The stdlib_sparse_conversion
submodule provides sparse to sparse matrix conversion utilities.
#:include "common.fypp" #:set R_KINDS_TYPES = list(zip(REAL_KINDS, REAL_TYPES, REAL_SUFFIX)) #:set C_KINDS_TYPES = list(zip(CMPLX_KINDS, CMPLX_TYPES, CMPLX_SUFFIX)) #:set KINDS_TYPES = R_KINDS_TYPES+C_KINDS_TYPES !! The `stdlib_sparse_conversion` submodule provides sparse to sparse matrix conversion utilities. !! ! This code was modified from by its author: Alves Jose module stdlib_sparse_conversion use stdlib_sorting, only: sort use stdlib_sparse_constants use stdlib_sparse_kinds implicit none private !! Sort arrays of a COO matrix !! interface sort_coo module procedure :: sort_coo_unique #:for k1, t1, s1 in (KINDS_TYPES) module procedure :: sort_coo_unique_${s1}$ #:endfor end interface !! version: experimental !! !! Conversion from dense to coo !! Enables extracting the non-zero elements of a dense 2D matrix and !! storing those values in a COO format. The coo matrix is (re)allocated on the fly. !! [Specifications](../page/specs/stdlib_sparse.html#sparse_conversion) interface dense2coo #:for k1, t1, s1 in (KINDS_TYPES) module procedure :: dense2coo_${s1}$ #:endfor end interface public :: dense2coo !! version: experimental !! !! Conversion from coo to dense !! Enables creating a dense 2D matrix from the non-zero values stored in a COO format !! The dense matrix can be allocated on the fly if not pre-allocated by the user. !! [Specifications](../page/specs/stdlib_sparse.html#sparse_conversion) interface coo2dense #:for k1, t1, s1 in (KINDS_TYPES) module procedure :: coo2dense_${s1}$ #:endfor end interface public :: coo2dense !! version: experimental !! !! Conversion from coo to csr !! Enables transferring data from a COO matrix to a CSR matrix !! under the hypothesis that the COO is already ordered. !! [Specifications](../page/specs/stdlib_sparse.html#sparse_conversion) interface coo2csr #:for k1, t1, s1 in (KINDS_TYPES) module procedure :: coo2csr_${s1}$ #:endfor end interface public :: coo2csr !! version: experimental !! !! Conversion from coo to csc !! Enables transferring data from a COO matrix to a CSC matrix !! under the hypothesis that the COO is already ordered. !! [Specifications](../page/specs/stdlib_sparse.html#sparse_conversion) interface coo2csc #:for k1, t1, s1 in (KINDS_TYPES) module procedure :: coo2csc_${s1}$ #:endfor end interface public :: coo2csc !! version: experimental !! !! Conversion from csr to dense !! Enables creating a dense 2D matrix from the non-zero values stored in a CSR format !! The dense matrix can be allocated on the fly if not pre-allocated by the user. !! [Specifications](../page/specs/stdlib_sparse.html#sparse_conversion) interface csr2dense #:for k1, t1, s1 in (KINDS_TYPES) module procedure :: csr2dense_${s1}$ #:endfor end interface public :: csr2dense !! version: experimental !! !! Conversion from csr to coo !! Enables transferring data from a CSR matrix to a COO matrix !! under the hypothesis that the CSR is already ordered. !! [Specifications](../page/specs/stdlib_sparse.html#sparse_conversion) interface csr2coo #:for k1, t1, s1 in (KINDS_TYPES) module procedure :: csr2coo_${s1}$ #:endfor end interface public :: csr2coo !! version: experimental !! !! Conversion from csr to ell !! Enables transferring data from a CSR matrix to a ELL matrix !! under the hypothesis that the CSR is already ordered. !! [Specifications](../page/specs/stdlib_sparse.html#sparse_conversion) interface csr2ell #:for k1, t1, s1 in (KINDS_TYPES) module procedure :: csr2ell_${s1}$ #:endfor end interface public :: csr2ell !! version: experimental !! !! Conversion from csr to SELL-C !! Enables transferring data from a CSR matrix to a SELL-C matrix !! It takes an optional parameter to decide the chunck size 4, 8 or 16 !! [Specifications](../page/specs/stdlib_sparse.html#sparse_conversion) interface csr2sellc #:for k1, t1, s1 in (KINDS_TYPES) module procedure :: csr2sellc_${s1}$ #:endfor end interface public :: csr2sellc !! version: experimental !! !! Conversion from csc to coo !! Enables transferring data from a CSC matrix to a COO matrix !! under the hypothesis that the CSC is already ordered. !! [Specifications](../page/specs/stdlib_sparse.html#sparse_conversion) interface csc2coo #:for k1, t1, s1 in (KINDS_TYPES) module procedure :: csc2coo_${s1}$ #:endfor end interface public :: csc2coo !! version: experimental !! !! Extraction of diagonal values !! [Specifications](../page/specs/stdlib_sparse.html#sparse_conversion) interface diag #:for k1, t1, s1 in (KINDS_TYPES) module procedure :: dense2diagonal_${s1}$ module procedure :: coo2diagonal_${s1}$ module procedure :: csr2diagonal_${s1}$ module procedure :: csc2diagonal_${s1}$ module procedure :: ell2diagonal_${s1}$ #:endfor end interface public :: diag !! version: experimental !! !! Enable creating a sparse matrix from ijv (row,col,data) triplet !! [Specifications](../page/specs/stdlib_sparse.html#sparse_conversion) interface from_ijv module procedure :: coo_from_ijv_type #:for k1, t1, s1 in (KINDS_TYPES) module procedure :: coo_from_ijv_${s1}$ module procedure :: csr_from_ijv_${s1}$ module procedure :: ell_from_ijv_${s1}$ module procedure :: sellc_from_ijv_${s1}$ #:endfor end interface public :: from_ijv public :: coo2ordered contains #:for k1, t1, s1 in (KINDS_TYPES) subroutine dense2coo_${s1}$(dense,COO) ${t1}$, intent(in) :: dense(:,:) type(COO_${s1}$_type), intent(out) :: COO integer(ilp) :: num_rows, num_cols, nnz integer(ilp) :: i, j, idx num_rows = size(dense,dim=1) num_cols = size(dense,dim=2) nnz = count( abs(dense) > tiny(1._${k1}$) ) call COO%malloc(num_rows,num_cols,nnz) idx = 1 do i = 1, num_rows do j = 1, num_cols if(abs(dense(i,j)) < tiny(1._${k1}$)) cycle COO%index(1,idx) = i COO%index(2,idx) = j COO%data(idx) = dense(i,j) idx = idx + 1 end do end do COO%is_sorted = .true. end subroutine #:endfor #:for k1, t1, s1 in (KINDS_TYPES) subroutine coo2dense_${s1}$(COO,dense) type(COO_${s1}$_type), intent(in) :: COO ${t1}$, allocatable, intent(out) :: dense(:,:) integer(ilp) :: idx if(.not.allocated(dense)) allocate(dense(COO%nrows,COO%nrows),source=zero_${s1}$) do concurrent(idx = 1:COO%nnz) dense( COO%index(1,idx) , COO%index(2,idx) ) = COO%data(idx) end do end subroutine #:endfor #:for k1, t1, s1 in (KINDS_TYPES) subroutine coo2csr_${s1}$(COO,CSR) type(COO_${s1}$_type), intent(in) :: COO type(CSR_${s1}$_type), intent(out) :: CSR integer(ilp) :: i CSR%nnz = COO%nnz; CSR%nrows = COO%nrows; CSR%ncols = COO%ncols CSR%storage = COO%storage if( allocated(CSR%col) ) then CSR%col(1:COO%nnz) = COO%index(2,1:COO%nnz) CSR%rowptr(1:CSR%nrows) = 0 CSR%data(1:CSR%nnz) = COO%data(1:COO%nnz) else allocate( CSR%col(CSR%nnz) , source = COO%index(2,1:COO%nnz) ) allocate( CSR%rowptr(CSR%nrows+1) , source = 0 ) allocate( CSR%data(CSR%nnz) , source = COO%data(1:COO%nnz) ) end if CSR%rowptr(1) = 1 do i = 1, COO%nnz CSR%rowptr( COO%index(1,i)+1 ) = CSR%rowptr( COO%index(1,i)+1 ) + 1 end do do i = 1, CSR%nrows CSR%rowptr( i+1 ) = CSR%rowptr( i+1 ) + CSR%rowptr( i ) end do end subroutine #:endfor #:for k1, t1, s1 in (KINDS_TYPES) subroutine coo2csc_${s1}$(COO,CSC) type(COO_${s1}$_type), intent(in) :: COO type(CSC_${s1}$_type), intent(out) :: CSC ${t1}$, allocatable :: data(:) integer(ilp), allocatable :: temp(:,:) integer(ilp) :: i, nnz CSC%nnz = COO%nnz; CSC%nrows = COO%nrows; CSC%ncols = COO%ncols CSC%storage = COO%storage allocate(temp(2,COO%nnz)) temp(1,1:COO%nnz) = COO%index(2,1:COO%nnz) temp(2,1:COO%nnz) = COO%index(1,1:COO%nnz) allocate(data, source = COO%data ) nnz = COO%nnz call sort_coo_unique_${s1}$( temp, data, nnz, COO%nrows, COO%ncols ) if( allocated(CSC%row) ) then CSC%row(1:COO%nnz) = temp(2,1:COO%nnz) CSC%colptr(1:CSC%ncols) = 0 CSC%data(1:CSC%nnz) = data(1:COO%nnz) else allocate( CSC%row(CSC%nnz) , source = temp(2,1:COO%nnz) ) allocate( CSC%colptr(CSC%ncols+1) , source = 0 ) allocate( CSC%data(CSC%nnz) , source = data(1:COO%nnz) ) end if CSC%colptr(1) = 1 do i = 1, COO%nnz CSC%colptr( temp(1,i)+1 ) = CSC%colptr( temp(1,i)+1 ) + 1 end do do i = 1, CSC%ncols CSC%colptr( i+1 ) = CSC%colptr( i+1 ) + CSC%colptr( i ) end do end subroutine #:endfor #:for k1, t1, s1 in (KINDS_TYPES) subroutine csr2dense_${s1}$(CSR,dense) type(CSR_${s1}$_type), intent(in) :: CSR ${t1}$, allocatable, intent(out) :: dense(:,:) integer(ilp) :: i, j if(.not.allocated(dense)) allocate(dense(CSR%nrows,CSR%nrows),source=zero_${s1}$) if( CSR%storage == sparse_full) then do i = 1, CSR%nrows do j = CSR%rowptr(i), CSR%rowptr(i+1)-1 dense(i,CSR%col(j)) = CSR%data(j) end do end do else do i = 1, CSR%nrows do j = CSR%rowptr(i), CSR%rowptr(i+1)-1 dense(i,CSR%col(j)) = CSR%data(j) if( i == CSR%col(j) ) cycle dense(CSR%col(j),i) = CSR%data(j) end do end do end if end subroutine #:endfor #:for k1, t1, s1 in (KINDS_TYPES) subroutine csr2coo_${s1}$(CSR,COO) type(CSR_${s1}$_type), intent(in) :: CSR type(COO_${s1}$_type), intent(out) :: COO integer(ilp) :: i, j COO%nnz = CSR%nnz; COO%nrows = CSR%nrows; COO%ncols = CSR%ncols COO%storage = CSR%storage if( .not.allocated(COO%data) ) then allocate( COO%data(CSR%nnz) , source = CSR%data(1:CSR%nnz) ) else COO%data(1:CSR%nnz) = CSR%data(1:CSR%nnz) end if if( .not.allocated(COO%index) ) allocate( COO%index(2,CSR%nnz) ) do i = 1, CSR%nrows do j = CSR%rowptr(i), CSR%rowptr(i+1)-1 COO%index(1:2,j) = [i,CSR%col(j)] end do end do end subroutine #:endfor #:for k1, t1, s1 in (KINDS_TYPES) subroutine csc2coo_${s1}$(CSC,COO) type(CSC_${s1}$_type), intent(in) :: CSC type(COO_${s1}$_type), intent(out) :: COO integer(ilp) :: i, j COO%nnz = CSC%nnz; COO%nrows = CSC%nrows; COO%ncols = CSC%ncols COO%storage = CSC%storage if( .not.allocated(COO%data) ) then allocate( COO%data(CSC%nnz) , source = CSC%data(1:CSC%nnz) ) else COO%data(1:CSC%nnz) = CSC%data(1:CSC%nnz) end if if( .not.allocated(COO%index) ) allocate( COO%index(2,CSC%nnz) ) do j = 1, CSC%ncols do i = CSC%colptr(j), CSC%colptr(j+1)-1 COO%index(1:2,i) = [CSC%row(i),j] end do end do call sort_coo_unique_${s1}$( COO%index, COO%data, COO%nnz, COO%nrows, COO%ncols ) end subroutine #:endfor #:for k1, t1, s1 in (KINDS_TYPES) subroutine csr2ell_${s1}$(CSR,ELL,num_nz_rows) type(CSR_${s1}$_type), intent(in) :: CSR type(ELL_${s1}$_type), intent(out) :: ELL integer, intent(in), optional :: num_nz_rows !! number of non zeros per row integer(ilp) :: i, j, num_nz_rows_, adr1, adr2 !------------------------------------------- num_nz_rows_ = 0 if(present(num_nz_rows)) then num_nz_rows_ = num_nz_rows else do i = 1, CSR%nrows num_nz_rows_ = max(num_nz_rows_, CSR%rowptr( i+1 ) - CSR%rowptr( i ) ) end do end if call ELL%malloc(CSR%nrows,CSR%ncols,num_nz_rows_) ELL%storage = CSR%storage !------------------------------------------- do i = 1, CSR%nrows adr1 = CSR%rowptr(i) adr2 = min( adr1+num_nz_rows_ , CSR%rowptr(i+1)-1) do j = adr1, adr2 ELL%index(i,j-adr1+1) = CSR%col(j) ELL%data(i,j-adr1+1) = CSR%data(j) end do end do end subroutine #:endfor #:for k1, t1, s1 in (KINDS_TYPES) subroutine csr2sellc_${s1}$(CSR,SELLC,chunk) !! csr2sellc: This function enables transfering data from a CSR matrix to a SELL-C matrix !! This algorithm was gracefully provided by Ivan Privec and adapted by Jose Alves type(CSR_${s1}$_type), intent(in) :: CSR type(SELLC_${s1}$_type), intent(out) :: SELLC integer, intent(in), optional :: chunk ${t1}$, parameter :: zero = zero_${s1}$ integer(ilp) :: i, j, num_chunks if(present(chunk)) SELLC%chunk_size = chunk SELLC%nrows = CSR%nrows; SELLC%ncols = CSR%ncols SELLC%storage = CSR%storage associate( nrows=>SELLC%nrows, ncols=>SELLC%ncols, nnz=>SELLC%nnz, & & chunk_size=>SELLC%chunk_size ) !------------------------------------------- ! csr rowptr to SELL-C chunked rowptr num_chunks = (nrows + chunk_size - 1)/chunk_size allocate( SELLC%rowptr(num_chunks+1) ) block integer :: cidx, rownnz, chunknnz SELLC%rowptr(1) = 1 cidx = 1 do i = 1, nrows, chunk_size chunknnz = 0 ! Iterate over rows in a given chunk do j = i, min(i+chunk_size-1,nrows) rownnz = CSR%rowptr(j+1) - CSR%rowptr(j) chunknnz = max(chunknnz,rownnz) end do SELLC%rowptr(cidx+1) = SELLC%rowptr(cidx) + chunknnz cidx = cidx + 1 end do nnz = SELLC%rowptr(num_chunks+1) - 1 end block !------------------------------------------- ! copy values and colum index allocate(SELLC%col(chunk_size,nnz), source = 1) allocate(SELLC%data(chunk_size,nnz), source = zero ) block integer :: lb, ri, iaa, iab, rownnz do i = 1, num_chunks lb = SELLC%rowptr(i) ! Loop over rows of a chunk do j = (i-1)*chunk_size + 1, min(i*chunk_size,nrows) ri = j - (i - 1)*chunk_size rownnz = CSR%rowptr(j+1) - CSR%rowptr(j) - 1 iaa = CSR%rowptr(j) iab = CSR%rowptr(j+1) - 1 SELLC%col(ri,lb:lb+rownnz) = CSR%col(iaa:iab) SELLC%data(ri,lb:lb+rownnz) = CSR%data(iaa:iab) end do end do end block end associate end subroutine #:endfor #:for k1, t1, s1 in (KINDS_TYPES) recursive subroutine quicksort_i_${s1}$(a, b, first, last) integer(ilp), intent(inout) :: a(*) !! reference table to sort ${t1}$, intent(inout) :: b(*) !! secondary real data to sort w.r.t. a integer(ilp), intent(in) :: first, last integer(ilp) :: i, j, x, t ${t1}$ :: d x = a( (first+last) / 2 ) i = first j = last do do while (a(i) < x) i=i+1 end do do while (x < a(j)) j=j-1 end do if (i >= j) exit t = a(i); a(i) = a(j); a(j) = t d = b(i); b(i) = b(j); b(j) = d i=i+1 j=j-1 end do if (first < i-1) call quicksort_i_${s1}$(a, b, first, i-1) if (j+1 < last) call quicksort_i_${s1}$(a, b, j+1, last) end subroutine #:endfor subroutine sort_coo_unique( a, n, num_rows, num_cols ) !! Sort a 2d array in increasing order first by index 1 and then by index 2 integer(ilp), intent(inout) :: a(2,*) integer(ilp), intent(inout) :: n integer(ilp), intent(in) :: num_rows integer(ilp), intent(in) :: num_cols integer(ilp) :: stride, adr0, adr1, dd integer(ilp) :: n_i, pos, ed integer(ilp), allocatable :: count_i(:), count_i_aux(:), rows_(:), cols_(:) !--------------------------------------------------------- ! Sort a first time with respect to first index using count sort allocate( count_i( 0:num_rows ) , source = 0 ) do ed = 1, n count_i( a(1,ed) ) = count_i( a(1,ed) ) + 1 end do do n_i = 2, num_rows count_i(n_i) = count_i(n_i) + count_i(n_i-1) end do allocate( count_i_aux( 0:num_rows ) , source = count_i ) allocate( rows_(n), cols_(n) ) do ed = n, 1, -1 n_i = a(1,ed) pos = count_i(n_i) rows_(pos) = a(1,ed) cols_(pos) = a(2,ed) count_i(n_i) = count_i(n_i) - 1 end do !--------------------------------------------------------- ! Sort with respect to second column do n_i = 1, num_rows adr0 = count_i_aux(n_i-1)+1 adr1 = count_i_aux(n_i) dd = adr1-adr0+1 if(dd>0) call sort(cols_(adr0:adr1)) end do !--------------------------------------------------------- ! Remove duplicates do ed = 1,n a(1:2,ed) = [rows_(ed),cols_(ed)] end do stride = 0 do ed = 2, n if( a(1,ed) == a(1,ed-1) .and. a(2,ed) == a(2,ed-1) ) then stride = stride + 1 else a(1:2,ed-stride) = a(1:2,ed) end if end do n = n - stride end subroutine #:for k1, t1, s1 in (KINDS_TYPES) subroutine sort_coo_unique_${s1}$( a, data, n, num_rows, num_cols ) !! Sort a 2d array in increasing order first by index 1 and then by index 2 ${t1}$, intent(inout) :: data(*) integer(ilp), intent(inout) :: a(2,*) integer(ilp), intent(inout) :: n integer(ilp), intent(in) :: num_rows integer(ilp), intent(in) :: num_cols integer(ilp) :: stride, adr0, adr1, dd integer(ilp) :: n_i, pos, ed integer(ilp), allocatable :: count_i(:), count_i_aux(:), rows_(:), cols_(:) ${t1}$, allocatable :: temp(:) !--------------------------------------------------------- ! Sort a first time with respect to first index using Count sort allocate( count_i( 0:num_rows ) , source = 0 ) do ed = 1, n count_i( a(1,ed) ) = count_i( a(1,ed) ) + 1 end do do n_i = 2, num_rows count_i(n_i) = count_i(n_i) + count_i(n_i-1) end do allocate( count_i_aux( 0:num_rows ) , source = count_i ) allocate( rows_(n), cols_(n), temp(n) ) do ed = n, 1, -1 n_i = a(1,ed) pos = count_i(n_i) rows_(pos) = a(1,ed) cols_(pos) = a(2,ed) temp(pos) = data(ed) count_i(n_i) = count_i(n_i) - 1 end do !--------------------------------------------------------- ! Sort with respect to second colum using a quicksort do n_i = 1, num_rows adr0 = count_i_aux(n_i-1)+1 adr1 = count_i_aux(n_i) dd = adr1-adr0+1 if(dd>0) call quicksort_i_${s1}$(cols_(adr0),temp(adr0),1,dd) end do !--------------------------------------------------------- ! Remove duplicates do ed = 1,n a(1:2,ed) = [rows_(ed),cols_(ed)] end do data(1:n) = temp(1:n) stride = 0 do ed = 2, n if( a(1,ed) == a(1,ed-1) .and. a(2,ed) == a(2,ed-1) ) then data(ed-1-stride) = data(ed-1-stride) + data(ed) data(ed) = data(ed-1-stride) stride = stride + 1 else a(1:2,ed-stride) = a(1:2,ed) data(ed-stride) = data(ed) end if end do n = n - stride end subroutine #:endfor !! version: experimental !! !! Transform COO matrix to canonical form with ordered and unique entries !! [Specifications](../page/specs/stdlib_sparse.html#sparse_conversion) subroutine coo2ordered(COO,sort_data) class(COO_type), intent(inout) :: COO logical, intent(in), optional :: sort_data integer(ilp), allocatable :: itemp(:,:) logical :: sort_data_ if(COO%is_sorted) return sort_data_ = .false. if(present(sort_data)) sort_data_ = sort_data select type (COO) type is( COO_type ) call sort_coo(COO%index, COO%nnz, COO%nrows, COO%ncols) #:for k1, t1, s1 in (KINDS_TYPES) type is( COO_${s1}$_type ) block ${t1}$, allocatable :: temp(:) if( sort_data_ ) then call sort_coo(COO%index, COO%data, COO%nnz, COO%nrows, COO%ncols) allocate( temp(COO%nnz) , source=COO%data(1:COO%nnz) ) else call sort_coo(COO%index, COO%nnz, COO%nrows, COO%ncols) allocate( temp(COO%nnz) ) end if call move_alloc( temp , COO%data ) end block #:endfor end select allocate( itemp(2,COO%nnz) , source=COO%index(1:2,1:COO%nnz) ) call move_alloc( itemp , COO%index ) COO%is_sorted = .true. end subroutine subroutine coo_from_ijv_type(COO,row,col,nrows,ncols) type(COO_type), intent(inout) :: COO integer(ilp), intent(in) :: row(:) integer(ilp), intent(in) :: col(:) integer(ilp), intent(in), optional :: nrows integer(ilp), intent(in), optional :: ncols integer(ilp) :: nrows_, ncols_, nnz, ed !--------------------------------------------------------- if(present(nrows)) then nrows_ = nrows else nrows_ = size(row) end if if(present(ncols)) then ncols_ = ncols else ncols_ = size(col) end if nnz = size(row) !--------------------------------------------------------- call COO%malloc(nrows_,ncols_,nnz) do ed = 1, nnz COO%index(1:2,ed) = [row(ed),col(ed)] end do call coo2ordered(COO,.true.) end subroutine #:for k1, t1, s1 in (KINDS_TYPES) subroutine coo_from_ijv_${s1}$(COO,row,col,data,nrows,ncols) type(COO_${s1}$_type), intent(inout) :: COO integer(ilp), intent(in) :: row(:) integer(ilp), intent(in) :: col(:) ${t1}$, intent(in), optional :: data(:) integer(ilp), intent(in), optional :: nrows integer(ilp), intent(in), optional :: ncols integer(ilp) :: nrows_, ncols_, nnz, ed !--------------------------------------------------------- if(present(nrows)) then nrows_ = nrows else nrows_ = maxval(row) end if if(present(ncols)) then ncols_ = ncols else ncols_ = maxval(col) end if nnz = size(row) !--------------------------------------------------------- call COO%malloc(nrows_,ncols_,nnz) do ed = 1, nnz COO%index(1:2,ed) = [row(ed),col(ed)] end do if(present(data)) COO%data = data call coo2ordered(COO,.true.) end subroutine #:endfor #:for k1, t1, s1 in (KINDS_TYPES) subroutine csr_from_ijv_${s1}$(CSR,row,col,data,nrows,ncols) type(CSR_${s1}$_type), intent(inout) :: CSR integer(ilp), intent(in) :: row(:) integer(ilp), intent(in) :: col(:) ${t1}$, intent(in), optional :: data(:) integer(ilp), intent(in), optional :: nrows integer(ilp), intent(in), optional :: ncols integer(ilp) :: nrows_, ncols_ !--------------------------------------------------------- if(present(nrows)) then nrows_ = nrows else nrows_ = maxval(row) end if if(present(ncols)) then ncols_ = ncols else ncols_ = maxval(col) end if !--------------------------------------------------------- block type(COO_${s1}$_type) :: COO if(present(data)) then call from_ijv(COO,row,col,data=data,nrows=nrows_,ncols=ncols_) else call from_ijv(COO,row,col,nrows=nrows_,ncols=ncols_) end if call coo2csr(COO,CSR) end block end subroutine #:endfor #:for k1, t1, s1 in (KINDS_TYPES) subroutine ell_from_ijv_${s1}$(ELL,row,col,data,nrows,ncols,num_nz_rows) type(ELL_${s1}$_type), intent(inout) :: ELL integer(ilp), intent(in) :: row(:) integer(ilp), intent(in) :: col(:) ${t1}$, intent(in), optional :: data(:) integer(ilp), intent(in), optional :: nrows integer(ilp), intent(in), optional :: ncols integer, intent(in), optional :: num_nz_rows integer(ilp) :: nrows_, ncols_ !--------------------------------------------------------- if(present(nrows)) then nrows_ = nrows else nrows_ = maxval(row) end if if(present(ncols)) then ncols_ = ncols else ncols_ = maxval(col) end if !--------------------------------------------------------- block type(COO_${s1}$_type) :: COO type(CSR_${s1}$_type) :: CSR if(present(data)) then call from_ijv(COO,row,col,data=data,nrows=nrows_,ncols=ncols_) else call from_ijv(COO,row,col,nrows=nrows_,ncols=ncols_) end if call coo2csr(COO,CSR) if(present(num_nz_rows)) then call csr2ell(CSR,ELL,num_nz_rows) else call csr2ell(CSR,ELL) end if end block end subroutine #:endfor #:for k1, t1, s1 in (KINDS_TYPES) subroutine sellc_from_ijv_${s1}$(SELLC,row,col,data,nrows,ncols,chunk) type(SELLC_${s1}$_type), intent(inout) :: SELLC integer(ilp), intent(in) :: row(:) integer(ilp), intent(in) :: col(:) ${t1}$, intent(in), optional :: data(:) integer(ilp), intent(in), optional :: nrows integer(ilp), intent(in), optional :: ncols integer, intent(in), optional :: chunk integer(ilp) :: nrows_, ncols_ !--------------------------------------------------------- if(present(nrows)) then nrows_ = nrows else nrows_ = maxval(row) end if if(present(ncols)) then ncols_ = ncols else ncols_ = maxval(col) end if if(present(chunk)) SELLC%chunk_size = chunk !--------------------------------------------------------- block type(COO_${s1}$_type) :: COO type(CSR_${s1}$_type) :: CSR if(present(data)) then call from_ijv(COO,row,col,data=data,nrows=nrows_,ncols=ncols_) else call from_ijv(COO,row,col,nrows=nrows_,ncols=ncols_) end if call coo2csr(COO,CSR) call csr2sellc(CSR,SELLC) end block end subroutine #:endfor !! Diagonal extraction #:for k1, t1, s1 in (KINDS_TYPES) subroutine dense2diagonal_${s1}$(dense,diagonal) ${t1}$, intent(in) :: dense(:,:) ${t1}$, intent(inout), allocatable :: diagonal(:) integer :: num_rows integer :: i num_rows = size(dense,dim=1) if(.not.allocated(diagonal)) allocate(diagonal(num_rows)) do i = 1, num_rows diagonal(i) = dense(i,i) end do end subroutine #:endfor #:for k1, t1, s1 in (KINDS_TYPES) subroutine coo2diagonal_${s1}$(COO,diagonal) type(COO_${s1}$_type), intent(in) :: COO ${t1}$, intent(inout), allocatable :: diagonal(:) integer :: idx if(.not.allocated(diagonal)) allocate(diagonal(COO%nrows)) do concurrent(idx = 1:COO%nnz) if(COO%index(1,idx)==COO%index(2,idx)) & & diagonal( COO%index(1,idx) ) = COO%data(idx) end do end subroutine #:endfor #:for k1, t1, s1 in (KINDS_TYPES) subroutine csr2diagonal_${s1}$(CSR,diagonal) type(CSR_${s1}$_type), intent(in) :: CSR ${t1}$, intent(inout), allocatable :: diagonal(:) integer :: i, j if(.not.allocated(diagonal)) allocate(diagonal(CSR%nrows)) select case(CSR%storage) case(sparse_lower) do i = 1, CSR%nrows diagonal(i) = CSR%data( CSR%rowptr(i+1)-1 ) end do case(sparse_upper) do i = 1, CSR%nrows diagonal(i) = CSR%data( CSR%rowptr(i) ) end do case(sparse_full) do i = 1, CSR%nrows do j = CSR%rowptr(i), CSR%rowptr(i+1)-1 if( CSR%col(j) == i ) then diagonal(i) = CSR%data(j) exit end if end do end do end select end subroutine #:endfor #:for k1, t1, s1 in (KINDS_TYPES) subroutine csc2diagonal_${s1}$(CSC,diagonal) type(CSC_${s1}$_type), intent(in) :: CSC ${t1}$, intent(inout), allocatable :: diagonal(:) integer :: i, j if(.not.allocated(diagonal)) allocate(diagonal(CSC%nrows)) select case(CSC%storage) case(sparse_lower) do i = 1, CSC%ncols diagonal(i) = CSC%data( CSC%colptr(i+1)-1 ) end do case(sparse_upper) do i = 1, CSC%ncols diagonal(i) = CSC%data( CSC%colptr(i) ) end do case(sparse_full) do i = 1, CSC%ncols do j = CSC%colptr(i), CSC%colptr(i+1)-1 if( CSC%row(j) == i ) then diagonal(i) = CSC%data(j) exit end if end do end do end select end subroutine #:endfor #:for k1, t1, s1 in (KINDS_TYPES) subroutine ell2diagonal_${s1}$(ELL,diagonal) type(ELL_${s1}$_type), intent(in) :: ELL ${t1}$, intent(inout), allocatable :: diagonal(:) integer :: i, k if(.not.allocated(diagonal)) allocate(diagonal(ELL%nrows)) if( ELL%storage == sparse_full) then do i = 1, ELL%nrows do k = 1, ELL%K if(ELL%index(i,k)==i) diagonal(i) = ELL%data(i,k) end do end do end if end subroutine #:endfor end module