assignment(=) Interface

public interface assignment(=)

Used to define assignment for bitset_large. (Specification)


    program example_assignment
        use stdlib_bitsets
        logical(int8)  :: logical1(64) = .true.
        logical(int32), allocatable :: logical2(:)
        type(bitset_64) :: set0, set1
        set0 = logical1
        if ( set0 % bits() /= 64 ) then
            error stop procedure // &
                ' initialization with logical(int8) failed to set' // &
                ' the right size.'
        else if ( .not. set0 % all() ) then
            error stop procedure // ' initialization with' // &
                ' logical(int8) failed to set the right values.'
            write(*,*) 'Initialization with logical(int8) succeeded.'
        end if
        set1 = set0
        if ( set1 == set0 ) &
            write(*,*) 'Initialization by assignment succeeded'
        logical2 = set1
        if ( all( logical2 ) ) then
            write(*,*) 'Initialization of logical(int32) succeeded.'
        end if
    end program example_assignment


private pure module subroutine assign_logint16_large(self, logical_vector)

Used to define assignment from an array of type logical(int16) to a bitset_large.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(bitset_large), intent(out) :: self
logical(kind=int16), intent(in) :: logical_vector(:)

private pure module subroutine assign_logint32_large(self, logical_vector)

Used to define assignment from an array of type logical(int32) to a bitset_large.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(bitset_large), intent(out) :: self
logical(kind=int32), intent(in) :: logical_vector(:)

private pure module subroutine assign_logint64_large(self, logical_vector)

Used to define assignment from an array of type logical(int64) to a bitset_large.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(bitset_large), intent(out) :: self
logical(kind=int64), intent(in) :: logical_vector(:)

private pure module subroutine assign_logint8_large(self, logical_vector)

Used to define assignment from an array of type logical(int8) to a bitset_large.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(bitset_large), intent(out) :: self
logical(kind=int8), intent(in) :: logical_vector(:)

private pure module subroutine logint16_assign_large(logical_vector, set)

Used to define assignment to an array of type logical(int16) from a bitset_large.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
logical(kind=int16), intent(out), allocatable :: logical_vector(:)
type(bitset_large), intent(in) :: set

private pure module subroutine logint32_assign_large(logical_vector, set)

Used to define assignment to an array of type logical(int32) from a bitset_large.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
logical(kind=int32), intent(out), allocatable :: logical_vector(:)
type(bitset_large), intent(in) :: set

private pure module subroutine logint64_assign_large(logical_vector, set)

Used to define assignment to an array of type logical(int64) from a bitset_large.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
logical(kind=int64), intent(out), allocatable :: logical_vector(:)
type(bitset_large), intent(in) :: set

private pure module subroutine logint8_assign_large(logical_vector, set)

Used to define assignment to an array of type logical(int8) from a bitset_large.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
logical(kind=int8), intent(out), allocatable :: logical_vector(:)
type(bitset_large), intent(in) :: set