stdlib_math_arange.fypp Source File

Source Code

#:include "common.fypp"
submodule(stdlib_math) stdlib_math_arange


    #:for k1, t1 in REAL_KINDS_TYPES
    !> `arange` creates a vector of the `${t1}$` type 
    !>  with evenly spaced values within a given interval.
    pure module function arange_${t1[0]}$_${k1}$(start, end, step) result(result)

        ${t1}$, intent(in) :: start
        ${t1}$, intent(in), optional :: end, step
        ${t1}$, allocatable :: result(:)
        ${t1}$ :: start_, end_, step_
        integer :: i

        start_ = merge(start, 1.0_${k1}$, present(end))
        end_   = optval(end, start)
        step_  = optval(step, 1.0_${k1}$)
        step_  = sign(merge(step_, 1.0_${k1}$, step_ /= 0.0_${k1}$), end_ - start_)

        allocate(result(floor((end_ - start_)/step_) + 1))

        result = [(start_ + (i - 1)*step_, i=1, size(result), 1)]

    end function arange_${t1[0]}$_${k1}$

    #:for k1, t1 in INT_KINDS_TYPES
    !> `arange` creates a vector of the `${t1}$` type 
    !>  with evenly spaced values within a given interval.
    pure module function arange_${t1[0]}$_${k1}$(start, end, step) result(result)

        ${t1}$, intent(in) :: start
        ${t1}$, intent(in), optional :: end, step
        ${t1}$, allocatable :: result(:)
        ${t1}$ :: start_, end_, step_
        ${t1}$ :: i

        start_ = merge(start, 1_${k1}$, present(end))
        end_   = optval(end, start)
        step_  = optval(step, 1_${k1}$)
        step_  = sign(merge(step_, 1_${k1}$, step_ /= 0_${k1}$), end_ - start_)

        allocate(result((end_ - start_)/step_ + 1_${k1}$))

        result = [(i, i=start_, end_, step_)]

    end function arange_${t1[0]}$_${k1}$

end submodule stdlib_math_arange