)
                           temp2 = temp2 + a(i,j)*x(i)
                       end do
                       y(j) = y(j) + alpha*temp2
                   end do
                   jx = kx
                   jy = ky
                   do j = 1,n
                       temp1 = alpha*x(jx)
                       temp2 = zero
                       y(jy) = y(jy) + temp1*a(j,j)
                       ix = jx
                       iy = jy
                       do i = j + 1,n
                           ix = ix + incx
                           iy = iy + incy
                           y(iy) = y(iy) + temp1*a(i,j)
                           temp2 = temp2 + a(i,j)*x(ix)
                       end do
                       y(jy) = y(jy) + alpha*temp2
                       jx = jx + incx
                       jy = jy + incy
                   end do
               end if
           end if
     end subroutine stdlib_dsymv

     pure subroutine stdlib_dsyr(uplo,n,alpha,x,incx,a,lda)
     !! DSYR performs the symmetric rank 1 operation
     !! A := alpha*x*x**T + A,
     !! where alpha is a real scalar, x is an n element vector and A is an
     !! n by n symmetric matrix.
        ! -- reference blas level2 routine --
        ! -- reference blas is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee,    --
        ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..--
           ! Scalar Arguments 
           real(dp), intent(in) :: alpha
           integer(ilp), intent(in) :: incx, lda, n
           character, intent(in) :: uplo
           ! Array Arguments 
           real(dp), intent(inout) :: a(lda,*)
           real(dp), intent(in) :: x(*)
        ! =====================================================================
           ! Local Scalars 
           real(dp) :: temp
           integer(ilp) :: i, info, ix, j, jx, kx
           ! Intrinsic Functions 
           intrinsic :: max
           ! test the input parameters.
           info = 0
           if (.not.stdlib_lsame(uplo,'U') .and. .not.stdlib_lsame(uplo,'L')) then
               info = 1
           else if (n<0) then
               info = 2
           else if (incx==0) then
               info = 5
           else if (lda<max(1,n)) then
               info = 7
           end if
           if (info/=0) then
               call stdlib_xerbla('DSYR  ',info)
           end if
           ! quick return if possible.
           if ((n==0) .or. (alpha==zero)) return
           ! set the start point in x if the increment is not unity.
           if (incx<=0) then
               kx = 1 - (n-1)*incx
           else if (incx/=1) then
               kx = 1
           end if
           ! start the operations. in this version the elements of a are
           ! accessed sequentially with one pass through the triangular part
           ! of a.
           if (stdlib_lsame(uplo,'U')) then
              ! form  a  when a is stored in upper triangle.
               if (incx==1) then
                   do j = 1,n
                       if (x(j)/=zero) then
                           temp = alpha*x(j)
                           do i = 1,j
                               a(i,j) = a(i,j) + x(i)*temp
                           end do
                       end if
                   end do
                   jx = kx
                   do j = 1,n
                       if (x(jx)/=zero) then
                           temp = alpha*x(jx)
                           ix = kx
                           do i = 1,j
                               a(i,j) = a(i,j) + x(ix)*temp
                               ix = ix + incx
                           end do
                       end if
                       jx = jx + incx
                   end do
               end if
              ! form  a  when a is stored in lower triangle.
               if (incx==1) then
                   do j = 1,n
                       if (x(j)/=zero) then
                           temp = alpha*x(j)
                           do i = j,n
                               a(i,j) = a(i,j) + x(i)*temp
                           end do
                       end if
                   end do
                   jx = kx
                   do j = 1,n
                       if (x(jx)/=zero) then
                           temp = alpha*x(jx)
                           ix = jx
                           do i = j,n
                               a(i,j) = a(i,j) + x(ix)*temp
                               ix = ix + incx
                           end do
                       end if
                       jx = jx + incx
                   end do
               end if
           end if
     end subroutine stdlib_dsyr

     pure subroutine stdlib_dsyr2(uplo,n,alpha,x,incx,y,incy,a,lda)
     !! DSYR2 performs the symmetric rank 2 operation
     !! A := alpha*x*y**T + alpha*y*x**T + A,
     !! where alpha is a scalar, x and y are n element vectors and A is an n
     !! by n symmetric matrix.
        ! -- reference blas level2 routine --
        ! -- reference blas is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee,    --
        ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..--
           ! Scalar Arguments 
           real(dp), intent(in) :: alpha
           integer(ilp), intent(in) :: incx, incy, lda, n
           character, intent(in) :: uplo
           ! Array Arguments 
           real(dp), intent(inout) :: a(lda,*)
           real(dp), intent(in) :: x(*), y(*)
        ! =====================================================================
           ! Local Scalars 
           real(dp) :: temp1, temp2
           integer(ilp) :: i, info, ix, iy, j, jx, jy, kx, ky
           ! Intrinsic Functions 
           intrinsic :: max
           ! test the input parameters.
           info = 0
           if (.not.stdlib_lsame(uplo,'U') .and. .not.stdlib_lsame(uplo,'L')) then
               info = 1
           else if (n<0) then
               info = 2
           else if (incx==0) then
               info = 5
           else if (incy==0) then
               info = 7
           else if (lda<max(1,n)) then
               info = 9
           end if
           if (info/=0) then
               call stdlib_xerbla('DSYR2 ',info)
           end if
           ! quick return if possible.
           if ((n==0) .or. (alpha==zero)) return
           ! set up the start points in x and y if the increments are not both
           ! unity.
           if ((incx/=1) .or. (incy/=1)) then
               if (incx>0) then
                   kx = 1
                   kx = 1 - (n-1)*incx
               end if
               if (incy>0) then
                   ky = 1
                   ky = 1 - (n-1)*incy
               end if
               jx = kx
               jy = ky
           end if
           ! start the operations. in this version the elements of a are
           ! accessed sequentially with one pass through the triangular part
           ! of a.
           if (stdlib_lsame(uplo,'U')) then
              ! form  a  when a is stored in the upper triangle.
               if ((incx==1) .and. (incy==1)) then
                   do j = 1,n
                       if ((x(j)/=zero) .or. (y(j)/=zero)) then
                           temp1 = alpha*y(j)
                           temp2 = alpha*x(j)
                           do i = 1,j
                               a(i,j) = a(i,j) + x(i)*temp1 + y(i)*temp2
                           end do
                       end if
                   end do
                   do j = 1,n
                       if ((x(jx)/=zero) .or. (y(jy)/=zero)) then
                           temp1 = alpha*y(jy)
                           temp2 = alpha*x(jx)
                           ix = kx
                           iy = ky
                           do i = 1,j
                               a(i,j) = a(i,j) + x(ix)*temp1 + y(iy)*temp2
                               ix = ix + incx
                               iy = iy + incy
                           end do
                       end if
                       jx = jx + incx
                       jy = jy + incy
                   end do
               end if
              ! form  a  when a is stored in the lower triangle.
               if ((incx==1) .and. (incy==1)) then
                   do j = 1,n
                       if ((x(j)/=zero) .or. (y(j)/=zero)) then
                           temp1 = alpha*y(j)
                           temp2 = alpha*x(j)
                           do i = j,n
                               a(i,j) = a(i,j) + x(i)*temp1 + y(i)*temp2
                           end do
                       end if
                   end do
                   do j = 1,n
                       if ((x(jx)/=zero) .or. (y(jy)/=zero)) then
                           temp1 = alpha*y(jy)
                           temp2 = alpha*x(jx)
                           ix = jx
                           iy = jy
                           do i = j,n
                               a(i,j) = a(i,j) + x(ix)*temp1 + y(iy)*temp2
                               ix = ix + incx
                               iy = iy + incy
                           end do
                       end if
                       jx = jx + incx
                       jy = jy + incy
                   end do
               end if
           end if
     end subroutine stdlib_dsyr2

     pure subroutine stdlib_dsyr2k(uplo,trans,n,k,alpha,a,lda,b,ldb,beta,c,ldc)
     !! DSYR2K performs one of the symmetric rank 2k operations
     !! C := alpha*A*B**T + alpha*B*A**T + beta*C,
     !! or
     !! C := alpha*A**T*B + alpha*B**T*A + beta*C,
     !! where  alpha and beta  are scalars, C is an  n by n  symmetric matrix
     !! and  A and B  are  n by k  matrices  in the  first  case  and  k by n
     !! matrices in the second case.
        ! -- reference blas level3 routine --
        ! -- reference blas is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee,    --
        ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..--
           ! Scalar Arguments 
           real(dp), intent(in) :: alpha, beta
           integer(ilp), intent(in) :: k, lda, ldb, ldc, n
           character, intent(in) :: trans, uplo
           ! Array Arguments 
           real(dp), intent(in) :: a(lda,*), b(ldb,*)
           real(dp), intent(inout) :: c(ldc,*)
        ! =====================================================================
           ! Intrinsic Functions 
           intrinsic :: max
           ! Local Scalars 
           real(dp) :: temp1, temp2
           integer(ilp) :: i, info, j, l, nrowa
           logical(lk) :: upper
           ! test the input parameters.
           if (stdlib_lsame(trans,'N')) then
               nrowa = n
               nrowa = k
           end if
           upper = stdlib_lsame(uplo,'U')
           info = 0
           if ((.not.upper) .and. (.not.stdlib_lsame(uplo,'L'))) then
               info = 1
           else if ((.not.stdlib_lsame(trans,'N')) .and.(.not.stdlib_lsame(trans,'T')) .and.(&
                     .not.stdlib_lsame(trans,'C'))) then
               info = 2
           else if (n<0) then
               info = 3
           else if (k<0) then
               info = 4
           else if (lda<max(1,nrowa)) then
               info = 7
           else if (ldb<max(1,nrowa)) then
               info = 9
           else if (ldc<max(1,n)) then
               info = 12
           end if
           if (info/=0) then
               call stdlib_xerbla('DSYR2K',info)
           end if
           ! quick return if possible.
           if ((n==0) .or. (((alpha==zero).or.(k==0)).and. (beta==one))) return
           ! and when
           if (alpha==zero) then
               if (upper) then
                   if (beta==zero) then
                       do j = 1,n
                           do i = 1,j
                               c(i,j) = zero
                           end do
                       end do
                       do j = 1,n
                           do i = 1,j
                               c(i,j) = beta*c(i,j)
                           end do
                       end do
                   end if
                   if (beta==zero) then
                       do j = 1,n
                           do i = j,n
                               c(i,j) = zero
                           end do
                       end do
                       do j = 1,n
                           do i = j,n
                               c(i,j) = beta*c(i,j)
                           end do
                       end do
                   end if
               end if
           end if
           ! start the operations.
           if (stdlib_lsame(trans,'N')) then
              ! form  c := alpha*a*b**t + alpha*b*a**t + c.
               if (upper) then
                   do j = 1,n
                       if (beta==zero) then
                           do i = 1,j
                               c(i,j) = zero
                           end do
                       else if (beta/=one) then
                           do i = 1,j
                               c(i,j) = beta*c(i,j)
                           end do
                       end if
                       do l = 1,k
                           if ((a(j,l)/=zero) .or. (b(j,l)/=zero)) then
                               temp1 = alpha*b(j,l)
                               temp2 = alpha*a(j,l)
                               do i = 1,j
                                   c(i,j) = c(i,j) + a(i,l)*temp1 +b(i,l)*temp2
                               end do
                           end if
                       end do
                   end do
                   do j = 1,n
                       if (beta==zero) then
                           do i = j,n
                               c(i,j) = zero
                           end do
                       else if (beta/=one) then
                           do i = j,n
                               c(i,j) = beta*c(i,j)
                           end do
                       end if
                       do l = 1,k
                           if ((a(j,l)/=zero) .or. (b(j,l)/=zero)) then
                               temp1 = alpha*b(j,l)
                               temp2 = alpha*a(j,l)
                               do i = j,n
                                   c(i,j) = c(i,j) + a(i,l)*temp1 +b(i,l)*temp2
                               end do
                           end if
                       end do
                   end do
               end if
              ! form  c := alpha*a**t*b + alpha*b**t*a + c.
               if (upper) then
                   do j = 1,n
                       do i = 1,j
                           temp1 = zero
                           temp2 = zero
                           do l = 1,k
                               temp1 = temp1 + a(l,i)*b(l,j)
                               temp2 = temp2 + b(l,i)*a(l,j)
                           end do
                           if (beta==zero) then
                               c(i,j) = alpha*temp1 + alpha*temp2
                               c(i,j) = beta*c(i,j) + alpha*temp1 +alpha*temp2
                           end if
                       end do
                   end do
                   do j = 1,n
                       do i = j,n
                           temp1 = zero
                           temp2 = zero
                           do l = 1,k
                               temp1 = temp1 + a(l,i)*b(l,j)
                               temp2 = temp2 + b(l,i)*a(l,j)
                           end do
                           if (beta==zero) then
                               c(i,j) = alpha*temp1 + alpha*temp2
                               c(i,j) = beta*c(i,j) + alpha*temp1 +alpha*temp2
                           end if
                       end do
                   end do
               end if
           end if
     end subroutine stdlib_dsyr2k

     pure subroutine stdlib_dsyrk(uplo,trans,n,k,alpha,a,lda,beta,c,ldc)
     !! DSYRK performs one of the symmetric rank k operations
     !! C := alpha*A*A**T + beta*C,
     !! or
     !! C := alpha*A**T*A + beta*C,
     !! where  alpha and beta  are scalars, C is an  n by n  symmetric matrix
     !! and  A  is an  n by k  matrix in the first case and a  k by n  matrix
     !! in the second case.
        ! -- reference blas level3 routine --
        ! -- reference blas is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee,    --
        ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..--
           ! Scalar Arguments 
           real(dp), intent(in) :: alpha, beta
           integer(ilp), intent(in) :: k, lda, ldc, n
           character, intent(in) :: trans, uplo
           ! Array Arguments 
           real(dp), intent(in) :: a(lda,*)
           real(dp), intent(inout) :: c(ldc,*)
        ! =====================================================================
           ! Intrinsic Functions 
           intrinsic :: max
           ! Local Scalars 
           real(dp) :: temp
           integer(ilp) :: i, info, j, l, nrowa
           logical(lk) :: upper
           ! test the input parameters.
           if (stdlib_lsame(trans,'N')) then
               nrowa = n
               nrowa = k
           end if
           upper = stdlib_lsame(uplo,'U')
           info = 0
           if ((.not.upper) .and. (.not.stdlib_lsame(uplo,'L'))) then
               info = 1
           else if ((.not.stdlib_lsame(trans,'N')) .and.(.not.stdlib_lsame(trans,'T')) .and.(&
                     .not.stdlib_lsame(trans,'C'))) then
               info = 2
           else if (n<0) then
               info = 3
           else if (k<0) then
               info = 4
           else if (lda<max(1,nrowa)) then
               info = 7
           else if (ldc<max(1,n)) then
               info = 10
           end if
           if (info/=0) then
               call stdlib_xerbla('DSYRK ',info)
           end if
           ! quick return if possible.
           if ((n==0) .or. (((alpha==zero).or.(k==0)).and. (beta==one))) return
           ! and when
           if (alpha==zero) then
               if (upper) then
                   if (beta==zero) then
                       do j = 1,n
                           do i = 1,j
                               c(i,j) = zero
                           end do
                       end do
                       do j = 1,n
                           do i = 1,j
                               c(i,j) = beta*c(i,j)
                           end do
                       end do
                   end if
                   if (beta==zero) then
                       do j = 1,n
                           do i = j,n
                               c(i,j) = zero
                           end do
                       end do
                       do j = 1,n
                           do i = j,n
                               c(i,j) = beta*c(i,j)
                           end do
                       end do
                   end if
               end if
           end if
           ! start the operations.
           if (stdlib_lsame(trans,'N')) then
              ! form  c := alpha*a*a**t + beta*c.
               if (upper) then
                   do j = 1,n
                       if (beta==zero) then
                           do i = 1,j
                               c(i,j) = zero
                           end do
                       else if (beta/=one) then
                           do i = 1,j
                               c(i,j) = beta*c(i,j)
                           end do
                       end if
                       do l = 1,k
                           if (a(j,l)/=zero) then
                               temp = alpha*a(j,l)
                               do i = 1,j
                                   c(i,j) = c(i,j) + temp*a(i,l)
                               end do
                           end if
                       end do
                   end do
                   do j = 1,n
                       if (beta==zero) then
                           do i = j,n
                               c(i,j) = zero
                           end do
                       else if (beta/=one) then
                           do i = j,n
                               c(i,j) = beta*c(i,j)
                           end do
                       end if
                       do l = 1,k
                           if (a(j,l)/=zero) then
                               temp = alpha*a(j,l)
                               do i = j,n
                                   c(i,j) = c(i,j) + temp*a(i,l)
                               end do
                           end if
                       end do
                   end do
               end if
              ! form  c := alpha*a**t*a + beta*c.
               if (upper) then
                   do j = 1,n
                       do i = 1,j
                           temp = zero
                           do l = 1,k
                               temp = temp + a(l,i)*a(l,j)
                           end do
                           if (beta==zero) then
                               c(i,j) = alpha*temp
                               c(i,j) = alpha*temp + beta*c(i,j)
                           end if
                       end do
                   end do
                   do j = 1,n
                       do i = j,n
                           temp = zero
                           do l = 1,k
                               temp = temp + a(l,i)*a(l,j)
                           end do
                           if (beta==zero) then
                               c(i,j) = alpha*temp
                               c(i,j) = alpha*temp + beta*c(i,j)
                           end if
                       end do
                   end do
               end if
           end if
     end subroutine stdlib_dsyrk

     pure subroutine stdlib_dtbmv(uplo,trans,diag,n,k,a,lda,x,incx)
     !! DTBMV performs one of the matrix-vector operations
     !! x := A*x,   or   x := A**T*x,
     !! where x is an n element vector and  A is an n by n unit, or non-unit,
     !! upper or lower triangular band matrix, with ( k + 1 ) diagonals.
        ! -- reference blas level2 routine --
        ! -- reference blas is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee,    --
        ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..--
           ! Scalar Arguments 
           integer(ilp), intent(in) :: incx, k, lda, n
           character, intent(in) :: diag, trans, uplo
           ! Array Arguments 
           real(dp), intent(in) :: a(lda,*)
           real(dp), intent(inout) :: x(*)
        ! =====================================================================
           ! Local Scalars 
           real(dp) :: temp
           integer(ilp) :: i, info, ix, j, jx, kplus1, kx, l
           logical(lk) :: nounit
           ! Intrinsic Functions 
           intrinsic :: max,min
           ! test the input parameters.
           info = 0
           if (.not.stdlib_lsame(uplo,'U') .and. .not.stdlib_lsame(uplo,'L')) then
               info = 1
           else if (.not.stdlib_lsame(trans,'N') .and. .not.stdlib_lsame(trans,'T') &
                     .and..not.stdlib_lsame(trans,'C')) then
               info = 2
           else if (.not.stdlib_lsame(diag,'U') .and. .not.stdlib_lsame(diag,'N')) then
               info = 3
           else if (n<0) then
               info = 4
           else if (k<0) then
               info = 5
           else if (lda< (k+1)) then
               info = 7
           else if (incx==0) then
               info = 9
           end if
           if (info/=0) then
               call stdlib_xerbla('DTBMV ',info)
           end if
           ! quick return if possible.
           if (n==0) return
           nounit = stdlib_lsame(diag,'N')
           ! set up the start point in x if the increment is not unity. this
           ! will be  ( n - 1 )*incx   too small for descending loops.
           if (incx<=0) then
               kx = 1 - (n-1)*incx
           else if (incx/=1) then
               kx = 1
           end if
           ! start the operations. in this version the elements of a are
           ! accessed sequentially with one pass through a.
           if (stdlib_lsame(trans,'N')) then
               ! form  x := a*x.
               if (stdlib_lsame(uplo,'U')) then
                   kplus1 = k + 1
                   if (incx==1) then
                       do j = 1,n
                           if (x(j)/=zero) then
                               temp = x(j)
                               l = kplus1 - j
                               do i = max(1,j-k),j - 1
                                   x(i) = x(i) + temp*a(l+i,j)
                               end do
                               if (nounit) x(j) = x(j)*a(kplus1,j)
                           end if
                       end do
                       jx = kx
                       do j = 1,n
                           if (x(jx)/=zero) then
                               temp = x(jx)
                               ix = kx
                               l = kplus1 - j
                               do i = max(1,j-k),j - 1
                                   x(ix) = x(ix) + temp*a(l+i,j)
                                   ix = ix + incx
                               end do
                               if (nounit) x(jx) = x(jx)*a(kplus1,j)
                           end if
                           jx = jx + incx
                           if (j>k) kx = kx + incx
                       end do
                   end if
                   if (incx==1) then
                       do j = n,1,-1
                           if (x(j)/=zero) then
                               temp = x(j)
                               l = 1 - j
                               do i = min(n,j+k),j + 1,-1
                                   x(i) = x(i) + temp*a(l+i,j)
                               end do
                               if (nounit) x(j) = x(j)*a(1,j)
                           end if
                       end do
                       kx = kx + (n-1)*incx
                       jx = kx
                       do j = n,1,-1
                           if (x(jx)/=zero) then
                               temp = x(jx)
                               ix = kx
                               l = 1 - j
                               do i = min(n,j+k),j + 1,-1
                                   x(ix) = x(ix) + temp*a(l+i,j)
                                   ix = ix - incx
                               end do
                               if (nounit) x(jx) = x(jx)*a(1,j)
                           end if
                           jx = jx - incx
                           if ((n-j)>=k) kx = kx - incx
                       end do
                   end if
               end if
              ! form  x := a**t*x.
               if (stdlib_lsame(uplo,'U')) then
                   kplus1 = k + 1
                   if (incx==1) then
                       do j = n,1,-1
                           temp = x(j)
                           l = kplus1 - j
                           if (nounit) temp = temp*a(kplus1,j)
                           do i = j - 1,max(1,j-k),-1
                               temp = temp + a(l+i,j)*x(i)
                           end do
                           x(j) = temp
                       end do
                       kx = kx + (n-1)*incx
                       jx = kx
                       do j = n,1,-1
                           temp = x(jx)
                           kx = kx - incx
                           ix = kx
                           l = kplus1 - j
                           if (nounit) temp = temp*a(kplus1,j)
                           do i = j - 1,max(1,j-k),-1
                               temp = temp + a(l+i,j)*x(ix)
                               ix = ix - incx
                           end do
                           x(jx) = temp
                           jx = jx - incx
                       end do
                   end if
                   if (incx==1) then
                       do j = 1,n
                           temp = x(j)
                           l = 1 - j
                           if (nounit) temp = temp*a(1,j)
                           do i = j + 1,min(n,j+k)
                               temp = temp + a(l+i,j)*x(i)
                           end do
                           x(j) = temp
                       end do
                       jx = kx
                       do j = 1,n
                           temp = x(jx)
                           kx = kx + incx
                           ix = kx
                           l = 1 - j
                           if (nounit) temp = temp*a(1,j)
                           do i = j + 1,min(n,j+k)
                               temp = temp + a(l+i,j)*x(ix)
                               ix = ix + incx
                           end do
                           x(jx) = temp
                           jx = jx + incx
                       end do
                   end if
               end if
           end if
     end subroutine stdlib_dtbmv

     pure subroutine stdlib_dtbsv(uplo,trans,diag,n,k,a,lda,x,incx)
     !! DTBSV solves one of the systems of equations
     !! A*x = b,   or   A**T*x = b,
     !! where b and x are n element vectors and A is an n by n unit, or
     !! non-unit, upper or lower triangular band matrix, with ( k + 1 )
     !! diagonals.
     !! No test for singularity or near-singularity is included in this
     !! routine. Such tests must be performed before calling this routine.
        ! -- reference blas level2 routine --
        ! -- reference blas is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee,    --
        ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..--
           ! Scalar Arguments 
           integer(ilp), intent(in) :: incx, k, lda, n
           character, intent(in) :: diag, trans, uplo
           ! Array Arguments 
           real(dp), intent(in) :: a(lda,*)
           real(dp), intent(inout) :: x(*)
        ! =====================================================================
           ! Local Scalars 
           real(dp) :: temp
           integer(ilp) :: i, info, ix, j, jx, kplus1, kx, l
           logical(lk) :: nounit
           ! Intrinsic Functions 
           intrinsic :: max,min
           ! test the input parameters.
           info = 0
           if (.not.stdlib_lsame(uplo,'U') .and. .not.stdlib_lsame(uplo,'L')) then
               info = 1
           else if (.not.stdlib_lsame(trans,'N') .and. .not.stdlib_lsame(trans,'T') &
                     .and..not.stdlib_lsame(trans,'C')) then
               info = 2
           else if (.not.stdlib_lsame(diag,'U') .and. .not.stdlib_lsame(diag,'N')) then
               info = 3
           else if (n<0) then
               info = 4
           else if (k<0) then
               info = 5
           else if (lda< (k+1)) then
               info = 7
           else if (incx==0) then
               info = 9
           end if
           if (info/=0) then
               call stdlib_xerbla('DTBSV ',info)
           end if
           ! quick return if possible.
           if (n==0) return
           nounit = stdlib_lsame(diag,'N')
           ! set up the start point in x if the increment is not unity. this
           ! will be  ( n - 1 )*incx  too small for descending loops.
           if (incx<=0) then
               kx = 1 - (n-1)*incx
           else if (incx/=1) then
               kx = 1
           end if
           ! start the operations. in this version the elements of a are
           ! accessed by sequentially with one pass through a.
           if (stdlib_lsame(trans,'N')) then
              ! form  x := inv( a )*x.
               if (stdlib_lsame(uplo,'U')) then
                   kplus1 = k + 1
                   if (incx==1) then
                       do j = n,1,-1
                           if (x(j)/=zero) then
                               l = kplus1 - j
                               if (nounit) x(j) = x(j)/a(kplus1,j)
                               temp = x(j)
                               do i = j - 1,max(1,j-k),-1
                                   x(i) = x(i) - temp*a(l+i,j)
                               end do
                           end if
                       end do
                       kx = kx + (n-1)*incx
                       jx = kx
                       do j = n,1,-1
                           kx = kx - incx
                           if (x(jx)/=zero) then
                               ix = kx
                               l = kplus1 - j
                               if (nounit) x(jx) = x(jx)/a(kplus1,j)
                               temp = x(jx)
                               do i = j - 1,max(1,j-k),-1
                                   x(ix) = x(ix) - temp*a(l+i,j)
                                   ix = ix - incx
                               end do
                           end if
                           jx = jx - incx
                       end do
                   end if
                   if (incx==1) then
                       do j = 1,n
                           if (x(j)/=zero) then
                               l = 1 - j
                               if (nounit) x(j) = x(j)/a(1,j)
                               temp = x(j)
                               do i = j + 1,min(n,j+k)
                                   x(i) = x(i) - temp*a(l+i,j)
                               end do
                           end if
                       end do
                       jx = kx
                       do j = 1,n
                           kx = kx + incx
                           if (x(jx)/=zero) then
                               ix = kx
                               l = 1 - j
                               if (nounit) x(jx) = x(jx)/a(1,j)
                               temp = x(jx)
                               do i = j + 1,min(n,j+k)
                                   x(ix) = x(ix) - temp*a(l+i,j)
                                   ix = ix + incx
                               end do
                           end if
                           jx = jx + incx
                       end do
                   end if
               end if
              ! form  x := inv( a**t)*x.
               if (stdlib_lsame(uplo,'U')) then
                   kplus1 = k + 1
                   if (incx==1) then
                       do j = 1,n
                           temp = x(j)
                           l = kplus1 - j
                           do i = max(1,j-k),j - 1
                               temp = temp - a(l+i,j)*x(i)
                           end do
                           if (nounit) temp = temp/a(kplus1,j)
                           x(j) = temp
                       end do
                       jx = kx
                       do j = 1,n
                           temp = x(jx)
                           ix = kx
                           l = kplus1 - j
                           do i = max(1,j-k),j - 1
                               temp = temp - a(l+i,j)*x(ix)
                               ix = ix + incx
                           end do
                           if (nounit) temp = temp/a(kplus1,j)
                           x(jx) = temp
                           jx = jx + incx
                           if (j>k) kx = kx + incx
                       end do
                   end if
                   if (incx==1) then
                       do j = n,1,-1
                           temp = x(j)
                           l = 1 - j
                           do i = min(n,j+k),j + 1,-1
                               temp = temp - a(l+i,j)*x(i)
                           end do
                           if (nounit) temp = temp/a(1,j)
                           x(j) = temp
                       end do
                       kx = kx + (n-1)*incx
                       jx = kx
                       do j = n,1,-1
                           temp = x(jx)
                           ix = kx
                           l = 1 - j
                           do i = min(n,j+k),j + 1,-1
                               temp = temp - a(l+i,j)*x(ix)
                               ix = ix - incx
                           end do
                           if (nounit) temp = temp/a(1,j)
                           x(jx) = temp
                           jx = jx - incx
                           if ((n-j)>=k) kx = kx - incx
                       end do
                   end if
               end if
           end if
     end subroutine stdlib_dtbsv

     pure subroutine stdlib_dtpmv(uplo,trans,diag,n,ap,x,incx)
     !! DTPMV performs one of the matrix-vector operations
     !! x := A*x,   or   x := A**T*x,
     !! where x is an n element vector and  A is an n by n unit, or non-unit,
     !! upper or lower triangular matrix, supplied in packed form.
        ! -- reference blas level2 routine --
        ! -- reference blas is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee,    --
        ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..--
           ! Scalar Arguments 
           integer(ilp), intent(in) :: incx, n
           character, intent(in) :: diag, trans, uplo
           ! Array Arguments 
           real(dp), intent(in) :: ap(*)
           real(dp), intent(inout) :: x(*)
        ! =====================================================================
           ! Local Scalars 
           real(dp) :: temp
           integer(ilp) :: i, info, ix, j, jx, k, kk, kx
           logical(lk) :: nounit
           ! test the input parameters.
           info = 0
           if (.not.stdlib_lsame(uplo,'U') .and. .not.stdlib_lsame(uplo,'L')) then
               info = 1
           else if (.not.stdlib_lsame(trans,'N') .and. .not.stdlib_lsame(trans,'T') &
                     .and..not.stdlib_lsame(trans,'C')) then
               info = 2
           else if (.not.stdlib_lsame(diag,'U') .and. .not.stdlib_lsame(diag,'N')) then
               info = 3
           else if (n<0) then
               info = 4
           else if (incx==0) then
               info = 7
           end if
           if (info/=0) then
               call stdlib_xerbla('DTPMV ',info)
           end if
           ! quick return if possible.
           if (n==0) return
           nounit = stdlib_lsame(diag,'N')
           ! set up the start point in x if the increment is not unity. this
           ! will be  ( n - 1 )*incx  too small for descending loops.
           if (incx<=0) then
               kx = 1 - (n-1)*incx
           else if (incx/=1) then
               kx = 1
           end if
           ! start the operations. in this version the elements of ap are
           ! accessed sequentially with one pass through ap.
           if (stdlib_lsame(trans,'N')) then
              ! form  x:= a*x.
               if (stdlib_lsame(uplo,'U')) then
                   kk = 1
                   if (incx==1) then
                       do j = 1,n
                           if (x(j)/=zero) then
                               temp = x(j)
                               k = kk
                               do i = 1,j - 1
                                   x(i) = x(i) + temp*ap(k)
                                   k = k + 1
                               end do
                               if (nounit) x(j) = x(j)*ap(kk+j-1)
                           end if
                           kk = kk + j
                       end do
                       jx = kx
                       do j = 1,n
                           if (x(jx)/=zero) then
                               temp = x(jx)
                               ix = kx
                               do k = kk,kk + j - 2
                                   x(ix) = x(ix) + temp*ap(k)
                                   ix = ix + incx
                               end do
                               if (nounit) x(jx) = x(jx)*ap(kk+j-1)
                           end if
                           jx = jx + incx
                           kk = kk + j
                       end do
                   end if
                   kk = (n* (n+1))/2
                   if (incx==1) then
                       do j = n,1,-1
                           if (x(j)/=zero) then
                               temp = x(j)
                               k = kk
                               do i = n,j + 1,-1
                                   x(i) = x(i) + temp*ap(k)
                                   k = k - 1
                               end do
                               if (nounit) x(j) = x(j)*ap(kk-n+j)
                           end if
                           kk = kk - (n-j+1)
                       end do
                       kx = kx + (n-1)*incx
                       jx = kx
                       do j = n,1,-1
                           if (x(jx)/=zero) then
                               temp = x(jx)
                               ix = kx
                               do k = kk,kk - (n- (j+1)),-1
                                   x(ix) = x(ix) + temp*ap(k)
                                   ix = ix - incx
                               end do
                               if (nounit) x(jx) = x(jx)*ap(kk-n+j)
                           end if
                           jx = jx - incx
                           kk = kk - (n-j+1)
                       end do
                   end if
               end if
              ! form  x := a**t*x.
               if (stdlib_lsame(uplo,'U')) then
                   kk = (n* (n+1))/2
                   if (incx==1) then
                       do j = n,1,-1
                           temp = x(j)
                           if (nounit) temp = temp*ap(kk)
                           k = kk - 1
                           do i = j - 1,1,-1
                               temp = temp + ap(k)*x(i)
                               k = k - 1
                           end do
                           x(j) = temp
                           kk = kk - j
                       end do
                       jx = kx + (n-1)*incx
                       do j = n,1,-1
                           temp = x(jx)
                           ix = jx
                           if (nounit) temp = temp*ap(kk)
                           do k = kk - 1,kk - j + 1,-1
                               ix = ix - incx
                               temp = temp + ap(k)*x(ix)
                           end do
                           x(jx) = temp
                           jx = jx - incx
                           kk = kk - j
                       end do
                   end if
                   kk = 1
                   if (incx==1) then
                       do j = 1,n
                           temp = x(j)
                           if (nounit) temp = temp*ap(kk)
                           k = kk + 1
                           do i = j + 1,n
                               temp = temp + ap(k)*x(i)
                               k = k + 1
                           end do
                           x(j) = temp
                           kk = kk + (n-j+1)
                       end do
                       jx = kx
                       do j = 1,n
                           temp = x(jx)
                           ix = jx
                           if (nounit) temp = temp*ap(kk)
                           do k = kk + 1,kk + n - j
                               ix = ix + incx
                               temp = temp + ap(k)*x(ix)
                           end do
                           x(jx) = temp
                           jx = jx + incx
                           kk = kk + (n-j+1)
                       end do
                   end if
               end if
           end if
     end subroutine stdlib_dtpmv

     pure subroutine stdlib_dtpsv(uplo,trans,diag,n,ap,x,incx)
     !! DTPSV solves one of the systems of equations
     !! A*x = b,   or   A**T*x = b,
     !! where b and x are n element vectors and A is an n by n unit, or
     !! non-unit, upper or lower triangular matrix, supplied in packed form.
     !! No test for singularity or near-singularity is included in this
     !! routine. Such tests must be performed before calling this routine.
        ! -- reference blas level2 routine --
        ! -- reference blas is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee,    --
        ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..--
           ! Scalar Arguments 
           integer(ilp), intent(in) :: incx, n
           character, intent(in) :: diag, trans, uplo
           ! Array Arguments 
           real(dp), intent(in) :: ap(*)
           real(dp), intent(inout) :: x(*)
        ! =====================================================================
           ! Local Scalars 
           real(dp) :: temp
           integer(ilp) :: i, info, ix, j, jx, k, kk, kx
           logical(lk) :: nounit
           ! test the input parameters.
           info = 0
           if (.not.stdlib_lsame(uplo,'U') .and. .not.stdlib_lsame(uplo,'L')) then
               info = 1
           else if (.not.stdlib_lsame(trans,'N') .and. .not.stdlib_lsame(trans,'T') &
                     .and..not.stdlib_lsame(trans,'C')) then
               info = 2
           else if (.not.stdlib_lsame(diag,'U') .and. .not.stdlib_lsame(diag,'N')) then
               info = 3
           else if (n<0) then
               info = 4
           else if (incx==0) then
               info = 7
           end if
           if (info/=0) then
               call stdlib_xerbla('DTPSV ',info)
           end if
           ! quick return if possible.
           if (n==0) return
           nounit = stdlib_lsame(diag,'N')
           ! set up the start point in x if the increment is not unity. this
           ! will be  ( n - 1 )*incx  too small for descending loops.
           if (incx<=0) then
               kx = 1 - (n-1)*incx
           else if (incx/=1) then
               kx = 1
           end if
           ! start the operations. in this version the elements of ap are
           ! accessed sequentially with one pass through ap.
           if (stdlib_lsame(trans,'N')) then
              ! form  x := inv( a )*x.
               if (stdlib_lsame(uplo,'U')) then
                   kk = (n* (n+1))/2
                   if (incx==1) then
                       do j = n,1,-1
                           if (x(j)/=zero) then
                               if (nounit) x(j) = x(j)/ap(kk)
                               temp = x(j)
                               k = kk - 1
                               do i = j - 1,1,-1
                                   x(i) = x(i) - temp*ap(k)
                                   k = k - 1
                               end do
                           end if
                           kk = kk - j
                       end do
                       jx = kx + (n-1)*incx
                       do j = n,1,-1
                           if (x(jx)/=zero) then
                               if (nounit) x(jx) = x(jx)/ap(kk)
                               temp = x(jx)
                               ix = jx
                               do k = kk - 1,kk - j + 1,-1
                                   ix = ix - incx
                                   x(ix) = x(ix) - temp*ap(k)
                               end do
                           end if
                           jx = jx - incx
                           kk = kk - j
                       end do
                   end if
                   kk = 1
                   if (incx==1) then
                       do j = 1,n
                           if (x(j)/=zero) then
                               if (nounit) x(j) = x(j)/ap(kk)
                               temp = x(j)
                               k = kk + 1
                               do i = j + 1,n
                                   x(i) = x(i) - temp*ap(k)
                                   k = k + 1
                               end do
                           end if
                           kk = kk + (n-j+1)
                       end do
                       jx = kx
                       do j = 1,n
                           if (x(jx)/=zero) then
                               if (nounit) x(jx) = x(jx)/ap(kk)
                               temp = x(jx)
                               ix = jx
                               do k = kk + 1,kk + n - j
                                   ix = ix + incx
                                   x(ix) = x(ix) - temp*ap(k)
                               end do
                           end if
                           jx = jx + incx
                           kk = kk + (n-j+1)
                       end do
                   end if
               end if
              ! form  x := inv( a**t )*x.
               if (stdlib_lsame(uplo,'U')) then
                   kk = 1
                   if (incx==1) then
                       do j = 1,n
                           temp = x(j)
                           k = kk
                           do i = 1,j - 1
                               temp = temp - ap(k)*x(i)
                               k = k + 1
                           end do
                           if (nounit) temp = temp/ap(kk+j-1)
                           x(j) = temp
                           kk = kk + j
                       end do
                       jx = kx
                       do j = 1,n
                           temp = x(jx)
                           ix = kx
                           do k = kk,kk + j - 2
                               temp = temp - ap(k)*x(ix)
                               ix = ix + incx
                           end do
                           if (nounit) temp = temp/ap(kk+j-1)
                           x(jx) = temp
                           jx = jx + incx
                           kk = kk + j
                       end do
                   end if
                   kk = (n* (n+1))/2
                   if (incx==1) then
                       do j = n,1,-1
                           temp = x(j)
                           k = kk
                           do i = n,j + 1,-1
                               temp = temp - ap(k)*x(i)
                               k = k - 1
                           end do
                           if (nounit) temp = temp/ap(kk-n+j)
                           x(j) = temp
                           kk = kk - (n-j+1)
                       end do
                       kx = kx + (n-1)*incx
                       jx = kx
                       do j = n,1,-1
                           temp = x(jx)
                           ix = kx
                           do k = kk,kk - (n- (j+1)),-1
                               temp = temp - ap(k)*x(ix)
                               ix = ix - incx
                           end do
                           if (nounit) temp = temp/ap(kk-n+j)
                           x(jx) = temp
                           jx = jx - incx
                           kk = kk - (n-j+1)
                       end do
                   end if
               end if
           end if
     end subroutine stdlib_dtpsv

     pure subroutine stdlib_dtrmm(side,uplo,transa,diag,m,n,alpha,a,lda,b,ldb)
     !! DTRMM performs one of the matrix-matrix operations
     !! B := alpha*op( A )*B,   or   B := alpha*B*op( A ),
     !! where  alpha  is a scalar,  B  is an m by n matrix,  A  is a unit, or
     !! non-unit,  upper or lower triangular matrix  and  op( A )  is one  of
     !! op( A ) = A   or   op( A ) = A**T.
        ! -- reference blas level3 routine --
        ! -- reference blas is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee,    --
        ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..--
           ! Scalar Arguments 
           real(dp), intent(in) :: alpha
           integer(ilp), intent(in) :: lda, ldb, m, n
           character, intent(in) :: diag, side, transa, uplo
           ! Array Arguments 
           real(dp), intent(in) :: a(lda,*)
           real(dp), intent(inout) :: b(ldb,*)
        ! =====================================================================
           ! Intrinsic Functions 
           intrinsic :: max
           ! Local Scalars 
           real(dp) :: temp
           integer(ilp) :: i, info, j, k, nrowa
           logical(lk) :: lside, nounit, upper
           ! test the input parameters.
           lside = stdlib_lsame(side,'L')
           if (lside) then
               nrowa = m
               nrowa = n
           end if
           nounit = stdlib_lsame(diag,'N')
           upper = stdlib_lsame(uplo,'U')
           info = 0
           if ((.not.lside) .and. (.not.stdlib_lsame(side,'R'))) then
               info = 1
           else if ((.not.upper) .and. (.not.stdlib_lsame(uplo,'L'))) then
               info = 2
           else if ((.not.stdlib_lsame(transa,'N')) .and.(.not.stdlib_lsame(transa,'T')) .and.(&
                     .not.stdlib_lsame(transa,'C'))) then
               info = 3
           else if ((.not.stdlib_lsame(diag,'U')) .and. (.not.stdlib_lsame(diag,'N'))) &
               info = 4
           else if (m<0) then
               info = 5
           else if (n<0) then
               info = 6
           else if (lda<max(1,nrowa)) then
               info = 9
           else if (ldb<max(1,m)) then
               info = 11
           end if
           if (info/=0) then
               call stdlib_xerbla('DTRMM ',info)
           end if
           ! quick return if possible.
           if (m==0 .or. n==0) return
           ! and when
           if (alpha==zero) then
               do j = 1,n
                   do i = 1,m
                       b(i,j) = zero
                   end do
               end do
           end if
           ! start the operations.
           if (lside) then
               if (stdlib_lsame(transa,'N')) then
                 ! form  b := alpha*a*b.
                   if (upper) then
                       do j = 1,n
                           do k = 1,m
                               if (b(k,j)/=zero) then
                                   temp = alpha*b(k,j)
                                   do i = 1,k - 1
                                       b(i,j) = b(i,j) + temp*a(i,k)
                                   end do
                                   if (nounit) temp = temp*a(k,k)
                                   b(k,j) = temp
                               end if
                           end do
                       end do
                       do j = 1,n
                           do k = m,1,-1
                               if (b(k,j)/=zero) then
                                   temp = alpha*b(k,j)
                                   b(k,j) = temp
                                   if (nounit) b(k,j) = b(k,j)*a(k,k)
                                   do i = k + 1,m
                                       b(i,j) = b(i,j) + temp*a(i,k)
                                   end do
                               end if
                           end do
                       end do
                   end if
                 ! form  b := alpha*a**t*b.
                   if (upper) then
                       do j = 1,n
                           do i = m,1,-1
                               temp = b(i,j)
                               if (nounit) temp = temp*a(i,i)
                               do k = 1,i - 1
                                   temp = temp + a(k,i)*b(k,j)
                               end do
                               b(i,j) = alpha*temp
                           end do
                       end do
                       do j = 1,n
                           do i = 1,m
                               temp = b(i,j)
                               if (nounit) temp = temp*a(i,i)
                               do k = i + 1,m
                                   temp = temp + a(k,i)*b(k,j)
                               end do
                               b(i,j) = alpha*temp
                           end do
                       end do
                   end if
               end if
               if (stdlib_lsame(transa,'N')) then
                 ! form  b := alpha*b*a.
                   if (upper) then
                       do j = n,1,-1
                           temp = alpha
                           if (nounit) temp = temp*a(j,j)
                           do i = 1,m
                               b(i,j) = temp*b(i,j)
                           end do
                           do k = 1,j - 1
                               if (a(k,j)/=zero) then
                                   temp = alpha*a(k,j)
                                   do i = 1,m
                                       b(i,j) = b(i,j) + temp*b(i,k)
                                   end do
                               end if
                           end do
                       end do
                       do j = 1,n
                           temp = alpha
                           if (nounit) temp = temp*a(j,j)
                           do i = 1,m
                               b(i,j) = temp*b(i,j)
                           end do
                           do k = j + 1,n
                               if (a(k,j)/=zero) then
                                   temp = alpha*a(k,j)
                                   do i = 1,m
                                       b(i,j) = b(i,j) + temp*b(i,k)
                                   end do
                               end if
                           end do
                       end do
                   end if
                 ! form  b := alpha*b*a**t.
                   if (upper) then
                       do k = 1,n
                           do j = 1,k - 1
                               if (a(j,k)/=zero) then
                                   temp = alpha*a(j,k)
                                   do i = 1,m
                                       b(i,j) = b(i,j) + temp*b(i,k)
                                   end do
                               end if
                           end do
                           temp = alpha
                           if (nounit) temp = temp*a(k,k)
                           if (temp/=one) then
                               do i = 1,m
                                   b(i,k) = temp*b(i,k)
                               end do
                           end if
                       end do
                       do k = n,1,-1
                           do j = k + 1,n
                               if (a(j,k)/=zero) then
                                   temp = alpha*a(j,k)
                                   do i = 1,m
                                       b(i,j) = b(i,j) + temp*b(i,k)
                                   end do
                               end if
                           end do
                           temp = alpha
                           if (nounit) temp = temp*a(k,k)
                           if (temp/=one) then
                               do i = 1,m
                                   b(i,k) = temp*b(i,k)
                               end do
                           end if
                       end do
                   end if
               end if
           end if
     end subroutine stdlib_dtrmm

     pure subroutine stdlib_dtrmv(uplo,trans,diag,n,a,lda,x,incx)
     !! DTRMV performs one of the matrix-vector operations
     !! x := A*x,   or   x := A**T*x,
     !! where x is an n element vector and  A is an n by n unit, or non-unit,
     !! upper or lower triangular matrix.
        ! -- reference blas level2 routine --
        ! -- reference blas is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee,    --
        ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..--
           ! Scalar Arguments 
           integer(ilp), intent(in) :: incx, lda, n
           character, intent(in) :: diag, trans, uplo
           ! Array Arguments 
           real(dp), intent(in) :: a(lda,*)
           real(dp), intent(inout) :: x(*)
        ! =====================================================================
           ! Local Scalars 
           real(dp) :: temp
           integer(ilp) :: i, info, ix, j, jx, kx
           logical(lk) :: nounit
           ! Intrinsic Functions 
           intrinsic :: max
           ! test the input parameters.
           info = 0
           if (.not.stdlib_lsame(uplo,'U') .and. .not.stdlib_lsame(uplo,'L')) then
               info = 1
           else if (.not.stdlib_lsame(trans,'N') .and. .not.stdlib_lsame(trans,'T') &
                     .and..not.stdlib_lsame(trans,'C')) then
               info = 2
           else if (.not.stdlib_lsame(diag,'U') .and. .not.stdlib_lsame(diag,'N')) then
               info = 3
           else if (n<0) then
               info = 4
           else if (lda<max(1,n)) then
               info = 6
           else if (incx==0) then
               info = 8
           end if
           if (info/=0) then
               call stdlib_xerbla('DTRMV ',info)
           end if
           ! quick return if possible.
           if (n==0) return
           nounit = stdlib_lsame(diag,'N')
           ! set up the start point in x if the increment is not unity. this
           ! will be  ( n - 1 )*incx  too small for descending loops.
           if (incx<=0) then
               kx = 1 - (n-1)*incx
           else if (incx/=1) then
               kx = 1
           end if
           ! start the operations. in this version the elements of a are
           ! accessed sequentially with one pass through a.
           if (stdlib_lsame(trans,'N')) then
              ! form  x := a*x.
               if (stdlib_lsame(uplo,'U')) then
                   if (incx==1) then
                       do j = 1,n
                           if (x(j)/=zero) then
                               temp = x(j)
                               do i = 1,j - 1
                                   x(i) = x(i) + temp*a(i,j)
                               end do
                               if (nounit) x(j) = x(j)*a(j,j)
                           end if
                       end do
                       jx = kx
                       do j = 1,n
                           if (x(jx)/=zero) then
                               temp = x(jx)
                               ix = kx
                               do i = 1,j - 1
                                   x(ix) = x(ix) + temp*a(i,j)
                                   ix = ix + incx
                               end do
                               if (nounit) x(jx) = x(jx)*a(j,j)
                           end if
                           jx = jx + incx
                       end do
                   end if
                   if (incx==1) then
                       do j = n,1,-1
                           if (x(j)/=zero) then
                               temp = x(j)
                               do i = n,j + 1,-1
                                   x(i) = x(i) + temp*a(i,j)
                               end do
                               if (nounit) x(j) = x(j)*a(j,j)
                           end if
                       end do
                       kx = kx + (n-1)*incx
                       jx = kx
                       do j = n,1,-1
                           if (x(jx)/=zero) then
                               temp = x(jx)
                               ix = kx
                               do i = n,j + 1,-1
                                   x(ix) = x(ix) + temp*a(i,j)
                                   ix = ix - incx
                               end do
                               if (nounit) x(jx) = x(jx)*a(j,j)
                           end if
                           jx = jx - incx
                       end do
                   end if
               end if
              ! form  x := a**t*x.
               if (stdlib_lsame(uplo,'U')) then
                   if (incx==1) then
                       do j = n,1,-1
                           temp = x(j)
                           if (nounit) temp = temp*a(j,j)
                           do i = j - 1,1,-1
                               temp = temp + a(i,j)*x(i)
                           end do
                           x(j) = temp
                       end do
                       jx = kx + (n-1)*incx
                       do j = n,1,-1
                           temp = x(jx)
                           ix = jx
                           if (nounit) temp = temp*a(j,j)
                           do i = j - 1,1,-1
                               ix = ix - incx
                               temp = temp + a(i,j)*x(ix)
                           end do
                           x(jx) = temp
                           jx = jx - incx
                       end do
                   end if
                   if (incx==1) then
                       do j = 1,n
                           temp = x(j)
                           if (nounit) temp = temp*a(j,j)
                           do i = j + 1,n
                               temp = temp + a(i,j)*x(i)
                           end do
                           x(j) = temp
                       end do
                       jx = kx
                       do j = 1,n
                           temp = x(jx)
                           ix = jx
                           if (nounit) temp = temp*a(j,j)
                           do i = j + 1,n
                               ix = ix + incx
                               temp = temp + a(i,j)*x(ix)
                           end do
                           x(jx) = temp
                           jx = jx + incx
                       end do
                   end if
               end if
           end if
     end subroutine stdlib_dtrmv

     pure subroutine stdlib_dtrsm(side,uplo,transa,diag,m,n,alpha,a,lda,b,ldb)
     !! DTRSM solves one of the matrix equations
     !! op( A )*X = alpha*B,   or   X*op( A ) = alpha*B,
     !! where alpha is a scalar, X and B are m by n matrices, A is a unit, or
     !! non-unit,  upper or lower triangular matrix  and  op( A )  is one  of
     !! op( A ) = A   or   op( A ) = A**T.
     !! The matrix X is overwritten on B.
        ! -- reference blas level3 routine --
        ! -- reference blas is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee,    --
        ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..--
           ! Scalar Arguments 
           real(dp), intent(in) :: alpha
           integer(ilp), intent(in) :: lda, ldb, m, n
           character, intent(in) :: diag, side, transa, uplo
           ! Array Arguments 
           real(dp), intent(in) :: a(lda,*)
           real(dp), intent(inout) :: b(ldb,*)
        ! =====================================================================
           ! Intrinsic Functions 
           intrinsic :: max
           ! Local Scalars 
           real(dp) :: temp
           integer(ilp) :: i, info, j, k, nrowa
           logical(lk) :: lside, nounit, upper
           ! test the input parameters.
           lside = stdlib_lsame(side,'L')
           if (lside) then
               nrowa = m
               nrowa = n
           end if
           nounit = stdlib_lsame(diag,'N')
           upper = stdlib_lsame(uplo,'U')
           info = 0
           if ((.not.lside) .and. (.not.stdlib_lsame(side,'R'))) then
               info = 1
           else if ((.not.upper) .and. (.not.stdlib_lsame(uplo,'L'))) then
               info = 2
           else if ((.not.stdlib_lsame(transa,'N')) .and.(.not.stdlib_lsame(transa,'T')) .and.(&
                     .not.stdlib_lsame(transa,'C'))) then
               info = 3
           else if ((.not.stdlib_lsame(diag,'U')) .and. (.not.stdlib_lsame(diag,'N'))) &
               info = 4
           else if (m<0) then
               info = 5
           else if (n<0) then
               info = 6
           else if (lda<max(1,nrowa)) then
               info = 9
           else if (ldb<max(1,m)) then
               info = 11
           end if
           if (info/=0) then
               call stdlib_xerbla('DTRSM ',info)
           end if
           ! quick return if possible.
           if (m==0 .or. n==0) return
           ! and when
           if (alpha==zero) then
               do j = 1,n
                   do i = 1,m
                       b(i,j) = zero
                   end do
               end do
           end if
           ! start the operations.
           if (lside) then
               if (stdlib_lsame(transa,'N')) then
                 ! form  b := alpha*inv( a )*b.
                   if (upper) then
                       do j = 1,n
                           if (alpha/=one) then
                               do i = 1,m
                                   b(i,j) = alpha*b(i,j)
                               end do
                           end if
                           do k = m,1,-1
                               if (b(k,j)/=zero) then
                                   if (nounit) b(k,j) = b(k,j)/a(k,k)
                                   do i = 1,k - 1
                                       b(i,j) = b(i,j) - b(k,j)*a(i,k)
                                   end do
                               end if
                           end do
                       end do
                       do j = 1,n
                           if (alpha/=one) then
                               do i = 1,m
                                   b(i,j) = alpha*b(i,j)
                               end do
                           end if
                           do k = 1,m
                               if (b(k,j)/=zero) then
                                   if (nounit) b(k,j) = b(k,j)/a(k,k)
                                   do i = k + 1,m
                                       b(i,j) = b(i,j) - b(k,j)*a(i,k)
                                   end do
                               end if
                           end do
                       end do
                   end if
                 ! form  b := alpha*inv( a**t )*b.
                   if (upper) then
                       do j = 1,n
                           do i = 1,m
                               temp = alpha*b(i,j)
                               do k = 1,i - 1
                                   temp = temp - a(k,i)*b(k,j)
                               end do
                               if (nounit) temp = temp/a(i,i)
                               b(i,j) = temp
                           end do
                       end do
                       do j = 1,n
                           do i = m,1,-1
                               temp = alpha*b(i,j)
                               do k = i + 1,m
                                   temp = temp - a(k,i)*b(k,j)
                               end do
                               if (nounit) temp = temp/a(i,i)
                               b(i,j) = temp
                           end do
                       end do
                   end if
               end if
               if (stdlib_lsame(transa,'N')) then
                 ! form  b := alpha*b*inv( a ).
                   if (upper) then
                       do j = 1,n
                           if (alpha/=one) then
                               do i = 1,m
                                   b(i,j) = alpha*b(i,j)
                               end do
                           end if
                           do k = 1,j - 1
                               if (a(k,j)/=zero) then
                                   do i = 1,m
                                       b(i,j) = b(i,j) - a(k,j)*b(i,k)
                                   end do
                               end if
                           end do
                           if (nounit) then
                               temp = one/a(j,j)
                               do i = 1,m
                                   b(i,j) = temp*b(i,j)
                               end do
                           end if
                       end do
                       do j = n,1,-1
                           if (alpha/=one) then
                               do i = 1,m
                                   b(i,j) = alpha*b(i,j)
                               end do
                           end if
                           do k = j + 1,n
                               if (a(k,j)/=zero) then
                                   do i = 1,m
                                       b(i,j) = b(i,j) - a(k,j)*b(i,k)
                                   end do
                               end if
                           end do
                           if (nounit) then
                               temp = one/a(j,j)
                               do i = 1,m
                                   b(i,j) = temp*b(i,j)
                               end do
                           end if
                       end do
                   end if
                 ! form  b := alpha*b*inv( a**t ).
                   if (upper) then
                       do k = n,1,-1
                           if (nounit) then
                               temp = one/a(k,k)
                               do i = 1,m
                                   b(i,k) = temp*b(i,k)
                               end do
                           end if
                           do j = 1,k - 1
                               if (a(j,k)/=zero) then
                                   temp = a(j,k)
                                   do i = 1,m
                                       b(i,j) = b(i,j) - temp*b(i,k)
                                   end do
                               end if
                           end do
                           if (alpha/=one) then
                               do i = 1,m
                                   b(i,k) = alpha*b(i,k)
                               end do
                           end if
                       end do
                       do k = 1,n
                           if (nounit) then
                               temp = one/a(k,k)
                               do i = 1,m
                                   b(i,k) = temp*b(i,k)
                               end do
                           end if
                           do j = k + 1,n
                               if (a(j,k)/=zero) then
                                   temp = a(j,k)
                                   do i = 1,m
                                       b(i,j) = b(i,j) - temp*b(i,k)
                                   end do
                               end if
                           end do
                           if (alpha/=one) then
                               do i = 1,m
                                   b(i,k) = alpha*b(i,k)
                               end do
                           end if
                       end do
                   end if
               end if
           end if
     end subroutine stdlib_dtrsm

     pure subroutine stdlib_dtrsv(uplo,trans,diag,n,a,lda,x,incx)
     !! DTRSV solves one of the systems of equations
     !! A*x = b,   or   A**T*x = b,
     !! where b and x are n element vectors and A is an n by n unit, or
     !! non-unit, upper or lower triangular matrix.
     !! No test for singularity or near-singularity is included in this
     !! routine. Such tests must be performed before calling this routine.
        ! -- reference blas level1 routine --
        ! -- reference blas is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee,    --
        ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..--
           ! Scalar Arguments 
           integer(ilp), intent(in) :: incx, lda, n
           character, intent(in) :: diag, trans, uplo
           ! Array Arguments 
           real(dp), intent(in) :: a(lda,*)
           real(dp), intent(inout) :: x(*)
        ! =====================================================================
           ! Local Scalars 
           real(dp) :: temp
           integer(ilp) :: i, info, ix, j, jx, kx
           logical(lk) :: nounit
           ! Intrinsic Functions 
           intrinsic :: max
           ! test the input parameters.
           info = 0
           if (.not.stdlib_lsame(uplo,'U') .and. .not.stdlib_lsame(uplo,'L')) then
               info = 1
           else if (.not.stdlib_lsame(trans,'N') .and. .not.stdlib_lsame(trans,'T') &
                     .and..not.stdlib_lsame(trans,'C')) then
               info = 2
           else if (.not.stdlib_lsame(diag,'U') .and. .not.stdlib_lsame(diag,'N')) then
               info = 3
           else if (n<0) then
               info = 4
           else if (lda<max(1,n)) then
               info = 6
           else if (incx==0) then
               info = 8
           end if
           if (info/=0) then
               call stdlib_xerbla('DTRSV ',info)
           end if
           ! quick return if possible.
           if (n==0) return
           nounit = stdlib_lsame(diag,'N')
           ! set up the start point in x if the increment is not unity. this
           ! will be  ( n - 1 )*incx  too small for descending loops.
           if (incx<=0) then
               kx = 1 - (n-1)*incx
           else if (incx/=1) then
               kx = 1
           end if
           ! start the operations. in this version the elements of a are
           ! accessed sequentially with one pass through a.
           if (stdlib_lsame(trans,'N')) then
              ! form  x := inv( a )*x.
               if (stdlib_lsame(uplo,'U')) then
                   if (incx==1) then
                       do j = n,1,-1
                           if (x(j)/=zero) then
                               if (nounit) x(j) = x(j)/a(j,j)
                               temp = x(j)
                               do i = j - 1,1,-1
                                   x(i) = x(i) - temp*a(i,j)
                               end do
                           end if
                       end do
                       jx = kx + (n-1)*incx
                       do j = n,1,-1
                           if (x(jx)/=zero) then
                               if (nounit) x(jx) = x(jx)/a(j,j)
                               temp = x(jx)
                               ix = jx
                               do i = j - 1,1,-1
                                   ix = ix - incx
                                   x(ix) = x(ix) - temp*a(i,j)
                               end do
                           end if
                           jx = jx - incx
                       end do
                   end if
                   if (incx==1) then
                       do j = 1,n
                           if (x(j)/=zero) then
                               if (nounit) x(j) = x(j)/a(j,j)
                               temp = x(j)
                               do i = j + 1,n
                                   x(i) = x(i) - temp*a(i,j)
                               end do
                           end if
                       end do
                       jx = kx
                       do j = 1,n
                           if (x(jx)/=zero) then
                               if (nounit) x(jx) = x(jx)/a(j,j)
                               temp = x(jx)
                               ix = jx
                               do i = j + 1,n
                                   ix = ix + incx
                                   x(ix) = x(ix) - temp*a(i,j)
                               end do
                           end if
                           jx = jx + incx
                       end do
                   end if
               end if
              ! form  x := inv( a**t )*x.
               if (stdlib_lsame(uplo,'U')) then
                   if (incx==1) then
                       do j = 1,n
                           temp = x(j)
                           do i = 1,j - 1
                               temp = temp - a(i,j)*x(i)
                           end do
                           if (nounit) temp = temp/a(j,j)
                           x(j) = temp
                       end do
                       jx = kx
                       do j = 1,n
                           temp = x(jx)
                           ix = kx
                           do i = 1,j - 1
                               temp = temp - a(i,j)*x(ix)
                               ix = ix + incx
                           end do
                           if (nounit) temp = temp/a(j,j)
                           x(jx) = temp
                           jx = jx + incx
                       end do
                   end if
                   if (incx==1) then
                       do j = n,1,-1
                           temp = x(j)
                           do i = n,j + 1,-1
                               temp = temp - a(i,j)*x(i)
                           end do
                           if (nounit) temp = temp/a(j,j)
                           x(j) = temp
                       end do
                       kx = kx + (n-1)*incx
                       jx = kx
                       do j = n,1,-1
                           temp = x(jx)
                           ix = kx
                           do i = n,j + 1,-1
                               temp = temp - a(i,j)*x(ix)
                               ix = ix - incx
                           end do
                           if (nounit) temp = temp/a(j,j)
                           x(jx) = temp
                           jx = jx - incx
                       end do
                   end if
               end if
           end if
     end subroutine stdlib_dtrsv

     pure real(dp) function stdlib_dzasum(n,zx,incx)
     !! DZASUM takes the sum of the (|Re(.)| + |Im(.)|)'s of a complex vector and
     !! returns a double precision result.
        ! -- reference blas level1 routine --
        ! -- reference blas is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee,    --
        ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..--
           ! Scalar Arguments 
           integer(ilp), intent(in) :: incx, n
           ! Array Arguments 
           complex(dp), intent(in) :: zx(*)
        ! =====================================================================
           ! Local Scalars 
           real(dp) :: stemp
           integer(ilp) :: i, nincx
           stdlib_dzasum = zero
           stemp = zero
           if (n<=0 .or. incx<=0) return
           if (incx==1) then
              ! code for increment equal to 1
              do i = 1,n
                 stemp = stemp + stdlib_cabs1(zx(i))
              end do
              ! code for increment not equal to 1
              nincx = n*incx
              do i = 1,nincx,incx
                 stemp = stemp + stdlib_cabs1(zx(i))
              end do
           end if
           stdlib_dzasum = stemp
     end function stdlib_dzasum

     pure function stdlib_dznrm2( n, x, incx )
     !! DZNRM2 returns the euclidean norm of a vector via the function
     !! name, so that
     !! DZNRM2 := sqrt( x**H*x )
        real(dp) :: stdlib_dznrm2
        ! -- reference blas level1 routine (version 3.9.1_dp) --
        ! -- reference blas is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee,    --
        ! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..--
           ! march 2021
        ! Constants 
        integer, parameter :: wp = kind(1._dp)
        real(dp), parameter :: maxn = huge(0.0_dp)
        ! .. blue's scaling constants ..
        ! Scalar Arguments 
     integer(ilp), intent(in) :: incx, n
        ! Array Arguments 
        complex(dp), intent(in) :: x(*)
        ! Local Scalars 
     integer(ilp) :: i, ix
     logical(lk) :: notbig
        real(dp) :: abig, amed, asml, ax, scl, sumsq, ymax, ymin
        ! quick return if possible
        stdlib_dznrm2 = zero
        if( n <= 0 ) return
        scl = one
        sumsq = zero
        ! compute the sum of squares in 3 accumulators:
           ! abig -- sums of squares scaled down to avoid overflow
           ! asml -- sums of squares scaled up to avoid underflow
           ! amed -- sums of squares that do not require scaling
        ! the thresholds and multipliers are
           ! tbig -- values bigger than this are scaled down by sbig
           ! tsml -- values smaller than this are scaled up by ssml
        notbig = .true.
        asml = zero
        amed = zero
        abig = zero
        ix = 1
        if( incx < 0 ) ix = 1 - (n-1)*incx
        do i = 1, n
           ax = abs(real(x(ix),KIND=dp))
           if (ax > tbig) then
              abig = abig + (ax*sbig)**2
              notbig = .false.
           else if (ax < tsml) then
              if (notbig) asml = asml + (ax*ssml)**2
              amed = amed + ax**2
           end if
           ax = abs(aimag(x(ix)))
           if (ax > tbig) then
              abig = abig + (ax*sbig)**2
              notbig = .false.
           else if (ax < tsml) then
              if (notbig) asml = asml + (ax*ssml)**2
              amed = amed + ax**2
           end if
           ix = ix + incx
        end do
        ! combine abig and amed or amed and asml if more than one
        ! accumulator was used.
        if (abig > zero) then
           ! combine abig and amed if abig > 0.
           if ( (amed > zero) .or. (amed > maxn) .or. (amed /= amed) ) then
              abig = abig + (amed*sbig)*sbig
           end if
           scl = one / sbig
           sumsq = abig
        else if (asml > zero) then
           ! combine amed and asml if asml > 0.
           if ( (amed > zero) .or. (amed > maxn) .or. (amed /= amed) ) then
              amed = sqrt(amed)
              asml = sqrt(asml) / ssml
              if (asml > amed) then
                 ymin = amed
                 ymax = asml
                 ymin = asml
                 ymax = amed
              end if
              scl = one
              sumsq = ymax**2*( one + (ymin/ymax)**2 )
              scl = one / ssml
              sumsq = asml
           end if
           ! otherwise all values are mid-range
           scl = one
           sumsq = amed
        end if
        stdlib_dznrm2 = scl*sqrt( sumsq )
     end function stdlib_dznrm2

end module stdlib_linalg_blas_d